Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 510 Double Opening? [Additional Update On The 21St, Please Subscribe And Ask For A Monthly T

Chapter 510 Double opening? [Additional update on the 21st, please subscribe and ask for a monthly ticket]

The art of killing corpses to prove the truth Lv4 (0/300)

The art of beheading corpses to prove the way: the effect of this technique can be used once for each major level, that is, three levels of scriptures, codes, and methods can be used once.

If you want to cast it successfully, apart from the problem of magic practice, you need to satisfy yourself. In addition to the skill runes on the rune tree, Dantian also has magic runes of other ways.

And this technique needs to have complete runes, that is, to be proficient in this technique. The higher the target technique is, the more exquisite the practice is, the greater the chance of success in cutting the path.

If the slash fails, you will suffer certain injuries, and the slash will disappear.

In addition, the cut Tao needs to be carried by things with Tao and reason, so that it can be transformed into a Tao body, which is usually carried by Spiritual Treasure.

Each Dao body can have a complete practice path, including condensing the rune core and building Dao Fruit. That is to say, this technique can theoretically condense three extra Dao Fruits.

The Dao body cut out at the same time will maintain the same cultivation level as the main body, no need to re-cultivate, and have the same cultivation effect.

That is to say, no matter what the cultivation level is, once the Dao Slash is successful, the Dao body will be condensed into the same level of cultivation level, and can be practiced at the same time, and the effects can be superimposed.

Therefore, when cutting the Dao, it is best to choose a rune that has the branch rune skills when the Dao body is condensed, and the ultimate Dao is also acceptable.

Special Note: This technique is extremely difficult, and it is recommended to use this technique only after reaching the Apex Level of each stage. That is to say, the Dharma-level Dao Cutting Opportunity can only be used at Rank Six, and the Classic level can only be used at Rank Nine.

However, this stage cannot be exceeded, because once exceeded, the number of cuts will not be accumulated.

Note 1: Before Dao Fruit is accomplished, it is not recommended to cut out more than one Dao body (not including one). After Dao Fruit is condensed, you can do it as you like.

Note 2: The rest of the Dao Dharma of the body can be transferred in the Dao body without any scruples, and the two bodies can be exchanged regardless of the distance. That is, in case of fatal danger, the Dharma can be exchanged with the Dao body regardless of the distance. It will take about a month for the Dharma level to recover.

Note 3: If you practice One Qi Transforms Into Three Purities, as long as one of the Tao body and the original body is not completely extinct, then all Tao bodies can be reborn.

Note 4: Never use the technique of self-destruction. This is a highly effective act of suicide, so please remember it!

Looking at the detailed introduction of this technique, Zhang Deming's eyes flashed. In addition to knowing the detailed conditions for performing it, Zhang Deming discovered a key description.

‘The cut out Dao needs to be carried by something with Dao and reason, and turned into a Dao body. It is usually carried by Spiritual Treasure. Every Taoist body can have a complete path of practice...'

First of all, in the first half of the description, it is said that something needs to be carried, usually Spiritual Treasure. In other words, it doesn’t have to be Spiritual Treasure!

Does that mean that he can use subroutines to carry it?

And if it is successful, the Tao body and the main body mentioned later have the same cultivation effect, and the cultivation level is synchronized, does that mean... he can play and hang up?

This was Zhang Deming’s first thought after seeing this description, and it was also the issue he was most concerned about!

Once he really can, he can double-play and hang up, wouldn't it be... wonderful!

Of course, the other effects are also impressive, especially the two or three precautions, which simply maximize the life-saving ability of this technique.

In his thoughts, Zhang Deming looked at the third circulating light ball that he had just received. He had not thought about its whereabouts before, and did not plan to use it so soon. He wanted to save it first. seems like we can no longer save it!

You can do it if you want to, but for stability, Zhang Deming needs to be a backup first and practice Law Treasure to prepare. If the subroutine cannot carry it, there will be no problem.

First of all, Zhang Deming thought for a long time and chose the path to cut out: Divine Dream Divide.

This was the result of Zhang Deming's multiple considerations. After determining the path to be taken, Zhang Deming began to prepare backup insurance.

Opening the Quanqing Grotto-Heaven e-commerce platform, Zhang Deming began to purchase materials, all of which were six-star Heart and Shinto refining materials.

After a long time, Zhang Deming used many of the connections he had accumulated in the past few years to quickly collect the materials for the refining.

Zhang Deming took out the flower pot forging furnace, and a spiritual seed flew in. After the blood-red vines took the materials in, Zhang Deming began to enter meditation.

A vine grew out of the flowerpot. The vine grew rapidly, blossomed, and exploded into countless threads.

At this time, Zhang Deming began to activate the spirit-nurturing technique. The technique of nurturing was the differentiation of divine dreams. As the spirit-nurturing technique was activated, a strange awl was slowly woven out.

When the spirit cultivation was completed, Zhang Deming found that the weaving had not been completed yet, so he took advantage of time and incorporated another technique. This time he chose the bloodthirsty vine of Devouring Dao.

When the integration of Bloodthirsty Vine is completed, Law Treasure has come to an end.

It seemed to be only fifteen or six centimeters in length, with a transparent body, a head the size of a thumb, and a somewhat sharp tip, like a strangely shaped hairpin.

This thing is called the God-Splitting Nail, a special Law Treasure of the Mind and Soul. It is designed to destroy people's souls. It is a bit vicious, but it is the type of Law Weapon that is most suitable for the art of dividing gods and dreams.

Therefore, although Zhang Deming did not forge the Spiritual Treasure, the forging went extremely smoothly. With the addition of a lot of materials, it only took Zhang Deming about twenty days to complete the forging of the Law Treasure.

When the vines withered and the Law Weapon flew in front of Zhang Deming, Zhang Deming smiled. The performance is quite stable, six-star Supreme Grade Law Treasure.

Moreover, when it was implanted with symbiosis species and bloodthirsty vine skills, it had growth potential and something unexpected happened. In addition to daily nourishment and promotion, this artifact could also devour the target and grow.

"Is this... the treasure of the monster-killing upgrade stream fully formed?"

Looking at this god-splitting nail, Zhang Deming was pleasantly surprised and filled with affection. Using it as a backup is really perfect!

Then Zhang Deming took out six light balls, two white luck, two golden merits, and two red karma. One of the two lucks was a cycle.

"Generate subroutine?"


"Factor programs cannot have skill scripts and skill scripts at the same time. Please choose skill scripts or skill scripts!"

"Generate two sub-scripts, one that circulates the light ball to generate a skill sub-script, and the other generates a skill script, and then Integrated Union the two sub-program modules into one script!"


"Integrated Union······"

"The subroutine is constructed, please modulate it, and you can choose to be born after completion!"

Zhang Deming checked it and after confirming that there was no problem, he chose to give birth.

Because Zhang Deming has already created such a multi-module script for Pan Juan'er, he is familiar with it and completed it without any surprises.

Of course, Pan Juan'er didn't use loops at the beginning, so he could only practice actively, not passively idle.

As the subroutine was generated, Zhang Deming pointed at the Splitting God Nail in front of him, and countless strange Taoist-like things poured into the Splitting God Nail.

The God-Splitting Nail vibrated, and after just a moment, it stopped moving.

Then Zhang Deming was stunned. This God-Splitting Nail was clearly a six-star Supreme Grade Law Treasure. With the implantation of the subroutine, the aura it exuded was that of a Spiritual Treasure.

If Zhang Deming concealed its level and looked at it with a professional weapon repairer, he might be mistaken for a Spiritual Treasure. This unexpected surprise made Zhang Deming's face become a little more happy again.

As a backup player, the stronger the better, right?

Looking at the God-Splitting Nail that was ready, Zhang Deming looked back at the art of corpse-killing and enlightenment, and looked at the energy. Luck: 1001.8.


"Do you want to spend 300 luck to upgrade the corpse-killing technique to Rank Five?"


"Do you want to spend 600 luck to upgrade the corpse-killing technique to Rank Six?"


After spending nine hundred luck, Zhang Deming looked at the skills.


The art of killing corpses to prove the truth Lv6 (0/1200)


I looked at the God-Splitting Nail in front of me again. There should be no problem. Everything that needs to be prepared is ready! Zhang Deming checked it again, took a deep breath, and started to work.

As the spell was activated, Zhang Deming felt his consciousness being pulled away and turned into a strange flying knife. From a strange perspective, he saw many runes in his dantian.


Zhang Deming let out a sigh, giving himself a little more confidence, and slashed like a divine dream.



After a soft sound, Zhang Deming let out a muffled groan, his whole body went dark, and he almost fainted, but Zhang Deming gritted his teeth and persisted.

When Zhang Deming calmed down and spoke, he found that there was a strange rune in front of him, and the rune was beating slightly at the moment.

Looking at this rune, Zhang Deming quickly controlled the thing and threw it into the God-Splitting Nail in front of him.

But this Law Treasure is just a back-up. Under the careful control of Zhang Deming's consciousness, the carrier for the rune selection is the subroutine in the God-Splitting Nail.

As the runes were integrated into the subroutine, the God-Splitting Nail in front of him began to fluctuate, and in the blink of an eye, he transformed into an identical Li Zhengkun.

At this time, a strange Dao Yun message came from Zhan Dao Technique. When translated, the simultaneous expression was roughly:

"Because only the divine dream differentiation technique was used, the path for the Tao body to condense is automatically selected as the mind limit path. The rune core is condensed, please select the rune branch skill for the Tao body.

The following are the development techniques that exist in the Divine Dream Differentiation Rune: Divine Thought Differentiation, Dream Entry, Heart Dream Control, Memory Perception, and Divine Soul Exploration. "

"Choose spiritual differentiation, dream entry, and inner dream control as the three major rune branches of the Tao body!"

"The body of Tao is being perfected..."

"Cultivating in sync..."

"The Dao body has been condensed and the Dao slaying has been successful!"

"I have seen the deity!"

"You and I are one and the same, are you entertaining yourself with this gift?"

Dao Ti didn't show any expression. Although Dao Ti had a perfect IQ, Zhan Dao's Dao Ti didn't have any rebellion, and Zhang Deming didn't suppress him either.

But because of Zhan's divine dream differentiation, this corpse's personality is probably a calm type, well, the kind of Lao Yin (Harmony) type!

As the Dao body was condensed, Zhang Deming's whole body felt lighter. Not only did the previous feeling of confusion disappear, he also felt that the speed of his mind had increased several times.

In addition, Zhang Deming also has many gains. But he didn't count them immediately. Instead, he sensed the Tao body with anxiety.

With Zhang Deming's control, the newly formed Tao body turned into a transparent God-splitting nail. Today's God-Splitting Nail seems to outsiders to have no connection with Spiritual Treasure.

Because of the mixing of Zhan Dao, its own level cannot be clearly perceived. After all, it has become Zhang Deming's corpse Dao body, and it exudes the aura of Spiritual Treasure.

Zhang Deming looked at the God-Splitting Nail, his mind moved, he reached out to touch the God-Splitting Nail, and began to extract the subroutine.

The God Splitting Nail began to vibrate, and there was some pain, but it was not serious. With the recovery of countless Dao Wen, the God Splitting Nail became an ordinary six-star Law Treasure again.

"Success! The Dao that was cut out is carried by the subroutine. In other words, he can use any Law Treasure to carry the condensed Dao body!"

In excitement, Zhang Deming put the subroutine back again, and the Tao body condensed out again.

After the Dao body was condensed, Zhang Deming looked around the Dao body carefully. The more he looked at it, the more comfortable and satisfied he became.

Nodding, Zhang Deming first took out a blank book. As his spiritual power surged, he used silk threads to weave and reproduce the techniques he practiced.

Then he consumed a merit and mounted this technique on the subroutine of the Taoist body.

Then, the next step is the most critical question!

With anxiety, Zhang Deming started the subroutine!

After the subroutine was started, Zhang Deming was surprised that it really started running. Whether it was the Tao body or the main body, the cultivation level was increasing.

If the two hang up together, it will be a double-open increase!

He really relied on his Tao body to complete the double-open mode! ! !

However, at this moment, Cave Mansion's spiritual power can only provide thirty experience points per minute, and dual-player can only provide so much.

Therefore, after Zhang Deming threw the Dao body back to Xiayunju, and after hanging up again, the experience value began to increase at the same time! ! !

Xianqinya has 30 experience points, and Xiayunju has 15 experience points. That is to say, now that he hangs up the same way, he has 45 points per minute.

"Haha! I'm such a genius, I can do both!" After confirming his guess thoroughly, Zhang Deming began to laugh out loud. It seems that spiritual root enhancement is effective?

After a long time, after the excitement calmed down, Zhang Deming started their respective tests. The more he tested, the more benefits Zhang Deming found.

For example, wasn’t Zhang Deming always poor?

Now...he can let the Dao body hang up and fight with the main body. If the consumption is serious, the Tao body will open the spiritual crystal and hang up. If the consumption is not enough, the main body will open the spiritual crystal to recover.

This alone, relying on his strong recovery power, has expanded his mana volume three to four times in disguise, and his battery life has been significantly improved. At least it has gone from being strong for one minute to being strong for three to five minutes.

Even though it will still be boring afterwards, the process lasts a long time!

This is just the simplest point, there are also things like the random transfer of runes in the body and the improvement of mobility. There are also body swaps through apparation, and the ultimate enhancement of life-saving abilities. There are simply too many benefits!

Zhang Deming was excited and tested for three full days before stopping the Tao body test. The emergence of this Taoist body requires long-term development and exploration by Zhang Deming, and there is no rush now.

It has been more than twenty days since he did this, nearly a month.

In the past few days, people from the sect have begun to return one after another, mostly from the sweep team. The sweep team followed the pace of the sweep team, and it should be half a month away, while the logistics team was slower, at least half a year later.

Because after they complete the battlefield logistics, there are still a series of issues such as resource allocation, post-war prisoner treatment, and other rectifications after the division of various interests.

So it should be pretty good if we can come back after half a year.

He only found out about this when someone specially delivered his aircraft to his door.


Zhang Deming left the training room, came to the small courtyard, and contacted Qin Shizhong.

Within a moment, Qin Shizhong's miniature figure appeared in the book of living beings on his palm. He bowed to Zhang Deming meticulously and said, "I have met Manager Li."

Zhang Deming nodded slightly in response, and then asked: "How is the formation of the coastal states going?"

"Manager Li, if you don't contact me, I'm preparing to ask for instructions these days!" Qin Shizhong answered.

Zhang Deming asked in confusion: "Oh? But what happened?"

Qin Shizhong shook his head and said: "Things haven't happened yet, but in the construction of coastal states, due to the scattered large and small islands and extremely uneven distribution, the urban system used in the inland is somewhat ineffective.

If we really want to build it like this, we will need at least tens of thousands of official seals to barely cover all the inhabited islands.

Because most official seals can only take care of the area around the main island or the main archipelago, and the rest of the area is all sea. "

Zhang Deming was stunned for a moment after hearing this. He had forgotten about this incident before. He looked at Qin Shizhong and said, "How do you want to deal with it?"

"Disciple, after careful consideration during this period, I decided to change the model and gather all the mortals on an island suitable for habitation.

Then just build cities and towns, and then divide the regions into cities as units. There is no need to divide the planning of states and regions separately. Just classify the entire coast as a coastal area, and one doorstep can be a state capital. "Qin Shizhong looked at Zhang Deming and said tentatively.

Zhang Deming shook his head and said: "This road is blocked. Since these mortals can appear and survive on scattered islands, it is the result of natural selection.

Forcibly bringing them together is not beautiful. Mortals have also lost the opportunity to make free choices, and it is no different than keeping them in captivity in an extraterrestrial magic kiln. "

Qin Shizhong paused after hearing this and asked: "So, Manager Li, which method do you think is more appropriate?"

Zhang Deming seemed to ponder for a moment before suddenly thinking of something and asking: "Don't you have many special 'elite' level members in your Tianling District?"

Qin Shizhong nodded with a wry smile and said, "There are indeed quite a few, but most of them were taken away by senior Li Shangyuan from your district!"

Zhang Deming showed a stunned expression, then smiled bitterly and said: "Um... is there such a thing?"

Qin Shizhong nodded and said: "That's true. If you, Manager Li, have this idea, you'd better ask Senior Li Shangyuan in your area for someone!"

At that time, Senior Li bullied us juniors for not having complete information. Relying on the poor information, he promised us a few pills and asked us to help recruit people.

A total of more than 3,400 "elites" with unlimited companionship have been discovered in our district so far, and more than 2,600 of them have been given to senior Li Shangyuan by our joint efforts.

Of course, this is not what my subordinates are complaining about. After all, it was the result of our own choices. Those pills made me happy for a while.

But for the remaining people, our council members are evenly divided into less than a hundred people, but no one is available to fill the ordinary people in Tianji District, seniors. "

Qin Shizhong looked wary. It was obvious that Zhang Deming had just started, so he thought of a possibility and immediately guarded against Zhang Deming. Well, Li Zhengkun was exploiting him.

If it was really Zhang Deming who proposed it, he would definitely have a different attitude.


(end of this chapter)

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