Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 382 Algorithm [Ask For Subscription, Ask For Monthly Pass]

Chapter 382 Algorithm [ask for subscription, ask for monthly pass]

Everyone looked at the golden lotus in the sky with different expressions. That thing, or the circle of colorful Buddha wheels emanating around the golden lotus, is the projection of the golden wheel of merit, the spirit of Buddhism! The fundamental reason why the power of the three Great Saints in Hongmeng Cultivation World is so great that it can overwhelm all sentient beings...

"Okay, that's enough off-topic talk, let's start with the seventh discussion!" Headmaster Dang Junan said as he watched Jin Lian return to his position.

"Another round of discussion, the exchange meeting between the two worlds has entered its final discussion.

Previously we talked about communication, the separation of people, the art of instruments, and the communication medium. During the collision of thoughts, several directions were opened, adding countless new fires to the prosperity of the formation weapon path.

I think many disciples have gained something, and even many Fellow Daoists have gained something occasionally...

After going through the previous six chapters, we are now at the seventh chapter, which is the final chapter. This thesis is not a unilateral discussion, but a joint discussion between Hongmeng and Tianyu.

This theory has been agreed upon by both of us a long time ago, and is also the theme of this conference: Rune-Code Life Formation. "

At this point, the headmaster Dangjun Anyan paused for a moment before continuing: "After friendly consultations and exchanges between the two parties, it was unanimously decided that the master of the fourth peak of our sect, Yu Lingfeng, who is also known as the 'Walking Opportunity' to you, Zhang Deming Zhang Feng is responsible for the inception of this thesis!

So I won’t stop talking nonsense, and I’ll ask the person who started this article to deal with it! "

After saying that, his figure disappeared into the center of the continent, and Zhang Deming emerged with a smile.

He first looked around at everyone, smiled, and said, "Hello everyone, we meet again. Do you need me to introduce myself?"

Without waiting for anyone to answer, Zhang Deming immediately asked and answered his own question, saying: "Well, no need, very good. It seems that I am quite famous now in Heavenly Spirit Sect!"

There was a hint of deliberate complacency in his words. Many disciples felt this familiar smell and smiled a little.

"Everyone has heard it, everyone asked me to take charge of the discussion. Do you believe it?" Zhang Deming looked at everyone with an expression of disbelief and sighed:

"I am a spiritual cultivator with a minor training in formations. Forget about the previous discussions. For this core main theory, I am a layman who has replaced all the formation cultivators in Tianyu and Hongmeng to be responsible for the discussion. There are so many formation cultivations in this sky. !”

Zhang Deming killed all the formation cultivators in one sentence, which shocked many disciples, while some disciples from other paths showed a little gloating smile.

"Would it offend anyone if I said this? Well... But I think that in the hearts of many monks at this moment, I think this is probably what I just said!

Yes, that's right, it's not my idea just now. I'm telling you what you think. It has nothing to do with me. I'm serious! "Zhang Deming said with a serious face, and his expression clearly showed that he was thinking of a blame-shifting strategy while talking.

Many monks shook their heads and looked at Zhang Deming with a smile.

"After talking about your thoughts, let's talk about mine. In an exchange meeting on the direction of formation, the core theme let me talk about it as a spiritual master. What does it signify?

Don't think too much, it's not what you think, it marks the formation of dishes, at least I don't think so! "

Everyone: “·······”

Formation Cultivator: "That's enough for you!"

"He marks a new direction, and it can be said from another angle that he marks that this path must belong to the frontier of Transcendent Level.

As the direction of the formation path, formation cultivators don't know much about it. This can definitely be regarded as the most cutting-edge development direction. Everyone has about the same number of new roads.

Once this road is opened, the Dao of Grandmist Art will usher in another explosion. At the same time, it also means opportunities. After all, a new direction means new possibilities.

Okay, I won’t say any more nonsense. Let’s talk about the seventh theory - the Formation of Life. "

At this point, Zhang Deming paused, looked around the crowd, and then continued: "Creating spirits with magic has been a direction of Hongmeng since ancient times, from the initial forging spirit, to the magic spirit, and then to the spirit of magic. to the spawned spirit.

However, it seems that few people are developing the formation path in this aspect, especially if it is completely constructed by runes in anticipation of the birth of consciousness. Such ideas and directions have only been developed in recent years.

Therefore, Hongmeng is completely blank in this regard. Since we have no predecessors to learn from, how do we move forward? "

Zhang Deming stopped talking again, looked up at the monks all over the sky for a moment, stopped in the direction of Tianyu, and said: "Fortunately, everyone in the Tianyu Federation has been traveling on this road for hundreds of years.

After experiencing the previous six rounds of conference exchanges, I think many monks understand that Hongmeng and Tianyu may be different in nature, but conceptually, they can be used in common.

Since other concepts can work, why not this life formation?

Therefore, I have painstakingly studied Tianyu Federation’s method of weak artificial intelligence for many years, and found that their method is very interesting. Of course, like other Taoists, their methods and concepts can be used, but the specific plans can only be explored by ourselves.

So as a commentator, I will tell you about this artificial intelligence. Well... it should be the direction our Hongmeng rune life should take!

The birth of this rune life requires three foundations. I won’t talk about any professional terminology. To put it bluntly, it is forging, propagation, and algorithm. "

The monks all over the sky, especially the formation cultivators with higher cultivation levels, all had their eyes flickering and became energetic in view of Zhang Deming's previous performance.

"It seems that many colleagues have already reacted. Yes, several of the six papers in our previous conference were preparing for this and laying the foundation for this.

We talked about forging, discussed communication, even gave a preliminary direction to calculation, and talked about the separation of human calculation.

If you think about your formation cultivation with good wisdom, you already have a direction. If you study it carefully for hundreds of years, you may be able to enlighten it in one day.

But algorithms... Although we have just started, this as a basic concept can be learned from. Comrades in Tianyu have been moving forward for hundreds of years, and I think they have a lot of experience to exchange. "

Many disciples subconsciously looked towards the sky and stars area. Everyone in front of Tianyu continued to look down with a smile.

Zhang Deming also looked at the Tianyu Federation Star Area and said: "Since we are jointly discussing Taoism, we should ask Tianyu's Associate Daoist to help us answer our questions!"

Everyone in the Tianyu Hangqiao discussion group looked at each other for a few times, and Shang Tingjie nodded slightly to Yu Guang.

Yu Guang reached out and tapped the light screen in front of him, and he floated down to the suspended continent deep in the starry sky.

"Hello, Fellow Daoist Zhang!" He saluted Zhang Deming.

"Fellow Daoist Yu Guang is so polite!" Zhang Deming returned the greeting.

After the two met, Zhang Deming signaled Yu Guang to start. Yu Guang paused for a moment, and it was rare that he didn't get straight to the point, but said politely in a not-so-small voice:

"Yu admires Zhang Fellow Daoist's understanding of my Tianyu artificial intelligence. It can be said that no Tianyu person knows more than Zhang Fellow Daoist. If Zhang Fellow Daoist shaves off his long hair and puts on my Tianyu Clothes, you might even look like a Tianyu person than me!"

‘Do you want to hint to Zongmen that you have doubts about your footsteps? Tianyu wanted to discredit his background? I'm sorry, but if I'm not a legal-level spiritual cultivator, if my identity is not important, you may be able to succeed if you come a few more times.

Now... It's too late for Heavenly Spirit Sect to rob me, these little old men don't even bother to talk to you. '

Zhang Deming replied with a warm smile: "Yu Guang Fellow Daoist is really absurd!"

"I'm telling the truth!" Yu Guang replied with a smile. After that, he stopped chatting and looked up at the monks all over the sky. He started his discussion and said:

"Zhang Fellow Daoist is right, I, Tianyu Federation, have experienced hundreds of years of development, and weak artificial intelligence has indeed reached a certain level.

However, it has also encountered bottlenecks and has not been able to move forward for hundreds of years. In terms of current intelligence and truly intelligent life, it is also a knowledge blind spot for our Tianyu Federation. So this time, we can only say that we are exploring each other and moving forward. "

Yu Guang heard this, took a breath, and continued: "As for the three foundations mentioned by Fellow Daoist Zhang, in terms of magic energy quantum forging, we only have something like Hongmeng Learning. As for quantum communication, let alone it.

Of the three major foundations, this algorithm is the only one that has been the most advanced one. Fellow Daoist Zhang also knows this, so he asked someone to come down to help. Let him talk about this algorithm alone. "

Zhang Deming and Yu Guang looked at each other, and Yu Guang smiled and said: "It has been hundreds of years since our Tianyu artificial intelligence algorithm was born, and now a hundred flowers are blooming, and schools are like stars.

But currently, there are only a few of them that are most promising for the birth of intelligence, or that I, Tianyu, are most optimistic about.

First, genetic calculation. Well, Fellow Daoist Zhang said that I can’t say it’s too professional. I’ll try to be as straightforward as possible.

Do you know what our human beings and our wisdom are basically born from? "

Zhang Deming wisely changed his role, acting as an assistant, and answered: "Destruction?"

Yu Guang paused briefly, glanced at Zhang Deming in surprise, and said, "Fellow Daoist Zhang really has done a thorough research on my Tianyu! Has Fellow Daoist been to Tianyu?"

Zhang Deming said with a smile: "Yu Guang, Fellow Daoist, is ridiculous. If I can't turn into a rainbow, how can I go to Tianyu. After Hongmeng and Tianyu officially build the portal, I can go and take a look."

"Well, Fellow Daoist knows our Tianyu Technology so well, and I have even been to our Tianyu Technology as a Fellow Daoist!" Yu Guang smiled and said without further entanglement:

"Yes, everything in the universe is born from cycles, and the wisdom of life is born from destruction, at least that's what I, Tianyu, think.

Every war in the history of Tianyu is a technological revolution. Human beings seem to be instinctive like this. In the midst of destruction, wisdom will usher in an explosion and leap. "

Yu Guang raised his head, looked at the monks with heads and continued: "For this reason, I, Tianyu, gave birth to a genetic algorithm. Based on the cycle of the universe, we opened the foundation of the algorithm and gave birth to weak artificial intelligence.

Originally, this could only be called a pseudo-genetic algorithm, and there has been no breakthrough. It is just one of the most inconspicuous schools among the many algorithm schools in Tianyu, and is at the bottom of the stream.

But a few years ago, a programmer...a formation cultivator understood the essence of the genetic algorithm, making it the top algorithm in my world.

Based on the life cycle, he completed weak artificial intelligence and issued a deletion order. That's right, it means to let the program delete itself, force it to commit suicide, let it 'bleed', and destroy its own genes, leading to destruction.

Such madness conforms to the fundamental core concept of genetic algorithms. Tianyu's first generation of intelligent life was born out of this destruction. "

Following Yu Guang's words, many people's eyes flashed brightly, but Zhang Deming frowned slightly, Tianyu already has intelligent life? Why is there no information at all? Aren't they still in the weak artificial intelligence stage?

As Zhang Deming's thoughts flickered, Yu Guang did not stop and continued:

"But... this algorithm has too many flaws. The intelligent life that is born will not only have chaotic thinking, but also will only exist for no more than one minute at a time before it will be completely and irreversibly destroyed.

I, Tianyu, have been studying this for several years, but still haven't been able to improve anything. In repeated attempts, the source code was used entirely to continuously give birth to a short-lived intelligent life.

Watching them be born, experience the bright and short moments, and watch them perish, powerless! "

‘I see, wisdom is born from self-destruction. Isn’t it possible to end this destruction after birth? Hehe, it's really ironic, but it fits the essence of human beings abnormally. This is called a genetic algorithm, and the naming is really ironic! ’ Zhang Deming’s mind was flashing.

Yu Guang paused for a moment sadly before continuing: "The second one is the neuron algorithm. This was originally the largest school in Tianyu and the most promising school to give birth to life, even though it is now overtaken by the genetic algorithm.

However, due to the huge flaws of the genetic algorithm, at most the intelligent calculation is half a step ahead, so the neuron algorithm is still hot.

In this method, we have carefully studied the working mode of the human brain and used algorithms to build basic neurons. Using neurons to build reflex arcs, I want to slowly build the entire algorithmic optical brain and reproduce the algorithmic brain.

But... the neurons in the brain are like a starry sky, and each neuron is different and has different functions. It is too difficult to completely simulate a brain and build an algorithmic optical brain that looks like a human brain...

From the birth of the genre to the present, countless forefathers have successively supplemented and constructed it. Over the past hundreds of years, not a single brain area has been completed, let alone the entire brain.

But even so, the weak artificial intelligence created by this genre is now the best in the world. Everyone knows that if this development continues, it will only be a matter of time before algorithmic optical brains appear. "

Many people in the sky were thoughtful, thinking of Fan Dexian's huge dandelion a few days ago. It was probably somewhat similar to that thing!

"Third, big data is derived. This direction is a bit unconstrained. After experiencing the previous remarks of Fellow Daoist Zhang, you may know that most of the birth and life of our Tianyu technology originated from the observation of all things in the universe.

For example, the two algorithms I mentioned earlier were born by observing human beings themselves. This third algorithm concept was not born from observing humans. Rather, it is the birth of the most essential rule in the universe - accidental mutation!

Just like my Tianyu speculation on the origin of human beings and the origin of all kinds of life: the cycle of birth and destruction of life begins by accident.

In the endless ancient times, the world may have been desolate. In the midst of destruction, the first life was born extremely accidentally.

With the evolution of life, everything in the world slowly came into being, and then by accident again and again, various forms of life came into being, and slowly evolved into human beings and wisdom.

Big data derivation starts from this concept, using huge data and powerful hardware calculations to achieve data collision and change derivation.

It is expected that by chance, a spark of wisdom will be rubbed out, and the original data intelligence will be born.

Among the many schools, the intelligent life born from this school should be the strongest. Because this is a simulation of the nature of the universe, if intelligence is really born, then it will be like a person in the universe, and it will naturally be suitable to survive in data.

However, because of the extreme uncertainty of such a lucky algorithm, it does not attract much attention from Tianyu.

After all, it is too accidental, and even now it is not possible to completely simulate the most instinctive collisions and mutations of data. This genre is completely dependent on the weather. There may be no results for tens of millions of years, but there may be a major breakthrough tomorrow.

However, because the psychology of luck is an indispensable part of human psychology, and the weak artificial intelligence created by big data is also very strong, it is now also one of Tianyu's big algorithm schools.

In addition to the three strongest schools above, there are many other Tianyu algorithm schools. After all, after hundreds of years of development, there are always people with fantastic ideas.

For example, the anthropomorphic algorithm is based on the life cycle and is constructed anthropomorphically;

For example, memory algorithms are based on powerful hardware, store data, and collide with algorithms in an attempt to simulate human fuzzy memory, use memory to reversely create wisdom, etc....

There are many schools, so I won’t give examples here. We at Tianyu have prepared two core algorithms from three major schools for this conference. "

When Yu Guangyan arrived, everyone was shocked and looked at Yu Guang, even Zhang Deming.

"Many people may be wondering, why are there three major schools but only two core algorithms? Because it is derived from big data and is not based on any powerful algorithm. After listening to my description just now, everyone should understand the difference.

Therefore, we only prepared genetic algorithms and neuron algorithms this time. Of course, in order to prevent my Tianyu path from influencing fellow Daoists of Dao Hongmeng and causing you to take our wrong path, we only provide the most basic algorithm core this time and do not provide the evolved stuff. "

‘It sounds so nice, isn’t it just to give me a seed? '

At this moment, many people had such thoughts.

As Yu Guang spoke, he spread his hands flat, and two three-dimensional lights and shadows appeared in his hands. In his left hand, countless runes formed light spots and threads. The light spots and threads were connected to form a light brain.

Countless runes in his right hand formed a three-dimensional double helix, but the spirals were constantly disintegrating and regrouping.


ps: There may be another update in the evening. Please give me a guaranteed monthly ticket and support by subscribing!

(end of this chapter)

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