Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 438: Getting Rich [Please Subscribe, Please Vote]

Chapter 438: Getting rich [Please subscribe, please vote]

The rune gate is tightly closed, exuding a mysterious and primitive atmosphere, as if it has experienced countless years of baptism, from the ancient times to the present, and has experienced countless vicissitudes.

As time went by, the eight people's different expressions calmed down. At this moment, everyone had the same cultivation level and acted together rashly, so no one did anything more.

After regaining consciousness, each of them floated slightly, avoiding contact with the flesh-wall-like ground, and arrived in front of the gate.

The air was a little quiet and the atmosphere was a little strange. Everyone was watching, but no one came forward rashly.

"How about we come in line?"

After a moment of silence, someone in the crowd spoke.

Zhang Deming was slightly startled. He didn't want to be the first person to test mines when there was no benefit, and become the target of everyone's fire when it was beneficial. He immediately said: "Let's get together. It's such a big door, even eight people can't squeeze in. ."

Everyone was slightly startled and looked at him. After realizing that it was the so-called Inheritor No. 1, they nodded one after another and said: "Okay!"

After saying this, the eight of them looked at each other and floated to the front of the door together, pausing slightly. Zhang Deming hesitated, stretched out his hand and pressed on the rune door.

Before he could exert any force, the runes on his hand lit up, and then, Zhang Deming's arm was inserted into the door.

Zhang Deming was slightly startled, looked around, and found that everyone was looking at each other. Seeing this, Zhang Deming no longer hesitated and walked through the rune gate.

After a few people entered, the fleshy wall at the entrance of the cave began to squirm again, and it started spitting out qualified members of the fourth level who were not full marks.


Dark, gloomy, and turbid, this was Zhang Deming's first feeling after walking through the door.


Looking up, all eight people took a deep breath.

This was originally supposed to be the main hall of a palace. It was very large, with many pillars around it, and various inherited items were placed on the pillars.

Each one was covered by a light mask and suspended on the pillars. It should have been a very majestic sight. On some pillars, the inherited items have disappeared, as if they had been taken away.

Well, this is the original scene.

But now the palace, the entire ground, is covered with countless blood-colored threads that look like blood vessels, and the threads are entangled in every pillar.

The pillars without objects were all wrapped, like a column of flesh twisted into blood vessels.

As for the pillars with objects, some threads have climbed halfway up, some threads have been densely wrapped around the entire pillar, and even attached to the object light ball on it, and some have even been covered by silk threads, half of the light ball.

The most attractive thing is that in the center of the hall, there is an isolation area with seventeen low pillars.

The pillar is not high, but unusually large, like a round platform. The items placed on the pillars were not objects or books, but people.

Well, or corpses.

On the seventeen pillars, there were either complete or mutilated corpses.

The corpses were all lifeless, but every one of them seemed to be alive and lifelike, with no sign of decay in the flesh.

In the entire central area, there are a lot less blood-colored threads like tiny blood vessels, and the ground is not covered with them. Occasionally, you can still see spots of mottled ground.

The seventeen pillars were also mottled and entangled, and the seventeen corpses were more or less entangled with blood vessel-like threads, as if they were pierced into the bodies of these people.

It seems to be supplying blood to it, and it seems to be drawing blood from the corpse, or Blood Transformation?

Seeing this scene, everyone gasped and felt a little nervous in their hearts. Although I don't know what is causing the trouble, under the current situation, it is obviously not far away from the secret realm being completely swallowed up.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, then began to float and fly towards the surrounding pillars. Everyone was cautious, and no one touched the dark red threads like blood vessels.

Zhang Deming came to the light ball of a pillar and tried to touch the light pillar.

Heritage: Dongxiao

Affiliation: Niu Linsheng, leader of the Qilin Regiment of Lei Department, head of Qianle Sect

Introduction: Contains the inheritance of the direct line of Qianle Sect. Because Niu Lin's life and death Tao disappeared, and the Tao body did not remain, this imperial guard used the power of the imperial guard to retrieve half of the inheritance from the inheritance pavilion and put it here, waiting for the destined person. .

Consumption: 5000

Um? Consumption: 5000, does this refer to points?

So individual points are used to get these things?

Zhang Deming looked at his points.

Assessment: inheritance assessment

Location: Heritage Underground Palace!

Personal points: 15,000

Rank Three received 5,000, plus 10,000 from the previous two stages, for a total of 15,000.

So it costs points to take the things here?

Zhang Deming retracted his hand and did not take these rashly. He looked at the people around him. At this time, everyone roughly understood the situation and flew towards the central area in tacit understanding.

When he arrived at the central area, the rune in Zhang Deming's hand suddenly flickered, and then he felt as if he had passed through an invisible membrane.

Zhang Deming paused slightly, turned around and reached out to touch it.

Well, there is indeed a layer of barrier that separates the two areas. No wonder there are a lot less blood vessels here.

Then he turned back and looked at the seventeen pillars in front of him.

On the pillars, the seventeen corpses become more complete as they get closer to the main seat of the hall. The five pillars at the core are all complete corpses.

"How come?"

The eight people paused for a moment before Tong Xuexing suddenly spoke.

Everyone looked at the center, especially the bloodless corpse at the core.

Obviously, this is asking how to allocate.

One sentence made everyone look serious.

Zhang Deming suddenly smiled and said: "Actually, there is no need to be so nervous. Judging from the condition of the pillars outside, this is probably not the first time it has been opened."

While speaking, Zhang Deming looked at Du Xuanda. Judging from the information received, the reason why so many people came this time should be the result of Grotto-Heaven, so the ones who know the most here should be them.

Du Xuanda was stunned for a moment. Seeing that everyone's eyes were focused on him, he hesitated for a moment and then said:

"Yes, our family has some records. The secret realm of Qingmuyang Thunder Territory was indeed opened several times regularly after the ancient divine court became extinct.

However, in the past ten thousand years, there is no record of its opening. Moreover, according to the records, the secret realm is not so weird, and there are no strange mutations. "

'Um? Have there been regular quotas turned on before? '

Zhang Deming paused after hearing this, and suddenly a flash of lightning flashed in his heart, and he continued: "Since it has been turned on, the items in the inheritance pillar outside have decreased, but not here. It can't be that no one has been here, right?

Therefore, combined with the information on the light ball just seen, the difference between these seventeen pillars and the outside should not be more rare.

But if there is a corpse, it can be passed on repeatedly, but if there is no corpse, it is a one-time use. As for the preciousness of inheritance, it should be measured by points.

Of course, this is also a false proposition. After all, being able to leave a corpse probably represents strength. "

"How does Fellow Daoist determine this guess? Do you want to try the inheritance of the middle one first?" Among the eight people, a young man said in a calm tone, but his words were full of irritation.

Zhang Deming smiled slightly and said, "Didn't you notice that the smell of the seventeen short pillars here is a bit familiar?"

The seven people were slightly stunned, and they sensed it one by one. Many people frowned. Du Xuanda was slightly stunned and said in surprise: "Is this the aura of the Spiritual Education Dao? No, the time is wrong."

Zhang Deming said with a half-smile: "It's not the spiritual cultivation method, but the aura of the "Inheritance" technique, and it's also an ancient inheritance and production method from ancient times.

There is no cultivation initiation or enlightenment initiation. It is probably equivalent to a more complete jade slip. This is also the basis for my guess.

In fact, it's more a fact than a guess. If you don't believe it, you can first try to get the inheritance of the one in the center. If you guessed correctly, it should be the inheritance of the Qingmu Yang Lei Sect.

After all, everyone had seen the face of the corpse, and it was none other than Wen Qingxu himself. "

Everyone had different expressions. Before anyone could take action, all eight people turned around and looked back.

At the entrance of the hall, a person suddenly rushed up. After seeing the situation in the hall clearly, after a brief daze, they all ran straight towards the area where the eight people were.


The first person to fly over was a young man. Under the watchful eyes of eight people, he quickly flew in and flew back even faster.

Zhang Deming could clearly see that the opponent's nose was bleeding. With the physique of Sancai, it would still take some strength to break the nose even if he was unprepared.

The people who followed behind watched each other fly back and hit the wall of the hall before turning back and testing carefully.

Only then did we discover that there was an invisible air wall in the central area, dividing the entire inheritance hall into two areas.

Seeing this, Zhang Deming looked back at the crowd and said: "It seems that only we can enter here, so I am more convinced of this idea.

After all, the meaning of Rank Three before was not just to choose one, but to choose a group.

If I could only accept the inheritance once, I would have come down long ago without having to suffer for months. So you are free to do whatever you want, I will take a look at other inheritances first. "

After saying that, Zhang Deming ignored everyone and went directly to the middle of the seventeen pillars. From such a position, even if he took the lead, he would not be able to arouse everyone's anger and ignite the tense atmosphere.

After all, what everyone is staring at now is the inheritance of the five people in the center, or the middle one, Wen Qingxu, the guardian of the Lei Department.

Unlike the ball of light outside, there was nothing covering the body inside, well, at least it didn't seem like it.

But as Zhang Deming came in, a circular shield enveloped the entire pillar, even including the tufted ball in front of the pillar that was suspected to be meditating.

In other words, it has always existed, but it was only revealed with Zhang Deming's involvement.

As Zhang Deming cleared the light curtain, another piece of information emerged.

Inheritance: Ben Lei Kendo

Affiliation: Gao Dongli, Xuanshui Guardian of the Six Imperial Guards of the Lei Department, head of the Xuanshui Yin Lei Sect

Introduction: A master of Xuanshui Yin Lei can suppress the heavens with his thunder method. With this inheritance, he will have the foundation of the Great Way to Heaven.

Consumption: 9000

Zhang Deming frowned as he looked at this information. It wasn't that he was dissatisfied, but when he saw the points being consumed, Zhang Deming realized something.

I'm afraid... in this core area, you can only choose one inheritance.

After all, he had perfect scores throughout the whole process, and the total score was only 15,000, and this person wanted 9,000, so Wen Qingxu would have at least 10,000. With the remaining points, even he might not be able to choose the second one among the seventeen. .

In his thoughts, Zhang Deming flew to the outermost pillar of the seventeen pillars. When he looked at the points, he needed eight thousand.

Sure enough, among the seventeen people, even if he chose the one with the least points, he would not be able to get two inheritances.

This was obviously done deliberately, probably because he was afraid of being buried. After all, after choosing two, he could only practice one in the end.

After Zhang Deming finished doing this, he found that no one went to Wen Qingxu to investigate rashly.

No, no one has gone to the five core pillars, and it seems to have become a minefield.

Looking at the information on the surrounding pillars one by one, Zhang Deming paused and said: "To be able to come here, I must have scored more than 10,000 points. I think it is better to see how many points Wen Qingxu's inheritance requires first!

Maybe... It's just a Fellow Daoist who suddenly got perfect scores in Rank Three and entered the Tianjiao Team. The score may not be enough.

After all, the Rank Three section can be said to have no perfect score before. However, the Rank Three section has a perfect score, and it seems to be disliked. "

Following Zhang Deming's words, two women and one man among the eight people froze at the same time.

After a moment of hesitation, a female cultivator who looked like she was only in her twenties came to Wen Qingxu's pillar under the gaze of everyone, and a curtain of light emerged.

Inheritance: Nine Heavens Thunder Way (Yang)

Affiliation: Wen Qingxu, chief warden of the Thunder Control Department, head of the Qingmu Yang Thunder Sect

Introduction: Taking the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder as the starting point, combined with the Thunder Sword, the thunder method is unparalleled, and the sword can break the world.

Consumption: 12500

Looking at the points, the three of them froze at the same time.

Sure enough!

Zhang Deming's current score of 15,000 is a full score for the entire assessment. Excluding the 2,000 additional questions at that time, that is to say, the normal full score is only 13,000.

This Wen Qingxu inheritance is only five hundred short of a perfect score in the third stage. Obviously, it is not much different from a perfect score in the Rank Three stage.

Even if it is only Rank One, with a total score of 1,500, and only 800 points of excellence, and all the rest are full, then there is no chance!

"That would be easy. Those of you who are not qualified to accept the inheritance of Qingmu Yang Lei Sect can try other inheritances first. In this way, you will know whether it is multiple inheritances or one inheritance!

There’s no need for everyone to be so frozen, right? "Zhang Deming looked at everyone and said with a smile.

Nowadays, everyone has the same cultivation level. As number one, he is obviously the most feared, but his words also carry the heaviest weight.


Before a few people could reply, there was a sudden sound of fighting outside. It was obviously a fight over the inheritance, or a fight over the inheritance obtained by others.

But when Zhang Deming and others looked around, they found that the two fighting men were flashing silver light and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Is this... being kicked out?

So fighting is not allowed here?

Everyone was stunned. The moment they discovered this information, Tong Xuexing's eyes lit up, and he suddenly shot out an electric shock. He came to Wen Qingxu's pillar and said, "I'll help you guys test the water first!"

As he spoke, he had already spent his points, stepped into the light curtain, and sat cross-legged on the futon in front of the pillar.

Some of the seven people had dark faces for a moment, some had twinkling eyes, and Zhang Deming also frowned slightly. Even though he was very certain, his previous proposal was the best.

What this guy is doing now is obviously destroying this delicate balance. However, with the experience of being forcibly teleported from the outside, there is no need to maintain this balance. After all, there is no way to fight.

The seven people paused slightly, and three of them ignored the crowd and began to look for an inheritance that had enough points and was suitable for them.

The remaining four people looked at each other in confusion. Zhang Deming hesitated slightly and came to the light curtain. At this moment, Tong Xuexing was sitting in front of the pillar with his eyes closed, apparently carrying on the inheritance. Zhang Deming reached out and touched the light curtain.

"Inheritance, please wait!"

Zhang Deming paused for a moment, then looked back at everyone and said, "It seems we have to wait!"

Du Xuanda shook his head and said: "Just wait, whether it is the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder or the Thunder Sword, it is not suitable for me, and I have no intention of changing my path.

It would be too exaggerated to be able to also practice Thunder Dao or something like that. I'd better take a look at the other inheritance pillars! "

After saying that, under the eyes of everyone, he also floated towards the remaining four inheritance pillars.

Immediately afterwards, another person hesitated and left without saying a word.

In an instant, only two of the four were left. Zhang Deming and the other party looked at each other for a moment, but the other party remained silent and did not speak.

Seeing this, Zhang Deming said: "Since it's just the two of us, there's not much of a priority. You go first then!"

The other party paused and glanced at Zhang Deming, obviously surprised that Zhang Deming actually let him go first.

After all, Zhang Deming is number one. If you use this to talk about things in a queue, he will probably not refute it.

But since the other party gave in, he would not be humble. He nodded silently and the matter was settled.

Just like this, the two of them waited quietly, and everyone around them slowly started to pass on the inheritance.

As for the outside area, people have probably finished coming in at this moment, and there are only a few dozen in total.

Because of the previous episode, everyone was very restrained. No one took action rashly anymore. They carefully searched around for inheritances that were suitable for them and had enough scores.

Zhang Deming waited quietly for a moment, frowning slightly, and the wait was not over for more than ten minutes.

Fortunately, he turned around, left the core area, and started searching outside. Excluding the core inheritance consumption, he still had more than two thousand to spend.

His actions attracted a lot of people's attention, but since they couldn't do anything, everyone just looked at it and stopped paying attention.

Then Zhang Deming started searching one by one, and found that two thousand and five points was a bit painful. Either he was not satisfied, or the points were not enough, and the difference was always five hundred.

Feeling stuck again, Zhang Deming searched silently for a moment and came to a remote area of ​​the hall, slightly stunned.

There are no inheritances on the pillars here. They are all Law Weapons, elixirs, and books.

Zhang Deming reached out and touched a pillar, among which was a Law Weapon.

Item: Sun Sword

Grade: Five Star Supreme Grade Law Treasure

Affiliation: Wen Fuyi, captain of the Yu Lei Department, core disciple of Qingmu Yang Lei Sect

Introduction: The sword that is expected to be upgraded to a six-star Law Treasure already has some weak intelligence.

Consumption: 1500

Looking at this information, Zhang Deming was slightly stunned, and then looked at the surrounding pillars, and then he suddenly realized.

So the normal situation should be that after accepting the inheritance, the extra points are consumed here!

Instead of continuing to look for a second inheritance, an extra two thousand and five thousand like him shouldn't be too much.

In his thoughts, Zhang Deming began to search. There were a lot of things in this area, but anything with a six-star rating became very expensive, with most items starting at three thousand.

This was very common in ancient times. After all, six stars belonged to True Immortal or something in ancient times.

Suddenly, Zhang Deming was stunned and stopped in front of the most inconspicuous stone pillar in the corner.

At the top of the ordinary bead, in the center of the spherical mask, there is only a thumb-sized crystal floating in it.

Is this... a spiritual stone?

Um, no, spiritual crystal?

Surprised, Zhang Deming reached out and put it on.

Item: Spirit Crystal

Introduction: Where to consume residual points

Consumption: 5

Five points and one spiritual crystal! ! !

Damn, this...

In other words, the five-star Law Treasure is priced at 300 spirit crystals and 3 million spirit stones?

Wait, five-star Law Treasure and three million spirit stones? ? ? Ten times the premium? ? ?

Is inflation so high in the Shenting era?

Well, no, that's seriously wrong. It is said that spirit stone veins were very common in the past, and spirit crystals were considered normal currency.

Unlike now, only the upper echelons of Sacred Land use spiritual crystals for trading, and the lower floors are completely used as a precious material.

Therefore, the purchasing power of three million in the past should be different from what it is now.

It's probably similar to the currency comparison between the early to mid-21st century and the late 20th century in the previous life, but in reverse.

Looking at the spirit crystal, Zhang Deming's eyes flickered. For others, this may be the least valuable thing. After all, many things here may not be purchased with spirit stones.

But for Zhang Deming, he didn't even think about giving up the inheritance of Qingmu Yang Lei Sect, and just exchanged it all for spiritual crystals. Of course, he just thought about it.

Suppressing his excitement, he walked around again and found nothing special. Zhang Deming no longer hesitated, returned to the pillar and chose to exchange.

"There are 15,000 points left, please choose how many points to consume."


"There are 468 spiritual crystals left in stock, less than 500, and cannot be exchanged."

"Uh... Tsk, it turns out you are a poor guy too. I can't redeem all the points I have left, so why are you pretending to be a big-tailed wolf?"

Looking at the remaining quantity, Zhang Deming felt a little bit grumpy in his heart, but he knew in his heart that this was normal.

After all, this was done before his death after the war, and he had opened it countless times, so he was already considered very wealthy.

"Exchange 2340 points for spiritual crystals!"

As Zhang Deming made another choice, a hole suddenly appeared on the pillar, and spiritual crystals began to spit out. Zhang Deming looked happy, and the vines in his hands swam, quickly weaving into a net bag, and catching it.

In a moment, more than four hundred spiritual crystals were collected by Zhang Deming. For these spiritual crystals alone, Zhang Deming felt that this trip to the secret realm was worth it!

As he finished spitting out the spiritual crystals, the light ball on the pillar in front of him suddenly flickered and disappeared. Apparently, there was indeed no spiritual crystal left.

Zhang Deming looked at the points. In addition to the points needed for inheritance, there were now 160 points left. After searching for more than half a circle, he found a four-star Supreme Grade breakthrough elixir, which required 150 points.

Although buying this thing for thirty spiritual crystals was a loss, the valuation here was like this, so he couldn't waste a hundred and sixty.

(end of this chapter)

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