Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 414 Backdoor? [Please Subscribe, Please Monthly Ticket]

Chapter 414 Backdoor? [Please subscribe, please monthly ticket]

Well, no, it's not that a function is missing, or it's not accurate to say so!

To be precise, his abilities are still being conceived, and not two, but one.

The spiritual cultivation technique and the strengthening technique seem to have a deeper combination, and a strange ability is brewing. From the looks of it, the gap is not small, and it cannot be condensed and completed in a short time.

Although this represents a stronger future, it is inevitable to have some regrets.

In his thoughts, Zhang Deming no longer continued to struggle, but looked at the skill panel. With a fortune of one thousand and two thousand dollars, and now his cultivation level is three, it is time to put the spell Rank Five on the agenda.

What needs to be considered now is whether he wants to continue to balance, or to stand out a bit.

He had always chosen Balance before because he couldn't save luck, but more importantly, he needed to create Spirit-nurturing Beads, which required a lot of understanding of the symbols of advanced spells, so he chose Balance.

Now that the spells are all at the magic level, it is enough to make sets of beads. And with such a huge sum of money, balanced development doesn't seem to be the best way to improve combat power?

In his thoughts, Zhang Deming's tendency gradually became obvious. He looked at the many skills on the panel and made a decision.


"Do you want to consume 200 luck to upgrade the Yin-Yang Chess Game to Rank Five?"


"Do you want to consume 400 luck to upgrade the Yin-Yang Chess Game to Rank Six?"


Six hundred luck consumption instantly raised the Yin-Yang Chess Game to Rank Six.

That's right, Zhang Deming is fully aware of his lack of mana. When luck is sufficient, this is the first priority.

Moreover, the Yin-Yang Chess Game is not only about the improvement of the hidden pieces, but also the Yin-Yang Vine produced by the Integrated Union, which has a huge improvement in the limiting effect of his vines.

With the promotion of Yinyang Chess Game Rank Five, Anzi has changed from ten times the dantian storage to twenty times, which is a very happy thing.

But with the promotion of Rank Six, the dark sub capacity suddenly shrank... from twenty times to one time. This situation simply made Zhang Deming instantly confused.

I thought there was something wrong with the technique, so I looked back and forth several times.

That's right!

The upper limit of Anzi's storage has indeed shrunk from twenty times to double the reserves of Dantian!

Zhang Deming checked for a long time with a feeling of bewilderment, but he didn't find anything wrong. It felt like a normal promotion.

After hesitating, Zhang Deming sent a little spiritual power into it, and then Zhang Deming was stunned.

The total amount of spiritual power he sent in actually decreased!

Surprised, Zhang Deming tried again and sent a large ball of spiritual power in.

After carefully sensing it, Zhang Deming was confused at first, then confused, and finally showed an expression of surprise. Is Anzi compressing and refining his spiritual power?

Previously, Anzi only stored spiritual power, whether it was ten times or twenty times, the spiritual power stored was of Liangyi quality.

It is also for this reason that when he drives the four-image mirror image, for the original consumption of one point of spiritual power, he needs to pay a hundred or even hundreds of points to ensure its original power.

This makes him the ultimate poor man. Once the power of the Four Symbols breaks out, even if there are spiritual crystals hanging around, he can't work for an hour. Without the spiritual crystals to supplement, he will have to stop cooking in a quarter of an hour.

But now An Zi has doubled in stock, but when the spiritual power from the Three Talents Human Realm stage is input, it is actually compressed into the spiritual power at the peak of the Three Talents, even moving towards the Four Symbols.

Although he has not crossed the Four Elephants yet, once Anzi enters the Rank Seven classics, he will inevitably be compressed beyond the ranks. If this is the case, there will be no loopholes if he crosses ranks and pretends to be a monk in the future.

Anzi looks smaller, but the storage capacity is a phased breakthrough!

Looking at the skills, Yin Yang Chess Game Level 6 (0/800), promotion to the classic level requires 800 luck, and now he has 600 luck left, which is not enough to continue.

Of course, even if it was enough, he would not be able to come up with the classics and spells in front of Sixiang.

You must know that for three-talented monks, normal spells are Rank Four. Rank Five is a genius's bottom-line method. As for Rank Six...throughout the entire history of Hongmeng, there are definitely not many such monsters in this era. It is also difficult to get two.

As for realizing the Rank Seven Taoism in the Three Talents period... This is not a matter of talent or not. Can your Dantian bear it?

The Rank Seven rune is starting to run in the direction of the road!

Well, in addition to spiritual power, vitality can also start to be converted. Different levels and species can be converted, but the efficiency is a bit low.

Like spiritual power, it is probably one step behind the classics. The vitality storage has not decreased, but only Rank Five has increased, from four times to eight times the vitality storage. Rank Six is ​​also the initial activation of the transformation function, and has no capacity. extension.

After sensing the changes in Anzi and looking at the remaining luck of more than 600, Zhang Deming no longer hesitated this time.

"Do you want to spend 140 luck to upgrade the Soul-nurturing Vine Demon Summoning Technique to Rank Five?"


"Do you want to spend 400 luck to upgrade the Soul-nurturing Vine Demon Summoning Technique to Rank Six?"


After solving the mana problem, Zhang Deming must first consider the natal magic at the core of the runes. This is his foundation!

As the spiritual cultivation skill at the core of the rune was upgraded to Rank Six, Zhang Deming felt a lot of information, and his head felt a little swollen.

First: The real space of the spirit-nurturing space has changed most significantly, from one cubic meter to ten cubic meters, and the cargo lanes are no longer tight at all.

Second: Mirror incarnations can also condense six at the same time, and integration can also integrate into six, and the strength of mirror aggregation becomes controllable.

The appearance of mirror images made before, such as Du Xuanda's mirror image, can be changed, but it is essentially the mirror image of Du Xuanda. The strength of the four-image stage cannot be changed. Now it can be up to four images, but it can control and condense low-level ones.

Well, the limit on the number is only the mirror incarnation, and the mirror spell spell has a huge number. It is no longer a limit on the number, but depends on how much Zhang Deming can support, but Zhang Deming rarely uses this ability.

When he first obtained the Soul-nurturing Summoning Technique, his abilities were divided into two directions. One was based on his Enlightenment Technique, Foundation Building, or the light-point character who was deeply involved in the core of the rune.

After the birth of this kind of light-point character, Zhang Deming can use it to condense the mirror image and summon it, and even invite their consciousness to join the battle temporarily.

The second direction is that the target has a light point in his spiritual cultivation space, but this light point is just a technique practiced by the opponent and has nothing to do with the core of its runes.

For such a light point target, Zhang Deming cannot summon the mirror image incarnation, but can only summon the corresponding mirror image spell.

For example, Zhang Deming knows Hot Wheels, and someone has realized Hot Wheels, but it is not based on this. Zhang Deming cannot summon the character image, but can only summon the Hot Wheels mirror rune developed by the other party.

He rarely used this ability after he first possessed it. He mainly used it to cultivate spiritual pearls and achieve enlightenment. Very few people developed the corresponding spells to a higher level than him.

Therefore, this ability has been almost forgotten by him. The only time he used it was when he was fighting Guan Shouxin, when the Integrated Union planned to bring out Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Sect.

However, due to insufficient cultivation, I almost overturned.

Third: His vines have become more beautiful and more like jade, and of course their hardness has also improved a lot.

In addition to these major changes, Zhang Deming also received a lot of vague information, most of which he needed to explore on his own.

The biggest piece of information turned out to be the new function he was gestating, and now the gestation has accelerated a step further. With such extra power, this function has not yet been born. What kind of ability is it?

After searching for that vague information for a long time, Zhang Deming couldn't find any results, so he could only put it aside for now. What is certain is that the Integrated Union function should be related to the spiritual cultivation and strengthening skills, and the ability should be a bit unnatural.

Now that I have no clue, no matter how hard I try, it's useless. It's better to put it aside for now and wait until it comes out later.

After finishing his thoughts, Zhang Deming began to feel his own changes. First, the panel underwent a major update.

Kung Fu: Five Elements Secret Code (Rank Seven)

Cultivation: Three Talents Level 1 (0/5000/10,000)

Rune Core: Spirit-nurturing Vine Demon Summoning Technique Lv6 (0/800)

Branch runes: Strengthening Technique Lv4 (120/600), Universe in the Sleeves Lv4 (20/200), Words Technique·Speech Spirit Lv4 (0/100),

Skills: Yin Yang Chess Game Lv6 (0/800), Divine Dream Differentiation Lv5 (0/400), Combined Force Lv5 (0/200), Six Paths Flying Escape Lv4 (0/200), Splitting Path Lv4 (0/100) ), Detection·Spiritual Eye Lv4 (0/100), Sword Control Lv4 (0/100), Hidden Breath Technique Lv4 (0/100), Spiritual Power Shield Lv4 (0/100)

Spiritual power recovery: 1300 spiritual power/1 minute

Experience growth: 130 experience/1 minute

Spiritual root: Lv32 (0/60) [merit]

Secondly, there are various abilities. In a moment of thought, Zhang Deming tried his own changes in Cave Mansion.


After a long time, Zhang Deming almost adapted to it. After becoming familiar with his current changes and improvement in strength, he opened the Cave Mansion formation, got up and left.

"Brother Ming, you finally came out!"

Zhang Deming had just opened the formation, but before he reached the entrance of the cave, Pan Juan'er ran in with a surprise and rushed into Zhang Deming's arms.

Zhang Deming smiled and hugged the other person, stretched out his hand to rub the other person's head skillfully, and said: "It took me a long time to break through?"

Pan Juan'er nodded and said: "Well, two full days! The fluctuations in spiritual power absorption appeared half a day after you retreated, and then there was a long period of silence for a day and a half. But what happened to the concentration of human souls? "

Zhang Deming smiled and said, "It's a near miss."

"If you don't come out, I'm going to rush in to see the situation!" Pan Juan'er replied.

Zhang Deming smiled again and asked, "Have you had any problems these days?"

Pan Juan'er shook his head and said: "No, because of the formation you prepared, there is no abnormal phenomenon of spiritual energy absorption, all are locked in the Cave Mansion."

Zhang Deming nodded and said: "In that case, prepare yourself and have a good rest today. If you break through tomorrow, I will protect you!"

Pan Juan'er nodded and said: "Yes!"

As he spoke, the other party hooked Zhang Deming's neck and kissed him deeply.

This girl has been here for three years, so she can be considered an old couple! He's still so tired. This honeymoon has taken a long time. Fortunately, he is in good health now, otherwise it would be too much!


Early the next morning, after Zhang Deming and Pan Juan'er had washed up, Zhang Deming carefully opened the various formations in the Cave Mansion for Pan Juan'er, and then checked the various arrangements before exiting the cave. .

Just like the previous two days, one person protects the law and the other breaks through, but the roles have been reversed.

After Pan Juan'er, who was left alone in Cave Mansion, calmed down, his eyes flashed with inspiration and he began to make a breakthrough.

Within a moment, Zhang Deming felt some spiritual energy fluctuations in the Cave Mansion, and it was clear that the opponent had begun to break through.

Zhang Deming sensed the fluctuation of spiritual power and no longer paid attention to the situation in the cave. After activating the hidden breath technique, a huge gray mist enveloped the cliff and canyon to the greatest extent.

Then Zhang Deming sat cross-legged in the mountain, released his mind and perception, and began to pay attention to the movements around him at all times.

With the three talents of his cultivation and the condensation of human soul, his mind and Shinto spells have improved by leaps and bounds, and their effects have been doubled.

Therefore, he used the invisible breath technique to cover the cliff. After the surrounding area was covered by Zhang Deming's spiritual thoughts, a clear mirror image of the valley was formed in his mind. Even the slightest movement could not escape his eyes.

Such all-round defense also allowed Zhang Deming to quickly become familiar with his various powers and monitor his surroundings.


Time flies so fast that it takes a day and a half.

There was an obvious spiritual energy absorption in the cave half a day ago. It was obvious that Pan Juan'er had begun to condense the human soul, but Zhang Deming had been waiting for most of the day, and there was still no movement.

This made Zhang Deming feel slightly anxious, and his brows furrowed slightly. He finally experienced the feeling of waiting for Pan Juan'er yesterday.

"Forget it, just wait a little longer!"

Zhang Deming wanted to rush in more than once to see if the other party was in danger and if there was any danger, he could help.

But once the cohesion of the human soul is disturbed by external forces, it will be of no benefit to her. Even if the difficulty is avoided this time, the road ahead will become increasingly difficult.

Time passed slowly while waiting anxiously.

After half a day, when Zhang Deming was getting impatient, his expression suddenly changed slightly.

For no reason, longing, anxiety, excitement and many other complex emotions suddenly appeared in his heart. The emotions were many and very direct, just like the most primitive instinctive impulse in his body.

This is...what happened?

When extremely complicated feelings filled his heart, Zhang Deming was stunned for a while. He didn't know how these things came out and what they meant.

Reluctantly, he calmed down and after careful sensing, Zhang Ziming was slightly startled. The source seemed to be the spirit-nurturing space?

While thinking, Zhang Deming was restrained and entered the spiritual space.

At this moment, the space was not calm at all. The chaotic mist was rolling in the sky, enveloping countless light spots, swaying and twinkling like stars.

Zhang Deming looked along the source of the feeling. Is this... the direction of the subroutine entrance?

Duan Yuanbing?

Did this guy do something else?

Why can't this Five Elements boss stop for two days?

As Zhang Deming's thoughts flickered, his consciousness moved towards the entrance of the subroutine.


Somewhere in the Hengduan Mountains, in Duan Yuanbing Cave Mansion.

For the past three years, Duan Yuanbing, like Zhang Deming, has been in seclusion.

It's just that Zhang Deming and the others are not ashamed, but Duan Yuanbing is really in deep retreat.

After three years, he had digested most of the original gains and the legacy of Guan Shouxin and the others.

In the past three years, apart from stabilizing his cultivation, honing the Tianxin Altar, and refining the Tianxin Orb, he has only had one extracurricular activity.

That's playing around with Zhang Deming!

Well, no, it’s playing with Zhang Deming’s body!

Well, that’s not right either, it’s to study his body! doesn't feel right.

Anyway, in the past three years, Duan Yuanbing has thoroughly studied Zhang Deming's body, inside and out.

What left Duan Yuanbing speechless was that he couldn't find any trace of the dark scroll, nor did he find anything special about Zhang Deming's body.

And he didn’t know if it was an illusion. After three years of fiddling with it, after he had finished digesting the power of Guan Shouxin, Qu Wenbo and others, he felt that Zhang Deming’s body had become inexplicably close to him.

Indescribable feeling!

'It's really strange. The body has no defense at all, and half of the soul is even left in the body. Why can't I find any clues? '

Duan Yuanbing has had this idea countless times in the past three years.

Today he seemed a little tired, so after searching again to no avail, he stretched out his hand, and the mini Tianxin Altar appeared in the palm of his hand.

He threw the altar in front of him. Sitting cross-legged in front of him, there was a pool like a spiritual spring not far away, but it was dry now.

As the Tianxin Altar fell into the pool, turbid liquid began to emerge from the altar, filling the entire pool in a moment.

Seeing this scene, Duan Yuanbing hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and threw Zhang Deming's body directly into the filthy pool.


When Zhang Deming regained consciousness, he happened to see this scene. What caught his eye was the same place three years ago, but the environment of the cave had changed slightly, making it a little more popular.

After seeing the environment in the cave clearly, Zhang Deming was a little stunned. At this moment, Duan Yuanbing was standing in the cave. There was a small pond in the center of the cave, which was full of turbid and dirty liquid.

Being familiar with karma, Zhang Deming clearly felt how rich the karma contained in that small pool was!

In terms of karma content alone, it is definitely more than the lake in the previous conference. This is simply a refined version! Zhang Deming’s eyes were filled with excitement when he saw it!

At this moment, in the center of the liquid, the Tianxin Altar became the size of a palm and floated on it. Duan Yuanbing stood by the pool, watching the melting things in the pool with full vigilance.

The target that made him so alert was none other than the half-melted body of Zhang Deming!

‘This is... This guy has been playing with his clones in various ways. He hasn’t found the subroutine for three years. Now he plans to melt himself and let the Tianxin Altar come to find him?

This guy is really... persistent, one of his clones can play for three years... He is truly an evil cultivator! ! ! He is worthy of being a master of the Five Elements! ! ! '

Zhang Deming looked at all this and did not immediately take back the subroutine, because at this moment he clearly felt the origin of the complicated emotions in his heart.

Since such a bunch of emotions appeared instinctively in the editing panel, it was obviously not about to run away immediately. You must know that the editing panel was not so emotional when he was chewing the formation!

Well, it may be that the integration of life runes now makes the editing panel slowly start to become smarter.

No matter what, under the current situation, Zhang Deming has no intention of withdrawing the vote immediately.

In this way, the two of them looked at the slowly melting body in the liquid pool nervously.

As the Tianxin Altar in the liquid shimmered slightly and the liquid continued to roll, Zhang Deming's clone continued to melt.

Soon, Zhang Deming's clone was completely melted, including half of the fake soul created by Qu Wenbai's soul in the clone, all of which were melted away.

At this time, a blood-red and strange light point flickered out of the pool. With the appearance of the red point and the appearance of the subroutine, Zhang Deming clearly felt that he could steal the karma in the pool.

However, the extremely greedy little editing panel guy in his body did not have any impulse at this moment. He endured this feeling and did not steal karma. Zhang Deming did not act rashly and watched quietly.

This kind of stillness lasted for several breaths before Duan Yuanbing, who was alert, looked at the red light spot and reached out to pinch it a few times.

The Tianxin Altar began to flicker, and a strange snow-white bead emerged from the center of the altar. The beads are extremely beautiful, exuding endless purity, and seem to represent all the beauty in the world.

It was in perfect contrast with the filthy liquid outside the altar, but it was also unusually consistent.

The bead flickered for a few times, and a strange pulling force filled the air. Under the nervous and uneasy gazes of the two people, the red light dots pulling the subroutine flew into the bead.

The moment the blood-red light spot of the subroutine came into contact with the orb, Zhang Deming was stunned. He instantly entered a strange perspective, and his sight was stretched infinitely.

For a moment, he seemed to be overlooking the entire Hongmeng Planet.

No, it wasn't looking down. He saw the entire Hongmeng Star from outside Hongmeng Star from a satellite perspective.

The entire planet seems to be shrouded in a large invisible net. There are various threads in the net, some are complete, some are strong, some are small, some have countless branches, and some are broken.

The whole big network is very complicated! The interweaving of Tao and reason, the fusion of art and law!

With the appearance of Zhang Deming's perspective, the entire network shook slightly. On the large network, several consciousnesses or sights were felt at the same time and looked over.

'This is... the legendary Taoist network? The remnants of the shattered way of heaven? '

Looking at this scene, my thoughts flickered, and my heart was bewildered.

Before he could do anything, he felt countless eyes coming towards him. At this moment, his vision trembled, and as soon as an altar jumped, everything disappeared in an instant.

"Is this aura...extraterritorial? Did the person with the extraterritorial source code take action?"

"No, more like Five Elements?"

"Oh, the catastrophe is approaching, and all kinds of old immortals are really starting to show up!"


At an unknown height, consciousness quickly completed several intersections, and then fell into calmness again.


Zhang Deming only felt a daze, and then nothing happened.

Duan Yuanbing also frowned. He seemed to have gone through the same process as Zhang Deming. In other words, Zhang Deming was hiding and taking advantage of the car, and he was the main customer!

This perspective came suddenly, and it didn't do any good. It just happened for a while inexplicably, and then it was over.

In the Cave Mansion, an old demon and Voldemort were lost in thought. The two of them, one in the dark and one in the dark, felt that no one was getting any advantage.

After thinking for a long time, Zhang Deming was slightly stunned. The subroutine had been swallowed by the Tianxin Altar. Why was his perspective still there? Shouldn't you be leaving?

This shocking discovery made him stare at the boss. Could it be that... he had successfully installed the backdoor? ! ! !

The subroutine was successfully implanted into the Tianxin Altar?

After having this speculation, Zhang Chengming found it difficult to calm down.

It took four full years after he got the Tianxin Treasure Box, and more than three years after he knew the importance of the Tianxin Treasure Box. During those three years, he had been trying to play with the Tianxin Treasure Box in an attempt to gain something.

But after hitting the wall time and time again, there was no response at all.

Even after he gained the level of spiritual cultivation, he even regarded the Tianxin Treasure Box as a Law Treasure and made various attempts to cultivate spirits with Law Treasure. He tried all his spells to cultivate spirits, but there was no response at all.

It made him give up his plan to secretly attack the Tianxin Treasure Box, but now...

While thinking, Zhang Deming tried to sense. During the sensing, the entrance to the subroutine was still there, but other operations were completely suppressed.

Even so, Zhang Deming is still full of joy!

As long as the door is left open, it doesn't matter if you are suppressed. As long as there is a back door, you are a god. If you give him time, he can knock a hole out!

When Zhang Deming was happy, Duan Yuanbing also found that he had changed while thinking. He was stronger and was about to reach the peak of the Five Elements.

This improvement seems to come from Zhang Deming's body.

However, he thought it was caused by the integration of the red light sub-program. In fact, it was not the integration of the completely fabricated half soul of Zhang Deming, that is, Qu Wenbai's half soul, which completed his final A little something.

In this way, the two were silent for a long time, and Duan Yuanbing put away the Tianxin altar.

At this moment, Zhang Deming took a deep look at the cave and turned around to leave. All things like subroutines should be tried slowly when he is strong enough.

If it is as he guessed... Haha, evil cultivator!


It's the end of the month, take a look at your wallet, vote if you have any, don't let it get to you!

(end of this chapter)

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