Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 402 A Sneak Attack From Voldemort And Another Confrontation [Please Subscribe]

Chapter 402 A sneak attack from Voldemort and another confrontation [Please subscribe]

At the bottom of the turbid pool, Zhang Deming held up a shield and resisted the intrusion of countless alien forces while watching the battlefield with flashing eyes.

Feeling Guan Pang's last words of advice, Zhang Deming raised his lips slightly and silently replied in his heart: "Thank you for the lesson, and thank you for sending me this message. I hope you have the ability to cleanse the spiritual seeds in your body before I go out, otherwise..." ···I’m afraid you have to remember this by yourself!”

"Karma +1!"

The condensation of the red energy light ball interrupted Zhang Deming's wild thoughts and made Zhang Deming instantly happy.

At this moment, the life of Zhang Deming was felt in the entire pool, and there seemed to be countless abnormal forces in the liquid trying to invade Zhang Deming.

But they were all intercepted by Zhang Deming's shield. Of course, there is a kind of power that cannot be intercepted. There are only a few special defense techniques like karma that can intercept close contact.

Originally, this thing was the key to the contamination of this pool of filthy energy. Even if you have four levels of cultivation, it is extremely easy to die if you fall into this place.

Because you cannot defend against the infection of karma, once you are infected by karma and affect your defense, then the countless powers in the pool can eat you up in an instant, integrate into the pool, turn into material, and become a part of it.

In other words, the reason why the pollutants in this lake and pool are extremely strong is because of key karma. But once this thing doesn't work, then it's just some mixed curse powers. It's strong, but it's not unstoppable.

"Karma +1!"

Another unit's karma harvest made Zhang Deming smile from ear to ear with joy, and he also began to pay attention to the changes on the battlefield.

At this moment, the entire battlefield in the basin and plains has fallen into a stalemate. In the forests, mountains, and incomplete formations, countless low-level disciples are organized to fight against the evil cultivators.

The scene was extremely stalemate and bloody. Although there were many casualties, at least it did not fall into a one-sided massacre.

A battle broke out in the sky at this moment. The two sides had been in a strange confrontation. The seven Heavenly Spirit Sect side did not dare to take action rashly because they had no chance of winning.

There were six of them on Nie Xiu's side, because they had a sure chance of winning, so they didn't take action immediately. In order to prevent the seven Heavenly Spirit Sect members from being forced to have no choice but to support others, they tried their best to support them.

If the seven Four-Elephant monks grouped together and committed suicide attacks, even if they were much stronger, it would still be enough for six of them to drink a pot.

Therefore, due to various reasons, the confrontation that had always been strange in the atmosphere was now in full swing. The bosses from both sides watched silently and made no move. This situation lasted for about a quarter of an hour.

Until the battle between Zhang Deming and Guan Pang came to an end, the moment Zhang Deming was thrown into the pool, Guan Zhenzhen's expression suddenly changed, and he actually wanted to save people.

Or maybe she was afraid that the thing they were looking for was hidden by Zhang Deming, or she didn't want Zhang Deming to die immediately and wanted to 'love and love' Zhang Deming. After all, the two still had some grudges.

But everyone is tense at the moment. The slightest fluctuation can lead to the possibility of fighting, let alone such an obvious move as Guan Zhenzhen.

After all, no one knew whether her intention was to attack them or to save the people below, and everyone was not paying attention to someone below like her.

That's why she moved, which triggered a violent reaction like a fuse, and the battle started suddenly.

The 7:6 numerical advantage did not give Heavenly Spirit Sect any advantage, but rather a disadvantage.

Du Xuanda, who is opposite Tan Shiyi in the Demonic Pact, is not bad. He is extremely skilled in Luo Bao Qian. As a powerful Divine Ability monk, he is also a powerful Lu Bao Qian and the well-known magic of Tianji Grotto-Heaven.

Even though he had just entered the Four Elephants, he was still facing the old monsters and old devils who were at the peak of the Four Elephants and had been famous for a long time.

In addition to him, there is also Guan Shouxin, who joins forces with Fan Yunfei and Zhou Qiaoru to fight against each other.

I don't know if it's because Guan Shouxin, a monk at the peak of the Four Elephants, is too watery, or because of the special connection between the two of them. The two of them have just entered the Four Elephants, and they are still relatively stable when facing Guan Shouxin, who is at the peak of the Four Elephants.

In the remaining four battlefields, the Heavenly Spirit Sect was at a very disadvantageous position. As soon as the fight started, the four of them were almost overwhelmed and very passive.

At this moment, Zhang Deming was looking at such a worrying battle scene. While absorbing karma, he looked at the battle in the sky.

The key to the entire battle is still in the sky. As long as the outcome of the sky battle is determined, then things will definitely come to an end. In his thoughts, Zhang Deming looked at the sky and considered the target of the sneak attack.

First of all, Tan Shiyi and Guan Shouxin are excluded. These two people should be the strongest. Now the opponent is completely able to fight with ease. Without the full body and mind to fight anyway, it will be difficult to achieve success with one blow.

Then there are only four people left: Qu Wenbo, Guan Zhenzhen, Lu Ya, and Duan Yuanbing. The easiest person to bully should be Qu Wenbo. After all, Zhang Deming still has half of his opponent's soul.

Judging from the appearance of today's Qu Wenbai, he can't even be considered the original Qu Wenbai. Judging from his appearance, he is just a person reshaped by Guan Shouxin and the four of them, or just a puppet.

But precisely because of this, Zhang Deming excluded him. He is now regarded as a non-staff player off the court, and no one has noticed him at all. This opportunity for a sneak attack was given to Qu Wenbo, and he felt a bit disadvantaged.

After struggling with Guan Zhenzhen, Lu Ya and Duan Yuanbing for a long time, Zhang Deming finally looked at Duan Yuanbing. Because this guy was in the weirdest state, Zhang Deming felt that this guy might be the key to their ability to control the Tianxin Altar and ban this place without pressure.

After selecting the target, Zhang Deming began to accumulate power while absorbing karma. At the same time, he paid full attention to the battlefield in the sky, waiting for an opportunity.

"Karma +1!"

After a long time, after another karma harvest, Zhang Deming harvested five karmas. After so many years, he only saved ten. Now we have harvested five in one wave, which is a great harvest!

At this moment, the entire lake is still turbid and filthy, but the strange power is gone.

It is impossible for the current liquid to infect the prepared Sancai monks. It melts instantly, and it is estimated that only the apprentices will be able to resist it to a certain extent. Tai Chi and Liang Yi monks can barely resist.

After absorbing the karma, Zhang Deming used his hidden breath technique with all his strength, and his spiritual power jumped in an undetectable way.

Rune spell: Spirit-nurturing Vine Demon Summoning Technique·Fan Yunfei-Zhou Qiaoru!

Rune spell: Soul-nurturing Vine Demon Summoning Technique·Du Xuanda!

After the two mirror images were integrated into the body, Zhang Deming's aura quickly strengthened. Fortunately, his hidden breath technique had reached the magic level, so this state was still barely okay for now.

After the preparations were completed, Zhang Deming focused all his attention on the battlefield in the sky.


In the sky, as Zhang Deming fell into the water tank and lake, Guan Zhenzhen accidentally triggered the war. The thirteen people were divided into six battlefields and fought non-stop.

The person fighting Duan Yuanbing was Zhou Liao, the ancestor of the Zhou family, the oldest among the five elders.

Most of the Zhou family members, due to their family background, chose the path of near-skills at the beginning, and then moved closer to the new style of martial arts, Foundation Building. In the end, they were successful in martial arts and stayed together for a lifetime.

Among these paths, sword cultivation is the most common. "Keep the sword with you and bury it together when you die" is really very suitable for the new weapon cultivation path, which is a life-and-death cultivation path.

Of course, Jian Chen, the most powerful weapon sword cultivator in Hongmeng today, is responsible for forming this trend. He also bears a large part of the responsibility for this. He is not the only one who can suppress Hongmeng. The weapon sword cultivator may not be as popular as it is now. .

Zhou Liao was no exception. He also started with melee skills. The only difference was that he didn't start with swordsmanship, but with swordsmanship. What he cultivates is not the powerful sword, but the quick sword and the cold sword.

Now in the Four Symbols stage, he carries a life-sword weapon with him, flashing with cold light and coldness. Even at his extreme speed, he doesn't look old at all.

But the opponent he chose was not very good. Duan Yuanbing held a strange metal ball in his hand. The ball was flashing with auras, and various calculation runes were beating. There were several silver streams of water flowing around Duan Yuanbing.

Faced with Zhou Liao's ghostly figure that kept flickering, the silver water flow could always accurately appear at his point of appearance and attack him.

As the battle continued, the water flow around Zhou Liao gradually increased. In the entire scene, Zhou Liao was completely suppressed. The silver water seemed to have powerful prediction, or calculation power, constantly controlling Zhou Liao's range of activities.

After a while, the water flow connected to form a mesh-like sphere, trapping Zhou Liao in it, and slowly shrinking.

Although Zhou Liao kept flashing and slashing with his sword, the space for movement was slowly getting smaller with his slow speed.

As soon as the fight started, they were completely suppressed. The difference in cultivation and Taoism was not outstanding, so the ending of this battle was roughly determined from the beginning.

Zhang Deming waited for a long time. When Zhou Liao's range of activities was suppressed to a certain extent, Zhou Liao suddenly transformed into a sword. The entire long sword turned into a giant blade and struck the silver ball net like lightning.

The water-like mesh ball fluctuated slightly, and a gap was cut by the long knife, and Zhou Liao flew out.

"It's useless, why struggle in vain?" Duan Yuanbing looked at Zhou Liao, who was panting slightly after the sword rushed out, and shook his head slightly.

I saw spiritual energy surging all over his body, and as the metal ball in his hand flickered, the silver water tennis ball in the distance disappeared, and a silver water stream converged from the void again and hit Zhou Liao.

Panting, Zhou Liao gathered his sword and slashed again. The moment he cut back the silver water flow, another water flow was born, and he once again entered the cycle where he was controlled by the net before.

Under the huge calculation power of the ball in Duan Yuanbing's hand, Zhou Liao's various outcomes have been calculated in advance, so Duan Yuanbing seems to be the most calm among the six battlefields.

But there is time, no matter how much calculation power, powerful magic stick, or good hexagram, nothing can stop one thing.

Professionally, he calls it a variable;

To be amateurish, he calls it an accident;

According to the trend, he is called Lao Yin Biao and Voldemort;

Be more fashionable, his name is Guaibo!

Countless water streams were seen converging, and when Zhou Liao was about to be trapped again, a golden vine suddenly emerged from the void, and the vines twisted into a strange shape.

It looks like a copper coin, but the original image is obscured by invisible vines. People who have not seen the original image of the copper coin will only think that it is a weird golden vine ring.

At this moment, several battlefields in the sky paused slightly, especially Du Xuanda in the distance, who seemed to feel an extremely familiar aura. His eyes flickered with doubts, and he couldn't help but look here.

In the battlefield, after the strange vines were entangled, the strange golden copper coins were directly attached to the water flow.

The silver water flow suddenly seemed to have lost its power and turned into an ordinary silver liquid, falling towards the ground.

The metal ball, which was deeply involved with the silver water flow, or rather, the water flow and the ball, were both composed of the same basic nano-units. Therefore, they were too deeply involved, and the ball fell into a brief downtime.

Duan Yuanbing and Zhou Liao had a meal at the same time. Zhou Liao, who had lived as a Four Elephant Overhaul for thousands of years, had so much combat experience? After a slight pause, he started without hesitation.

"The remaining leaves rise in the wind, push the moon and fall with the sword's heavy blade! Rune spell: Falling Moon's remaining blade!"

The sky suddenly darkened for a moment, and the knife in Zhou Liao's hand turned into a white waning moon blade, flying towards Duan Yuanbing like lightning.

Duan Yuanbing, who was accustomed to the high-intensity calculations supported by the ball, suddenly had his brainpower reduced to the nth power because of the ball's downtime. This reason, as if he was struck by a mental attack, made him freeze in place, and his reaction was a full breath slower than Zhou Liao's.

And this breath difference determines his ending.

By the time he reacted, Zhou Liao's round blade had already been launched, flying towards him with a strong lock and an extremely sharp aura.

His expression changed dramatically, and he exerted force on his palm, crushing the ball that had temporarily lost its calculation ability and directly exploded it, turning it into countless nano-puppets that were invisible to the naked eye.

That's right! It's just a nanopuppet, not a nanorobot.

Immediately, Duan Yuanbing's eyes had countless operational runes pulsing, and he personally drove these nano-puppets, gathering in front of him in an attempt to build a defense.

But an accident occurred again, and a golden vine jumped out from under his feet and instantly turned into black and white. The vines connected from end to end turned into a circle, and a Yin-Yang fish was born in the ball and slowly rotated.

Duan Yuanbing's movements froze in place again, like a sculpture. The black and white yin and yang fish appeared extremely briefly and disappeared in less than half a breath.

But time was enough. When Duan Yuanbing came to his senses again, what he saw was the half-moon shaped broken blade coming towards him.

The broken blade didn't give him any time to react and cut him in half.

Seeing this, Zhou Liao in the distance looked happy. The spiritual power fluctuated again, and the round blade that had just divided Duan Yuanbing's body exploded in an instant, like the moon exploded, emitting a light like a silver needle, stabbing Duan Yuanbing who was divided into pieces.


At this time, Duan Yuanbing, who had been split into two halves, reacted and let out a shrill scream. Most of the Four Elephants monks already have magical bodies. They can't die from one or two blows, but they can't run away if they are seriously injured.

During the scream, the dismembered Duan Yuanbing turned into two balls of silver liquid, trying to reunite. Zhou Liao also planned to beat the drowned dog again.

But at this time, a powerful pulling force from below enveloped one of the liquids.

"Is this... the secret in one's sleeve?"

All the combatants in the sky were paying attention to the battlefields everywhere. Everyone paused and looked down from the corner of their eyes.

In the water tank lake, on the turbid liquid lake, Zhang Deming was standing on it intact at some point.

His long hair was flowing, his green shirt was flying, and the turbid lake water under his feet didn't seem to have any influence on him.

Well, no, the impact is still there! The filth of the lake made him look a little more dusty, a little more like an immortal.

At this moment, he was stretching out one hand, and the cuff in his hand was floating. The powerful pulling force came from Zhang Deming's cuff.

What's even more attractive is that behind Zhang Deming, there is a shadow about three meters tall. Huang Lao was like a spirit behind him, his upper body floating behind Zhang Deming, and the lower half of his body submerged into Zhang Deming's body.

This strange scene shocked everyone.

The high-level stage of One Qi Transforms Into Three Purities - guarding by divided souls, or is it an extinct unit that summons divine thoughts to incarnate and guard?

There is also the Universe in His Sleeve... Is this Huang Lao Zhen a person of the Three Purities Concept?

When everyone noticed and saw Zhang Deming, the two liquids had already formed into a ball, turned into a stream of light, and submerged into Zhang Deming's sleeves.

The remaining group exploded in a flash, turned into nano-puppet all over the sky, and dissipated. A Four-Elephant Overhaul, died so suddenly?

However, this has no effect on the ban on the sky, and it is obvious that there is no accidental win!

This sudden change shocked everyone, and the battle slowed down a beat.

Zhang Deming, however, kept moving. After collecting the liquid, he raised his hand again and a strange formation card was thrown out. When Qu Wenbai's expression changed in shock, he transformed into a huge turtle and swallowed Qu Wenbai in one gulp.

"One Yuan Heavy Water Locking Formation!"

After Qu Wenbai uttered a few words with a strange look on his face, he disappeared into the air. After the turtle swallowed Qu Wenbai, its limbs and head immediately shrank into the turtle shell, leaving only a turtle shell in place.

The lightning changes happened one after another, making everyone overwhelmed.

It wasn't until Zhang Deming temporarily trapped Qu Wenbai with the "One Yuan Heavy Water Locking Sky Formation", a four-star formation obtained from Qu Wenbai, that everyone came back to their senses.

Guan Zhenzhen reacted the fastest. She was the first to give up her opponent. Her body turned into smoke and appeared next to Guan Shouxin in a flash. Fan Yunfei and Zhou Qiaoru, who were fighting Guan Shouxin, were startled and retreated at the same time like lightning.

Four Elephant battles are often so strange, this sudden change affected the entire battlefield, Martial Artist Lu Ya and Magic Contract Tan Shiyi also flashed to Guan Shouxin's side one after another.

On the side of Heavenly Spirit Sect, seven people also slowly gathered together. After the eleven people regrouped into two camps, they all looked at Zhang Deming below.

Suddenly, the atmosphere became so quiet. One moment there was a fierce battle, and the next moment it was back to the weird atmosphere of confrontation.

In the various battlefields below, the fierce and brutal battles seemed to have no impact on the sky. They were like two worlds.

(end of this chapter)

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