Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 530 The Full Moon Is Treacherous

Chapter 530 The full moon is treacherous

Are they really people who mistakenly entered the secret realm? Do weird people really mean people who don’t have dogs with them? !

Is Yangjiacun so cruel?

If you don’t keep a dog, you’re a heretic and you’ll be killed?

"What on earth do you crazy people want to do? The old master has admitted defeat today and is willing to hand over the storage ring. What else do you want?"

As the two of them were dodging in embarrassment, the older Taoist said somewhat angrily.

"Where is your dog?" Yang Tianbao asked after hearing the other person actually reply.

"What the hell, the old Taoist said it all. The old Taoist is not a monk who follows the path of restraining spirits and dispatching generals. He doesn't know how to control beasts and he doesn't raise spiritual pets.

Even if you are raising a mount, you are also raising a crane. The old Taoist master of Fengshan Temple, what's the point of riding a dog out and barking? I don’t want this old face anymore! "The old man said angrily.

"Brother Tianbao, there's no need to ask, we've already confirmed that they don't have dogs, they are definitely abnormal species.

Although I don’t know why I can talk, I will know when I reveal myself! "One of the besieged men said this.

As he spoke, Zhang Deming felt as if his mind was filled with muscles. Of course, it may also be because Zhang Deming does not know enough information.

Seeing this, Yang Tianbao stopped holding back. As his mind moved slightly, the dog under him seemed to be about to use a spell.

Seeing this, the old man's expression suddenly changed. Their cultivation level was blocked, and it was already very difficult to deal with the two stupid Yang family members. In the end, this dog was not only a five-element Great Monster, but also knew magic!

Even in his heyday, he was not necessarily guaranteed to win. Relying on the flesh now is simply courting death.

"I will fight with you!"

As he spoke, he suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood essence, and using the blood as a guide, he managed to sparkle a little spiritual light. It is much more powerful than the spiritual eye technique that Zhang Deming used before finding the key to open the cultivation seal, and at least it has the fluctuation of magic level.

The old man's explosive performance made the simple Yang Tianbao and the others pause for a moment, and prepared to defend with serious expressions.

As a result, the old man suddenly turned into a streak of blood, wrapped up another person and disappeared in front of everyone. This change caught the three of them completely off guard.

"He... ran away?" one person said dully.

"Can weirdos still run away?" another person replied.

"It's not like they hid the dog, right?"

"You must be sick!"

Yang Tianbao frowned, obviously very confused about this situation.


At this time, the battlefield nearby seemed to be extremely fierce, and huge movements interrupted the three people's words and continued thinking.

The three of them paused slightly and ran directly towards the other battlefield where the movement was.

Zhang Deming frowned, followed the crowd, and moved forward quietly.

After a few ups and downs, they arrived at another battle field. Looking at the scene, Zhang Deming was stunned again.

I saw five Yang family members, riding dogs, surrounding one person and beating them up. Well, they were barely human!

The target was wearing an extremely dirty piece of clothing that hadn't been washed for an unknown amount of time. It was stained everywhere and somewhat damaged. It looked like it had been worn for an unknown number of years, but the marks were fresh and seemed to have been put on recently. of.

He has a strong body, unusually tall, nearly two meters tall, and looks like a little giant between his muscles.

There is a weird skull on the head, with tentacles on the cheeks, and a mouthpart like the mouth of a centipede. It has the appearance of a black iron warrior, and the head has a metallic luster.

At this moment, the opponent is in this form, and he is still able to defeat five of them. The main reason is that many spells don't seem to have much effect on him, and physically, he is too powerful.

The only good thing is that the other party seems to have no intelligence, and he will hammer whoever appears in front of him crazily.

With the addition of Yang Tianbao and others, the battle gradually shifted towards the Yang family.

Zhang Deming looked at all this, but slowly began to make some guesses.

If my guess is correct, this is a normal abnormal species, and it is extremely likely that normal people, or even people without dogs, will become like this.

Otherwise, the Yang family would not have the same reaction as before, looking for dogs whenever they see people!

So, this secret realm is also polluted like Qingmu Yang Leitian?

Is it just because of the ban and the back door was specially opened, so that there are still people left?

"Woof woof..."


In Zhang Deming's thoughts, the battle has already come to an end. In an eight-on-one situation, no matter how strong the body is, no matter how hard it is to withstand beatings, without intelligence and without stage differences, it will only end in being killed.

The battle came to an end as Yang Tianbao's dog suddenly spit out a strange ice pick, blowing the strange creature's head off.

Immediately afterwards, a dog demon spit out flames and burned all the corpses, and the battle was over.

Everyone continued to move to other places, Zhang Deming followed quietly, silently watching the three battles and collecting information.


After a while, everyone who had finished the battle came to a place where a few adults were standing, and Zhang Deming came back early.

"Uncle Tianbao, he went to peek at your fight!" A kid who was unhappy with Zhang Deming's attitude pointed at Zhang Deming among the branches.

Zhang Deming hugged the dog and gave him a blank look. Then he showed a shy smile to Yang Tianbao and the others, then floated up and flew towards the village.

Yang Tianbao ignored this and looked at the sky. The sun had completely set. He said, "Go back quickly. Today is a full moon night. Go back and see if your uncle is back. I didn't pick him up immediately!"


When the group returned to the village, they found that the people Yang Yanting had not returned yet, and not all those who went out on patrol had returned. Yang Tianbao eagerly arranged for people to go to various places to provide support.

"It's all his fault. If he wasn't in a hurry to breed, he wouldn't have completed the patrol before the full moon!" muttered a young boy.

Zhang Deming looked at the other party, ignored him, followed the others silently, and waited quietly.

As time passed, the afterglow of the setting sun began to disappear, the sky gradually darkened, and Zhang Deming frowned.

After activating the dog transformation and obtaining Xiao Lei, all his suppression was gone, so his spiritual sense returned to normal.

When the sun disappeared from the horizon, his spiritual sense kept giving warnings. The previously quiet, peaceful and peaceful village began to become weird and dark, and he always felt like there were demons dancing behind him.

Looking back, it was clear that nothing had changed in the village, but Zhang Deming just felt a little eerie and uncomfortable.

The puppy in his arms no longer lay happily in Zhang Deming's arms, but looked around anxiously. He kept his ears open and kept watching.

In this way, the waiting continued until the sky was dark and it was almost dark, and the men who had gone out suddenly came back one after another.

"Dad is back!"

"Grandpa, you are finally back!"


Many old and weak women and children who were guarding the entrance of the village breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the men coming back.

Zhang Deming's pupils shrank, his expression changed suddenly, and he almost screamed in shock.

Those who went out were clearly groups of men riding dogs, but what came back at this moment were all monsters with a human head and a dog body, ligated muscles, and a weird look all over their bodies!

These monsters didn't seem to realize there was anything wrong with them. They were communicating with the surrounding villagers one by one, and the people who greeted them didn't notice anything wrong either.

Were they invaded by aberrations?

No, with so many people, it’s impossible for them all to be eroded and still be intact!

Full moon?

Could it be that they are the only ones who transform on full moon nights?

No, to be precise, they were not aware of their changes at all. It seemed that subconsciously, they were still the same as before.

Looking at the reactions of everyone around him, Zhang Deming looked back at some old people who hadn't come out of the village, and found that some old people who hadn't left the village had also turned into such monsters at some point.

Zhang Deming was more sure of his guess, and looked up at the sky. It was clearly still dusk, but a silver moon had already appeared.

Under the moonlight, the village became inexplicably deserted and dilapidated, as if it had been abandoned for decades.

'It turned out to be Zhang Jiawa, who hasn't come to breed for more than 20 years! '

‘The Zhang family suddenly lost contact! '

Most of the strange erosion in the bloodline during breeding!

The reception room is full of dust...

Information one by one quickly flashed across Zhang Deming's mind. Looking at the village in front of him, a terrible guess emerged.

This village was completely eroded at least 20 years ago, but because of the dogs, it did not become a strange species, but turned into a ghost-like existence.

I don't know what happened to me at all, and I still live as usual, day after day. Only when the moon is full and the strange species is strengthened, will they change?

"Little Zhang family, the breeding is complete. Come, show me your dog breed!" Yang Yanting, who had a human head and a dog body, was covered with flesh, and was still wearing the previous coarse cloth and short hexagram, came to Zhang Deming and said.

Zhang Deming looked at the figure of the other party, looked at the crowd around where no one noticed anything unusual, suppressed the panic in his heart, showed a shy expression, and said, "Uncle Yang, no need, you are already very tired today, just go Don’t bother, let’s see tomorrow!”

Xiao Lei in his arms was also frightened by Yang Yanting in front of him, trembling a little, Zhang Deming even quietly twisted the soft flesh of its abdomen.

"Woo woo... woof woof..."

Xiao Lei, who was twisted and hurt by Zhang Deming, let out a sob, but didn't look back, and still looked at Yang Yanting with some fury.

"Oh, this little guy is so afraid of strangers! He looks a bit like you. We are very close to each other!" Yang Yanting looked at Xiao Lei and smiled.

But she didn't know how charming his smile was at this moment. Hearing this, Zhang Deming felt a little shy again.

At this time, a half-grown baby suddenly joined his dog Integrated Union, and right in front of Zhang Deming's eyes, he turned into a monster with a human head and a dog body, with ligated muscles, full of treachery.

All this happened in front of everyone's eyes, but no one noticed this change, let alone taking a glance. It seemed that he was still the same as before.

Zhang Deming looked around, looking at the crowd of people, monsters, and dogs. Under the sparse light of the silver moon, it was really weird.

He stopped delaying and said, "Uncle Yang, I just finished breeding and am really tired, so I'm going back to the house to rest!"

Yang Yanting paused for a moment, and Yang Tianbao also looked over and asked, "Aren't you going to have dinner again?"

"No, I brought some fruits!" Zhang Deming said. Who knows what your dinner is, but he can't bear it.

"Okay, the moon is full today, and the strange species are extremely powerful. You might as well rest early, and remember not to run around at night." Yang Yanting warned.


After receiving the reply, Zhang Deming turned around and left without hesitation. The speed was very fast, and after a few ups and downs, we arrived at the yard where we lived before.

Under the moonlight, this place has become a bit deserted, but maybe because no one lived in it originally, this yard is now the least weird yard in the village.

Zhang Deming hurried into the room, closed the door, and breathed a long sigh of relief. In a village where people don't know what the hell is going on, this room can still give people some comfort.

If he hadn't seen the so-called abnormal species today, guessed that the full moon would become stronger, and the moonlight in the sky would make his body extremely uncomfortable, Zhang Deming would have wanted to run away all night!

This ghost village is too weird and unsuitable for normal people to stay.

He had wondered before how such an ancient village could suddenly lose contact with other villages. Since there has been no contact for more than 20 years, there must be a reason, but he was accepted so suddenly when he came.

There was a lot of information that I couldn’t figure out at the time.

Now that I think about it, I instantly understand that these things are exactly like the ghosts of injustice. They don't know that they are dead, but they still maintain the established pattern of actions before them. It’s like an NPC ghost village!

It's just that compared to the innocent souls, their state is a bit strange.

‘Leave at dawn! '

While thinking, Zhang Deming had a definite idea.

After putting down Xiao Lei in his arms, this little guy's spiritual sense was also extremely powerful. Even in the room, it was uneasily hovering around Zhang Deming's feet.

Zhang Deming looked at it and did not continue to pay attention to it. Instead, with a pair of strange ears on his head, he began to arrange a formation in the room while the spiritual light surged.

However, even if the restrictions on Zhang Deming's cultivation were completely removed, the formations that had been arranged were slowly eroded and dissipated. For this reason, Zhang Deming deliberately mixed a little blood of his current state, and the effect was much better.

But even with spiritual power to maintain it, this formation probably won't last for a month before it will spontaneously dissipate.

Zhang Deming felt it for a while, ignored it, arranged a lot of formations, and then began to enter meditation.


It's night, and Xiao Lei beside him has never been very stable, always very anxious. Sometimes he would circle around Zhang Deming, and sometimes he would lie aside, always looking a little restless.

However, his intelligence was not low, so he did not disturb Zhang Deming's trance, nor did he shout randomly, but just moved around anxiously.

As the time slowly came to midnight, various strange sounds began to appear in the village outside, including the sounds of chewing and bone breaking, all kinds of strange sounds mixed together.

Xiaolei became more and more anxious, and Zhang Deming's spiritual sense kept beating, which made it difficult for him to settle down deeply, and the time wore on little by little.

"Dong dong..."

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

Xiao Lei, who was lying on the ground, suddenly raised his head, his chubby body was a little more rounded because of some hairy hairs.

Zhang Deming also opened his eyes, and turned his head to look at the door.

"Dong dong..."

The knock on the door came again, but Zhang Deming remained silent. He stretched out his hand to hug Xiaolei in his arms, and put all his strength on guard.

The little guy also felt the huge dark, ominous, and crazy atmosphere at the door. Without saying a word, he huddled in Zhang Deming's arms, raised his head, and looked at the door vigilantly.

After a while, no one replied, the dark and crazy atmosphere at the door disappeared with the knock on the door, and everyone and the dog breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

"Zhang's baby, have you fallen asleep?"

At this time, the village chief Yang Yanting's words suddenly came from the door, making the one person and one dog who had just relaxed become vigilant again in an instant.

Zhang Deming thought about what he was told during the day not to go out at night. Therefore, there is still no reply, and in perception, there is obviously no one at the door at this moment.

"Have you fallen asleep? I'll open the door and come in and call when I'm asleep!" Yang Yanting's plain words sounded again.

Xiao Lei tilted his head to look at Zhang Deming, but Zhang Deming hugged the dog without saying a word.

"Dong dong..." After another knock on the door, Yang Yanting's words came again: "Then I'm coming in!"

The door shook slightly, as if it was about to be knocked down. But there was still no reply from Zhang Deming, and there was no movement at the door for a long time.

The door was not knocked open, and no one came in. The door shaking just now seemed to be an illusion. After a long time, Yang Yanting seemed to have disappeared.

In this way, the second half of the night seemed to be extremely active, and various weird sounds could always be heard, and occasionally someone seemed to knock on the door.

But Zhang Deming hugged the dog and didn't respond all the time. The time passed by in such high tension and silently.

Especially before dawn, at the darkest hour, the whole village seemed to come alive. Zhang Deming's spiritual sense kept alerting him, and Xiaolei's hair in his arms was blowing out like a hedgehog.

Zhang Deming didn't act rashly all the time, and stayed in the room obediently.

Until the first ray of light appeared in the sky, the rays of the two suns pierced the darkness before dawn, all the movements began to recede in an instant, and in a short while, it became a piece of peace.

It seemed that this night was all Zhang Deming's illusion. The little Lei in his arms was just born, and after a night of fear, he had already fallen asleep drowsily.

Zhang Deming got up and checked the various formations in the room.

This inspection surprised Zhang Deming. The formation that was expected to disappear in a month unexpectedly dissipated several layers.

In particular, the mental defensive formations on the periphery were seriously eroded by something. If Zhang Deming hadn't arranged enough last night, the formations might have been broken long ago.

Carefully repaired some formations, and then concealed them all.

Without going out immediately, Zhang Deming waited for a while, and when the sun was already half-high, the sky was already bright, and the blood-red morning sun covered the village in a golden light, Zhang Deming opened the door carefully.

It’s the last day, if you have a monthly ticket, hurry up and vote, there are still about 200 monthly tickets left, please work harder, don’t let the first 800 be abolished! How distressing that is!

(end of this chapter)

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