Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 469 E-Commerce? [Please Subscribe, Please Monthly Ticket]

Chapter 469 E-commerce? [Please subscribe, please monthly ticket]

Hearing this, the other party quickly clicked on several screens, checked Zhang Deming's information and permissions, and said, "Uncle Master, our Quanqingguan's resource allocation is different from that of many sects outside. .

The entire temple is divided into various areas, and each area has a certain quota allocated.

For example, in our Xianqinya, the allocation of three talent promotion resources is ten units per year, the allocation of four elephants is one unit every ten years, and the five elements are not included in the regular allocation and are allocated uniformly by the headquarters.

After this allocation resource is given to us at Xianqinya, how we allocate it is our own business.

In other words, we Ya can get a complete four-image promotion resource every ten years, but how the disciples can redeem these resources varies from place to place.

Our cliff was finalized by Master Fuyao, but now it has been scheduled for a hundred years. In other words, this is a quota, and there will be no decentralized exchange processing! "

Zhang Deming frowned when he heard this. How could this be like allocating quotas for prestigious schools in each province?

"That is to say, I can only compete for these quotas, but I cannot exchange resources and raise them myself?" Zhang Deming asked with a frown.

The other party looked at Zhang Deming and said: "That's roughly it. Of course, there are exceptions. For example, low-level auxiliary materials can be purchased.

However, the auxiliary materials for the Four Symbols period are not in this category, because each copy of the auxiliary materials for the promotion of the Four Symbols period is very precious.

However, resource replacement is supported. In the Four Symbols period, whether it is main materials or auxiliary materials, Uncle Master, you can replace them.

That is to say, use one part you don’t need for another part you need, and there will be a certain price difference in the middle. And only the main material can be replaced with the main material, and the auxiliary material can be replaced with the auxiliary material.

In addition to this formal channel, there are many private exchange mission requests on the light screen over there, probably posted by the junior uncles and junior brothers who feel that exchanging with the Ministry of Resources General Hospital is a loss.

Generally speaking, based on your current situation, Uncle Master, you can collect scattered spiritual materials in these two situations.

Of course, considering that Uncle Master, you live in Xiayun Residence, you can directly find a way to find Fuyao Patriarch to get a quota, or even replace one of others' quota and directly obtain the entire material.

Hmm... This is a private suggestion from a disciple, as long as the master knows it himself! "

Zhang Deming frowned when he heard this. It can be seen that the Taoist sects in the Quanqingguan or Hongmeng Sacred Land area control resources more strictly than the sects in the Yuling Sacred Land.

The four-star promotion resources were distributed directly based on the distribution of ingredients, and Xianqinya was finalized by the top management.

While there may be a strict set of rules, this is also a huge pain in the ass.

It seems that no matter what era, no matter how the times change, Hongmeng Taoism can highlight the point of "teacher inheritance" and make people understand the specialness and importance of "teacher inheritance"!

Zhang Deming fell into silence as his thoughts changed. The Liangyi disciples at the counter waited quietly without urging him.

After a long time, Zhang Deming came back to his senses. With a flip of his hand, a strange piece of jade appeared in Zhang Deming's hand.

It is about a foot long and has an irregular stick shape, slightly oval. The round stick is red and hot, yet crystal clear like jade. As Zhang Deming took it out, many people around the counter felt the hot breath blowing against their faces.

The disciple at the counter was also shocked and looked at the short stick in Zhang Deming's hand.

"This is the core of the Fire Phoenix wood. It is roughly around 4,000 to 5,000 years old. It is the main material of Apex Level in the Four Symbols Period."

Zhang Deming put Mu Xin on the counter, and the other party quickly caught it, and then clicked on their respective light screens to investigate.

This is the second main material that Zhang Deming has obtained in the past two years at the Qingyu City Whisperer Gathering. He exchanged it for a complete set of Rank Four inheritance beads, and even brought a few Rank Five beads to make up for the difference.

That complete set of beads can barely be considered a Rank Five bead set.

After a long time, the disciple finished testing Mu Xin, and then said with joy: "Yes, this is a 5,900-year-old Fire Phoenix tree Mu Xin. It grows well, is collected completely, and is well preserved. It is indeed a fine product of the Fire Dao. Main material.

I don’t know what you plan to change, uncle?

Resource replacement?

Exchange for treasures?

Special custom?

Or spiritual stone? "

As he spoke, the other party looked happy. He obviously didn't expect that he would be so lucky to be picked up so inexplicably while sitting on the stage every day.

Zhang Deming asked: "Are there seven-color fairy crystals in the temple?"

"Um...Uncle Master, this is one of the most cherished and hard-to-find main materials of the Summoning Dao!" The other party looked at Zhang Deming and added:

"Yes, there are. There are still three colorful fairy crystals in stock in the temple. Originally, the colorful fairy crystals and the Mu Xin you gave me to my uncle were treasured items of the same level.

Moreover, the fire path has a larger demand than the special summoning path involved in the colorful fairy crystal, so there is no problem in redeeming it.

However, according to the rules of the sect, if a replacement is made at the same level, 10% of the price difference needs to be paid. But the price difference can be a spiritual stone! "

"Then change it!" Zhang Deming agreed without even frowning.

"Uncle, please pay nine thousand spirit stones, or corresponding contribution points, or use various resources to compensate," the other party said.

Among the promotion materials, all the main materials will be more valuable than one star of their own stars. In other words, the four-star promotion main materials are comparable to the price of the five-star finished utensils.

The estimated price of ninety thousand spirit stones, as the most precious of the three main materials, is not low, but it is not exaggerated either.

Zhang Deming flipped over and threw out the spirit card of Hongmeng Lingzhuang. Hongmeng Lingzhuang was opened by Hongmeng Sacred Land, so it goes without saying that he can use it at his own home.

The other party took the spirit card skillfully, deducted nine thousand from the few remaining spirit stones, and then operated for a long time. After a relatively complicated procedure, the operation was completed.

After a while, the other party took out an exquisite jade box. There were many restrictions on the jade box, which had obviously been carefully processed.

He used various tools at the counter to remove many restrictions, then handed the jade box to Zhang Deming and said: "Uncle Master, please check carefully to see if there are any problems."

Zhang Deming took the jade box and opened it gently.

The colorful dreamy light overflowed from the box in an instant, dyeing the surroundings a bit dreamy, with countless shadows flowing around, like a fairyland.

Zhang Deming's eyes twitched for a long time before he nodded and said: "Yes, it is indeed the Seven Color Immortal Crystal."

"Then the replacement is complete, please put it away, Uncle Master!" the disciple said with a smile.

Zhang Deming put away the jade box, but did not leave immediately. The other party smiled and said: "Uncle, is there anything else you need help with?"

"You just said that it can be customized or replaced with special items?" Zhang Deming asked.

"Yes, this is the new rule introduced by the Li family in recent years...well, even after your uncle, the current head of your family, Li Congwen, took charge of the Ministry of Resources.

It's probably because the sect has so many different cliques, it's too chaotic, and privately complicated, so everyone has to go through troublesome exchanges to change things.

Therefore, our Resources Department Headquarters simply joined forces with the Mission Department Headquarters to provide a platform to officially support various disciples in exchanging resources.

But if you, Uncle Master, provide ordinary Law Treasure, Fu Hao, etc., although you can place orders, no one will pay attention to it.

This entire exchange platform is only for the exchange of precious goods, probably similar to some high-end trading circles in various places.

It's just that the sect has now been reorganized and jointly managed by the Ministry of Resources and the Ministry of Tasks.

This is why today in our Quanqingguanfudiwaiyuan, such private trading circles are rare. "

The disciple explained to Zhang Deming with a smile.

Zhang Deming was slightly surprised, and once again felt that Quan Qingguan was a bit avant-garde. It seems that Hongmeng Sacred Land is ahead of the Spirit-nurturing Sacred Land.

This is already the predecessor of the e-commerce trading platform!

Once this thing is rolled out to Quanqingguan, Sacred Land and all its door-to-door stores, it will naturally develop into an ultra-modern e-commerce.

Why add ‘ultra-modern’?

Because people can carry out full virtual reality online shopping through the magic array, it is not just a dry web-based online shopping!

"Uncle Master, do you want to apply for the status of maker, or just the status of replacer?"

"Is there any difference?" Zhang Deming asked.

"Most of the replacers accidentally obtained some resources and made the replacement. The manufacturers are advanced manufacturers who have certain unique skills that can guarantee long-term shipments and even accept private customization.

Of course, the maker also has all the rights of the replacer, but there are a lot of procedures for the maker to apply, and a certain amount of spiritual stones must be handed over. "The other party explained.


Is this the difference between e-commerce merchants and ordinary users?

Yes, it seems that Hongmeng has indeed stolen from Tianyu in recent years, and it is probably the kind of copycat products that have killed the genuine products, and then let the genuine ones learn from it.

"What I need to remind my uncle is that nowadays, most people are circulating this thing at the top.

Therefore, the things that need to be traded are very precious, so if you don’t have special skills, uncle, even if you apply for a maker, no one will probably customize it. "The other party reminded him dutifully.

"Does the thing that manufacturers exchange and customize have to be made by themselves?" Zhang Deming asked.

"No need. Uncle Master, if you have a stable source of goods from the outer sect, that's fine too. The name of the manufacturer is just a mark, not a restriction." The other party explained.

"Then give me the identity of a maker!" Zhang Deming said.

"Okay, uncle!" After saying that, the other party started to operate quickly. After a long time, he stopped and asked: "Uncle, what is your signature as a maker?"

Zhang Deming smiled slightly and said: "You can accept various customizations of Spiritual Treasure, as well as various customizations of magic-level spiritual cultivation bead sets, including high-quality bead sets.

Well, by the way, there is also the refining of elixirs below six stars. Special elixirs need to be negotiated. "

The other party was startled, then turned his head to look at Zhang Deming, and said with a dry smile: "Uncle Master, this... we are about seeking truth from facts, and we don't use the exaggerated 'advertising' logos that are popular outside the country."

"Well, I understand, just fill it out like this. If there is any problem, I will handle it myself." Zhang Deming replied with an indifferent expression.

Seeing Zhang Deming's insistence, the other party said hesitantly: "Then... Okay! If something goes wrong then, don't say that the disciple didn't remind the master. The disciple took photos of the whole process."

"Um, are you a formation cultivator?" Zhang Deming suddenly asked an irrelevant question.

The other party scratched the back of his head, showing a bit of rare shyness, and said, "Uncle, are you also a formation cultivator? How about I withdraw and help you fill in this one again?"

Zhang Deming smiled and said, "No need, just fill it out like this, and you can just take a photo or something as a souvenir."

"Okay!" After saying that, he started to continue the operation and completed it in a moment, "Okay, Uncle Master, now you have the authority in your identity card.

Click on the identity information and there will be a ‘Full Clearing Resource Trading Office’, which contains information about you, Uncle Master. Uncle Master, you can modify some things by yourself, but some things can only be modified by disciples with authority.

Of course, uncle, you can also conduct transactions there, there are no restrictions.

For transactions within the sect, some local sects provide crane delivery. Outside the sect, you need to negotiate the delivery method yourself. "

Zhang Deming turned his hand and clicked on the light curtain and saw the message.

Darling, it’s really a fairy version of an online store!

"Uncle, do you have anything else to do?" the other party asked.

Zhang Deming shook his head and said, "No, I'll come back to you if I have any questions."

Hearing this, the other party clicked on a light screen, grabbed it briefly, and threw an illusory light point in front of Zhang Deming, saying:

"Disciple Xu Liang, a formation cultivator affiliated with the Department of Resources. If you need anything, uncle, you can contact me at any time. Here is my contact information."

Zhang Deming lightly touched the illusory light spot with the talisman, and the contact information of the other party appeared in the identity talisman.

Then Zhang Deming stood up and said with a smile: "Okay, I won't disturb your work."

"Uncle, please walk slowly!" the other party said.

Zhang Deming nodded, stood up and left.

After watching Zhang Deming leave, Xu Liang quickly clicked on a light screen. This is the internal platform of the Li family and the private platform of the Resources Department.

At this moment, there is a new task inside. The task requirement is to collect information related to Zhang Deming. It was personally issued by Li Congwen. It has a special sign to remind people in the resources department and stares at it with eager eyes.

He quickly wrote: "In exchange for a portion of the Seven Color Immortal Crystal, I suspect that I started preparing to break through the resources on my own; I applied for manufacturing in three directions: weapon refining, spiritual cultivation, and alchemy refining.

Based on the information currently available, it is preliminarily determined that he has extremely high attainments in weapon refining, has a very good relationship with Master Li Shangyuan, and has a special spiritual cultivator friend, or a specific circle of spiritual cultivators, who can be contacted at any time to make beads. "

After getting the information, he hesitated for a moment and added: "The personality is somewhat different from the salted fish described. He should be very concerned about improving his cultivation and does not belong to the ranks of muddling through.

Since you have applied for a manufacturer, you can choose to place an order and make some attempts, or contact us to further improve the information. "

After adding the description, he chose to submit.


After Zhang Deming left the resources department, he returned to Xiayunju and conducted a comprehensive inspection of the ‘Quanting Resources Trading Office’, the predecessor of this e-commerce platform.

I have to say that array formation is much more suitable than doing this online.

Take the nature of this online store as an example. Zhang Deming randomly clicked on a Law Treasure exchange store, but the store was not displayed like a web page.

As he touched it, the command talisman in his hand echoed with the entire sect-protecting formation, and Zhang Deming's surroundings began to change.

In the blink of an eye, he came to a unique shop with many utensils placed around it.

There is no one in the store, but there is a message: "If you need to trade, you can call the maker at any time!"

Looking at this extremely authentic store, Zhang Deming finally understood why it could satisfy such advanced operations even though his identity token was no more than a two-star Law Weapon.

Because this thing is actually completed by the Protector Sect's formation and controlled by the weapon spirit, the identity token is just a trigger point.

I also understand why this preliminary e-commerce platform has not gone out yet and is only popular among sects.

Because if you want to accomplish all this with the help of talismans, the minimum talisman you need is a four-star Law Treasure. Or just build a formation that covers Hongmeng, and then do it like the sect is doing now.

In other words, Hongmeng lacks a signal satellite, so it must either get a satellite with full signal coverage, or carry a Transcendent Level server with you just for online shopping.

The metaphor is a little inaccurate, but that's roughly what it means.

It's nothing big boss, it's just a four-star Law Treasure. But for the people at the bottom level, using Law Treasure as the entrance to the trading platform is really a bit too rich.

Based on the current situation in Hongmeng, only the three Great Saint Lands combined with the nine Grotto-Heaven Blessed Lands, with the Sacred Land and Grotto-Heaven hanging high in the sky as relays, can such a platform be created!

However, such a big thing is not easy to handle. There are too many interests involved. With the pace of life in Hongmeng, it may not be possible to get through it in hundreds of years, let alone decades.


Zhang Deming was thinking and checking, and gradually understood the nature of this thing.

I looked at the time, it was almost noon.

In the Cave Mansion, Li Zhifei was pulled out by Li Zhiwen at some unknown time. The two of them were busy building a yard at the moment.

But Li Zhifei is a swordsman, and Li Zhiwen is a special activation summoner. It is no problem for the two of them to destroy together and build houses...

When Zhang Deming came back, he was speechless for a while as he saw several activated clay puppets using themselves as materials, stuffing them into pillars and filling them with rocks to build houses.

"Don't you know how to send out tasks?"

When Li Zhiwen heard this, he gave Zhang Deming a rare and bold look and said, "Master, don't you know how poor we are?

Guanli didn’t bring anything good at that time, so where could he go to contribute?

Although my senior brother and I have barely been able to get around in the past five years, we are not so luxurious that we have to give out contribution tasks even if we build a house!

Don’t worry, I built the Cave Mansion we lived in before, I have experience! "

As he spoke, Li Zhifei came back from cutting a few more pieces of stone. Li Zhiwen raised his hand and activated it. The stone staggered up the building and filled it in with himself as the material.

Zhang Deming looked at the ugly yard that was taking shape in front of him and was speechless for a while. Is this called experience?

This is just to build a stone house next to him!

First release of this month, asking for a guaranteed monthly ticket in the middle of the night!

Dear friends, during the double monthly pass period, if you have a guaranteed monthly pass, don’t keep it. Give Dimension some support! ! !

(end of this chapter)

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