Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 551 A Small Farewell Wins...

Chapter 551 A small farewell wins...

Zhang Deming was a little speechless in his heart. Back then, he tried to test whether this girl was of the same kind, and told a lot of stories.

Later, when she entered the sect, she was afraid that she would be bullied in the sect, so she taught her too many things all at once. She never imagined that one day she would be suspected of being involved in such a routine!

Mr. Huang shook his head and said: "That's true here. If you don't know each other well and you give something, you must ask for something. But... your matter is not that you didn't give anything.

As a Venerable, you already have protected rights and interests. Of course, the rescue of such a crisis is obviously not in the ranks of the public. But did you know that you joined the alliance with a gold card? "

Pan Juan'er was taken aback for a moment, and asked in puzzlement, "What do you mean?"

Huang Lao said with a smile: "It seems that the Zhang family's silly boy is really kind to you. He gave you such a treasure, but he didn't say a word."

Pan Juan'er's eyes flashed brightly, still staring at Huang Lao, waiting for the next sentence.

"For ordinary recommendation to join the alliance, you only need to give a spell. Even if you are recommended to be a Venerable in the Duzun Building, it is the same. Most of the cards given represent some special rights and interests.

As for your card, the recommendation is just a cover. It is a life-saving item. Once fatal danger is detected, it will be passively activated. However, the Xing Lao of Duzun Tower will travel in disguise, and this card has three rights.

I don't need to say more about how precious this thing is. So... this is not love for no reason. The reason why you are brilliant is that someone paid the price for you.

Don't you like the Zhang family's speech? In the Zhang family's words, there is probably no such thing as a quiet time, but someone is carrying the weight for you to move forward. "

As Huang Lao spoke, he turned back, clasped his hands behind his back, and looked outside the building.

Pan Juan'er, however, froze on the spot. Before asking for the performance, he thought about many possibilities and countermeasures. But this result...she didn't expect it, and she subconsciously ignored it.

After all, since she was eight years old, it wasn't Brother Ming who was taking care of her, but he had been taking care of Brother Ming. This suddenly brought back the feeling she had when she was a child, which made her stunned. She was obviously conscious, but her eyes were a little swollen.

"Besides this matter, is there anything else you can do to find me?" When she was stunned, Mr. Huang asked indifferently.

"The Palace Master of Bailing Yuling Dao Palace, the seven-star spiritual cultivator of our Sacred Land, the Apex Level overhaul of the Liuhe period, the Patriarch Luan Shucheng, asked me to bring a message to Mr. Xing, saying that our Sacred Land welcomes Mr. Xing to visit at any time. !”

Pan Juan'er regained his senses and said so.

Mr. Huang nodded and said: "Well, I will convey the words. If you have nothing to do, just stop here!"

After saying that, Mr. Huang waved his hand and threw Pan Juan'er out, and then changed back to his original form. With a faint smile on his lips, he looked at Pan Juan'er's light spot and whispered: "Small, little girl, how dare you fight with me?" I play tricks, and I don’t care who taught you those tricks!"

After saying that, he shook his head and exited the spirit cultivation space.

As soon as I came out, I felt the connection with Pan Juan'er in the Book of Living Beings.

Zhang Deming turned over his hand and opened the booklet in anticipation, saying: "What's wrong, girl!"

"Brother Ming, where are you?" Pan Juan'er asked.

"You're still messing around in Quan Qing Guan, don't you know?" Zhang Deming replied.

"I don't care, I'm coming over!" Pan Juan'er said with some arrogance.

"This... wait a minute!"

After saying that, Zhang Deming closed the book of sentient beings and went out of the courtyard. Lan Fuyao in the courtyard raised his head suspiciously, glanced at Zhang Deming who flew back to Xiayunju in a hurry, and continued to play the piano with his head down without asking anything.

After Zhang Deming returned to Daoxiayunju, he activated some of the formations, sealed Xiayunju, and then sent a message to the two disciples, asking them to hang around for a few more days before returning, and then opened the cargo lane to teleport. Door.

As soon as the portal opened, a beautiful figure flew out. Standing in front of the door, looking at Zhang Deming with a strange but familiar face, he said, "Brother Ming, can you return to your original appearance? It's so ugly!"

Zhang Deming paused slightly. In fact, Li Zhengkun was not ugly, but he did not have the elegant temperament of his original self, and had a little more vicissitudes of life.

"Here... I'll give it a try, I don't know if the tracking is still there!" As he spoke, Zhang Deming slowly changed into his original appearance.

At the same time, he integrated into Du Xuanda's ability, and his spiritual sense was fully opened. After finding nothing unusual for a moment, he breathed a sigh of relief.

When he looked up, he found Pan Juan'er looking at him blankly, with some moisture in his eyes.

"Uh... What's going on? Why have you been wronged?" Zhang Deming asked in shock.

Hearing this, Pan Juan'er flew directly into Zhang Deming's arms and said: "You big bad guy, why do you want you to carry a heavy load? Didn't you say that I will protect you from now on?"

Zhang Deming was stunned, reached out and touched the other person's head, and said: "It seems that you know, it's okay. I have practiced Quan Qingguan's Substitution Technique, so giving you the gold card will maximize the effect."

"You're talking nonsense. When you gave me the things, you hadn't even joined Quan Qing Guan yet!" Pan Juan'er buried his head in Zhang Deming's chest and cried.

"Uh... Isn't this expected?" Zhang Deming replied with a dry smile.

Why do you feel that when you countered this girl's trick just now, you were a little too deceptive?

What does this mean? You can’t keep your true feelings, but you can only win people’s hearts through tricks?

Zhang Deming thought helplessly as he hugged Pan Juan'er who was a little emotional! But it's okay, otherwise old couples tend to lose passion, so it seems good to maintain the relationship and keep the passion alive.

If you can be as hot as fire, you don't need to treat each other as guests or be gentle with each other, at least this is the case with Zhang Deming.

While thinking, he realized that the hands on the other party's waist were beginning to be dishonest. Zhang Deming also thought about it again, smiled evilly, and started to do the same.

The two of them have been separated for some time. As the saying goes, a little separation is better than a newlywed. They are still two Four-Elephant monks who are in better health. That is to say, they are in a fierce battle between life and death.

In this way, the two started a happy life without shame or shame.


Time flies, and it’s almost half a month.

On this day, Zhang Deming was leaning under the willow tree next to the exercise platform in front of the cliff in Xia Yunju, with his back against the tree pocket, one foot stretched out and the other bent. Pan Juan'er lay in his arms, both of them looking at the rising sun in the sky with a little laziness.

The rising sun is like blood, golden light spreads all over, shining on the willow trees. The morning dew, coupled with a lot of morning fog in the mountains, refracts the light, making everything look dreamy and unreal.

The man lazily leaned against the big tree and gently groomed the woman lying in his arms. The years were quiet, the people were like scenery, and the scenery was picturesque. It made people feel like they wanted to spend the rest of their lives here.

"Girl, it's time for you to go!" Zhang Deming said.

The beautiful atmosphere was ruined by his words.

Pan Juan'er stood up and said with an angry look on his face: "You scumbag, eat everything and then drive people away!"

Zhang Deming had a wry smile on his face, he shouldn't have told her a joke in the first place! ! !

"After all, I am Yi Rongjin's Quan Qingguan, and I still have a job, so I can't just do it casually. I also need to be careful, or you may come back in half a month!" Zhang Deming said helplessly with a wry smile.

"Why don't you go to my place? Now that I have entered the Sacred Land, I have a status!" Pan Juan'er said.

"Why are we going to your place? I have no identity and I dare not leave the house, so that you can continue to hide your beauty in the golden house?" Zhang Deming said helplessly: "Havenly Spirit Sect hasn't been hidden enough?"

"Okay, I'll support you!" Pan Juan'er said.

Zhang Deming looked at Pan Juan'er speechlessly, and said, "Isn't that how the domineering president I told you is used?"

"It's the same, female CEO is also allowed!" Pan Juan'er said seriously.

Zhang Deming: "······"

"Let's go, after I go to play around, you can come back in a few days!" Zhang Deming didn't bother about it anymore, so he said.

This time, because Sacred Land already had a gathering anchor point, and Zhang Deming was prepared, the opponent lost the positioning spirit seed in time when they came over, so there was no need for her to run back by herself.

While speaking, when the two got up, a portal had already opened.

Pan Juan'er stood in front of the portal, was silent for a long time, and said without looking back: "Brother Ming, wait for me, I will be in the Five Elements soon. By then, with my current talent and cultivation, I will be able to With the momentum gathered online, you should be able to get you into Sacred Land without looking at talent or checking too many things!"

Zhang Deming paused for a moment, didn't get too entangled with it, and nodded with a smile: "Okay, I'll wait, I'll wait for you to raise me!"

Hearing this, Pan Juan'er remembered something interesting, and with a smile, stepped into the portal.


After watching the other party leave, Zhang Deming shook his head with a wry smile and said: "This girl... one day, I have to go back to the old man Yue Mengsheng to settle the score. My good girl was raised like this! "

After Pan Juan'er disappeared, Zhang Deming's spiritual power surged and cleared the entire Cave Mansion. After completely clearing Pan Juan'er's breath, Zhang Deming waved his hand and opened the Cave Mansion.

Li Zhiwen and Li Zhifei flew in immediately. Seeing Zhang Deming and everything in the courtyard as usual, Li Zhiwen said: "Master, if you don't respond again, I will ask the Construction Institute to come and pry the formation!"

Li Zhifei glanced at Zhang Deming with concern. After finding that nothing was wrong with him, he didn't say anything. He just hugged the sword and returned to his room without saying a single extra word.

Seeing this, Zhang Deming ignored Li Zhiwen's words and asked, "Didn't I tell you to hang out for a few more days?"

"We've been working around for half a month. We've been here for a long time, and we've been eating and drinking. Uncle Bai He also gave us a bottle of Samsung Essence Nurturing Pill. If we don't leave, I'll be really embarrassed!" Li Zhiwen said. Halfway through he remembered something and said:

"By the way, Master, when we make friends in the future, just look for such a big money, okay?"

After saying that, he looked at Zhang Deming expectantly.

Zhang Deming: "······"

Does this mean that he is a poor man? I'm not saying that, I'm much richer than your original dead ghost master... I don't think I'm much richer?

Forget it, let’s not talk about this!

This is a sad thing!

While thinking about it, Zhang Deming glanced at Li Zhiwen speechlessly and said, "It's all day long!"

After saying that, he floated towards Xianqin Garden!

"Remember, Master, let's be careful when making friends!" Li Zhiwen warned from behind, as if he was worried about an old woman.

Zhang Deming didn't give any response and just floated down.


When she came to the garden, Lan Fuyao was playing the piano every day at the Wudao Pavilion as before. At this moment, the light had already surrounded her. When Zhang Deming arrived, she didn't react at all and just played by herself.

Zhang Deming looked at the other party's breath and listened to the music. Zhang Deming was sure this time that the other party must have understood something, and the artistic conception of the music had changed a lot.

It's a little less cold, dusty, and thin, and a little more noble and sharp.

He just looked at it briefly, ignored it, and started daily maintenance of Qin Xinlan.

As wisps of special spiritual rain fell, and accompanied by the music of the piano, the Qin Xin Lans swayed happily, looking like they were becoming spirits.

After taking care of the flowers and plants for a long time, Zhang Deming turned around and entered his yard and started his daily hang-up.


Time flies, and it’s been more than a year in a flash.

On this day, Zhang Deming, who was in daily retreat, suddenly opened his eyes.

First, he looked at the warehouse. After more than a year of hanging up, his merit increased by more than 100 points. However, when he reached 180, he tapped his spiritual root and used 180 points.

Luck has increased by a thousand and a half, and karma has increased by one and a half. He has not used these, but has saved them. Today's energy and merit are: 79.4, luck: 1632.6, and karma: 30.1.

Looked at the panel again.

Kung Fu: Great Yin and Yang Five Elements Secret Manual (Rank Nine)

Cultivation: Four Symbols Level 2 (12/12/100 million)

Rune Core: Spirit-nurturing Vine Demon Summoning Technique Lv7 (200/8000)

Branch runes:········


Taoist body:······

Spiritual power recovery: 5500 spiritual power/1 minute

Experience growth: 550 experience/1 minute

Spirit root: Lv48 (0/180) [merits]

After more than a year of hanging up, his cultivation has reached the peak of the Four Elephants and Two Lives. However, because the soul of the Second Lives has not yet been condensed, he has not yet been promoted.

After checking the panel, Zhang Deming did not get promoted immediately. Instead, he left the small courtyard, went back to Xiayun Residence for a walk, and took care of Qin Xinlan again before re-entering the room.

Zhan Dao: Shapeshifting!

As Zhang Deming's ability was activated, he swapped places with the Taoist body without leaving any trace.

Returned to Xiao Heavenly World, the breeding cave of the Zhang family ancestral temple.

Everything here is the same as before, even Xiao Lei on the side has not grown much. It seems that Zhang Deming has stripped it of its bloodline. It has not grown like an ordinary dog ​​like the monsters here.

Even the original growth seemed to have stagnated in this world, which made Zhang Deming slightly confused.

The dragon's mouth is still spitting out spiritual power, but there is no spiritual pressure anymore, and even the concentration is not too strong, which is no longer enough for him to hang up at full power.

For more than a year, he drained everything, not to mention, and made himself completely poor. He even didn't have enough. He also obtained a lot of spiritual stones in various ways in the past two months to raise enough experience for this promotion.

In less than three years, he has broken through from Four Elephant One Life to Four Elephant Three Lives. Although he has drained two spiritual power reserve pools, it is not enough. It has also made him poorer and poorer, and he has begun to owe money!

(end of this chapter)

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