Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 562 Painting [Updated On The 46Th, Please Subscribe, Please Vote]

Chapter 562 Painting [Updated on the 46th, please subscribe, please vote]

After seeing the situation of the cave clearly, Zhang Deming found that the cave was even more permeable, because the cave was located under the tree pocket, and the entire cave was surrounded by tree roots.

It seems that this cave was caused by the existence of some giant strip-like object here originally, and the tree roots grew around it, and then after it grew like this, the object was pulled away.

So much so that the entire cave wall is covered with densely packed roots.

Zhang Deming looked at the dark cave, which was slightly sloping downward, like a huge mouth of an abyss that preys on people. Zhang Deming checked it carefully and found nothing unusual, then stepped into it.

Before entering, he habitually threw a concealment formation and carefully covered up the entrance of the hole and the traces he had made before.


"Da da······"

The whole cave is a bit big, and I don't know how deep it is. The surrounding cave walls are covered with dense tree roots, which are very clear. Because it is so quiet, the sound of Zhang Deming's slight footsteps can be heard far away.

After taking a few steps forward, Zhang Deming floated up again, causing the surroundings to fall into unusual silence again.

The cave extended for tens of meters, and the tree roots began to decrease. It seemed as if the roots of the giant tree at the entrance of the cave were growing completely around the cave.


As the roots of the tree gradually became sparse, became fewer, and disappeared, the little Lei on his shoulder swallowed again.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Deming turned his head and looked at the little guy who had always been very sensible and quiet.

"Woo, woof, woof!"

Xiao Lei shouted a few words to Zhang Deming.

Through contractual contact, Zhang Deming roughly understood the meaning.

"What else do you want to bite? So this is just like the passage between the two races, it is really a regional connection passage?

Since there is a spreading crazy fog of regional isolation, how did Zhang Nianlin and the others get to a certain depth in the first place?

Did it spread over the years? So Mo Bin didn't continue to explore, but chose to seal this place in dust? "

While whispering, Zhang Deming did not put away Xiao Lei immediately. It was not very safe here. The shield emerged, covering one person and one dog, and then Zhang Deming began to move forward.

As they continued to move forward, the surrounding caves began to change. The walls of the cave slowly turned into a rock-like, huge oval-shaped cave, as if there had been some giant insect crawling out of here.

As the cave turned into strange rocks, Zhang Deming didn't move forward for long when the front suddenly became empty. Zhang Deming found that he had floated into a huge hall.

The main hall was unusually empty, but it was vaguely visible, like an extremely simple palace. Looking back, there was a huge oval cave on one of the walls of the main hall, which was where Zhang Deming came out.

The entire hall has a square dome structure. It is unusually empty and huge, but there is nothing there. It's not so much a main hall, but a huge underground garage without pillar support?

Originally, there was a small stone platform in the center of the hall. There seemed to be a coffin placed on the stone platform, but now the coffin has turned into rubble and fallen to the ground. Apart from that, there is nothing left.

In the main hall, except for the oval cave on the wall when you came, there is only a giant Langfang exit on the opposite side, and there is nothing else. Langfang is also very huge and does not look like it is used by normal people at all.

With a height of more than ten meters and a width of six to seven meters, Zhang Deming, standing at the entrance of the passage, felt how small he was.

Frowning, Zhang Deming looked at Xiao Lei. After finding that there was nothing unusual about him, he cautiously drifted towards the square Langfang Tunnel.

After floating a short distance, Zhang Deming was stunned. There was no longer anything on the cave wall, but murals began to appear.

However, it seems that someone deliberately destroyed it later, maybe Zhang Nianlin and the others, or maybe the Mo family.

The murals were covered with cracks and scratches, making the already crude murals completely unrecognizable. But from its residual traces, we can know that the mural style is not any style known to Zhang Deming.

With his knowledge base, he could not find a corresponding style either today or in the known history.

The lines are simple, but the elements are exaggerated. Many close-up things have seriously wrong proportions. I don’t know whether they are really that big or have been exaggerated.

Frowning tightly, Zhang Deming moved forward for a certain distance again, and the front was empty again.

He actually entered a larger square gallery. The passage he passed before seemed to be a branch road, and the entrance was on the cave wall of the gallery.

At this moment, he suddenly walked into the main road like a branch road from an underground tunnel.

The main road he is currently on has a height of twenty to thirty meters and a width of more than ten meters, making Zhang Deming look even smaller in it.

Zhang Deming looked around and made a rough distinction. There were no signs to distinguish, so he could only choose a direction at will, continue moving, and let the monitoring elf record the route to prevent him from getting lost.

Not long after floating, Zhang Deming saw a passage in the cave again, which was very similar to the branch passage that Zhang Deming came out of before.

"So this isn't a cemetery?"

If it was really a cemetery, then it would be the main passage now, with the tomb-guarding and burial chambers on both sides?

I just don’t know whether he is in the direction of entering the tomb or the direction of exiting the tomb.

In his thoughts, Zhang Deming did not choose to explore the branch road, but continued to move forward. Just like this, every once in a while, there was a small Langfang branch road, leading to a place like a wing.

Zhang Deming did not explore those places first. He needed to find out first whether he was entering the tomb or leaving the tomb. If it was really a tomb, it would be the best choice to find out first.


With such speculation, Zhang Deming wandered for a long time. Not including the fork he came out of, he went through a total of eight forks. When Zhang Deming predicted that another fork in the passage would appear, it did not appear.

A huge mural takes the place of its passage!

Seeing this situation, Zhang Deming instantly guessed that he should choose the direction of entering the tomb instead of the direction of exit.

If this is really a cemetery, the side rooms leading to the forked roads in the front are probably where the entrance guards were buried. Now that there are murals, it should be not far from the main tomb.

Of course, due to the extreme lack of information, Zhang Deming could only make guesses.

While thinking, he looked at the mural in front of him, which was still the same style as before. Simple lines and exaggerated elements are used to close up important things. However, the murals here have not been damaged. I wonder if no one has walked here.


This painting shows a vast expanse of land with countless little people on it, all kneeling and worshiping.

There are countless stars twinkling in the sky, and the sun and moon appear on it at the same time. They are exaggerated and highlighted, and the painting is very huge, each occupying half of the sky.

Around the earth, there are many giants standing tall, overlooking the living beings on the earth, and the little people around them seem to be kneeling and worshiping them.

Is ancient style painting?

Use exaggeration to highlight important events?

So these giants are the ancient gods?

Zhang Deming looked at the huge moon and sun and had some guesses. Without the enlargement of the sun and moon, Zhang Deming might have thought that those people were already that big.

With the contrast between the sun and the moon, it is not difficult to guess that this is a style of painting that uses exaggeration to highlight core important things.


The style is roughly clear, but he really doesn't understand what the painting wants to express.




Or do the gods rule over all beings?

With some doubts, Zhang Deming walked forward again. Judging from the situation just now, there may be a second picture.

Sure enough, after walking a certain distance, Zhang Deming saw the second painting.

When he saw the content of the second painting, Zhang Deming found that his understanding of the first painting was wrong. The sun and moon in the first picture are not the background, they should also be a symbol.


I saw that on the second picture, the same elements as before were still present, but this time, the living beings on the ground were no longer offering sacrifices. They were full of disasters and wildfires. The root cause of this reason should come from the sky.

Among the stars in the sky, the exaggerated sun and moon have changed significantly this time.

In this painting, there is a giant bird screaming on the sun, and a ferocious and huge spider is crawling on the moon. The giant bird and the spider are facing each other tit for tat at this moment, as if they want to express that they are fighting with each other.

For this reason, the disaster caused to the sentient beings below, and some of the giants around them watched with cold eyes, while others protected the sentient beings below, watching all this.

Anyway, no one interferes with the two things on the sun and the moon among the stars.

Seeing this picture, combined with the first picture, and adding some knowledge reserves, Zhang Deming roughly has a rough draft.

Maybe, the moon is not the moon, and the sun is not the sun, they represent a force. And what the first picture wants to express is, there are three camps in the Ancient God Court Federation?

The gods of giants, the gods of sunbirds, and the gods of moon spiders, they constitute the most basic federation of gods, and are the three most basic and largest factions?

What this second picture wants to express is that the Sunbird faction and the Moon Spider faction fought, while the Giant faction watched indifferently, but it is the suffering of all living beings in the world?

Is this mural about a major event that happened during the Third Epoch Shenting Federation period?


While thinking, Zhang Deming continued to move forward and found the third picture, but the content on it made Zhang Deming a little confused.

The sky was still the same. The fight between the sunbird and the moon spider caused the sky to split, and the stars separated into two teams. Many of the giants who were watching with cold eyes frowned at the increasingly difficult beings.

None of these have changed much, except for the sentient beings below. A few villains have been exaggerated and enlarged a little, and they stand out.

In one place, a few of the suffering mortals dug up a huge stump in the ground;

In another place, a mortal man held up a huge cylinder, which looked like a syringe, exaggerated by the close-up;

In another place, a huge steel machine is the same height as the surrounding gods and giants overlooking all living beings, formed under a group of ant-like little people;

Under the ground of these three places, there are some blood vessel-like networks. In the center of the network, there is a strange room. In the room, there are several brains in vats that seem to control everything.

Because the lines are crude and the painters are rubbish, Zhang Deming can only use his own understanding to guess, is this underground a scientific research room?

And these blood vessel-like networks all lead into a pool, and the strange liquid in the pool spreads to the top through the network.

The brains in several vats seemed to be watching coldly, but no one noticed what happened underground, whether it was the sentient beings on the ground or the three gods in the sky.


Looking at the third picture, Zhang Deming expressed a headache. Even though he had a strong reserve of knowledge, he couldn't fully understand what it was trying to express because of the lack of literature on the Shenting period.

The brain in the vat is a divine faction?

Or something else?

What are they doing through the battle between the factions in the God Court?

In his thoughts, Zhang Deming was unable to draw any effective conclusions due to the lack of documents from the Tertiary Period.

After walking forward for a while, Zhang Deming saw the fourth painting, which made him slightly astonished. Because this one doesn't seem to have much connection with the above painting, the elements that appeared before have changed a lot.


I saw that the stars above were dimmed, and the sun and the moon disappeared, turning into two small balls of light. The surrounding giants also disappeared, and there were fewer people below.

In the entire sky, there were only two people left, one was riding a three-headed giant dog, and the giant shrouded in shadow was hiding in the dark.

A boy with a black dog and vertical pupils on his head, holding a strange long knife, is chopping monsters all over the sky, guarding the crowd on the ground.

Those monsters all have steel bones, strange limbs, and strong muscles.

Seeing all of this, Zhang Deming was stunned for a moment, combined with the information he had learned before, his heart flashed.

If the two smaller light spheres in the sky refer to the sun, combined with the information, then this fourth painting is about... Xiao Heavenly World? The two balls of light refer to the golden and white suns of Heavenly World?

So the first three pictures are about the big events in the third era Ragnarok period? Or the cause?

The first one is the representation of the three major factions;

The second picture shows the war between the Sunbird faction and the Moon Spider faction, causing suffering to all sentient beings;

The third picture is too complicated and lacks information, making it difficult to guess. Could it be that under the guidance of the conspiracy of the brain in the vat, all living beings rise up to kill gods in unspeakable suffering?

The Ragnarok War of the Third Age, or the God-killing War of all living beings?

It's impossible. If that's the case, there shouldn't be any information about killing gods that has been passed down!

As for the fourth picture, the characteristics are too obvious, so it is easy to guess, at least most of them are easy to guess.

Recommended book by a great guy!

(end of this chapter)

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