Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 428 Mythical Stories [Please Subscribe, Please Guarantee The Monthly Pass]

Chapter 428 Mythical Stories [Please subscribe, please guarantee the monthly pass]

While everyone was dodging, the tests began again, and the battle fell into a stalemate again, with no one rashly stepping forward.

Zhang Deming looked at the command talisman in his hand. So far, the judging criteria for Rank Two have not appeared yet. We can’t delay it any longer!

In the midst of his thoughts, his physical aura suddenly shook. Under the surprised gazes of the five people around him, his aura rose rapidly. In the blink of an eye, he went from the Three Talents Realm to the Four Symbols Stage of Overhaul.

"Give me three breaths!"

Zhang Deming's breath suddenly surged and he floated, his hair and robes waving slightly.

Everyone paused when they heard this. Matchmaker Yue Jingru and Du Hengyun frowned. Apparently neither party had any strong restrictions.

As for Taoist nun Lan Xiuzhen, she was a little hesitant while holding the piano. She was probably not confident in her own restraint methods, and her three breaths were a bit too long.

Monkey King Yuan Cheng looked around, taking in everything, and sighed slightly.

As he sighed, a vertical pupil on the monkey face suddenly opened his eyes, and a strange divine light shrouded the entire sarcoma like a searchlight.

The entire sarcoma and insect body became stiff, and the sarcoma began to turn gray and began to rapidly petrify.

Zhang Deming felt the strange gaze dissipate, and no longer hesitated. His spiritual power surged, and dense long swords began to appear behind him.

Each long sword is different, some are fiery red, some are red gold, and some are emerald. Not only the color, but also the aura and Tao Yun on the sword are different.

At this moment, there seemed to be countless monks driving the long sword, and a strange Tao Yun was born from the densely packed long sword.

Zhang Deming had half-finished this trick before, and now he just took this opportunity to try it out!

Feeling the emergence of the long sword, Zhang Deming's mind moved slightly, and the technique of combined force was released. The long swords in the sky instantly began to connect and slowly merged into one, and the Tao Yun became stronger and stronger.

Zhang Deming is not done yet. Since this is a sword test, he might as well use his full strength.

As the unique aura of the strengthening technique flickered, with the combined force, the long swords with different auras all over the sky were integrated in an instant, and they were connected together and turned into a whole, just like a long sword!

A unique aura was born from it, and everyone looked at Zhang Deming with horror on their faces, as if they were looking at monsters.

‘The human realm cultivation actually uses the Taoist Dao method that reaches the peak of Rank Six, or even half a step of Rank Seven? Who is this? ’ Taoist nun Lan Xiuzhen frowned slightly.

‘Sword cultivator? This aura doesn't look like any acquaintance from the Jian family, does it? Has the Li family hidden any evildoers over the years? ’ Du Hengyuan looked a little more serious.

‘It seems that our Yue family has been hiding from the world for too long. Hongmeng has more and more evildoers with each era! ’ Yue Jingru felt a little heavy.

At this time, Monkey King Yuan Cheng's face was already flushed, and the one eye between his eyebrows was even more round.

The sarcoma under his gaze was only half petrified, then stopped, and even the gray color began to slowly recede.

‘Develop the art of sword control: the Ten Thousand Swords of Ten Thousand Ways Return to the Sect! '

With the blessing of Zhang Deming's various spells, the various colorful long swords above his head were densely packed, all exuding a unique Tao Yun.

Driven by Zhang Deming, they turned into streams of light and shot towards the sarcoma in the insect body.


The densely packed long swords hit the sarcoma, causing a violent explosion, and instantly blood-colored smoke began to fill the air.

"You won't break this ghost hole!" In the blood-colored smoke, Monkey King Yuan Cheng suddenly whispered, his voice was not loud, but it was not drowned in the explosion.

Zhang Deming, who continued to bombard, stiffened slightly before continuing to bombard.

The long sword fired for a few breaths before slowly retracting. Yue Jing raised his hand and waved. The blood-colored mist was blown away by a heat wave and dissipated instantly, and everyone's eyes returned.

They all looked at the center of the cave immediately. Zhang Deming didn't see the hole or the influx of blood, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

I saw that at this moment, there were no sarcomas or insect bodies in the entire center.

There was only a pool of minced meat that exuded an unpleasant stench. The minced meat was still rotting and was extremely disgusting.

Seeing this situation, several people breathed a sigh of relief. After all, if the other party was still alive in this situation, they wouldn't have to fight!

Immediately afterwards, the five people were all stunned, and their movements were surprisingly consistent. They all took out the command talisman in their pockets and the blood core left behind by the quiz.

As the two objects were taken out, the blood core flashed first, and five red streams of light flew out of the rotten flesh and entered the blood core.

Immediately, the blood core flashed, and under everyone's surprised eyes, it was embedded in a medal-sized circular talisman badge.

Assessment: inheritance assessment

Location: Life Creation Pool!

Stage: Rank Two

Content: Combat talent

Team Points: 100

Combat personal points: 60

Rating: Not classified

Details: Please note that all points will affect the overall evaluation. I, the monk of the Ministry of Thunder, need to have enough partners!

Fight against thunder in all realms, control the order of thousands of stars, control the ups and downs of thunder in the heavens, the only one you can rely on and the only one you can rely on is your teammates!

Seeing that the scores finally appeared, which represented the start of the assessment, Zhang Deming breathed a long sigh of relief.

However, he frowned slightly as he looked at the details. Is it really the case? After explaining the background of the corporate culture before, Zhang Deming had this hunch while looking at the team formation.

Not only Zhang Deming, but all six people frowned when they saw this information. They were obviously not happy with being forced to form a community of interests.

Moreover, the blood core obtained initially seems to be a forged artifact that has a special recording function and is a scoring device.

In the entire battle, killing such a weird four-elephant monster only gave 100 team points, and the individual points were even more stingy, they were also 100, divided among the five according to their work!

Zhang Deming and Monkey King Yuan Cheng scored eighty-five points, and the remaining three parties only had five points each. Yue Jingru and his wife only had one token.

Before everyone could continue to think, in the pile of rotten meat in the center of the battlefield, the position of the chain suddenly fluctuated.

A strange space door slowly opened, and the five people were stunned. They looked at the mission indicator of the command talisman in their hands. Was this asking them to go in?

Zhang Deming was slightly shocked. He thought he was going all the way into the cave and cutting down directly!

So this pool of creation was in ancient times, like the Rainbow Bridge, a portal area for the Divine Court or the Ministry of Thunder?

Why did you choose such a name?

Does the coming of thunder mean bringing good fortune to all realms?


As the high-level combat force of the Divine Court, what it brings is destruction and invasion!

As Zhang Deming's thoughts flickered, the six of them looked at each other. Seeing this, Yuan Cheng, without saying a word, remained as strong and silent as ever, and plunged into the portal.

Zhang Deming and the others followed closely behind. Du Hengyun jumped to follow after seeing that everyone had disappeared.

With the disappearance of the six people, the light curtain of the portal fluctuated slightly, and then disappeared in a flash.


With the disappearance of the portal, dense cracks appeared at the root of the chain, which was already a very broken chain post.

As the various runes on it lost their power, the chain pile shattered in an instant.

Immediately after the entire cave suddenly shook, the hemispherical space slowly shrank and became the same size as its surroundings, as if it came to life. The cave wall squirmed, pushing the entrance of the cave that Zhang Deming and the others entered into, and plunged into the cave. bottom of the pool of blood.


A strange swallowing sound sounded, and the black-red liquid began to be swallowed by the caves of the blood vessels, spreading upwards, as if another blood vessel came to life, joining a pool of peristaltic blood vessels, delivering nutrients to the beating heart of the sky. , there is something weird everywhere.


Zhang Deming passed through the portal in a trance. After coming to his senses, he instantly looked around.

Just like the eyes, everything is desolate, bleak, and broken, the mountains and rivers are broken, and the earth is mourning. This is probably how to describe the scene in front of you!

The entire environment is simply worse than after the nuclear bombing of the world. There are large and small potholes and cracks everywhere as far as the eye can see.

In some places, traces of various spells still remain, like radiation, and broken utensils can be seen everywhere.

Is this an ancient battlefield?

In his thoughts, Zhang Deming frowned slightly. He didn't know why. He felt something was wrong, but he didn't know what was wrong.

Looking around, he found that the five people around him were all observing the surroundings. When Zhang Deming's eyes moved to Du Hengyun, he paused slightly. At this moment, the other person raised his head and looked at the sky.

Zhang Deming was confused and looked up. He was completely stunned!

"I go!!!"

He finally knew something was wrong. This was a battlefield. It should be an ancient battlefield. But... this place was no longer in the original world.

To be precise, this is no longer the original planet. The huge sphere in the sky that was half broken and eaten by dogs is a very good proof!

The sphere seemed to be so close to the planet that it appeared to be very huge. Half of the sky was covered with it, which was extremely oppressive. It didn't feel like a satellite, but like the legendary twin stars, which were still very close.

But the whole sphere seemed to have been taken a bite by some unknown entity. Well, or it might be more appropriate to describe it as half of it was broken into pieces with one punch.


Zhang Deming looked at this scene blankly and couldn't help but take a breath.

His movement attracted everyone's attention. Everyone followed his gaze and looked up. When they saw the sky, they were all slightly startled.

"Huh? The world is like a jade plate, hanging high on the top, and the lines are like spring eyes, and you want to pour out your words! Is this the legendary Shuangquan world?" Yue Jingru was stunned and said in surprise.

"Double Spring Realm?" Zhang Deming asked doubtfully. He was sure that he had never heard of this name in his knowledge reserve.

When the matchmaker Yue Jingru heard this, she found that everyone was looking at her. She paused and said thoughtfully: "I was also reading fairy tales in my ancestor's library, and I accidentally saw some descriptions."

She paused, thinking about the words, and suddenly asked: "Do you know anything about the Third Age?"

Zhang Deming nodded and said, "I understand a little bit, but not much."

According to the records in the Heavenly Spirit Sect Information Room, it is said that in the Late Stage of the Second Era, during the War of All Realms or the War of Star Civilizations, the Shinto civilization, which was affiliated with the spiritual civilization, won the victory.

After this, the Second Era ended and the Third Era began.

The key symbol is the birth of the Ancient Divine Court. Therefore, the Ancient Divine Court is federal in nature. The gods in the sky control the stars in the sky, and all realms are under its jurisdiction.

At that time, Shinto was extremely prosperous. The Divine Court ruled over all living beings, people from all walks of life harvested incense, and faith spread all over the sky. It was prosperous for a while.

And because the birth of every god requires at least one world, that is, the life of a planet, to contribute faith in order to ignite the divine fire.

Or even more powerful ones, those who are favored by the divine court, can sacrifice their true spirits, list them on the list, and become true gods recognized by all worlds, and their names will be remembered by all living beings in all worlds.

So at that time, every planet and every world in Shenting was regarded as a high-level property and high-level resource.

"Haha, not many people in Hongmeng know how detailed it is!" Matchmaker Yue Jingru replied. She paused, seemingly lost in memories, and organized her words before continuing:

“According to records, the power of the Shenting Federation is divided into many departments, governed by the twenty-eight stars in the sky.

As for the Xingxiu Lord, there are several emperors of the Divine Court, such as the Human Emperor, Monster Emperor, Blood Ancestor, etc. My family doesn't know much about these records.

However, these emperors are not the meaning of today's emperors. They are more similar to the Body Integration of emperors and parliamentarians.

The description of Shuangquan Realm I saw comes from a legend of the Monster Emperor clan.

It is said that the eldest princess of the Beast Race royal family is peerless and unparalleled in charm, which makes all the gods fall for her.

Among them, Marshal Tianpeng of the Tianhe tribe, who belongs to the water attribute of the Eastern Canglong Qisu, is the most prominent. It is said that he is also a monster-like genius. He is in charge of the Tianhe at a young age and controls the water in the heavens.

In order to please him, the marshal traveled all over the world, and finally found a very beautiful twin planet. He used great magic power to bind the world and put it into a vessel, and refined it into the divine kingdom in his palm. He gave it as a gift to the princess. .

Well, the general description is like this. Originally, what I read was a mythical love story, and I thought it was fake.

But I didn't expect that there is really a scene like a plate, hanging above the head, and its pattern is like the eyes of a spring, calling each other from afar! "

Zhang Deming was stunned for a moment, looking up at half of the planet in the sky. Not to mention, a vortex pattern like a sea eye could be vaguely visible on most of the planet.

"You mean, we are now in a huge portable Cave Mansion?" Taoist nun Lan Xiuzhen asked in amazement, focusing on something different.

"Um, I don't know, anyway, the story I heard is like this, the Shuangquan world is also famous because it was refined into the Shuangquan Spiritual Treasure.

According to legend, the Tianpeng Marshal even gave the Spiritual Treasure Tianhe authority, and had the power to control the power of the Tianhe to a certain extent. " Yue Jingru replied.

"Um, the Spiritual Treasure created by refining a world... this is not a portable Cave Mansion, it's a lower level!" Zhang Deming said.

Taoist nun Lan Xiuzhen paused and looked at Zhang Deming. She had been with Zhang Deming for a while, but she still hadn't figured out the other person's temperament or methods, and she didn't have any information at all.

"Why do you think so much? Whether we are in Spiritual Treasure or have really left Hongmeng and gone to other worlds, in our current state, is there anything we can do besides completing the assessment?" Monkey King Yuan Cheng asked.

Everyone looked at him, wondering if this guy was really big-hearted or something.

But there is nothing wrong with this. No matter what, their current strength is limited and they are still left on this battlefield. Obviously they can only continue to test.

"So what should we do next?" Yue Jingru asked.

Zhang Deming looked at the command badge. It was still usable, but the cursor disappeared. Not to mention the portal that sent them here has long since disappeared.

"Let's search together. Since it was thrown into the battlefield ruins and tested in battle, and you said this is the inner space of the Spiritual Treasure, you must have killed something.

But be careful, looking at the urine in this secret realm, I'm afraid it's not normal! "Zhang Deming looked around and said.

After Zhang Deming finished speaking, several people looked around. Seeing that no one had any other opinions, Yuan Cheng turned around and walked out in a random direction. Everyone followed and slowly moved forward.

Along the way, Zhang Deming saw for the first time the destructive power of cultivation civilization on the environment.

From his previous understanding, Zhang Deming had always believed that scientific and technological civilization caused serious damage to the environment, while spiritual civilization, at least what he understood about Hongmeng, was of great benefit to the environment.

The greening of their Heavenly Spirit Sect was taken to the extreme by the spiritual farmers in the chore department, making it even better than a naturally occurring environment.

Most of the battlefield remnants we saw before formed a specific relic-like existence. Rather than destroying the environment, it was better to create wonders.

But here... the earth is cracked, and abyss-like cracks can be seen everywhere. The cracks are dark and bottomless, as if they have been shattered to the center of the earth.

Looking around, there are potholes everywhere, all kinds of big and small potholes, some are just pits, some look like they have been hit by meteorites, and some pits still have strong magic aura fluctuations, like radiation.

Looking around, you can occasionally see a part of the mountain, which is like a piece of cheese that has been gnawed by mice, either incomplete or toppled.

It is really devastated and dilapidated. The area they were in was supposed to be a construction area, but it had been completely touched and no trace of its original appearance could be seen.

I can only vaguely make such a guess based on the occasional bit of ruins. I don't know what kind of brutal battle it was that led to it becoming like this.

Everyone was observing and moving forward. For a moment, all six of them paused and looked at a pothole.

Under everyone's gaze, half a centipede-like creature crawled out of the pit, roaring and crawling towards Zhang Deming and the others.

But... the opponent's whole body shone with a metallic luster, and in the half of the body, insect flesh and some things that looked like wiring could be vaguely seen.

Yuan Cheng, the monkey king in front of the team, hesitated slightly, but out of caution, he slapped the thing that looked like a centipede from a distance with his palm.



It's been a long time since it was updated at night, the first update of this month, please guarantee the monthly pass!

(end of this chapter)

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