Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 558 Reversed? [Additional Update On The 44Th, Please Vote For Me, Please Subscribe]

Chapter 558 Reversed? [Additional update on the 44th, please vote for me, please subscribe]

Under everyone's curious and surprised gazes, her forehead was covered with sweat. She hesitated for a moment, gritted her teeth and said, "Yes! Expand!"

Following Zhang Xiuqing's words, a beam of light shot out from Zhang Xiuqing's arms, scaring the unsophisticated Zhang family members around them into retreating far away one by one.

Zhang Xiuqing herself was startled and almost sat down, her legs were so stiff that she could no longer tremble.

"Oh my god, it's so scary!"

"Mom, Aunt Xiuqing is going to become a god!"

"So beautiful!"

"I'm going, look, look, the weather has changed!"

"Oh my god, the things my ancestors gave me really hit the sky!"

"Isn't this beam of light really changing the world?"

"Sister Xiuqing is so awesome, she is so calm and composed!"

"Yes, Sister Xiuqing is really fierce!"

Zhang Xiuqing listened to the discussions around her, her legs were as stiff as lead, and she was scratching her head in panic, but there was no expression on her face. Even though there was sweat on her forehead, she tried her best to stay calm.

After all, she knew the danger in the clan at this moment. If this was the hope of the clan, if it was because of her improper operation, she would definitely be blamed for her death.

After standing still for a moment, she was able to control herself a little and looked up stiffly. I finally understood why the tribesmen reacted so violently.

In the sky, at the end of the light pillar, a transparent and vaguely visible light mask began to spread slowly from the top of the light pillar, extending downward like a pot lid, covering the entire ancestral land. This changed the world. This scene shocked her greatly.

"The formation has been initially launched, and the controller's permissions are set by default. May I ask the controller, does it seem that the novice tutorial has been started in order to control the formation?"

Zhang Xiuqing was stunned for a moment, her eyes flashed, and she immediately said: "Yes!"

"The novice tutorial is now open. Please follow the instructions to complete the basic operations of the formation!"

"first step·········"


After Zhang Deming left the village entrance, he went straight back to his house and activated the protective formation.

Carefully, he took out the ring that Zhang Mo had given him before. For a monk who was tired of winning, if he had a backup plan, he would definitely not die if his current cultivation level was deceived.

But trouble can still be caused, especially by a guy who has experience in genocide and has taken some unsuspecting path.

Based on what we now know about Zhang Mo's character, he is a complete opportunist and will do anything to survive.

After taking out the ring, Zhang Deming arranged several special prohibitions before carefully exploring the ring.

As soon as his perception touched, Zhang Deming, who was on high alert, felt something trying to contaminate his perception.

"Humph, he is really a relatively qualified victory-weary monk! He always wants to trick someone!"

As he was thinking, Zhang Deming's eyes flashed with dreamy colorful lights, and the situation in his eyes began to change.

Floating on the ring in front of him, he saw a transparent voodoo rag doll covered in needlework and half of its body crawling out.

When Zhang Deming looked over, the small button eyes of the voodoo doll met Zhang Deming's. When they looked at each other, the voodoo doll's eyes flickered with a strange light.

"Hmph, my cultivation level is not high, but I have a lot of tricks!"

Zhang Deming looked at the voodoo doll densely covered with needlework without any influence. Without waiting for it to crawl out completely, he raised his hand and the mirror image of the God-Splitting Nail appeared and pierced it without hesitation.


The voodoo doll sensed the danger, and screamed out strange fluctuations that spread to the surroundings, but were stopped by the layers of restrictions placed by Zhang Deming.


Then there was a cracking sound, and under the strike of the God-Splitting Nail, one nail poked the voodoo doll into auras of light that filled the sky, and sputtered out. Zhang Mo was completely dead at this point.

After disposing of this thing, Zhang Deming checked the ring again and found nothing weird.

This Mo is unlucky to say the least. If he hadn't met Zhang Deming, even if he was tricked by Mo Bin's curse seal, with his cunning methods of winning and the fact that the Zhang family didn't know the strangeness of cultivation, there would be hope for his resurrection.

In the end, I met Zhang Deming, and now he is completely dead.

His consciousness touched the ring and opened it without any difficulty. The moment Zhang Deming reached into the ring, he was stunned for a moment.

Zhang Mo's previous possessions were all very low-level junk, but the ring in front of him was not high-end according to his status.

A special artifact at the peak of six stars, the entire space is unusually large, measuring thousands of cubic meters. This space alone can sell more than 200,000 spirit stones.

With a little joy, Zhang Deming poured out the few items in the space.

Except for the hoarding of daily necessities such as fruit, food, and clothing, which took up the bulk, there was only a small pile of things.

The first is the materials, a few three-star quality curse materials, and some blood and breath of the Mo family. Considering the things in the bedroom before, it was obviously not difficult to guess that Mo Bin didn't know that this guy had a storage ring.

After taking inventory of the things, although they are all rare materials, many of which are so-called ancient exotic materials, but...

Being tired of winning is the ancient way. In the era of new spells, if you want to open a magic spell, the market is simply desperate. Practitioners are completely rare.

In addition, there are only three stars, so in the eyes of Zhang Deming, who only has spiritual stones, these things are better than rags, and it is always difficult to sell them if Qin Shizhong and others deal with them.

After packing them all and laying them out as junk, Zhang Deming looked at another pile of things, which was a pile of voodoo dolls.

There are many types, some are made of rattan, some are made of straw, some are tied with tree sticks, and some are made of mud. The most exquisite one is the slightly oozing look of three cloth dolls sewn with needlework.

The one with Bupi is three stars, and the others are all two stars. These things will be good when they arrive, because they have weird functions and are rare on the market, so they should be able to sell for some money.

If you keep it to reward the juniors, forget it, it will be a little bit invasive and affect your image.

Apart from these, there were only the last few items left, which were a few books. They were all very worn, as if they had experienced countless years of wind and frost and were about to break if not careful.

There are not many books, only four in total.

"Weary of Victory·Voodoo", "Secret Book of Curses", "Summary of Dharma Altar", "Notes·Nian Lin"

The first three books are all very old. The last one is a thread-bound book. It is obvious that it was bound by hand. Moreover, the suffix 'Nian Lin' was added later, and the handwriting is obviously different.

Is this piece of ink inherited from a cursed monk?

While looking at these books, Zhang Deming was thinking, and he gently opened "Weird Victory·Voodoo". This is a relatively complete book on magic techniques. This book has methods from Rank One practice to Rank Seven classics, as well as The development direction can be regarded as a magic inheritance book.

The second book is even more bizarre. "The Secret Book of Curses" turns out to be an ancient-style technique.

In Hongmeng today, most of the exercises are exercises, and the spells are spells. Even if there are special matching ones, they are separated and will not appear in one volume. The reason's not necessary!

But it was different in ancient times. Many exercises included some practice techniques. For example, to practice this exercise, you must condense the corresponding rune core and rune branches. The restrictions are exaggerated, and there are even regulations on gathering souls.

Therefore, monks in ancient times often had some "attribute root bone" differences. In fact, not everyone is suitable for the exact same path.

Just like studying, not everyone is suitable for majoring in mathematics. If they all specialize in mathematics, there will always be someone who is not suitable.

Although there are advantages to doing this, for example, you don’t waste your brains, don’t talk about talent, and a fool’s duck-feeding education will do.

But the flexibility is too low, and for many monstrous and talented disciples, it kills the talent too much. Therefore, at the beginning of the birth of the new technique era, it has been eliminated in advance, and the separation of technique and power technique has been completely realized.

And in front of him is this unseparated and eliminated thing!

So... this should be the inheritance of a member of the Divine Court?

Or very old?

After all, at the end of the Divine Court era, magic had already begun to change!

I looked through it again and found that it was a Rank Eight classic. It was amazing. Even though it was an ancient book, I thought it was worth a lot of money!

Some are calligraphers who come to separate this inheritance!

Zhang Deming put it aside with some joy, opened the "Summary of the Dharma Altar", flipped through it casually a few times, and then threw it aside.

This is a supplement to the previous two books, probably similar to the formation cultivator's rune experience or something.

Then Zhang Deming picked up the last handmade notebook "Notes of Nian Lin". Looking at the name, it seemed that it was a diary or something.

Opening the rough cover, there is no title page. It is clearly visible that a small half of the front of the book has been carefully torn off page by page.

It can be seen from the remaining footer that at least one-fifth of the thickness has been torn off.


Bingzi year, the last month of Xin (July) · Note ①, Ding Chou day (14th), sunny

There has been a severe drought for three consecutive months, making it difficult for farmers to plant and find wild fruits. The water output from the underground springs has begun to weaken, and the clan has begun to worry.

The ancestors began to mobilize the whole clan to look for new water sources, and I was sent into the 'passage' search team.

The ancestors were also dizzy. After so many years, our clan has almost searched the entire forest. Apart from the passage between the Zhang and Yang families, how could there be other passages that have not been found?


It seemed that it was indeed a diary. Looking at the information on the first page, Zhang Deming was already sure. From this, it could also be seen that the things that were torn up before were probably about the life of the clan.

A rough guess is that Zhang Nianlin may have torn it off himself before he was caught. While thinking, Zhang Deming turned to the second page.


July, 17th, sunny

After several days of searching, nothing was found. Nian Cheng found a dog snake on the road. He chased it and it still hasn't come back. The second brother was a little worried.


July, 18th, sunny

Nian Cheng disappeared and did not return all night. My second brother and I planned to search today.


Seeing this, there were a few missing pages in the middle, which had also been torn out. What made Zhang Deming frown slightly was that the traces were very fresh, as if they had been torn off recently. Obviously, it was Zhang Mo who did it!

Zhang Mo, this guy, is really impeccable in his work. He used the storage ring as bait and took care of it before making a secret move. Does that mean he may have a back-up plan?

Liangyi's cultivation has been shattered to ashes, and he probably won't survive!

The road to victory is really a difficult road!


July, 27th, overcast

It has been three days since I was captured by the Mo family. Today, I was suddenly taken out quietly by a demon girl and settled in the former Poison Mist Valley.

It seems that my resistance has completely made the Mo family lose their patience and they are determined to execute me! It's just that this execution is a little too strange, why is it so sneaky?

Is Poison Mist Valley the punishment burial ground of the Mo family? The environment is quite unique and it’s a nice place. I originally thought I would face it calmly, but I don't know why, but I'm still a little panicked.

Zhang Nianlin, how can you be so cowardly and worthy of Nian Cheng and your second brother who died for you?


July, 29th, light rain

I have been left here and tied up for three days. Why has no one come yet?

I understand, this is another form of torture from the Mo family. Don't think that you can make me surrender by tying me here like a dog.

Zhang Nianlin, you have to remember that Nian Cheng and his second brother died for the clan and for your life.

You already have three lives. You cannot and must not give in. You cannot embarrass them!


July, 30th, light rain

This... this Mohist witch, actually... actually... how could she do this, how could she do this, how dare she do this!

It is simply degrading to gentlemen and a beast!

The Mohists are all beasts and their lives are in vain!

Me, I have become a sinner, what should I do? Second brother, I have become a sinner in the clan! I'm not clean anymore!


August, 5th, sunny

It's been six days, six days like hell, this witch has come here to abuse me every day, the damn thing is, why doesn't she hate me more and more, instead she has some...

Zhang Nianlin, you are also a beast, you are not human, you are sorry for the second brother and Nian Cheng!

You are sick!

How could you have an affair with the witch of the Mo family, how could you do that, how dare you do that!

A-Jiao, I have been played with by all kinds of "means" by Mohist witches, and I have become impure. I have fallen, what should I do?

I'm a little scared!

Dad, where did you go, why didn't you come to save Nianlin!

Nian Lin was a little scared, afraid that he would lose his perseverance and lose his bottom line!


When Zhang Deming saw this, his face was a little weird. Did he understand it wrong, or did this Nian Lin fall in love with each other? Is this what Zhang Mo originally meant?

It turns out that the Stockholm Syndrome was played backwards?

What a great experience!

After that, there was no diary for a long time, not because it was torn out, but because I didn’t write it down. Apparently, Zhang Nianlin was "trampled" into submission by the so-called "means" of the Mohist demon girl.

It is also possible to succumb to the shame of writing a diary, or to indulge in it, not wanting to write a diary!

When the diary appeared again, it was already several months later.


Note ①: For the convenience of reading and understanding, the writing time in the diary will be in today's time.

Daily tweets, all-powerful masterpieces, million-word boutique novels, are fat enough to kill!

(end of this chapter)

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