Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 425 Quiz [Please Subscribe For More Updates And Monthly Votes]

Chapter 425 Quiz [Please subscribe for more updates and monthly votes]

However, Zhang Deming did not turn it on immediately. When the two people were observing their surroundings, Zhang Deming shook his hand to attract the other person's attention, and then clicked on the information on the badge.

In the past four days, the members had gathered together, and he had already preliminary knowledge that there was such a piece of information in each member's rules, but it seemed that he, the temporary captain, needed to confirm it.

The strong man was stunned for a moment, but the woman in his arms roughly understood what Zhang Deming meant, and clicked on the badge to read the message.

Then Zhang Deming made a gesture and told them to give them an hour to repair. Immediately, regardless of whether the other party understood it or not, Zhang Deming sat down again and waited quietly.


Two hours later, Zhang Deming clicked Confirm and started the assessment. As Zhang Deming's actions were confirmed, the five people at the altar were shocked.

The altars, which were not too close or too far away from each other, were slightly spread out from each other. As they dispersed, the altar of five people quickly grew in size and turned into a huge arena.

‘An arena match? What is that team doing? '

Under Zhang Deming's surprised gaze, blood rolled in the blood pool in front of him, and a red stream of light was spit out by him.

The flow of light was extremely fast, like bloody lightning. Zhang Deming just made a defensive posture, and the flow of light came to the altar. Looking closely, what is surprising is that it is actually a person!

The other party is a young man, wearing exotic clothes that I don't know whether to call retro or trendy. There is something British in his previous life, giving him a somewhat aristocratic atmosphere.

The figure is slender and thin, but not feminine. Instead, she has a somewhat elegant and evil temperament.

The only fly in the ointment is that the other party's pair of blood pupils, which were originally full of exotic amorous feelings, are now dull and lack the sparkle of Spirit Partitioning.

Zhang Deming was stunned when he looked at this image of the other party.


Well, no, it should be a subsidiary race of the human race in the ancient times of Hongmeng, the Blood Shura Clan, also known as the Blood Clan!

But wasn’t the vampire race completely extinct at the end of the Third Age? It became extinct earlier than Shinto!

When Zhang Deming's thoughts were flashing, the other party didn't give Zhang Deming much time.

After arriving at the arena altar, after a slight pause, the young man trembled quickly and turned into a blood-red afterimage again, rushing towards Zhang Deming.

The speed was very fast. As soon as Zhang Deming moved, the spiritual shield on his body appeared automatically.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Deming felt that he was hit by some huge force. The spiritual shield fluctuated like water ripples, and his whole body moved backward quickly.

Zhang Deming no longer hesitated in his thoughts. A pair of gorgeous wings appeared on his back, a pair of fire wheels rotated under his feet, and his pupils shrank slightly.

The whole world seemed to have stopped in an instant, as if time had stopped. The only thing that didn't stand still was the red afterimage.

However, in Zhang Deming's state, the red afterimage is no longer an afterimage, and the opponent seems to be running at a normal speed.

Looking at the other party, Zhang Deming raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

Even if it is said that the Blood Shura clan represents the speed masters at the same stage, they also work as half-time cultivators. But Zhang Deming's current Six Paths Escape Technique is not even half weaker than any speed cultivator!

Therefore, when the opponent punched Zhang Deming again, Zhang Deming had already stabilized his body, turned slightly sideways, and dodged.

The young man's dull and lifeless blood pupils twitched slightly, as if his mind was about to wake up.

After Zhang Deming dodged, he stretched out his hand, and the emerald-colored threads gathered in his hand. An emerald long sword appeared in his hand, and it also struck the young man who passed by him like lightning.

As a speed cultivator, the young man's reaction speed was certainly not slow. He quickly formed a claw with one hand, a bright light flashed on his nails, and then he raised his hand.


There was a grinding sound of teeth, and the young man grabbed the long sword that was smooth with one hand. The posture of the two of them was a bit weird.

Originally, the young man was punching him, but Zhang Deming turned to the right to let go of the punch, then turned sideways and cut upwards with his right hand.

The opponent turned his fist into a claw and grabbed Zhang Deming's long sword, so Zhang Deming was facing the side of the young man who was slightly forward.

This was like a posture with the middle door wide open, Zhang Deming's lips slightly raised.

His body trembled quickly, and Zhang Deming and the captured sword exploded directly on the spot, turning into jade filaments all over the sky, surrounding the young man who was leaning towards him in front of him.

The young man's pupils twitched slightly again, and then his whole body turned into a ball of blood, and the blood was about to collapse.

But the silk threads all over the sky were extremely fast. Although they failed to wrap around the young man, they completed wrapping the jade ball at the moment when the young man liquefied.

At the moment it formed into a ball, the emerald silk threads turned into gold, like a red-gold sphere, and simple money runes emerged on the sphere.

The blood ball that was about to explode froze slightly. In the end, not only was the special blood escape technique useless, but the blood surged directly and he returned to his youthful state.

The moment the young man returned to his true form, the golden ball formed by the vines instantly decomposed and turned into countless threads, wrapping around the young man and turning into black and white threads.

The young man immediately froze in place. The whole process was long, but in fact, it only took less than half a second from the start of the war to the time when the young man was controlled.

And this is also the fastest time Zhang Deming has fought with three talents in his history. It is not that young people are rich in talent, but that most speed monks are like this.

One second in the combat state can be stretched into an hour, and even at a high level, it seems like fighting for several days forbidden by time and space, but in fact the reality only jumps for a second.

The fundamental reason is that the physical speed of the speed monk gradually begins to match the speed of the monk's thinking.

After they had completely restrained the young man, Zhang Deming's true body was re-condensed after being transformed into a Teng body.

But then his expression changed. The restrained young man seemed to be awakened, and his pupils slowly began to light up.

But it didn't appear that he was sane, but it suddenly became explosive and crazy, and the elegant atmosphere was completely gone.


Imprisoned by the extremely restrictive vines of black and white, the young man let out an inhuman roar.

Zhang Deming's black and white yin-yang vine silk threads began to break apart, and the young man's entire body began to swell, and there was no longer any elegance or aristocratic atmosphere.

As the clothes tore, the muscles expanded and deformed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and even began to emit disgusting blood and mucus.

After Zhang Deming paused for a moment, his figure flashed again and disappeared. On the surface of the expanding young man's body, emerald-colored long swords began to appear. All the long swords were inserted into the opponent's body, without handles. And enter.

In just a moment, when Zhang Deming reappeared, the opponent's body was already covered with dense emerald sword hilts.

At this moment, the black and white vines could no longer hold on and exploded into auras that filled the sky.

The young man who broke free from the restraints had his body doubled in size and could no longer see much of his human form.


The moment the thread exploded, he looked up to the sky and let out a weird roar. His body was about to expand rapidly, and at the same time, a pair of deformed demon wings were about to unfold behind him.


At this moment, Zhang Deming's figure also happened to reappear, and his whole body was filled with spiritual power. The sword hilts on the young man's body twisted instantly, and countless vines grew out, and the vines quickly turned blood red.

The young man's swollen body froze, and the expansion stopped instantly, including the half-stretched devil's wings that stopped there comically.

It was as if the force inside him that supported his expansion was leaking. After he froze slightly, as the long swords swayed and turned into blood-red vines, his expansion not only stopped, but also began to shrink as if he was leaking air.

It was not the kind of shrinkage that transformed back into a young man, but the kind of shrinkage that caused the whole body to quickly dry up. But for a moment, the young man was completely covered by blood-red vines before he could complete the specific transformation, and turned into a vine flower fertilizer.

Because he was wary of the power that could drive the opponent crazy, Zhang Deming did not rashly absorb any vitality or other power from the opponent, letting the vampire vine absorb all of it.

Therefore, the ruby-like blood-sucking vines grew extremely well. In the blink of an eye, a rather large arena was covered with vines and turned into a ruby-like vine bush.

There are no vines except in the area where Zhang Deming is standing. Looking from a distance, the entire altar is centered on Zhang Deming, with vines swaying outwards. The entire altar is like an extremely beautiful crystal ball!

After a moment, when the young man was completely absorbed, Zhang Deming's expression changed slightly. His current vines were already very intelligent.

Even if the Rank Six magic vine demon is not a professional summoner, it is still a summoner, and its intelligence is no less than that of a seven or eight-year-old human being.

It's just that Zhang Deming rarely shows the intelligence of his vine, and more often uses it as a vine instead of a vine demon.

And this blood-red vine, after absorbing the young man, its spirituality has undergone certain changes, and it has a tendency to break away from the magical spirit state and become an independent plant.

‘What kind of erosion is this? curse? No, it's no longer a curse effect that can make magic spirits show a rebellious tendency, it's completely rebellious!

There is no magic that can achieve this effect. Isn't this completely unlike Hongmeng's power, the power of the evil god from outside the realm? '

Zhang Deming's expression changed slightly, his thoughts flickered, and with a sudden movement of his mind, the vines throughout the arena instantly turned into auras that filled the sky and dissipated.

As the vines disappeared, the altar shook, shrank again, and turned into the original altar.

Before Zhang Deming had time to look around, he saw a strange blood core the size of a little finger emerging from where the young man's body was.

The command badge in Zhang Deming's pocket seemed to sense the breath of the blood core at this time, and it shone with aura.

The entire altar shook slightly. As Zhang Deming's heart contracted violently, he dived under the blood pool. Zhang Deming was so frightened that he almost flew up.

As the altar descended, the hemispherical shield on the altar shone brighter, and the thick blood in the blood pool did not penetrate.

In this way, Zhang Deming was like a person enveloped in a crystal ball, being carried downwards quickly by the hemispherical altar crystal ball.

The speed of the altar changed from slow to fast. At first, you could clearly see the asphalt-like black and red blood slowly flooding the altar. Later, the surrounding liquid Zhang Deming couldn't see clearly even when he was not using his escape technique at full speed. He could only see Red shadow.

Therefore, within a few breaths, the diving movement paused slightly. Zhang Deming seemed to have arrived at the bottom of the pool. Is there a huge cave approaching not far in front of him?

Well, no, it should be an open, malformed blood vessel opening with a huge blood vessel.

For a big reason, it looks like a blood vessel from a distance, but it looks like a cave up close. Various unevenness can be clearly seen on the cave wall, which looks very much like a cave.

The blood water at the bottom of the blood pool is not that viscous, and looks a bit like a pool with a certain amount of blood poured into it. Although the surrounding visibility is not high, you can still vaguely see a range of dozens of meters.

The bottom of the pool should be a huge plain with countless blood vessels, all of which converge towards the center.

Some blood vessels are stuck in the ground at the bottom of the pool. These blood vessels are darker and redder, and there seems to be liquid flowing inside.

Some blood vessels have openings like the one in front of Zhang Deming, and such blood vessels seem to be necrotic. The blood vessels show no signs of creeping and look like a cave.

Zhang Deming watched the altar slowly approach the cave in front of him, and as it approached, the cave gradually became larger, but Zhang Deming swallowed.

This is... we won’t ask him to drill holes again!

I just swore that I would never enter a dragon's anus or any dragon cave again in my life!

I would like to ask, after the dragon's tail drills in, is the blood vessel penetrated still considered the dragon's anus?

Don’t count!

Well, if it doesn’t count, he doesn’t break his vow!

As the altar approached, Zhang Deming was thinking wildly in his mind, amusing himself and trying his best to relax his anxious mood.

When he came to the entrance of the cave, Zhang Deming was slightly stunned.

The battle he just fought lasted only a few seconds. Even if it took some time to swallow, it would only take a minute in total, right?

There is someone faster than him!

At the entrance of the cave, there was already an altar parked there. It was that ordinary young man who could not be more ordinary. He was so ordinary that even if Zhang Deming had noticed him, he would have ignored him if he was not careful.

The altar came to the entrance of the cave and floated into the cave with slight fluctuations.

The moment he entered the cave, Zhang Deming felt as if he had passed through something. Then the altar fell to the floor of the cave, and the shield on the altar disappeared with slight fluctuations.

Zhang Deming was slightly startled, since there was no liquid in the hole.

Realizing this, Zhang Deming looked back and saw that the entrance of the cave was isolated by something with unknown power, and no traces could be seen.

"Captain?" The ordinary young man looked at Zhang Deming carefully and asked. Zhang Deming paused slightly after hearing this.

The surrounding vines swayed, and an emerald vine stretched out, first collecting the blood cores on the ground without leaving any trace.

The young man had obviously put it away a long time ago and had no reaction to Zhang Deming's actions. Zhang Deming was not stupid enough to answer the other party's question. This was obviously a conversational statement.

After putting away the blood core, Zhang Deming looked at the young man and said, "So, the above battle is considered a surprise inspection before admission to prevent cheating students from sneaking in? Is this the beginning?"

The young man was stunned for a moment, and then he understood Zhang Deming's words.

"Haha...Interesting, Fellow Daoist is really an interesting description. I haven't been called...student..."

Halfway through the words, the young man's face froze slightly, and he looked at Zhang Deming and said, "It's a bit uncomfortable for Fellow Daoist to find out the details of people when we meet now, isn't it?"

‘Student? This is a popular name in Taoism, and the way and habits of this language...

So should this person be from the jurisdiction of Hongmeng Sacred Land? Preliminary judgment is that he is not young yet, and it is not ruled out that the drama queen may reverse the routine! '

Zhang Deming's thoughts flashed in his heart, but he looked at the young man with a blank look on his face and said, "What are you talking about? What's the details?"

Perhaps the expression was so confused and sincere that the young man paused slightly and looked at Zhang Deming. The two of them agreed not to talk about this topic again.

The young man nodded and said: "I probably have the same guess. The battle above should be a team test for the so-called Tianjiao team. But..."

As he spoke, the young man looked at Zhang Deming and did not continue.

Zhang Deming instantly seemed to be an old friend of the other party, and answered in a very tacit understanding: "But the final distortion should not be included in the testing category!"

After saying this, the two of them looked at each other and smiled, as if they were old friends reunited for many years.

"So are we starting the assessment now?" the young man said.

Zhang Deming paused for a moment, looked at the young man, and answered exactly what was asked: "Since you can only join the group with perfect scores, and you are also required to be a five-person team, then let's wait for others to join us before taking action.

Confidence is one thing, but I'm afraid that forming a team is also a big test. After all, based on the information..."

Zhang Deming also paused slightly and looked at the young man. The young man also answered in a tacit understanding: "According to the information, this successor of the Qingmu Yang Lei Sect belongs to the old tribe of Shenting. He should like the so-called teammate mode. This kind of assessment is very likely to be assessed." Something about teammates.”

As they spoke, the two met their eyes again, and confirmed that they were both in agreement!

‘I’m sure, this is an old monster! The cultivation level is most likely in a suppressed state, or in a retroactive state. '

Zhang Deming instantly created a basic information file for the young man and began to put identifying labels. This was his habit when dealing with strangers he valued.

Before the two of them could continue chatting, another altar slowly approached in the distance, and both of them stopped talking.

After a moment, the altar passed through the water and came to the Cave Mansion, stopping next to Zhang Deming and the two of them.

Immediately, the light shield on the altar dissipated, revealing the person inside. It was the giant man with an iron tower who was more than two meters tall and had too long arms. As the light shield dissipated, the three of them frowned.

Is this breath...Beast Race?

Zhang Deming's thoughts flashed and he frowned slightly.

Sure enough, this secret realm treats humans and monsters equally. It seems that the wild legends I have read before are true. During the Third Era, the human race and Beast Race were allied camps, and Beast Race was even a member of the Federation of Gods.

Three people, or two people and one demon, can reach this point and be regarded as the genius, so they are not stupid.

As far as the situation at the beginning, lack of strength, and lack of brains, I wouldn't have gotten here, let alone a perfect score.

Therefore, the three of them just frowned slightly and made no further moves. They each stood in their own altar area and did not do much.

The strong man stepped forward and picked up the blood core on the ground. The three of them fell into silence. The atmosphere suddenly changed from the harmony of old friends to very cold and quiet.

Fortunately, Zhang Deming and others did not wait long. Within a moment, the three of them felt the approach of the altar again. This time, there were two altars flying in front of them, one behind them, and the gap was not too big.

When the altars landed one after another, three figures were revealed, which were the two women and one man from before.


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(end of this chapter)

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