Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 408 Breakthrough Surprise Leave A Message Encountering A Surprising Change Sword Shadow [Add

Chapter 408 Breakthrough Surprise Leave a Message Encountering a Surprising Change Sword Shadow [Additional update]

There was no smile on his face as he spoke, and he was extremely serious. This reply made Pan Juan'er stunned again.

The two of them looked at each other blankly like this. It was obviously the beginning of the joke, but this moment was not the end of the joke.

Such words are not romantic. At this moment, it seems that the two of them have silently made a vow to stay together for a lifetime. There is no romantic oath, but there is an oath that is better than anything else.


It took a long time before Zhang Deming came back to his senses and changed the subject: "Check the injury quickly!"

Pan Juan'er nodded obediently and replied: "Yes!"

After saying this, Pan Juan'er began to check his status. Zhang Deming also restarted the final treatment, and most of his injuries were almost healed.

The two of them were quiet for a moment. The spiritual power in Zhang Deming's body suddenly became slightly disordered while he was sitting quietly. Pan Juan'er and Zhang Deming opened their eyes at the same time.

The two looked at each other. Zhang Deming felt a little surprised, sensed his own status, and clicked on the editing panel for a moment.

Kung Fu: Five Elements Secret Code (Rank Seven)

Cultivation: Liangyi Lv2 (500/500/10,000)

Rune Core: Spirit-nurturing Vine Demon Summoning Technique Lv4 (20/200)

Branch runes:······


Spiritual power recovery: 1050 spiritual power/1 minute

Experience growth: 105 experience/1 minute

Spiritual root: Lv29 (0/20) [merit]

Sure enough, Zhang Deming got the confirmed answer when he saw the 5 million full experience points on the cultivation panel.

On the eve of the conference, he had only about the same amount of experience points. In addition, even during the conference, he had been practicing on the phone while holding the spiritual crystal. His experience points, which were almost full, were now completely overflowing with spiritual power.

Zhang Deming looked at Pan Juan'er, she nodded slightly and replied: "Brother Ming, you can break through on the spot. The environment here is good, there should be no problem, Juan'er will protect you."

Zhang Deming looked at Pan Juan'er and asked hesitantly: "Where is your injury?"

Pan Juan'er narrowed his eyes into crescent moons, smiled sweetly, and replied: "It's nothing serious anymore. The minor injuries can't be adjusted for a while, and they need long-term treatment."

Zhang Deming nodded. His current condition is that generally the injuries are no longer serious. Minor injuries need to be polished slowly over a long period of time.

After this, Zhang Deming no longer hesitated, and with a slightly restrained mind, he sensed his own state.

After a short period of rest today, he has recovered well.

I clicked on the editing panel in my mind. Now that the three branch runes were all words, there was no hesitation in choosing the third branch rune.

Moreover, his speaking skills seemed to fit well with his spirit-nurturing summoning technique, so he didn't plan to change his mind.

Taking a gentle breath, Zhang Daoming followed the promotion method of the Five Elements Secret Code and began to jump with his hands and pinch the magic formula.

As his hands beat, the spiritual energy in his body began to vibrate and fluctuate. Within a moment, Zhang Deming opened his mouth and spit out a rune ball of light. Then the rune core between his eyebrows floated out, creating a special rhythm with the rune light ball in front of him.

Between the entanglement of the two objects, the rune ball of light that belonged to the words was shattered, revealing a strange "word" character. As the two runes kept beating, the fluctuations of the two runes gradually reached synchronization, and finally Integrated Union came together.

At this time, Zhang Deming's whole body's spiritual power began to fluctuate violently, and it reached its peak within a moment. When the core of the rune turned into a stream of light and flew back to the center of his eyebrows, Zhang Deming's violently fluctuating spiritual power suddenly stopped.

All the spiritual energy in the Dantian surged to the whole body and disappeared among the muscles of the body.

When all the spiritual power in the Dantian disappears and becomes empty, a more pure spiritual power in the Dantian is born from scratch.

With the birth of this ray of spiritual power, Zhang Deming's body shook, a strong suction force came from his Dantian, and a small vortex of spiritual power began to form around his body.

The vortex began to spread as it rotated slightly, but due to the abundant spiritual energy around it and Zhang Deming's low physical needs, the entire vortex barely spread out of the valley before stopping.

Such fluctuations were not large, but the Sancai Great Monster's sphere of influence was very large, and it did not attract much attention from the surrounding monsters.

The vortex lasted for a while, and Zhang Deming's spiritual power demand from the outside world was saturated, and the spiritual power sea-absorbing vortex slowly dissipated.

When everything calmed down, Zhang Deming's breath also reached two levels and three turns. With a little bit of joy, Zhang Deming first clicked on the editing panel again.

Kung Fu: Five Elements Secret Code (Rank Seven)

Cultivation: Liangyi Lv3 (0/1000/10,000)

Rune Core: Spirit-nurturing Vine Demon Summoning Technique Lv4 (40/200)

Branch runes: Strengthening Technique Lv4 (120/600), Universe in the Sleeve Lv4 (20/200), Talking Skill ●Speech Spirit Lv4 (0/100),


After looking at the panel, as expected, the cultivation level has reached two levels and three levels, and the upper limit of experience points has become 10 million, which is a bit painful, but it is not a desperate figure.

In addition, what is more gratifying is that with the breakthrough of the third rotation, its strengthening skills and rune core have been strengthened to a certain extent, which can be regarded as a waste of 100 luck.

It was a wise decision to choose strengthening as the branch at the beginning. The two promotions have saved 120 luck.


After observing the panel, Zhang Deming began to realize the changes in his entire rune core and rune branches.

Zhang Deming was stunned by this realization. The birth of each rune branch marked that the core of the rune would have a small function.

The branch of the strengthening technique is the strengthening of spiritual nourishment, the branch of Qiankun in the Sleeve is the birth of the real space in the spiritual nourishing space, and the branch function of the speaking technique is actually...prayer!

That's right, it's the prayer in Shinto that Hongmeng disappeared for who knows how many years!

With the birth of prayer, the summons spell that Zhang Deming made before will no longer be a fake, and there will no longer be a need for monitoring elves to monitor the light spots at any time to remind Zhang Deming.

As long as someone recited the memorial and prayed according to the ritual he set, he would be able to sense it.

In addition, the biggest change is that there is no person corresponding to the light spot in his spiritual cultivation space.

If he recites the incantation and asks for it, he can also temporarily create a temporary light point that lasts for several hours in the spirit-nurturing space, and he can perform some operations through this temporary light point.

Although mirror summons and the like are definitely not possible, there is still no problem in asking for a response.

The change in this function will make a breakthrough in hiding the purpose of his spirit-nurturing bead, because with the temporary light spot, it is not necessary to give the target a spirit-nurturing bead and let him realize it before he can operate on the target.

Feeling this breakthrough change, Zhang Deming's face was full of joy and he couldn't help it. In terms of its impact on development, the small function brought by speech skills - prayer, is stronger than the other two. .

No, it would be more appropriate to say more accurately!

It seems that his original intuitive choice was correct. After the magic of magic was integrated into the spirit-nurturing space, the magic of words really fit the core of his runes very well.

It’s not the kind of fit where words fit all Taoisms, but a professional fit.

After checking and familiarizing himself with this function for a while, Zhang Deming breathed out gently and slowly stopped.

But he didn't open his eyes immediately. Instead, he restrained himself and went directly to the spirit-nurturing space.

He didn't know how many days had passed since he escaped from the conference. He needed to know the status of the sect and the status of the members of the alliance.

As soon as he entered the spirit-nurturing space, Zhang Deming was stunned. A special light and shadow in the sky was constantly breaking and dissipating, and it had reached the final stage.

Even if the Spiritual Education Space tried its best to delay this process, it has already reached its limit. If Zhang Deming came in a few days later, he might not be able to find anything.

Is this... the object with the light spot dead?

But before, there were tens of thousands of light points in his spiritual cultivation space, many of which were dead. This phenomenon had never happened before?

Now even the spirit-nurturing space is slightly stained with blood red. What is going on?

With doubts flickering in his heart, Zhang Deming looked at the light and shadow that had mostly disappeared.

Is this...Wang Qian?

As Zhang Deming touched it, the dissipating light and shadow seemed to inspire something. Little bits of information are transmitted from it, filling Zhang Deming's heart.

Zhang Deming seemed to see a very fast-paced documentary through a broken glass.

Wang Qian's figure keeps flashing in the picture, the joy of childhood, the despair, resentment and sudden hope during the armed disaster.

These all flashed very fast, as if there was electricity, but when the picture came to the Feiquan Waterfall Tower, it suddenly slowed down.

Daily cleaning; tomorrow's watering and planting; following Zhang Deming on duty.

These ordinary days seem to have a very important meaning in this picture, because from the beginning of the picture, the black and white documentaries have become brighter and brighter.

Zhang Deming even felt a special emotion, which was a bit complicated, with deep admiration, a little bit of sweetness, a little bit of satisfaction, and maybe even a little bit of suppressed love.

The years are quiet and peaceful, and you can spend the rest of your life peacefully without any desires. This is probably the mood!

The scene turned blood red at the end, which was Wang Qian's entire sacrifice process. Until finally, the broken glass mirror suddenly became smooth, and a clear picture appeared in front of Zhang Deming.

The blood-red background color in the picture shows Wang Qian nostalgically stepping on a blood-red and strange altar with her bare feet.

At this moment, Wang Qian seemed to see Zhang Deming through the screen. She said with a faint smile: "Qian'er has no regrets about meeting my uncle in this life.

Qian'er is very satisfied to be able to spend more than half of this happy year in Feiquan Waterfall Tower. If she could do it over again, Qian'er would still choose this way. "

The words were desolate, full of nostalgia, and full of complex emotions, leaving Zhang Deming completely stunned.

With the end of the words, the glass mirror in front of him was instantly covered with cracks, and quickly shattered, and the phantom in the spirit cultivation space completely disappeared, leaving no trace of light.


After a long time, Zhang Demin let out a sigh, and said in a depressed mood: "I didn't know whether it was right or wrong when I saved your choice. Although I helped you through the Sea of ​​Bitterness, I only experienced a little bit of ordinary and short life. .

Now, I have no chance of reincarnation... I can't tell whether this is right or wrong! "

After standing still for a moment, Zhang Deming's hand flashed with dreamy light, and a special dream spirit was born, slowly turning into Wang Qian's appearance.

Then Zhang Deming projected all the pictures in his mind and carefully gave the other party intelligence.

Looking at this familiar yet unfamiliar dream spirit, Zhang Deming sized it up for a moment, finally shook his head, and sighed: "Alas... no matter how resembling it is, it's still just a spirit after all."

After sighing quite lonely for a moment, he tossed the dream spirit aside with a flick of his sleeve, but he still couldn't bear to disperse it. After all, he didn't owe many people in his life, and this was the only one he couldn't repay at all.

After throwing Meng Ling aside, he didn't think about it any more. Zhang Deming made a random move, and several light spots flew down from the sky. These are the light spots of disciples from various peaks in the sect, and they belonged to the reserve members of Zhang Deming's alliance.

Zhang Deming quickly stretched out his hand to point at these dots of light, and each picture was born. Zhang Deming quickly glanced at it for a moment, and then these pictures continued to be raised, watching the current status of the entire Heavenly Spirit Sect.

After a while, Zhang Deming let out a long breath. He almost understood the general situation of the sect.

Although the current situation of the sect is very bad and it will take a long time to recover, but judging from the situation, at least the sect has not been wiped out.

After he escaped, fighting should have broken out in the sect. It didn't seem long, otherwise it wouldn't be just this point of damage. The biggest loss now is Yuling Peak.

Yuling Peak, which is almost as high as the main peak Tianling Peak, has been cut off in half, leaving only half of the mountain top. Seeing this situation, Zhang Deming's expression changed slightly and he began to sense his special avatar.

After sensing for a long time, he did not find out where the avatar was. Zhang Deming only encountered such a situation of being completely banned once, and that was the banning of the Tianxin Altar two days ago.

So the clone was intercepted by the evil cultivator in the last Five Elements period?

He took back what he said before. There was no need for avatars to attend the conference. It was really a wise decision!


With a serious face, Zhang Deming looked at the top ten members who had participated in the Blue Sky Council.

Zhang Deming was shocked again when he saw this. Out of 10 light spots, only 9 were left. Of the Qu family's two bright spots, only one is left.

Qu Qizhong's light spot disappeared without knowing when, leaving only Qu Qingxian's light spot.

Moreover, the lights of Qu Qingxian, Feng Mingyou, and Li Shifan were also very dim, and they seemed to have been seriously injured.

The strangest thing is Tong Hou's light spot. The light spot is still there, but the picture is completely blurry.

After hesitating, Zhang Deming took a step forward and came to Zhongsheng Building. I originally planned to open a temporary parliament to talk and ask about the current situation.

But before he took action in the building, Zhang Deming was stunned.

The spirit instantly left the spirit-nurturing space, opened his eyes, and found that Pan Juan'er had left the bed. Turning his head to look, he didn't know when the other party was already standing at the door of the vine house, with a tight breath and a high degree of alert.


It turned out that just after Zhang Deming broke through, Pan Juan'er, who was protecting Zhang Deming, changed his expression slightly, got up and came to the door, looking into the distance warily.

As soon as Pan Juan'er arrived at the door of the rattan house, two rays of light came into the valley. Looking at the rattan house and Pan Juan'er at the door, he felt that there was another person in the house, but they were all of the cultivation of Liangyi. for.

Therefore, the two three-talented overhauls in the sky chose to float down without much consideration and came to the water pool in the valley. They first looked at the silver-backed cod monster on the icicles, their expressions became a little more serious, and then they turned to Head looking at Pan Juan'er.

Both of them looked young, in their twenties at most in appearance, and were wearing gorgeous Taoist robes.

The one who takes the lead has a slightly cold temperament. And the man behind him was very ordinary, inconspicuous at all.

Seeing this, Pan Juan'er bowed to the two men with a serious expression and said, "I am a disciple of Dao Palace, Pan Juan'er. I have met these two seniors! I wonder what happened to these two seniors?"

The two of them smiled when they heard this, and the young man in the lead said: "Fellow Daoist, don't be nervous, we are also Taoist disciples, there is no harm in it.

I just sensed some fluctuations, so I stopped by to check it out. I saw that Fellow Daoist was a disciple of Yuling Palace, so I decided to say hello..."

"What's wrong?" Before the young man could finish his words, Zhang Deming's questioning voice came from inside the room.

Pan Juan'er looked slightly happy and replied without looking back: "You're awake, Brother Ming. Is everything going well?"

"Well, it went smoothly." Zhang Deming had already arrived at the door as he spoke, looked at the two of them, and said, "These two seniors are..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhang Deming and the young man across from him were shocked at the same time, and they both looked at each other in surprise.

At this moment, Zhang Deming didn't know if it was an illusion. He found that the person in front of him gave him a very kind and longing feeling.

Zhang Deming can be sure that he doesn't know the other person at all, but he is inexplicably friendly, even a little too friendly. It is completely the deepest instinctive reaction of the body.

This strange feeling just appeared. Before Zhang Deming had time to react, strange changes began to happen to both of them.

To Zhang Deming's surprise, his editing panel appeared spontaneously from above his head for the first time, and it was like a scroll, visible to everyone.

Something happened to the young man opposite him at this moment, and a mini sword talisman appeared between his eyebrows.

And a strong spiritual light burst out, and the spiritual light projected an illusory spiritual sword in front of it, and there seemed to be mountains, rivers, lakes and seas flowing on the spiritual sword.

As both of them had strange visions, everyone who was stunned woke up. Zhang Deming was the first to come to his senses and raised his hand without hesitation.

Rune Summoning: Spirit-nurturing Vine Demon Summoning Technique·Du Xuanda!

Originally, Zhang Deming looked at this sudden change and planned to use the mirror image of Du Xuanda's magic stick to do some divination so that he could have an idea in his mind.

But as the ball of light merged, before Zhang Deming could make a prediction, a golden copper coin jumped out automatically, and the natal calculation and divination was started spontaneously.

At this moment, countless runes danced in Zhang Deming's eyes, and while the golden coins rolled, a light curtain projected out, and information began to appear on it.

Hexagram: evil hexagram.

Hexagram: The sword is coming...


The hexagram revealed only one word, and a soft roar suddenly appeared from the sword talisman between the young man's eyebrows opposite.


I'm dizzy. I thought China's medicine was already very developed.

As a result, I went to the hospital for treatment because of pain in my wrist.

I got several sets of anti-inflammatories on day 1;

Photos on the second day, then I took another pack of medicine and sprayed it with Yunnan Baiyao.

Start infusion on the 3rd day.

(Special reminder, until this day, my wrist no longer hurts when I move it.)

Today is already the 4th day, and the 2nd day of infusion, when I was suddenly told that the tendon sheath of my wrist was inflamed.

Do I have any misunderstandings about this domestic medicine? Or is tendon sheath inflammation a serious condition? I'm not a medical student, I don't know much about this, and I don't dare to complain casually.

But they asked me to take medicine for two or three days before the symptoms were confirmed. Do I really have a misunderstanding of domestic medicine?

Finally, because my hands were so painful last night, I couldn't sleep all night long. I endured the strong sense of shame and stayed up late to code out the voice code.

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(end of this chapter)

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