Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 373 The Beginning Of Change In Xiaoqingshan

Chapter 373 The beginning of change in Xiaoqingshan

Zhang Deming nodded, and said: "I understand, Shishu, you don't need to give me any more 'chicken soup mind magic', I will go.

These few days are indeed a little tired, since the sixth lecture has ended, and there are two days left for the seventh lecture, the disciple went down to rest first. "

"Okay, you go to rest and get ready for the meeting!" Dang Xiangjun nodded.

Zhang Deming heard this, saluted him, turned around and walked a few steps, paused, suddenly remembered something, turned around and asked: "By the way, uncle, have you detected any abnormalities in the secret realm in the past two days?"

"The past two days? The conference just ended for a while. We came over as soon as it was over. During the conference, I arranged for disciples to be on duty. When I came, I asked carefully. There was nothing unusual. The secret realm was completely sealed by us. Could it be that there was something wrong? What's the problem?" Dang Xiangjun said with a slight change of expression when he heard the words.

Hearing this, Zhang Deming's eyes flickered, and he said, "It's nothing, I just asked if there are any other disciples in the secret realm."

Dang Xiangjun suddenly said: "You are talking about this, the Formation Department did not detect it during the initial test anyway. Before the secret realm is reopened, there should be a thorough test, so... no need Don’t worry about this, we will take care of it, so don’t worry.”

Zhang Deming nodded, and said nonchalantly, "That's fine, I'll go down and rest first!"

After saying that, he saluted again, Zhang Deming left the crowd, his wings emerged, and he flew in the direction of Heavenly Spirit Sect.

A group of people were left behind, and after watching him leave, their expressions were different!


The story is divided into two parts, besides, Lu Guo brought Old Man Liu, Lu Yongsheng and his party from the market back to Xiaoqingshan, and along the way, many disciples greeted him.

Today's Lu Guo is different from the past. Although the outer sect has hundreds of thousands of low-level disciples, the only one next to the four peaks of the outer sect is Xiao Qingshan.

As one of Xiao Qingshan's procurement managers, Lu Guo is currently ranked among the hundreds of thousands of disciples in the outer sect, not to mention Xiao Qingshan. The outer disciples in various places are all by name and remember him.

Therefore, the disciples along the way were extremely enthusiastic. Lu Guo walked in front of the crowd with a smile and his hands behind his back. He enjoyed this time the most now.

As the saying goes, those who like to be praised must also like to be praised. When he was in Xiaoqingshan, he was in MMP in his heart, and he always kept a smile on his face, never forgetting any compliment. Now all of this is the return.

As a veteran of Xiaoqingshan, he is also familiar with Zhang Deming, and his status in Xiaoqingshan is not low.

Not to mention him, everyone who was in the same class as Zhang Deming, or even in different classes, who had a little connection with him, all came back.

Well, except for one person, Zong En, who had the best relationship with Zhang Deming, went to Qingyoutan and never looked back.

Because there is no need, the place still belongs to Zhang Deming. The days he spends in Qingyoutan now are no less than the days Zhang Deming spent in Qingyoutan, Xiaohuifeng.

Living in the sect, he lived a life of seclusion. Because of Zhang Deming's relationship, all parties consciously made it convenient for him. He was a bit more carefree and happy than many inner sect disciples, and his welfare benefits were a bit better.

It was just that his life was a little degenerate and he was a little complacent with the status quo. Zhang Deming went back twice and saw the same thing, so he didn't care.


Lu Guo led Old Man Liu, Lu Yongsheng and his party through numerous mountains without any hindrance and arrived at the remote Xiao Qingshan.

This place has changed a lot, the territory has expanded ten times, and the spiritual fields are cultivated in batches every year. Last year, due to the problem of climbing the mountain, we even started to plan to ask the uncles from the inner sect's miscellaneous department to work together to go back to the top of the back mountain.

Originally, climbing peaks in other places did not require such trouble. If there is no mountain, the worst thing is to move to another place. Moving people is much easier than moving mountains.

But because Zhang Deming is in the sect and is becoming more and more prosperous now, all the departments in the sect are thinking about pleasing Fa, and are afraid that Zhang Deming will suddenly want to come back to visit one day, so they have the plan to move mountains, and it seems that it is very likely that he will The final decision, especially after the Two Realms Conference.

This made all the disciples of Xiao Qingshan feel happy and sad at the same time. They experienced the feeling of one person achieving enlightenment and chickens and dogs ascending to heaven. The sad thing is that they are all trying to do that.

Many places in Xiaoqingshan have undergone tremendous changes, but the courtyard where Zhang Deming lives and the courtyard where Feng Mingyou manages has remained almost unchanged. The former was not assigned and has been kept. As for the latter...

Feng Mingyou was promoted to the Inner Sect's Miscellaneous Affairs Department, but last year when they were discussing promotion and becoming the leader of Xiaoqing Mountain Peak in the Outer Sect, he was suddenly called.

Because he knew his status, he acted transparently throughout the whole process and barely interrupted. However, the result was inexplicable. In the end, the result of the discussion fell on him, and he was simply stunned by the pie falling from the sky.

For this reason, he returned to Xiao Qingshan and managed Xiao Qingshan. Of course he was not demoted. The peak master of one of the five peaks of the outer sect still has some weight and does not need to be in charge of the inner sect.

Well... Even though he is still the preparatory peak master, everyone knows that this is a done deal, and no one dares to neglect him.

"Wait here!" Lu Guo came outside the small courtyard and said to Old Man Liu and several disciples beside him.

"Okay, Manager Lu!" Old Man Liu showed an honest smile, but those eyes, upon closer inspection, were too calm.

Lu Guo came to the yard, put away his calm expression, put on a warm smile, a little wretched, slightly hunched his shoulders and hooked his waist, and in the blink of an eye he returned to his original appearance, as if he had completely changed his mind in the past three or four years. No change at all.

All these changes were completed the moment he stepped into the small courtyard.

The small courtyard is the same as it was a few years ago. It seems that time has not stopped here for more than 20 years. Lu Guo came at just the right time, or he knew Feng Mingyou's schedule very well and came at this time on purpose.

At this moment, Feng Mingyou was sitting in the small courtyard, concentrating on making tea. He had an indifferent temperament and was extremely aloof from the world. He was like a banished immortal living in the mortal world, who was about to ride on the wind and not be stained by the world of mortals.

As a tea ceremony monk, ginseng tea is his daily compulsory course. It was also at this time that his temperament was most unique. In his previous life, not to mention his appearance, with his temperament, he could be considered a king-level figure.

Lu Guo stepped forward, and Feng Mingyou didn't even raise his head. He knew who was coming with just a moment's notice. After all, there are only a few people in Xiaoqingshan who dare to come to him like this at this time. With his Tai Chi cultivation, it is not difficult for him to sense them.

"Here we come!" Feng Mingyou said.

"Hehe..." Lu Guo smiled and said, "Manager Feng, you are really looking more and more like an immortal who doesn't eat the fireworks of the world!"

In fact, it should be called the peak master or supervisor. There are only a few people called stewards. Regardless of the title issue, in this poor outer sect, it represents a certain unique status and a class. The lower the status, the more detailed the classification.

Feng Mingyou smiled and said: "It's just a helpless choice. Who would want to understand this tea ceremony if you have any talent for the main path!"

Feng Mingyou sighed, Lu Guo smiled and did not answer the question. To him, these words were completely equivalent to the question of why not eat minced meat, and he couldn't talk about it all the way.

A millionaire lamented to a farmer that he could not become a millionaire and was forced to become a millionaire and wait to die. How could he get a lot of talk from this?

The two were silent for a moment. Feng Mingyou just finished drinking tea and poured a cup for Lu Guo. Lu Guo showed a happy face and took the teacup with great treasure. After all, Feng Mingyou no longer belongs to the Transcendent Level poor man, and he uses Lingcha for daily ginseng tea.

"Tell me, what's going on today?" The two of them tasted tea for a while before Feng Mingyou asked.

Lu Guo paused, put down his teacup and said, "Steward, I wonder if the daily ration for our Xiaoqingshan has been decided?"

"Isn't this what you are responsible for collecting every ten days..." Before Feng Mingyou could finish his confused words, he paused and said, "You mean the standard supply after the peak rise?"

Lu Guo nodded and said, "Well, do you have any favorite family to be the manager?"

Feng Mingyou glanced at Lu Guo, shook his head, and said, "What are you thinking about? It's too early. It will take at least five years to complete the peak.

Even if someone were to pave the way in advance, it would probably take three or four years to go there. Now...we take the initiative to look for it. We might as well endure it for a few years and someone will come by then. After all, Uncle Zhang is now... ··It becomes more and more dazzling! "

This last exclamation contained regret, joy, and sadness. It contained too many complex emotions for him in one sentence.

"In other words, there is no one you like in charge of the job?" Lu Guo said with a smile.

Feng Mingyou was stunned when he heard this, frowned and said, "Did you go find someone in advance?"

Lu Guo quickly waved his hand, and said, "No, you have told me countless times that we are not allowed to act indiscriminately under the name of Uncle Zhang, and all the disciples will remember it firmly."

"Then you ask about this...someone came to the door?" Feng Mingyou said hesitantly.

Lu Guo replied with a smile: "The stewards are becoming more and more wise. Nothing can be hidden from your eyes. There is indeed a family here."

"Free support?" Feng Mingyou paused and said, "I mean supply according to the peak level of the Outer Sect, but lead our current resource allocation? Don't we Xiaoqingshan pay extra or promise anything?"

Lu Guo nodded and said, "I don't want anything, not even the promise that the food and rations will be given to their family after they ascend to the peak."

"Ha! It's so courageous to plan five years in advance and still act like this! Which one?" Feng Mingyou asked.

"Liu family!" Lu Guo replied.

"Liu family?" Feng Mingyou paused, thought about it, and said, "The Liu family established by our senior brother Liu Yongzhang from Xiaoqingshan?"

Lu Guo nodded and said, "Yes, that's the Liu family!"

"It's no wonder, no wonder you have such courage, no wonder you don't promise anything." Feng Mingyou whispered.

Lu Guo was slightly stunned, hesitated, and said, "Do you know the manager?"

Feng Mingyou nodded and said, "I think we know each other, and he was kind of caring for me back then."

Lu Guo paused after hearing this and said: "Then how about disciple..."

Feng Mingyou shook his head and said: "It's not necessary, it's not as close as you think, it's just a small relationship. But if there are no mistakes, let them make offerings if they want. As long as there are no major mistakes, the position will be given to them in a few years. It doesn’t matter, after all, I can barely be considered a direct descendant of Xiao Qingshan’s family.”

Hearing this, Lu Guo nodded and said, "Disciple understands what to do!"

Feng Mingyou looked at Lu Guo and said, "Among the dozen or so senior brothers, you are the one who is the most worry-free and the governor, so handle it well! As long as Grand Master Zhang doesn't fall, our Xiaoqingshan will not be able to rise to the top. The strongest peak in the outer sect is not impossible.

When it really comes to that time, I will ask the inner sect master uncle to give us a spiritual vein from Xiaoqingshan. At that time, our peak may be better than some poor places in the inner sect, at least you guys are like this. "

When Lu Guo heard this, he said with longing, "Disciple understands!"

When Feng Mingyou saw that the chicken soup had been fed, he stopped talking nonsense and said, "If you have nothing to do, go out. I've almost finished my tea today, and it's time to practice."

"Then disciple, please leave now!" Lu Guo drank all the tea left in the cup in one gulp. After not even a drop was left, he immediately stood up and bowed.

Feng Mingyou nodded and watched Lu Guo leave. When he was about to leave the hospital, he suddenly said: "You old people all know how difficult the life was back then, and you also understand the origin of it all.

I myself got all this from this, and even my cultivation has a lot to do with Master Zhang and his great uncle.

Therefore, as the direct descendants who have benefited from his good fortune, although we are not qualified enough and cannot be filial, we will not talk about these, but we should not embarrass him.

I'm tolerant to you old people. You can take care of other things. I don't care much about it. But for this one thing, don't let me off the chain. If you let me catch you, you won't be lenient. "

Lu Guo, who was about to step out of the small courtyard, paused and turned around: "Don't worry, manager, we know the severity. And you have warned me so many times, if anyone dares to act recklessly in the name of Master Zhang's uncle, , the disciples and others will not tolerate it!"

"As long as you understand the importance, there are some things that our entire Xiaoqingshan cannot afford. You will know when you go to the inner gate. People in our mountain may not be able to stand up to your uncle Zhang's words!

After all, what we have in Xiao Qingshan today may not be because of Master Zhang’s instructions, but just because the people below want to have some connections, thinking that if Master Zhang comes back one day, he will have the opportunity to show his face or something. of. "Feng Mingyou said.

Lu Guo paused and said, "Don't worry, manager, I understand the importance!"

"As long as you know, a few old people should know too!" Feng Mingyou said.

Lu Guo replied: "The disciples will remember it, and all the fellow apprentices will also remember it. Does the steward have any other instructions?"

"It's nothing, go down!" Feng Mingyou replied.

Lu Guo saluted again and then turned around and left the small courtyard. Feng Mingyou didn't know what he thought of, and he stood alone at the small table for a long time.

"Time, fate, and luck! Feng Mingyou, you are already blessed, don't force yourself too much!"

He sighed quietly, not knowing what he was talking about or what he was referring to. After sighing, he stood up, entered the small courtyard, and began his daily practice.


The moment Lu Guo stepped out of the courtyard formation, his demeanor began to change again, with a gentle and proud smile on his face again, he walked out with his hands behind his back.

Old man Liu showed an honest smile, looked at Lu Guo and said, "Manager Lu, how are you doing?"

Lu Guo looked at Old Man Liu and the few big men around him, and said, "Originally, the supervisor disagreed."

Several people paused, listening to this tone, waiting for his but.

"But I gave up my old face and begged Director Feng for nothing, and the director reluctantly accepted the matter." Lu Guo said.

The old man Liu and the others all showed overjoyed expressions in time, and the old man Liu said with a happy face: "Thank you, Steward Lu, for your trouble, don't worry, I will show you my respect next time..."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Guo turned his head and glanced at him. He paused and closed his mouth knowingly. But when their eyes met, everyone understood the meaning.

"The matter is settled, but don't think you can sit back and relax. If the quality of your supply can't keep up, it may not be so easy to confirm further later." Lu Guo looked at the crowd with happy faces, and tapped.

Old Man Liu replied with an honest smile: "When we know the seriousness, don't worry, Steward Lu, I won't let you down, Steward!"

"That's all right, follow me to do some handover!" Lu Guo said, then paused, and said: "By the way, how many delivery places do you want? How long does it take?"

This distribution quota is not simple. This is one of the reasons why many families want to support the name. It is equivalent to an outer disciple without a name, and can do things conveniently in the outer sect to a certain extent. This is also considered as supporting the family. one of the benefits.

"Let's decide on six first. When the peak reaches the peak, we will add the next two to make up for eight! Let's rotate them every ten years!" Old Man Liu said.

Lu Guo smiled and said, "Oh, you are very familiar with the sect's rules!"

"It's all given by the head of the family!" Old Man Liu said with a smile.

"Senior Brother Liu is very fond of the sect!" Lu Guo said.

Old man Liu nodded and agreed.

"What about the personnel?" Lu Guo asked.

"These six young people behind me were carefully selected by us, so let's decide on them first!" Old Man Liu immediately replied.

Hearing this, Lu Guo glanced around and said, "Six young people? Where are you? Are you not coming?"

"The old man has reached the age to retire!" Old man Liu said: "Even if there is no such thing, the old man should have retired in the past two years, let's take this opportunity to retire early.

In order to avoid getting familiar with things when you have just stepped back, you have to find someone to explore all this again, it is better to leave it to these young people from the beginning, after all, these will be the affairs of young people in the future! "

In the afternoon, there may be a make-up update for someone who asked for leave before.

(end of this chapter)

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