Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 423: Can Leimu Train His Mind And Practice Guimu [Additional Updates, Please Subscribe, Plea

Chapter 423: Can Leimu train his mind and practice Guimu [Additional updates, please subscribe, please vote]

In a moment, all the ghost branches growing around were strangled by the fiery red wheels. The two wheels rotated around and cut away quickly towards the surroundings.

Under Zhang Deming's violent spiritual power output, a large area was cleared in a moment.

But Zhang Deming still looked serious, because the stumps of the trees he cut down began to vibrate and grow back quickly.

The areas outside that were not cleared began to grow rapidly, extending towards Zhang Deming like ghost vines, trying to surround him.

Although his wind and fire wheels can maintain such slashing for a long time, such consumption and the only five spiritual crystals left on his neck cannot sustain it for long.

As his thoughts flickered, he looked again at the dim talisman in his hand. Considering the method of entry, Zhang Deming hesitated, cut off a very, very, very small branch, and carefully touched the talisman badge.

There was no response from the command talisman, and there was no change in the branches.

This made Zhang Deming frown. He hesitated and took out a very small drop of dark red blood, which was several times thinner than the tip of a needle.

He carefully touched the blood to the talisman badge. The talisman's originally dim light dimmed slightly the moment it came into contact with the blood. Zhang Deming, who looked tense, felt nervous.

So the key to breaking the situation is not the command talisman?

But there is only this tree in the entire forest. What is the original inheritance assessment content?

How to turn it on?

Zhang Deming frowned and thought hard. This strange secret realm and the inexplicable ignorance of the inheritance and assessment made him feel heavier and heavier.

At this time, Zhang Deming, who was thinking, suddenly stopped, and saw that the branch he had just tried to no avail dropped to the corner of the altar.

A small section of the branch was originally twisting like a snake after being cut off, but the moment it came into contact with the altar, the entire branch froze.

Then, as if something terrible had been discovered, the branches began to twist violently. After twisting a few times, they froze and died completely.

Immediately, the branches turned into ashes and dissipated like the incense table and the broken cauldron before, and there seemed to be some extremely weak power remaining in the ashes of the sale, but it was so weak that it dissipated with the ashes.

During this process, Zhang Deming did not feel any power fluctuations on the altar at all. It was as if the ghost branch fell on the altar, triggering the death process and dying automatically.

Looking at this completely different scene, Zhang Deming's eyes lit up. The difference represented the focus and the possibility of breaking the situation.

Zhang Deming looked at the trees that were constantly growing back around him, and the two wind and fire wheels around him were constantly rotating.

The emerald-like vines swaying around him stretched out like a waterfall, twisting around a not-so-strong ghost tree in the distance.

The moment the emerald vines wrapped around the ghost tree, the extending movement of the ghost tree froze. Then all the branches of the ghost tree seemed to sense Zhang Deming and quickly wrapped around the emerald vines, quickly extending towards Zhang Deming.

Zhang Deming did not hesitate. The tips of the vines quickly changed into various tools and began to dig at the roots, while the part of the vines wrapped around them began to exert force.

"Give me..."

With a gentle cry from Zhang Deming, he uprooted the ghost tree with force. The roots under the ghost tree were also dark and looked like blood vessels.

The moment he was pulled out by Zhang Deming, Guimu stiffened for a moment, as if he had fallen into a brief daze.

Immediately, the entire tree softened, and the entire tree became soft in an instant, like a strange snake, collectively twisting and extending along the emerald vines towards Zhang Deming.

The vines around Zhang Deming quickly retracted, bringing the softened twisted strange wood to the altar.

As soon as he returned to the altar, all the vines turned into spiritual light and collapsed, and the ghost tree lost its support and fell directly on the altar.

The originally soft body stiffened for a moment, and then stood up instantly, transforming back into a three- to five-meter-tall ghost tree. The roots of the tree were like tentacles, twisting rapidly, trying to get up and run back to the ground.

It's an obviously weird creature, but it's inexplicably a bit joyful.

However, he only made a few movements, and the entire tree froze in place. Just like the previous branches, it dissipated with the wind, leaving ashes on the ground!

What surprised Zhang Deming was that the ghost tree did not completely dissipate. In the center of the ashes, there was a slightly whitish strange tree heart that was as thick as a little finger and as long as a chopstick.

Seeing this, Zhang Deming saw the vines swaying in front of him. He took a look at the tree heart and finally felt the extremely subtle familiar power.

It was the weak power of strange thunder and lightning that made Zhang Deming gently approach the heart of the tree with the talisman badge in his hand.

The moment the talisman touched several hearts, the spiritual light on the talisman badge flickered. After the talisman absorbed the weak thunder power in the heart of the tree, it also turned into ashes in the palm of Zhang Deming's hand.

The aura in his hand became slightly stronger due to the integration of power.

So...does this need to be recharged?

Looking at the command badge in his hand, Zhang Deming's thoughts flickered and he looked at the ghost trees around him. Now that he has a direction, things will be easier to handle!

The wind and fire wheels around the altar were constantly rotating, cutting down the ghost trees that extended all around, trying to wrap the entire altar.

Now with a slight adjustment, they all cut off the roots, and then the vines swam around and dropped them on the altar.


As the tree fell on the altar, and the heart of the tree appeared, a bit of blood fell on the altar from where it was cut, corroding the altar.

Zhang Deming frowned slightly. This altar was his only hope. It was already dilapidated, but it couldn't have such a problem.

The surrounding vines swam around and began to pull out the ghost trees around them. Each ghost tree was uprooted and placed on the altar.

An open space slowly appeared around him, and the talisman badge in Zhang Deming's hand began to shine more and more aura.

When the spiritual light flashed to a certain level, finally, the command talisman was fully activated, automatically activating and projecting a light screen.

Assessment: inheritance assessment

Stage: Rank One

Location: Thunderwood Forest

Content: Lei Mu Heart Refining

Mu Xin Thunder Energy: 0.2

Rating: Not classified

Details: Please use your own methods to cut down thunderwood, withstand lightning strikes, and obtain the wood heart thunder.

Tip 1: Savings is foundation, persistence is victory, and depth is the future!

Tip 2: Which inheritance you get, each Rank One affects the final decision.

Looking at the information on the light screen, Zhang Deming breathed a sigh of relief. He finally knew the content of the assessment. It was not easy!

Please use your own means to withstand lightning strikes and collect enough Mu Xin Thunder?

In other words, these weird trees were originally supposed to be Thunderwood from the Blue Woods Thunder Territory, and his assessment was supposed to require him to obtain enough Muxins.

Moreover, the details emphasize one's own methods and withstanding lightning strikes. So under normal circumstances, when cutting down thunderwood, one will be attacked by thunder. It is a test of one's character and endurance?

But now the situation has obviously changed strangely. Safety has become a problem. It is not difficult to cut down and peel off the wood core.

Especially because there was not enough energy before and the badge command could not be turned on, which turned this assessment into a guessing game. It was really...

This incident made Zhang Deming understand that when conducting secret realm inheritance trials in the future, corporate culture must be talked about less or later!

If it weren't for Zhang Deming's strength and his out-of-the-box thinking, this crappy assessment would have really blinded Zhang Deming. He couldn't even touch the door.

Zhang Deming no longer hesitated, waved his hand to summon a dozen bean soldiers, and began mechanized operations.

With the activation of the talisman light screen, every time Zhang Deming obtains a piece of wood heart, there is a data display on the light screen. To put it more bluntly, it is probably...

"Mu Xin's thunder power +0.2!"

"Mu Xin's thunder power +0.3!"


Zhang Deming didn't know how difficult it was to peel off a piece of wood core in the past, and how much thunder power a piece of wood heart had. Now, anyway, the thunder energy of each tree is only 0.3 at most.

Although it is very subtle, you can always get some. Obviously, there is very little energy left in these wooden hearts that have been eroded.

The only advantage is that the wood hearts collected by this talisman are of energy nature, not of the quantity of individual wood hearts. Therefore, as Zhang Deming continues to pull up the tree, the energy is also gathering little by little.

As the surrounding trees were pulled out, a large open space slowly appeared within the altar area, the frequency of the rotation of the wind and fire wheels also began to decrease, and the consumption of spiritual power slowed down slightly.


This pulling lasted for several days and several months of high tension. Even Zhang Deming, who was in the third talent stage, had already condensed his soul and was slightly tired.

Assessment: inheritance assessment

Stage: Rank One

Content: Lei Mu Heart Refining

Mu Xin Thunder Energy: 800.1

Rating: Excellent (optional to complete)

As one tree after another was thrown into the altar, the data of Mu Xin Thunder's energy obtained by Zhang Deming finally reached 800. Just as he had guessed, the evaluation also changed from good to excellent.

In the past few days, Lei Neng has increased from zero to eight hundred points bit by bit, and the evaluation has also been from not classified to unqualified, to good, and now it has reached excellent.

At this moment, the area within a few miles of the altar has been cleared by Zhang Deming. There are no plants on the dark land, and it is full of potholes.

Zhang Deming had a tired face, and the fire wheels were turning around him. His eyes paused on the assessment panel for a moment, especially looking at the two prompts on the panel.

Tip 1: Savings is foundation, persistence is victory, and depth is the future!

Tip 2: Which inheritance you get, each Rank One affects the final decision.

Zhang Deming's gaze lingered for a long time. After hesitation, he still did not choose to pass the assessment.

Since this level is a test of mental endurance, now it is unexpected that the tree does not need to bear the thunder attack when peeling off the heart. Its most difficult period of guessing has been passed. Now it is the accumulation stage of picking up bargains. It should be full after all. ?

In his thoughts, Doubing continued to work hard. His current Doubing intelligence was fully capable of such mechanized work.

Guarded by the two wheels of wind and fire, the bean soldiers pulled out the wood and threw it into the altar. Then Zhang Deming's jade rattan swayed, automatically wrapping around to retrieve the wooden heart, turning it into a tiny bit of energy in the badge.

The entire movement is almost mechanical, and the test is all about patience and persistence. Moreover, since the difficulty of lightning strike and peeling is gone, Zhang Deming does not have to do it by himself at all.

This continued for several more days, and when Zhang Deming once again absorbed a wooden heart, his badge burst out with a strong aura.

The command talisman badge in his hand at this moment is completely different from before. The command talisman is dark green like jade, radiant, and densely covered with runes.

The spiritual power of the talisman badge exploded. Zhang Deming paused and clicked on the message.

Assessment: inheritance assessment

Stage: Rank One

Content: Lei Mu Heart Refining

Mu Xin Thunder Energy: 1500

Rating: Best (optional to complete)

Seeing another change in the evaluation, Zhang Deming raised his lips slightly, as a Voldemort. Even though it was the best, Zhang Deming did not choose to stop and planned to continue, at least until 2000.

If this energy is not only points, but also resources in the later stages, then of course the more the better. Anyway, he can still persist now.

But as the evaluation became the best, when Zhang Deming threw the tree on the altar again, under Zhang Deming's confused eyes, the altar and the ghost tree turned into ashes and dissipated, leaving a wooden heart in place. .

At this time, the badge in his hand also projected a light screen, and a prompt and a pointing beacon appeared in the light screen.

Tip: Please transmigrate Thunderwood Forest and go to the Creation Pond to accept the Rank Two assessment!

Looking at the information and cursor, Zhang Deming was stunned.

So for this Rank One assessment, the full score is 1500?

Then Zhang Deming felt something was wrong. Why was it so quiet around him?

Zhang Deming looked around and found that as the altar was destroyed, all the ghost trees stood still for a moment.

And in Zhang Deming's perception, an unprecedented sense of gaze spread throughout his body. Zhang Deming felt like he was being watched by something densely packed!

Fuck! ! !

It was a bargain during the stripping process, and I still had to walk through this ghost forest!

Is it true... If you come out to hang out, you will have to pay back sooner or later?

Zhang Deming's whole body froze, and he saw that the ghost trees around him stopped slightly, and then swept towards Zhang Deming like an explosion, covering the sky and the sun.

Zhang Deming's expression changed dramatically. He looked at the cursor reflected by the badge in his hand, and his spiritual power exploded rapidly. The two Hot Wheels he controlled instantly cut forward.

As the Hot Wheels rotated and entangled, a path was cut out with lightning speed. Zhang Deming followed the Hot Wheels without hesitation and rushed forward quickly.

As Zhang Deming rushed into the forest, the surrounding ghost trees began to rapidly change direction, shrouding Zhang Deming.

The entire Ghost Wood Forest, and the area Zhang Deming passed by, were experiencing strange movements.

Zhang Deming pushed the Hot Wheels to clear the way, and countless emeralds swirled around him like streams of light, forming a sword network that cut quickly as he moved quickly.

In the area he just left, the blank space was quickly filled in, and the whole person was like a dark sepak takraw ball, constantly moving forward.

And as he kept moving, the sphere became larger and larger, and his movement became slower and slower, becoming more and more difficult.

In the end, Zhang Deming didn't know how far he still had to go, but his moving speed slowly changed from fast to unable to move an inch, and now it has stopped completely.

Feijian and Hot Wheels have been pressed to their side, unable to cut at all. They are surrounded by ghost tree branches, forming an extremely huge sphere in place.

Feeling the huge consumption of spiritual power, but unable to move at all, Zhang Deming gritted his teeth and chose a method of movement that he had never dared to try before - earth escape! The whole person disappeared directly in place.

Zhang Deming has never tried earth escape since entering this ghost place.

It's not that I don't want to, but I dare not!


Why else could this ghost tree in the forest spontaneously become like this? It felt like stepping on flesh, and the feeling was weird. All these factors made Zhang Deming afraid to try it.

Now that Zhang Deming had no choice, he finally tried Earth Escape.

As soon as Zhang Deming escaped into the earth, his whole body froze. Endless crazy, violent, resentful and other emotional thoughts filled his mind, almost bursting his mind.

And this was despite the spiritual shield of dreamy light appearing on his body.

This made Zhang Deming groan. Zhang Deming's expression changed drastically and he decisively flipped his hands.

The Jingxin Jade stolen from the Ice Bear King's Cave Mansion appeared in his hand. The madness in his mind became slightly smaller, but he was still almost completely unable to think or control his body freely.

He spat out the spiritual power in his hand, turning the Jingxin Jade into a strange aura. This aura was used as a medium and used as a spell-casting material. A dreamy light lit up in his hand, and at the same time, the strengthening technique in the body was running at full strength!

The nature of the spiritual shield on the body has changed slightly, and it is full of tranquility. As the light shone, Zhang Deming became slightly more awake and able to control his body.

I saw that he was currently in the dark soil, surrounded by dark tree roots that looked like blood vessels. I don't know when, the tree roots had wrapped his spiritual shield around to form a dark tree root ball.

Feeling the rapid consumption of the dreamy light of the shield, Zhang Deming did not dare to delay. The Hot Wheels emerged again and quickly cut out.

Cutting off all the surrounding roots, there was a shocking explosion, which blasted a huge hole in the place.

Zhang Deming, who had escaped from trouble, disappeared from the spot again, and quickly entered the earth escape state with the help of a brief moment of awakening illuminated by the dreamy light.

The roots of trees in the soil do not move as fast as the branches in the forest, so it is difficult to effectively block Zhang Deming's soil escape.

In this way, Zhang Deming followed the cursor guidance and fled at lightning speed for less than half an hour.

Until the dream in his hand kept flashing, as if it was about to disappear at any time, Zhang Deming rushed out of the soil and returned to the forest.

As soon as he returned, the surrounding ghost trees entangled him again.

But to Zhang Deming's surprise, the end of his line of sight was no longer the endless ghost wood forest, and he heard some movement in his ears, like the sound of water?

It seems not far away!

This was like a shot in the arm for Zhang Deming. The surrounding fire wheels and flying swords quickly emerged, and a long forest road was instantly cut out as his spiritual power surged.

Zhang Deming came to the end of his line of sight with a few flashes, a silvery opaque light curtain that isolated the entire forest.


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(end of this chapter)

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