Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 534 Two Families [Additional Update On The 33Rd Day, Please Subscribe, Please Vote]

Chapter 534 Two families [Additional update on the 33rd day, please subscribe, please vote]

The capable girl paused for a moment, and stopped talking too much pretending to be smart, but the other party, a man and a woman, fell silent when they heard the word grabbing, no longer as eager as before.

"Your surname is Mo?" Zhang Deming looked at the two and asked.

The man's eyes lit up again when he heard the words, and he nodded immediately: "Return to the elder, we are disciples of the Mohist family, and my name is Murphy."

The woman beside him immediately said, "My name is Mo Qian."

Zhang Deming glanced at the two of them and did not ask any more questions. Instead, he looked back at the girl in front of him and asked as if to confirm: "So, is your surname Zhang or Yang?"

"Zhang Xiuqing!" the capable girl said bluntly and directly.

Sure enough, the story originated from life, but is higher than life. The information obtained by Yangjiacun is still somewhat useful.

Zhang Deming, who was about to continue asking questions, suddenly paused and looked up in one direction.

"Woof woof..."

As Zhang Deming looked up, the faint sound of a dog barking came from the distance. The capable girl Zhang Xiuqing looked slightly happy, but the expressions of Murphy and Mo Qian changed.

Without it, because the direction from which the movement came was exactly the direction from which Zhang Xiuqing escaped.

Zhang Deming had no expression on his face. He stopped asking for a moment, put his hands behind his back, floated quietly on the spot, and waited.

"Woof woof..."

"Here, Xiaobai smells sister's scent!"

Everyone waited quietly for a moment, and then a few young men riding dogs rushed out from the deep forest. They were about fifteen or sixteen years old. Most of them were wearing short t-shirts made of coarse cloth. Under their bronze skin, there was watery tendon flesh, which looked a little wild. smell.

After everyone jumped out of the forest, they were all stunned.

I saw a handsome and cute young man with a puppy sitting on his shoulders, floating in the air with his hands behind his back, looking at them with an indifferent expression.

Not far from the young man, there was a girl tied with a blood-red chain. It was Zhang Xiuqing they were looking for. She seemed to have some injuries, but it didn't look like she was in mortal danger yet.

To the left hand of the young man, in a pit not far away, two people and two dogs were lying. One look at the dogs showed that they were both members of the Mo family.

Several teenagers who jumped out of the forest suddenly looked at such a scene, and they all stood still on the spot. I have seen dogs that can run and fly, but I have never seen a person who can fly, so I was a little scared.


One of the boys was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously yelled and used the trick of moving his father away.

At this time, two more waves of people jumped out of two other places in the forest. They were all men in groups of three or three, including the first group of teenagers, a total of nine people, forming a triangle surrounding Zhang Deming and others.

Seeing this, Murphy and Mo Qian's expressions darkened, but Zhang Deming looked a little indifferently in one direction of the forest and said, "There are still seats available, why don't we come out and meet them together?"

Following Zhang Deming's words, a very old but extremely strong figure, riding a huge old dog with hair loss, slowly walked out of the woods.

There are ten people in total, but their strength seems to be a bit weak. Even the hair-shedding old dog under the strongest old man is only at the peak of his four elephants.

The several adult men around were all talented, and the three young men were all riding dogs with good manners. If you have never been to Yangjia Village, this configuration is enough for a village.

But after coming into contact with Yangjiacun, looking at this group of people at this moment, their strength is not a level lower. As the Zhang family who has a close relationship with him, this shouldn't be the case.

"Old Zhang Zeli, I have met this... this little friend!" The old man said with a solemn expression as he looked at Zhang Deming floating in the air.

The words he spoke were somewhat inconsistent with his image, showing a bit of elegance.

"Little friend?" Zhang Deming tilted his head slightly, looked at Zhang Zeli with raised eyebrows and said, "I am much older than you!"

When everyone heard this, many young people frowned in confusion, but the pupils of the old man and a group of middle-aged men shrank slightly.

Before several people could speak, Zhang Deming continued: "I, Mr. Zhang, are you in charge here?"

Zhang sermon?

Your surname is Zhang?

Why are you from the cloth generation?

When Bu Deze was young, Junxiu was loyal to him. Bu's generation was his grandfather's generation!

The eldest old man, Zhang Zeli, felt lightning flash in his heart. He was surprised, hesitated for a moment, and replied: "To answer this... uncle, I am indeed the person in charge. I wonder what my uncle has and his orders?"

"What happened to the clan, and why did the passage to the Yang family become so abandoned?" Zhang Deming looked at the old man and asked.

When a group of Zhang family members heard this, they were all shocked. Zhang Xiuqing, who had been watching coldly beside her, suddenly said: "Did you come from the banned Yangjia Village? Did some clan members really break through back then? Or were you banned together back then? Feng's Zhang family?"

Everyone was silent, thinking about asking everyone's thoughts.

"As you can see, it's me who is asking you!" Zhang Deming was about to give a warning when he spoke, but at this time, Xiao Lei on his shoulder took the initiative and suddenly sent out a special wave.

"Woof woof..."

It was obviously a few funny dog ​​calls, but the calls spread with special fluctuations, and all the dogs riding by the Zhang family around them lowered their heads.


The two-stage dogs even trembled, whined, and all crawled down.

"This is······!"


"Such a strong dragon?"

"Is this really a clan elder?!"


Several people had different expressions, and they looked at Zhang Deming with a little shock.

"It's a long story!" the old man Zhang Zeli said hesitantly.

Zhang Deming said calmly: "Then let's make a long story short."

Hearing this, Zhang Zeli looked at Zhang Deming and said, "How about my uncle go back to the village with us, and we can chat while we walk?"

Hearing this, Zhang Deming waved his hand, and the blood-colored chains on Zhang Xiuqing's body strangely disintegrated and disappeared. Murphy and Mo Qian's two dogs were floating in the chain, and they were all held up and floated behind Zhang Deming.

This change attracted the attention of the three young men. They had seen a lot of spells, but most of them were dog demon bloodline spells. The dogs of Zhang, Yang, and Mo's family were almost all Five Elements Dao, with strange bloodlines. not much.

They had never seen such a strange spell performed by humans, so they all looked at it curiously.

"Let's go!" After doing all this, Zhang Deming said calmly.

As he spoke, he floated towards the direction where everyone came from.

A few people paused, and Zhang Zeli immediately stepped forward to lead the way. Several men rode dogs skillfully beside them, and several young people helped Zhang Xiuqing up.

Because the injury was serious, one person wanted to hold her and put her on his dog.

Zhang Deming paused for a moment, glanced back, raised his hand, and an illusory elixir shadow appeared in his hand.

Development·Dan Dao: Vitality Dan!

As the shadow pulsed slightly, a green and vibrant elixir turned into a stream of light and submerged into Zhang Xiuqing's body.


The woman's body trembled, and an extremely comfortable feeling spread throughout her body, causing her to let out a weird hum.

The rest of the people looked at this scene strangely. The young man who wanted to hold her saw Zhang Xiuqing's strange reaction, his face tightened, and he said nervously: "Sister?!"

"I'm fine!"

As she spoke, she tried her best to suppress the strange pleasure brought by the strong vitality to repair her body. Her body was shaking a little, her face was flushed, her legs were tightly closed, and her expression seemed to be enjoying it but trying to endure it.

Zhang Deming paused slightly. The different paths of the techniques were not only different in the form of expression, but also had different effects.

There is no such weird pleasure when the bloodthirsty vine is inserted. It seems that Anzi is not suitable for use with Alchemy. This needs to be remembered.

At this time, under the astonished eyes of everyone, the girl's injuries were repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye. Within a moment, there was no more bleeding, and even the slightest bit of injury was gone.

"Let's go!" At this time, Zhang Deming turned around, put his hands behind his back, floated in the air, and said calmly.

As he spoke, he drifted forward with an indifferent expression, and everyone immediately followed.

And after the waves of pleasure in Zhang Xiuqing's body passed, she also looked curiously at her recovered injury, then jumped onto her dog's back and followed.


Zhang Zeli led the group, and the others followed behind, running towards the village.

Zhang Deming followed him in a floating body, showing off his image of a master in his graceful manner. Even though his cool and cute appearance was slightly different.

"How much does uncle know about the ancestral land?" Zhang Zeli asked.

"Ancestral land?" Zhang Deming asked suspiciously.

Zhang Zeli paused slightly and added: "It's the ancient village in the valley, the original clan place!"

Without waiting for Zhang Deming to answer, he muttered to himself: "It seems that, uncle, you don't know anything about the ancestral land."

Immediately, he began to talk slowly, and Zhang Deming also roughly clarified the ins and outs of the events in the two villages through the old man's narration.


This world has lost contact with Hongmeng since it fell, and the three families are struggling to survive, with limited activities, and they don't even know how vast this place is.

Because normal people are prohibited from practicing, bloodline monks who possess dog bloodline gradually lose their ability to practice as their bloodline continues to thin.

After countless years of evolution, ordinary people have gained corresponding strength and status by raising dogs and fighting with dogs.

But even though he has a certain strength, he only has half a key because he has no dog bloodline and only has a canine companion.

So it gradually became what it is now. Mortals get Transcendent like raising dogs and beasts. They only have the corresponding level of qualifications and no corresponding cultivation.

So that becoming a monk is not like a monk, and a mortal is not a mortal, but a mortal with a Transcendent partner whose life is intertwined.

In addition to being physically stronger, in fact, without dogs, these people can't even defeat ordinary Martial Artists.

Originally, there were three families in this area. The Yangjia Village was an ancient village, forming a village group, while the Mo family and the Zhang family lived in the form of villages and towns.

Because there is no other contact with the outside world, it has not changed for thousands of years.

Eighty years ago, a plague suddenly broke out in various villages in Yangjiacun, and it was dog plague.

At that time, many dogs of varying strength died. Although the febrile disease did not affect humans, it also pushed humans to a dead end.

Because in this secret realm, if you don’t raise a dog, take a dog with you, or control a dog, you will go crazy!

I don't know why, if there is no dog in this world, it will be inexplicably infected at night, especially on a full moon night, if there is no dog, no matter where you hide, you will definitely become a strange species.

And a dog plague caused disaster to most of the ordinary villages in Yangjia Village except the core main village.

The dog plague came suddenly, so the change also came suddenly.

When the Yang family found out, things had already broken out and there were strange species all over the place. In order not to affect the neighboring Zhangjia Village, the Yang family completely closed the passage and banned the clan land.

Then began the days of eliminating the strange species. I don't know what happened in the middle, I only know that in about twenty years, the Yang family has almost dealt with the banned strange species.

But the Yang family didn't know when it happened. In the process of eliminating monsters, they themselves also mutated. It has become an existence similar to an innocent soul, living in a predetermined pattern, acting according to its will, without knowing it.

In this way, it has been more than fifty years, until the arrival of Zhang Deming, there was a slight episode.

That's why, when Zhang Deming came in, the Yang family said that they hadn't seen the Zhang family for more than 20 years, because they consciously eliminated monsters, and only more than 20 years had passed.

In the remaining fifty years after that, they have completely become another kind of strange species. The spirit dog called them to commit evil, which probably means to commit evil in the last wish!


The story of Zhangjiacun happened after this.

Originally, the Zhang and Yang families each had their own strengths. As a sub-dragon, the dragon-blooded dog of the Zhang family possessed the characteristics of the sub-dragon - strong reproduction.

It is extremely difficult for the pure blood of the dragon race to reproduce, but on the contrary, the reproduction of the sub-dragon is another extreme. Therefore, the dragon blood dogs of the Zhang family can give birth to piles of cubs, and their fertility is extremely strong.

But what it brings is that the bloodline degenerates extremely fast, and the Yang family is just the opposite. It is difficult to reproduce, but the cultivation of dogs is extremely strong.

Therefore, for thousands of years, the Zhang and Yang families have formed a tacit division of labor long ago.

The Zhang family is responsible for reproduction and breeding, and the Yang family is responsible for refining and breeding. For thousands of years, they have complemented each other and enjoyed harmony.

With the closure of Yangjiacun, the dogs in Zhangjiacun began to degenerate rapidly. More than ten or twenty years later, Zhangjiacun discovered the seriousness of the problem and began to try to re-contact the Yang family.

But the passage changed, and all the people sent disappeared.

This result has been maintained for more than 20 years. More than 50 years ago, the clan sent some people in, and this time one came out.

Everyone thought it was a surprise, but it turned out to be a disaster.

After the man came out, everyone found that he had lost his memory. After discussion among the clan, they felt that they should be taken care of first, and then questioned slowly, or trying to restore their memory.

But what no one expected was that the disaster would start from there.

Following the man's return, some dogs began to go crazy in Zhang's villages and towns. They bit their owners to death and then suddenly woke up. Then most of the dogs chose to commit suicide.

When everyone reacted, this weird 'rabies' had already flooded, and Zhangjia Village or Zhangjia Town came to an end.

Under the great disaster, many vigilant people left the clan land in time and escaped. These people became the origin of Zhangjia Village today.


After Zhang Deming figured out the cause and effect, he frowned a little, because it didn't look like a disease at all, but like a curse. How can there be rabies that must kill the owner to wake up!

After hearing the cause and effect, he specially opened all his senses and carefully checked himself with his spiritual eyes operating at their limit. Fortunately, he did not find any weird curse or bacterial infection.


Their previous location was not too far away from the village, so when Zhang Deming figured out the cause and effect, Zhangjiacun was already vaguely visible.

Zhangjia Village, which was rebuilt after the disaster, is actually not far from the so-called ancestral land. It is located at the mouth of the valley, under the cliff more than ten miles away, and it was built against the cliff.

Looking from a distance, one can vaguely see an ancient village made of bluestone, built against a cliff. The village is not big, with only fifty or sixty households, most of which are bluestone huts or bluestone tile houses.

It's Xiangwu at this moment, most of the adults are busy, occasionally bickering, and the children are going crazy everywhere in the gaps between the houses in the village, which is very enjoyable.

Compared with Yangjia Village, it is a little less peaceful and a little more real.

And even Zhangjiacun, which was rebuilt after the disaster, is obviously a little less rough and a little more elegant. It's a pity that the houses no longer have the layout of the Jiangnan courtyard, and are a little more rough and wild, otherwise they would be more suitable. .

Zhang Deming was led by Zhang Zeli. When the group came to the village, the strange team successfully attracted everyone's attention.

The children gathered around curiously, and the adults put down their work, either watching from a distance, or coming forward to watch.

Zhang Zeli is one of the few people who has survived the mad dog disaster. He is not only the village chief, but also the former leader of the outbound team. He has a very high status in the clan.

Seeing him coming back with his people, many people gathered around him. An old man about his age looked at Zhang Zeli and said, "Brother Seven, are you...?"

Zhang Zeli looked at the other party, did not answer his question, but ordered: "Call the clan elders and hold a clan meeting."

The old man was taken aback when he heard the words, and said in astonishment: "Now?"

Zhang Zeli nodded and said, "Yes, now, come to the clan hall immediately!"

After saying that, he ignored the other party, bowed to Zhang Deming, and said, "Uncle, this way please!"

Zhang Zeli's attitude caused him to be stared at in surprise. Zhang Deming didn't care, and was led by him. While looking at the village, he followed him and headed towards the so-called clan hall.


A moment later, the Zhangjia Village clan meeting hall.

This is a small courtyard built with blue stones, blue bricks and tiles, a standard Jiangnan courtyard.

At this moment, Zhang Deming and Zhang Zeli were sitting on the left and right sides of the main seats in the hall, and on the left and right sides below, there were seven or eight people, men, women and children.

Outside the hall, many people watched from a distance, and two young men stood guard at the door.

In the middle of the hall, Murphy and Mo Qian were lying in complete confinement. Murphy was already lying down like a salted fish, Mo Qian was still observing everyone, and Zhang Xiuqing was arranged to wait at the entrance of the hall.

(end of this chapter)

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