Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 450 Preparation [Please Subscribe, Please Vote]

Chapter 450 Preparation [Please subscribe, please vote]

The two came to the shore in silence, and Pan Juan'er hugged him again without speaking.

This girl is really clingy, she really hasn't changed at all since she was a child!

"Enter Sacred Land, develop with peace of mind, you don't need to worry too much about my side, spirit stones and so on, just use them yourself!" Zhang Deming said.

Pan Juan'er put his arms around Zhang Deming, buried his head in his chest and didn't speak.

"If you want to help me, take this thing!" Zhang Deming turned his hand and took out a golden card.

Pan Juan'er raised his head in doubt, looked at the card, and asked in doubt, "What is this?"

"In addition to the normal contribution points, there are sometimes special merit cards for alliance members to increase their star ratings, allowing them to directly increase their star ratings without consuming contributions."


"Listen to me." Before Zhang Deming finished speaking, Pan Juan'er was about to speak, but Zhang Deming stopped her and continued:

"The difference between this thing and the contribution point is that not any star can be used. This is a Yellow Level three-star merit card, which can only be promoted to two levels below three stars.

I'm almost four-star Yellow Level now, and I don't need this, so even if you don't use it, it's useless for me. And to give you this thing, I have something for you to do. "

In fact, the card is just an excuse, an excuse to give Pan Juan'er a star in order to be able to do things.

"Speak, I'll listen." Pan Juan'er put away the card.

"The information about the alliance was provided to you earlier, and Qin Shizhong also explained it to you. I think you should know it!" Zhang Deming asked.

Pan Juan'er nodded, frowned slightly and said: "I know a lot about it, but I searched through the Sacred Land classics, but I didn't find much information.

Most of the materials refer to a Huang Lao, a monk with unknown origin and cultivation base, who just appeared recently.

The note given by Sacred Land is that it is either a demonic cultivator or an extremely ancient force that has changed its shell and come back. "

Zhang Deming paused when he heard the words, ignored the topic, and said: "If you re-allocate with a Yellow Level three-star, you can apply to become a steward, but you need to develop a new area, otherwise you must at least have a Yellow Level four-star.

After you use this card to upgrade your star, create a new area in Sacred Land. The developer of the new area will contact me. This will help me a lot! "

Pan Juan'er heard this and said: "This is not difficult, it is just a special party. I can also hold one at the Bailing Yuling Dao Palace today."

With her current talent and momentum, it is indeed not difficult to set up a secret society or something. If a little bit of news spreads, I don't know how many people will fight for her head.

"Just keep it secret. You can decide how to do it yourself. The only requirement is not to be too public. After all, the top leaders of the alliance have no plans to be born.

If I accidentally attract any attention, I'm afraid it will be self-defeating and cause displeasure to the senior management. "Zhang Deming exhorted.

"Well, I know how to do it!" Pan Juan'er said.

Zhang Deming turned his hand, and the Book of Living Beings appeared in his hand. At his signal, Pan Juan'er also called out his Book of Living Beings.

Zhang Deming waved his hand and threw her a lot of information, saying: "This is some of my experience in opening a new district, how to choose the initial target and so on.

Due to the special location of Yuling Sacred Land and Dao Palace, no one in the alliance is conducting secret inspections, so there are very few reserve members.

Therefore, you need to review everyone yourself, and then pass the spell to the other party to open the zone as a temporary member.

By the way, there is also the matter of the Deep Blue Business Alliance. I happen to have a few places on my side. Since you are from Heavenly Spirit Sect, there should be no doubts about giving you a few.

After you have established the zone, you can open a few, so many people may even think that you are the one supporting the Deep Blue Merchant Alliance. After all, Tianling has been laying out the plans for these years, so there should be no problem with this. "

Pan Juan'er received the information silently, nodded, and said: "I have written it all down, and I will definitely fix the areas of Sacred Land and Bailing Yuling Dao Palace."

"Well, let's go then!" Zhang Deming replied.

Hearing this, Pan Juan'er nodded, and Zhang Deming made a note to all living beings.

Qin Shizhong, who had been prepared for a long time, immediately received the message and opened the goods channel. Pan Juan'er reluctantly returned to Yuling Peak.

Now that Yuling Peak has established a portal with Dao Palace, it will not be difficult for her to go back.

Mainly because he came here in such a hurry that Zhang Deming didn't even have time to place a spiritual seed there, and now he can't reopen the goods lane and go back.

After watching Pan Juan'er leave, Zhang Deming tidied up, then got up and headed to Qingyu Third Street.

It's been almost half a month, and Tong Hou has almost finished processing the materials.

After collecting the spirit stones, now that there are more than 10 million spirit stones, you can start to slowly build up your cultivation. First, take the spirit stones, then the spirit crystals, and keep a few dozen as recovery items.


Zhang Deming arrived at the Shenlan branch on Qingyu Third Street in a hurry. As soon as he entered the door, someone came up to him immediately. When Zhang Deming saw it, it was the same disciple from last time.

"Senior, please come upstairs!" The female cultivator said respectfully to Zhang Deming.

Zhang Deming nodded and let the other party lead him upstairs while strolling.

As soon as they reached the second floor, Tong Hou came face to face. This guy had been showing his identity as Ming Jiantao one after another in the past few days, and he obviously wanted to get rid of this identity.

From the looks of it, he was just picking up guests or wandering around on the second floor.

"Manager Li is here, please come this way!" Tong Hou greeted enthusiastically.

The female cultivator turned around and left knowingly. Zhang Deming nodded and followed her upstairs, chatting casually.

After sitting down in the living room and chatting politely for a while, Zhang Deming got down to business.

"I don't know if my stuff has been dealt with yet?" Zhang Deming asked.

"How could Tong not pay attention to Manager Li's explanation? Three days ago, at the beginning of the month, all the last exquisite items were sold at the in-store auction in the store.

However, because it was handled in a hurry, some spiritual stones may have been lost. After all, the stewards took out high-quality products and sold them slowly. If done properly, they would be a little higher than the market price. " Tong Hou replied.

"Well, I know this, but it will only be a year or two. I'm not sure if I will stay here for that long, and I almost missed the spirit stone before." Zhang Deming waved his hand, "How many spirit stones have been sold? stone."

“The steward gave fifty-six copies of the essence of the three-talent monster’s oracle bones, several Beast Cores, and seven copies of the partial oracle bones of the four-elephant monster.

The market price of Sancai's three-star materials ranges from a few hundred to several thousand spirit stones, all of which were sold for a total of 153,790 spirit stones.

Well, this is the spiritual stone that should be paid to the senior after excluding the commission from my store. "Tong Hou said as he waved his hand, three exquisite small boxes floated out.

"Because the steward asked not to use the spirit card, we specially prepared these spirit stones for you, the steward."

Zhang Deming waved the box, opened it gently, and a strong aura rushed over. It's all spirit stones, not half a spirit crystal.

This is obvious, even if you meet a boss who uses spirit crystals during the transaction, Tonghou will definitely stay, how can he prepare for Zhang Deming.

Except for that guy Qin Shizhong, who would try his best to turn spirit stones into spirit crystals for him, it was obviously impossible for other shops to act like this.

Zhang Deming glanced at it briefly, then waved and put away the spirit stone.

Now he has 270,000 spirit stones and 1081 spirit crystals, which is definitely enough to break through the realm of three talents. Now he has started to hang spirit crystals around his neck, and hangs up anytime, anywhere.

Of course, for example, when he met to talk about things now, he stopped the automatic operation of the exercise. After all, no matter how small the fluctuations were during the exercise, it would still be noticed if someone looked at him face to face.

"Yes, the Deep Blue Business Alliance is really convenient, it seems that I have to find a way to apply for some places!" Zhang Deming whispered.

"The business alliance is really good for us low-level members!" Tong Hou greeted Dao Integration.

"I'll give it a try. After all, I only know how to refine weapons, and it's not easy to refine on a large scale. It's not easy to apply for this quota." Zhang Deming said with a wry smile.

Tong Hou took a look at Zhang Deming and realized how lucky they were.

"In this case, manager, if you have any items to sell in the future, you can come to my store. Manager Li will put your subordinates first in your affairs." Tong Hou replied immediately while thinking.

"Okay, I'll remember." Zhang Deming nodded and said, "By the way, do you know where there are a lot of blueprints for sale in Herring City?"

"Blueprint? Forging map?" Tong Hou questioned.

"Yes, it's the forging blueprints of various Law Weapons and Law Treasures." Zhang Deming confirmed.

"With the decline of traditional refining equipment, there are really not many who sell this kind of equipment now, and the places where they sell it by the way should not be all over the place.

Fortunately, here is Herring Street, and there are several door-to-doors around, even the Heavenly Mechanism Pavilion and the most prosperous square market in the entire Qingguan area.

I dare not say about other shops, but the Spell Pavilion opened by Hongmeng Sacred Land on Herring Street definitely sells professional blueprints. "Tong Hou pondered for a moment and then replied.

That's right, why did he forget about this big brother's store? This is the most powerful chain store in Hongmeng.

There are branches in all major door-to-door areas, and even many corner cities. In a bustling city like Herring City, it is obviously more complete.

Zhang Deming stood up while thinking, "In this way, I will stop bothering you, and I have to go to Herring First Street. I want to make some new tools recently, and I need to find some satisfactory blueprints."

"Okay, if the steward has any utensils that you want to sell, you can always find a small shop for consignment. It doesn't have to be Law Treasure, even the Law Weapon that failed to refine, the small shop is also very happy to help sell it.

When the time comes, the manager just needs to inform his subordinates, who will then send someone to pick up the goods. Don't worry about the rest. "Tong Hou stood up and bowed, and said enthusiastically.

Zhang Deming looked at Tong Hou. It seemed that the use of the mask made him realize his skill in weapon refining.

"Okay, if you really need it, I won't be polite."

After saying that, the two of them bowed slightly, and Zhang Deming turned and left the store.


After leaving the Shenlan branch, I strolled along the street and came to Qingyu 1st Street.

There is no exclusive category on this street, everything is sold. The architecture of each store is very unique, has its own style, and covers a wide area.

This place is simply where the regional headquarters of Hongmeng's major business alliances are concentrated. Zhang Deming even saw the Yulingzhu shop specially opened here by Yuling Sacred Land.

You must know that nowadays, Yu Lingzhu rarely flows into the market, and all Hongmeng tacitly spread it only in the major sects, and it is very tacitly reduced downwards, blocking resources.

If we really want to use a metaphor, it is probably equivalent to the fact that in the previous life, military science has already developed it, but it has not yet been popularized to the level of civilian science. It is still under technical control, and this control is relatively tacit, and the entire Hongmeng is working together.

All the major forces know that times have changed, but they have a tacit understanding to maintain the tail end of this era. Let the changes come slowly, and while it is peaceful, it can also facilitate the layout of the major sects.

Because Sacred Land is a new force, its control is insufficient. So he kept sending out disciples, getting stallions everywhere to meet small families, enclosing the land, and building a resource network.

As for Hongmeng Sacred Land, because it is too ancient and the network is too messy and complicated, it simply integrated the entire Taoist sect, banned and merged some small Taoist temples that originally belonged to the sect, but were marginalized.

Let these small forces, which are like threads and fibers and become a mess, undergo a complete integration. After reintegration, a new resource network is woven.

It has to be said that it doesn't matter if the foundation has time, but if there is time, it will be revealed under such circumstances.

Regardless of whether this spiritual cultivator will be available to everyone next year, a hundred years from now, or a thousand years from now, Hongmeng Sacred Land will definitely be the most stable one to face.

While walking around Qingyu Street and looking at the various iconic shops around him, Zhang Deming came to the core area and stopped in front of a shop.

Compared with other neighborhood buildings, the store is quite tall, but compared with the high-rise buildings in the city outside, it doesn't look that tall.

The overall shape is very strange, like an open book, facing upwards.

Moreover, the whole building is filled with a strange Tao Yun. At the spine is the gate, and on the plaque on the gate, there are three words 'Spell Pavilion'.

Although these three words are very ordinary, Zhang Deming felt a strong Tao Yun and a strong sense of vicissitudes, as if he had experienced the baptism of countless time.

After looking at the door for a while, Zhang Deming flipped his hands and took out a card. This is the membership card he got from the 'Spell Pavilion' of Tianling City, and he doesn't know if it can be used.

Stepping through the door, the hall is very large, but there is not even half a bookshelf. In addition to the central counter, Zhang Deming found various areas on both sides.

There is a long table area similar to a library, where many people quietly read books;

There is an area similar to a round table, where groups of people discuss something together;

There is an area for magic practice, and many people are discussing magic there;

There are also various discussion forums...

The entire lobby on the first floor is not for people who buy books, but it looks like it is a place for various communication methods.

"Tsk tsk, it seems that the person who manages the Spell Pavilion is also a capable person!"

Zhang Deming saw a lot of things at just a glance. Just talking about the setting of this floor, it is not simple.

Not only is it convenient for him to sell goods, but more importantly, it has developed a circle and has contacts, which is not a low-level circle.

Looking around in his thoughts, Zhang Deming came to the counter.

"Is this senior joining the cabinet or buying skills?" the other party asked.

"Joining the cabinet? What is this?" Zhang Deming asked.

The person who greeted him at the counter was an elegant lady. Hearing this, he looked at Zhang Deming carefully and said, "Senior, this is your first time to our Blue Fish City Spell Pavilion!"

Questioning sentences, affirmative tone.

Zhang Deming nodded calmly and said: "Well, I have been to other opponents' Spell Pavilions before. This is the first time I have entered your pavilion in Qingyu City."

While speaking, Zhang Deming threw out the membership card and said, "Can this work?"

The other party looked at it and said with a smile: "Of course you can. Any membership card issued by my Spell Pavilion can be used by all Hongmeng. However, many places only have the authority to issue junior membership cards."

In other words, you can issue more advanced ones.

"Our Spell Pavilion, as long as it is a headquarters, no matter where it is, it is divided into a sales area and an exchange area. Joining the pavilion means joining the exchange area.

With this membership card, the senior can join the cabinet unconditionally. You can come at any time, except for some private circles that require their permission, there are no restrictions. "

Isn't this a society?

Zhang Deming nodded and said, "Yes, I understand!"

"Then he joining the cabinet?" the other party asked.

Zhang Deming shook his head and said, "I'm here today to buy books!"

The other party smiled and said: "Senior, please go up to the second floor. On the right are various spells for sale, and on the left are various miscellaneous books for sale, including but not limited to news, storybooks, unofficial biographies, interesting anecdotes about famous people, etc."

"Where does the forging blueprint belong?" Zhang Deming asked.

"On the left, there is a large area on each floor of the miscellaneous book building, which is dedicated to selling forging maps for weapon refining." The other party replied eloquently.

Zhang Deming nodded, put away the card, turned and walked towards the stairs on the left.

After entering the second floor on the left, Zhang Deming found that the place was very large and divided into countless areas. However, the level is clearly marked on the door.

Zhang Deming just glanced at it and turned around to go up to the third floor. Because the second floor is an area from Rank 1 to Rank Three, the forging blueprints also correspond to Law Weapon blueprints of three stars and below.

After arriving on the third floor, the entire layout is much more refined. Although it is still divided into various areas, the difference can be seen at a glance.

As soon as Zhang Deming entered, a dedicated young lady came forward to receive her exclusively, which is a treatment not found on the second floor.

"Senior, what do you need to buy?" The female cultivator of Tai Chi bowed respectfully to Zhang Deming and asked.

"Where are the forging blueprints?" Zhang Deming asked.

The female cultivator smiled slightly when she heard this and said, "Senior, please come this way. The map and recipe section is over here."

After saying that, she led Zhang Deming to an area. The two walked forward for a while and came to an area. The female cultivator stopped and said:

"This is the exclusive area for forging maps and elixir formulas. Most of the maps are Law Treasure formulas. Law Weapon is on the first floor. Of course, there are also some special Law Weapon formulas."

Hearing this, Zhang Deming looked at the various bookshelves, and the one that stood out the most was the largest 'sword weapon' area, which was obviously the most popular.

Several bookshelves are filled with various sword forging blueprints. Given the current decline of traditional weapon repair, the only place where such complete blueprints are sold is the Spell Pavilion.


(end of this chapter)

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