Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 512: Profiteer [Additional Update On The 22Nd, Please Subscribe, Please Vote]

Chapter 512: Profiteer [Additional update on the 22nd, please subscribe, please vote]

Of course, as the place of the two-star spiritual vein, many disciples were originally stationed here.

However, in the past two days, they have been sent overseas one after another for overseas trials. This is a newly opened place for trials by the alliance.

When Zhang Deming arrived, it was almost two days later. In the middle of the afternoon, Li Shangyuan had been waiting at the mountain gate after receiving the news from Zhang Deming.

So when Zhang Deming arrived, a group of disciples waiting at the gate of the sect were stunned, and Li Shangyuan was stunned for a moment, and said, "Administrator?"

Zhang Deming smiled and said, "I met this Fellow Daoist on the next trail."

Then he vaguely raised his eyebrows at Li Shangyuan.

With Zhang Deming's smile, coupled with his unique temperament at this moment, the disciples who greeted him were a little dumbfounded, as if they had been struck by subjugation. A few female disciples were even a little nymphomaniac, because their cultivation level was too low!

"I didn't expect the steward to be eye-catching!" Li Shangyuan spoke for a long time, and finally choked out a rather funny adjective.

At the same time, as a tea ceremony minor and a former king of Quanqing Guan, he presumably understood why Zhang Deming used such an identity.

As an old man, he couldn't help but take a second look at this face, but considering how lethal it was, it would always be easier to negotiate business with such an identity! This is his thousands of years of experience.

This point, after he had accomplished the tea ceremony, he knew very well that the natural charm of temperament and appearance are very beneficial to many people getting along with each other.

Appearance, in any world, is a general-level killer!


Zhang Deming was led into his small courtyard by Li Shangyuan. After the two sat down, Li Shangyuan began to make tea. Zhang Deming asked: "What was the reaction from the Qingyu tribe?"

"I asked a little bit yesterday, and their response was unusually enthusiastic.

Especially since I have practiced Shouxin Pill, I heard that I know a special craftsman, Qing Lin, the patriarch of the Herring Clan, came to ask in person.

I didn't say anything to death, and even just let it out, saying that an old friend might come to the door in the next few days, and he is a senior instrument repairer from the Hidden World family. "

Li Shangyuan replied like this, as a king of the sea, it is normal to act like this, leaving no leeway, guessing that he would panic in his heart.

"Tell me about the Qingyu Tribe's search for the weapon refiner, and I'll see how far the bargaining goes." Zhang Deming said this, not making it too obvious that the lion was speaking loudly.

Li Shangyuan shook his head and said: "I have investigated a lot of information specifically about this, and even checked it through the party yesterday, but I didn't get any clear information.

Today's weapon refiners seem to be only invited to help refine a three-star Law Weapon and then returned. It seems to be a test, but so far, no one has passed. "

Apparently, Li Shangyuan also knew that Zhang Deming cut the meat of the herring family first, so he consciously prepared the information in advance.

Zhang Deming frowned and said, "Help someone fix the device and do the test? Do you make it so mysterious?"

"Well, it is indeed very mysterious. It was the same before I refined the Heart Guarding Pill, but after refining it, I didn't think there was anything strange. It's just that the effect of the pill is special!" Li Shangyuan nodded, with a hint of emotion in his words. With some doubts and confusion.

"So, let's go meet the Qingyu clan! Speaking of which, after arriving in Qingyu City, I haven't officially come into contact with this ancient clan!" Zhang Deming took a cup of tea handed over by Li Shangyuan and took a sip. replied.

"Now?" Li Shangyuan paused and asked in doubt.

Zhang Deming shook his head and said: "Tomorrow, I just arrived today, why are you running non-stop? Are you rushing to help? Being too hasty is not good for us!"

Li Shangyuan also took a sip of tea, nodded and said: "That's right, it's time to put on airs! But if we go tomorrow, I guess someone will come..."

Before Li Shangyuan finished speaking, one of his disciples, Ji Qingyang, hurried over, bowed to the two of them, and said, "Master, Uncle Zhang!"

Li Shangyuan frowned and said, "What's the matter? Didn't you tell me to talk to your Uncle Zhang, don't come in and disturb me?"

"People from the herring clan came to visit again!" Ji Qingyang replied.

Zhang Deming and Li Shangyuan looked at each other and smiled at each other. Li Shangyuan said: "It seems that the Herring Clan is really in a hurry!"

"I just arrived in front of you, and I came to the door in the back. Don't make it too obvious. It seems that you are really anxious and don't care about my raising the price." Zhang Deming mused.

"How is it? See you?" Li Shangyuan asked.

"I'm a bit tired today, let's do it tomorrow! After all, it's too easy to get, so I don't cherish it." Zhang Deming took another sip of tea, and said calmly:

"Besides, brother, you have already said that I am a visiting friend. This friend has not even visited yet, so he went to the Herring Clan without stopping. Didn't you come here for them?"

"Since they are in a hurry, they should make a decision." Li Shangyuan nodded, took two sips of tea calmly, then looked at Ji Qingyang and said:

"Go and reply. Just say that I'm not free today. There are distinguished guests coming. Let them come back another day! Well, that's it. If I ask about other things, you can just reply that you don't know."

"Disciple understands!" Ji Qingyang saluted respectfully, then hurriedly turned and left.

Zhang Deming and Li Shangyuan looked at each other again, showing a tacit smile, then stopped talking and sipped tea again.


The next day, Zhang Deming habitually got up early in the morning and started his daily sword practice.

After he finished, a disciple seemed to have been waiting for a long time. It was Ji Qingyang who met yesterday. Zhang Deming glanced at him and said, "What's the matter?"

"Early in the morning, the people from the Qingyu tribe came to visit again, and the master was receiving them. But they kept asking the uncle to go out and have a talk. They even had a showdown with the master just now, and they directly said that they were here for Uncle Zhang.

Qinglin, the patriarch of the Herring Clan, asked Master directly how he could introduce you to their clan. It seems that the intermediary fee can be paid casually.

The master looked at the other party in such a hurry, guessed that it was almost done, and asked the disciple to ask the uncle what you mean. Uncle, do you want the other party to pay attention, or go out and meet now? "Ji Qingyang replied respectfully.

"Have you removed the fig leaf of visiting me at home and come directly to me instead?" Zhang Deming pondered for a moment and said: "Let's go and meet him! Anyway, I am so urgent, I should be able to take a bite of the meat."

While Ji Qingyang was respectful, he lowered his head and followed Zhang Deming. He found that this handsome and scumbag uncle seemed to be a black-hearted businessman!


Ji Qingyang led the way, Zhang Deming strolled, and came to the reception hall of Spirit Medicine Mountain with a bit of leisure.

As a newly built mountain gate, many places here are only standard. So I can’t say how good it is, I can only say it has such a configuration.

"Fellow Daoist Zhang is up!" When Zhang Deming strolled into the living room, Li Shangyuan immediately stood up and greeted him enthusiastically. Qinglin from the Qingyu Tribe also immediately stood up and looked at the surprisingly handsome Zhang Deming.

Zhang Deming also looked at Qing Lin, whom he had met several times before but had never had any contact with.

He looks to be in his sixties, with silver hair all over his head and no wrinkles on his face. He can be regarded as a typical child with white hair and a youthful face.

The aura of cultivation is a little weird, fluctuating back and forth between the Four Symbols and the Five Elements. It is said that he suffered some injuries due to improper cultivation a hundred years ago. At least that's what the news from the outside world says.

Zhang Deming looked at it for a moment, and then responded with a smile: "Brother Li Shi, I usually hear you say that you are so leisurely. Today, I saw that you are so busy early in the morning, so it can be seen that your words are not detailed."

Li Shangyuan paused slightly, but before he could reply, Qing Lin greeted him politely: "It was me, the Qingyu clan, who was rude!"

"This is..." Zhang Deming looked at the other party in confusion.

Li Shangyuan immediately stepped forward and introduced: "This is the leader of the Qingyu clan, Qinglin."

"So you are the leader of the Qinglin clan. Yesterday Brother Li Shi asked me if I would be free this time!" Zhang Deming saluted him and said.

"This is the friend I met in the Pure Land, the seven-star Spiritual Treasure refiner of the reclusive Zhang family, Zhang Bodao Fellow Daoist!" Li Shangyuan introduced to Qinglin.

"I've met Fellow Daoist Zhang. I've heard about Fellow Daoist's skill in weapon refining for a long time!" Qing Lin gave a polite salute and held up the stinky feet.

"Really? I don't really remember how many people from the outside I have come into contact with!" Zhang Deming replied calmly and coldly, with a good attitude.

Qinglin barely paused and smiled directly: "I have heard a lot about Fellow Daoist from Fellow Daoist Li."

Li Shangyuan glanced at Qinglin, who responded with a smile. No one was trying to trouble him.

A group of people were led by Li Shangyuan, and both sat down.

Zhang Deming glanced at the other party, kept a cold expression, looked at Qinglin and said: "Brother Li Shi mentioned to me yesterday that your clan is looking for a weapon refiner.

Since we met today, luckily let's talk about it. If Brother Li Shixiong can admire him so much, I think your clan is worth making friends with. "

Qing Lin was overjoyed when he heard this. As he spoke, he raised his hand and threw out a fist-sized luminous bead, floating it in front of Zhang Deming.

Zhang Deming looked at the bead in confusion. He did not take action immediately, but waited for Qinglin's explanation.

"Fellow Daoist, you can look at this bead!"

Qinglin motioned to Zhang Deming and asked him to check out the strange Law Weapon in front of him.

Zhang Deming frowned slightly and looked at it carefully. As his spiritual eyes probed, a lot of information poured into Zhang Deming's mind.

It took a moment for Zhang Deming to come back to his senses. He looked at Qinglin with a frown and said, "What do you mean, noble? Why don't you ask me to make a weapon without giving you a test question first?"

Upon hearing this, Qing Lin was overjoyed and said: "Fellow Daoist! Because our clan has special needs, we have asked two Spiritual Treasure refiners for help before, but to no avail.

However, one of them has a good relationship with our clan and specially helped our clan to refine this bead to make it easier for our clan to find people.

The original words of that person were that those who understand this bead must understand the needs of our clan. Although they may not be able to find people who can refine it, they can weed out most of the mediocre people. "

Hearing this, Zhang Deming's eyes flickered. Then the light flashed in his eyes for a moment, and when he pointed at the ball in front of him, the ball suddenly exploded, quickly reorganized, and turned into a blooming snow-white lotus in front of him.

After doing this, Zhang Deming showed a smile and said: "The ability to refine a one-star Law Weapon to such an exquisite level, and its power to purify and awaken the mind is even close to that of a three-star Law Weapon, is really a remarkable method."

Qinglin watched Zhang Deming open the lotus flower with ease, and the joy on his face could no longer be concealed. He had seen too many refiners over the years, and he even found two masters of Spiritual Treasure.

Apart from the person who made this bead, this was the second time he saw someone who could trigger this Law Weapon so easily.

"Fellow Daoist..." Qing Lin looked at Zhang Deming nervously and excitedly. He was too expecting to ask further questions.

Zhang Deming also understood what he was going to ask. He kept a faint smile on his cold face, and his appearance suddenly exploded, and he said:

"I understand what kind of weapons your clan wants to customize, and I also understand why Spiritual Treasure's weapon refiners are not satisfied. If I'm not mistaken, your clan wants to refine the three unique weapons of the weapon path, right?"

There are three core techniques in Hongmeng's well-known formations. They are: stacking, fusion formation, and combined force.

If the formation master masters any one of these three secret techniques, he can refine special formations, and even use low-level formations to meet high-level needs. It is even easy to complete the formation across levels, even several levels.

For example, stackers and extreme stacking masters can even use one-star formations to create onion formations, which can be superimposed infinitely, barely reaching the exaggerated effect of three-star peaks or even four-stars.

The Instrument Dao, like the Formation Dao, also has three core advanced techniques.

Well, it can’t be called techniques, it should be called three core functions. Because of the special nature of the weapon path, there are many methods that can satisfy these functional effects, unlike the formation path which only has one skill.

They are: Recognizable Lord, Wisdom of Creatures, and Ability to Grow.

Once a refined artifact satisfies these three core elements, it is called the Three Unique Artifacts. No matter what level it is, its value will skyrocket.

The function of recognizing the master is secondary, because there are too many methods to satisfy it, and it can achieve the functions of recognizing the master with blood, soul, spiritual power, and body care, etc.

It is difficult to achieve spiritual intelligence. It is an extremely rare method for a weapon refiner to forge it.

The last one has the ability to grow... This thing often exists in legends. Growth artifacts are not just a matter of refining difficulty. There are too few secret methods that can meet this condition.

As for Zhang Deming, he may not be able to arrange the three unique formations at the moment, but the three unique weapons... Do you want to wholesale or retail?

The combined use of symbiosis seeds, spiritual cultivation techniques, and blood soul locks makes it easy for him to refine the three unique weapons. Now he has even refined a special Law Treasure that swallows growth!

This is entirely the need of the corresponding profession. No wonder Du Xuanda calculated such a hexagram for himself.

Hearing this, Qing Lin said with joy and trepidation: "It seems that Fellow Daoist Zhang's skill in weapon refining has reached the pinnacle.

Yes, our clan just wants to customize a Law Weapon. The level is still second, but it must be one of the three special skills. I wonder... can Fellow Daoist be satisfied? "

Zhang Deming kept smiling and replied: "Three unique weapons... I am satisfied, but can the nobles afford them?"

As Zhang Deming spoke, he raised his hand and summoned the Spiritual Weapon for the first time. A transparent long nail condensed from the void, appeared in Zhang Deming's hand, and revolved happily around Zhang Deming.

"This is... the Three Ultimate Spiritual Treasure?!!!" Qing Lin said in horror.

"That's right, this is the first Spiritual Treasure I've refined, and I've been lucky enough to complete the refining of the Three Absolute Weapons, and it's a special growth!" Zhang Deming looked at the God Cracking Nail and said.

Qinglin was overjoyed and immediately said: "Whatever Fellow Daoist wants, just ask. If our clan can do it, we will never delay it."

Huo, he sounds like a rich man again, this time he must be a real rich man, right?

A majestic and powerful family from ancient times. They have been doing business and farming for thousands of years. A big boss who owns a big commercial city should have a lot of money in his pocket!

If this is still as cool as Accidental Son, a fake rich man, he will vomit blood!

"I heard that the nobles have a five-star spiritual vein?" Zhang Deming waved away the Spiritual Treasure in his hand as he spoke.

Qing Lin's face froze, even though he thought he would be slaughtered, but he slaughtered the spiritual veins with his mouth, this was a bit too much!

Spiritual veins are the foundation of a clan!

Daily practice, the operation of the sect-protecting formation, the handling of daily affairs, etc. are all based on this. No, how could such a rare profession as a Feng Shui master have such a phenomenon?

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not interested in your clan's spiritual veins, and the five-star Low Grade spiritual veins are not too difficult to get." Zhang Deming looked at Qinglin's stiff face and continued to ask with a smile: "Since you have five-star spiritual veins Pulse, the nobles should have a spiritual power reserve pool, right?"

Qinglin calmed down slightly, nodded suspiciously, and said, "Well, the guardian formation on Herring Island is a special six-star formation, and the construction of the spiritual power reserve pool is considered complete."

Zhang Deming laughed when he heard this. Obviously Zhang Deming's smile is very charming, but Qing Lin always feels that this smile makes him a little bit uncomfortable.

"If I remember correctly, no one has attacked the nobles for more than 10,000 years since they opened Qingyu City?" Zhang Deming asked again.

"Well, it's been thirteen thousand years since the last time our clan fought!" Qing Lin nodded.

"Then your spiritual power reserve is crystallizing?" Zhang Deming asked in surprise.

"It is indeed crystallizing, but our clan does not lack any spiritual stones. We have not used the spiritual power of the reserve pool, and the clansmen have not been guided to use it for breakthroughs." Qinglin replied like this.

"My first condition is to let me stay in your spiritual power reserve pool for a year or so. I need to warm up a special artifact." Zhang Deming smiled.

What kind of condition is this? For them, it is simply not difficult!

"No problem, if the Fellow Daoist needs it, we can also add spirit stones to increase the spirit pressure in the reserve pool!" Qinglin agreed without hesitation, and said with a rich face.

"That's not necessary. Just talk about the price for the spirit stone." Zhang Deming smiled.

Just kidding, if you guys knew that he wanted to drain the spiritual power reserves of their clan's five-star spiritual veins for thousands of years, he wouldn't hesitate!


It’s the end of the month, take a look at your ballot folder, some of you have voted! This is the first time I have the opportunity to earn 3,000 monthly tickets!

Also, I was lucky last month, and I got a barrage recommendation in the monthly ticket lottery.

So I also made a lottery post to try my luck. I wrote a random number capture plug-in for the lottery. It depends on the appearance, not the eyes! Whether he is an African chief or a European emperor, you will know after just one try!

(The index for apprentices and above is two, and the index for trainees and below is one. This is the only difference. Don’t blame me for the shady details of the lottery then!)

(end of this chapter)

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