Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 492 Time [Twelve Additional Updates, Please Subscribe, Please Vote]

Chapter 492 Time [Twelve additional updates, please subscribe, please vote]

But if the target is Li Cheng, if Zhang Deming really wants to use the spirit-nurturing beads to improve Li Cheng's situation, a set of two thousand beads will not be enough.

Li Cheng failed to break through that year, and the family was also in decline. For the continuation of the family, he chose to forcibly sublimate his natal painting tool.

Although the sublimation was successful by luck, the Li family also paid the price due to the backlash from the Hua Dao Dao Network.

Li Cheng not only made the instrument spirit, but the painting utensil also became a thing that consumes fortune and luck.

As the Li family used it from generation to generation, the fate of the family eventually fell into disrepute, the family suffered bad consequences, and was almost exterminated.

Now there is only one single seedling left, and despite all the hardships, this single seedling has risen, and because of various opportunities, Li Cheng has successfully transformed from a weapon spirit to a spiritual cultivation.

His natal picture also turned into a Spiritual Weapon.

But even if he succeeds, due to various reasons before, it is extremely difficult for Li Cheng to improve his cultivation, because the previous picture scroll is not a law weapon that can grow, and it has also been counterattacked by the Taoist network.

Therefore, if Li Cheng wanted to upgrade, he would have to forcefully upgrade the scroll every time before he could improve his own cultivation. This made it very difficult for him to cultivate.

Now that Li Shifan has three talents, Li Cheng has just changed from a parallel Liangyi to a real Liangyi monk.

Although Li Cheng didn't show anything, Li Shifan knew that his ancestor was lonely.

And it is impossible to ignore Li Shifan's temperament. Therefore, when he got the information from Huang Lao that he could ask for benefits from Zhang Wu, even though he knew that Zhang Wu didn't owe him anything, he hurriedly came here with a thick face.

"Are you setting the beads to help your ancestor?" Zhang Deming asked while his thoughts flickered.

Li Shifan nodded and said: "Well, after the ancestor switched to spiritual practice, the Jin situation was extremely difficult. I want to customize a set of inheritance beads to make the ancestor's life easier."

"Don't you feel sorry for two thousand contributions? You are the second one on the Tianling contribution list, right? You only have contributions in the early 2000s.

And do you know that what restricts your ancestor is not the problem of technique, but the picture scroll of his body. Even if you customize a set of inheritance beads, it won't help him much.

And so many contributions are enough for your promotion in the Four Elephants Stage. Zhang Deming looked at Li Shifan and said inexplicably.

"The subordinates understand, but the ancestor has paid so much for me and our Li family. Now it is good to help him even a little bit!" Li Shifan replied in this way, with sincerity and sincerity in his words.

" are not suitable to be a cultivator with your temperament!" Zhang Deming sighed.

"The ancestor said the same thing about his subordinates, but his subordinates think it's okay!" Li Shifan showed a slightly honest smile, which touched Zhang Deming a little.

The heart of a child is really an extremely rare thing in the world of primordial practice!

Although he himself doesn't catch a cold, such a person is worth helping, making friends with, and even admiring him!

Thinking of Pan Juan'er's hexagram, Zhang Deming's eyes flickered. Perhaps... it was for this reason that Li Shifan was able to make rapid progress and follow in his footsteps?

"Forget it, for the sake of your filial piety, let me help you!" Zhang Deming was silent for a moment, then looked at Li Shifan suddenly, and said:

"I think you already know something about me from Mr. Huang, so do you know what I've been up to lately?"

Li Shifan shook his head upon hearing this. But looking at Zhang Deming, there was a little expectation. After all, what Zhang Deming meant seemed to be able to solve his ancestor’s problem!

"Have you ever come into contact with the disciples in our Tianling District in Enlightenment City?" Zhang Deming asked.

Li Shifan nodded and said, "I've had a lot of contact with them!"

"Then what did you notice?" Zhang Deming asked.

Li Shifan said: "It seems that there are two entry-level inheritances for disciples in the city. We call them ordinary inheritance and elite inheritance.

As for the specific effects, my subordinates are not sure. It seems that the elites practice quickly and have good talents.

By the way, senior Li Shangyuan used to recruit elite disciples from all over the city, and we even helped him organize them.

The disciples in the Tianling District gave the eight of us nicknames, calling us the Eight Immortals of the Tianling District! Said that we are their chance to become immortals! All those who are chosen will go to Immortal Gate to enjoy their blessings!

Moreover, Senior Li Shangyuan seems to have expanded the mountain gate recently and is closing in on a large scale. Already we have recruited thousands of people, and including the preparatory disciples, there are now more than 2,000 people! "

Zhang Deming: "······"

This Neptune-level scumbag father... seems to have found the three-star spiritual vein!

Zhang Deming paused and smiled: "Those so-called elite inheritances are what I have been busy with during this period, and they are also the reasons for my promotion."

"Manager Zhang, are you saying...the rapid improvement of the elite disciples' cultivation is not just because of their extremely outstanding talents?" Li Shifan thought for a moment before saying in surprise.

"The understanding is pretty good!" Zhang Deming saw that Li Shifan had understood something before he finished speaking. He couldn't help but praise him and nodded: "Well, that's right. And this thing is applicable to anyone."

Li Shifan's eyes flickered again, and he said in surprise: "Steward, are you the provider of unlimited companionship of the 'Golden Page Benefits'?"

"Huh? How did you come up with this?" Zhang Deming was really surprised this time!

"Didn't the benefits page remind you that all benefits come from alliance members. On the golden benefits page, unlimited companionship is a new benefit.

Coupled with Mr. Huang’s words, Guanshi’s sudden Transcendent Level promotion, coupled with Guanshi’s words...

Um? If you ask me this, steward, it means that you are really the provider of unlimited companionship.

Um? Steward, what you just meant was that you could help in this way..."

Li Shifan's words are very jumpy. If you don't have some thinking, you will simply not be able to keep up with his train of thought. As he spoke, he gradually became a little uneasy and looked at Zhang Deming expectantly.

"Haha, Huigen is pretty good, have you thought of it?" Zhang Deming smiled and took out three glass beads. Inside the beads were three mini swords.

Li Shifan stared closely at the three ordinary-looking soul-nurturing beads, and Zhang Deming said: "This is infinite companionship, or a type of infinite companionship.

Infinite Companion is a series, and I will only make soul-nurturing companion beads. But for your ancestor, that's enough. "

Zhang Deming paused and continued: "Your ancestor was originally a painting cultivator, so logically, I should get painting beads for him.

However, he originally followed the path of painting summoned by weapon swords, but because of the special spirit sword, he changed his path to spiritual cultivation.

Nowadays, although his natal weapon is still the scroll, it is more kendo-oriented, so this sword bead should be more suitable for him. More importantly, it will be more beneficial for him to completely set his future path.

By using this thing, his natal instrument should turn into a growth (harmony) instrument, and the problems that bother him will be naturally solved. "

Li Shifan looked overjoyed when he heard this, and then his face collapsed and he said: "Steward, I don't have 'Dao Fruit' to redeem!"

Zhang Deming smiled and said: "It's just a private transaction, no need to Dao Fruit. Didn't I give you benefits before? Since you didn't get the benefits, use it to top it up. Besides, two thousand contributions in exchange for three junior beads, I'm very happy Cost-effective."

As he spoke, a mini portal appeared, and Zhang Deming threw it through.

On the other end, Li Shifan hurriedly took the beads, but was a little silent.

"Okay, don't be so mother-in-law. I've been very busy recently, so I just hang up when I have nothing to do." Zhang Deming said.

"If anything happens to you in the future, manager, just tell your subordinates." Li Shifan said seriously.

Zhang Deming nodded and said, "Well, that's all."

After saying that, Zhang Deming turned off the communication.

A man thought for a long time in the small courtyard, carefully recounting today's events again and again.

After today, the alliance finally had a general structure, and he no longer needed to do many things personally.

When the time is right, the Deep Blue Merchant Alliance will be fully launched, the alliance's currency mechanism will be improved, and the alliance will be out of the barter stage, then the alliance will be able to operate completely independently.

After thinking for a long time, Zhang Deming made some plans for what was to come before getting up and leaving the courtyard.

Lan Fuyao was still playing the piano at Wudao Pavilion, ignoring Zhang Deming. Zhang Deming didn't say hello to him, and just wandered casually in the sea of ​​flowers, relaxing.


In the days that followed, things suddenly settled down.

Zhang Deming practices sword making, making beads, and making utensils every day. Maintenance of Qin Xin Orchid twice a month, supplies from major stores in the Merchant Alliance, and precious utensils for Whisperers gatherings.

There is also the e-commerce platform of Quanqing Fudi, because Zhang Deming’s three products are very rare, and it is gradually improving, and customization is gradually increasing.

Of course, Zhang Deming mostly accepts four-star Law Weapon refining, and rarely accepts five-star Law Weapon. If he does, he accepts big orders.

The main reason is that he is only a third-level practitioner now, and he is already a genius at refining four-star Law Treasure. Five-star... occasionally sells it and calls it a monster, but there is obviously a problem with mass customization.

In this way, Zhang Deming exchanged precious items on the Quanqing e-commerce platform and sold them at whisperer gatherings while expanding his circle.

Then the various parties opened up areas, and the number of disciples in Xindao City increased and continued to be promoted.

Zhang Deming's Lingshi income began to skyrocket. From the previous stable salary at the Lingzhu store, the Lingshi income of 10,000 to 20,000 yuan per month slowly turned into tens of thousands.

As the number of customizations increased, at least a few orders were placed in a month. Slowly, the previous annual income turned into a monthly income, and Zhang Deming's accumulation of spiritual stones began to accelerate.

Moreover, with the changes in Xindao City and the expansion of the alliance, Zhang Deming's energy income has also steadily increased. Slowly, his luck in January has exceeded a hundred.

In this way, Zhang Deming started living in Quanqingguan, hanging up the computer, earning spiritual stones, and managing alliances. He would occasionally visit Xia Yunju and pick up Pan Juan'er for a few crazy days.

In his spare time, he collected all kinds of basic knowledge about the Qing Paradise, including biographies and unofficial histories. He recorded them all and entered them into the monitoring elf database to increase his knowledge reserve.

Life passed in such an orderly manner, and four years passed by. It has been more than five years since Zhang Deming came to Quanqingguan!

After five years, the five-star Cave Mansion was idle, allowing him to gain about 80 million experience points. If he were to hang up alone, it would have taken him five years to complete the accumulation of spiritual power.

Of course, within ten years, with his spiritual roots, he could complete the accumulation of spiritual power in the heavenly realm. This can no longer be described as fast, but must be described as abnormal.

But Zhang Deming is not just idle, he is also making money. In the past four years, he has used many channels such as shops, whisperer gatherings, sites in various districts, hundreds of thousands of disciples in Xundao City, and all-clear e-commerce.

After working together, he even exchanged many precious resources for spiritual stones, and he earned more than eight million spiritual stones. If he could save all of them, his current net worth would definitely be richer than that of the headmaster of the outer courtyard.

It's a pity that he knocked them all off. Under the massive spiritual stones, he is now overflowing with spiritual power.

Zhang Deming looked at the panel.

Kung Fu: Little Yin Yang Five Elements Secret Code (Rank Eight Peak)

Cultivation: Three Talents Level 3 (1.6/1.6/100 million)

Rune Core: Spirit Vine Demon Summoning Lv6 (200/800)


The experience points are already full, and the promotion formula was collected four years ago. A lot of optional auxiliary materials have been collected one after another over the past four years, and the entire formula has been perfected by Zhang Deming.

In addition to these, the biggest gain is luck. Zhang Deming has almost never used it in four years and has been saving it. On average every month, it has doubled from the original fifty or sixty to one hundred and twenty-three.

Therefore, in four years, Zhang Deming's energy has become: merit: 714.8, luck: 6123.6, karma: 15.1.

This massive amount of luck made Zhang Deming want to use it more than once, but Zhang Deming endured it.

Because with his Rune Core Rank Six, no new function has been born, he intuitively felt that after his four images, the Spiritual Nurturing Technique would have a very powerful function.

But among the core and branches of his runes, the rest are Rank Six, while the Strengthening Technique is only Rank Four.

If you don't want to affect his foundation, it is impossible not to improve this thing, but this is a big luck-consuming Transcendent Level.

As a Tao that Hongmeng does not have, it is a completely new path. As a groundbreaking promotion, it consumes much more luck than Tiangang Disha.

Therefore, Zhang Deming has been saving and accumulating information, which can be regarded as laying the foundation for the promotion of Sixiang.


On this day, Zhang Deming woke up from meditation.

After finishing the daily maintenance of Qin Xinlan, she floated to the Enlightenment Pavilion and bowed to Lan Fuyao, who was playing the piano.

"What's the matter?" Lan Fuyao paused slightly and asked.

After four years, this was their first communication after becoming familiar strangers.

"Disciple needs to leave for a few days. The time is uncertain. The flowers in this yard need to be taken care of by you, uncle, for a while." Zhang Deming replied.

"What's the matter?" Lan Fuyao stopped playing the piano, looked up at Zhang Deming, and asked again.

"Disciple is ready. You need to apply for the Transcending Tribulation platform and complete the promotion of the Four Elephants!" Zhang Deming replied.

Lan Fuyao was stunned for a moment, and his eyes began to sparkle with spiritual light. He looked at Zhang Deming carefully for a long time and said, "He is full of spiritual power, full of harmony, and has a strong Tao Yun. He has a good foundation."

Zhang Deming smiled and said: "It has taken nine hundred years for this disciple to reach this point. If we haven't polished the foundation yet, wouldn't we be too useless?"

"Do you need me to play a song for you?" Lan Fuyao asked.

Zhang Deming paused for a moment, looked at Lan Fuyao, shook his head and said, "I don't need to trouble my uncle anymore, my disciple is already fully prepared!"

When Lan Fuyao heard this, he frowned slightly, and then sighed: "Well, everyone has their own fate. As for the Transcending Tribulation platform used for breakthrough...

Let's go to Li's house. After all, your surname is Li. It doesn't hurt to use this surname at this time.

Even if you are independent and no longer need anything from the family, your surname is still attached to you, and if the Li family really has trouble, you still have to fulfill your obligations. Rather than that, it would be better to receive that blessing. "

Lan Fuyao seemed to have a cold temper, but he saw things very clearly.

Zhang Deming heard this, thought for a moment, and replied: "Disciple understands!"

Lan Fuyao waved his hand, and a snow-white jade pendant flew to Zhang Deming. Zhang Deming did not immediately reach out to take the jade pendant, but looked at Lan Fuyao, waiting for her explanation.

"Although with your skill in weapon refining, you shouldn't have any trouble going to the Li family, but after all, you are too homely and have too little contact with the sect.

I didn't record your information and throw it to the Li family. So I don't know what the Li family's attitude is. You take my command talisman and go back. The Transcending Tribulation station will probably not be able to deal with it.

Although the problem with Thunder Tribulation for the first time is not big, the promotion of the four elephants is very critical, so it is better to be careful. "

Lan Fuyao said calmly. At this point, he seemed to have thought of Zhang Deming's temperament, and explained a little: "After all, you are in front of me, so you still have this benefit!".

The translation probably means, take it with confidence. This is different from just playing the piano and playing music. It is considered a status benefit and you don’t owe any favors.

Zhang Deming's eyes flickered, hesitated for a moment, then reached out to take the command talisman and said: "Disciple understands!"

"In that case, let's go and come back early!" Lan Fuyao said.

Zhang Deming put away the command talisman, bowed to Lan Fuyao, then floated up and flew away into the distance.


There are three main peaks in the Quanqing Outer Courtyard. The middle Quanqing Peak belongs to the Zhang Sect and is managed by the Jian Family;

The one where Xianqin Cliff is located is called Qianyu Peak. It belongs to the Inheritance Academy faction and is under the control of the Yu family;

The one on the far left is called Gui Aofeng, who belongs to the Resource Academy faction and is controlled by the Li family.

Of course, there are many other families on the three peaks, forming three major factions, which are connected like a network and form the entire Qingblessed Land.

No, to be precise, such a network extends into the inner courtyard of Grotto-Heaven. Even because of the special management structure of Hongmeng Sacred Land, this network has extended into Sacred Land.

Zhang Deming did not directly fly back to Aofeng at the speed limit of 60 yards. Because the three peaks were very huge and towering like clouds, it would take him half a day to fly up like this.

After he left Xianqin Garden, he drifted back to Xia Yunju. The two disciples didn't know where they went. In the entire Xiayunju, there was only one crane alive.

This thing is standard equipment where he lives. It has been allocated for four or five years, and Zhang Deming has only ridden it a handful of times.

(end of this chapter)

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