Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 564 Battlefield [Additional Update On The 47Th, Please Vote For Me, Please Subscribe]

Chapter 564 Battlefield [Additional update on the 47th, please vote for me, please subscribe]

So... this is an ancient battlefield that was buried under water?

Before Zhang Deming could see his surroundings clearly, a strong pulling force came from the ground, and Zhang Deming fell uncontrollably downwards.


The huge pulling force caused Zhang Deming to fall rapidly to the ground. The fall from the sky, which was not high enough, actually made a large hole in the ground. So much so that his spiritual shield fluctuated slightly.

Zhang Deming was half-kneeling in the pit, feeling the pull suddenly disappear and frowning slightly.

Forbidden air?

Still exists?

So there are still ancient formations left here?

Zhang Deming's thoughts flashed, and the hairs all over his body suddenly stood up, and a huge sense of crisis came over him.

Subconscious spiritual power surged, and his whole body instantly sank into the soil and disappeared. However, he only entered the soil for a moment before he immediately rushed out again.

No, he was forced out.

The moment he escaped underground, it seemed as if countless grievances were rushing into his mind. If he hadn't cultivated the Taoist technique of the mind, and his Taoist heart was even more tenacious, it would have driven him crazy in just a moment.

He reappeared with a face full of horror, looking at the land underground in amazement. In the brief sensory contact just now, it seemed that the entire land had begun to become distorted and seemed to be coming back to life.

Before he could think about it, a strange creature rushed towards Zhang Deming.

The other party has a general human shape, but the bloated body can be seen, and it is obviously made up of multiple corpses. The two hands are of different lengths and colors, and the whole head looks like it is made up of countless fragments, with splicing holes. Mixed with some artifact fragments.

The whole monster has a metallic luster, but it also feels like a physical body. It has a strong sense of contradiction and is very eye-catching.

The monster was originally lying on the ground, but the sound of Zhang Deming's fall woke it up, and it got up with its eyes flashing red.

At first he was a little sluggish, but after seeing Zhang Deming, some reaction seemed to be activated. The sluggishness disappeared and he rushed towards Zhang Deming quickly.

The huge power made Zhang Deming Wei Ling, and he actually had the attack power of the Five Elements Stage!

Zhang Deming shot out of the ground and saw the monster clearly. At this time, the monster had already rushed forward.

The opponent clenched his fist and punched Zhang Deming in the face. During the punching process, the opponent's fist, glowing with metallic silver light, suddenly exploded, rolled, folded, and turned into a strange pointed cone.

On the pointed cone, at the very tip, strong spiritual energy fluctuations flashed.

Zhang Deming, who had just condensed his emerald long sword and was about to block it with his long sword, looked startled. A pair of gorgeous wings appeared on his back. With a slight tremor, his whole body turned into a wisp of breeze and disappeared in place.

When it reappeared, it was already on the monster's back, and the sword in its hand stabbed forward without hesitation.

At this moment, the monster's arm cone stabs the air, and it is still in the stage where the old strength is not exhausted and new strength is difficult to generate.

When Zhang Deming's long sword thrust out, the opponent's arm cone turned into a fist again, and the shoulder blade muscles behind him rolled and folded like thick liquid, turning into an identical pointed cone-shaped blooming flower.

The spiritual power on the central cone was accumulated to the extreme, and a high-intensity compressed spiritual energy attack like a laser rushed towards Zhang Deming.

At this moment, Zhang Deming's long sword could stab the opponent's back.


There was a soft sound, and as the monster's back turned pure silver, Zhang Deming's long sword made a crisp impact sound when it was stabbed.

At this time, the energy beam also hit Zhang Deming's spiritual shield, causing his shield to fluctuate violently. At the same time, a huge force caused Zhang Deming to fly backwards uncontrollably.

The huge force caused him to plow a long scratch on the ground. Before he could stop, the monster turned its head 180 degrees, then backed up and rushed towards Zhang Deming.

Zhang Deming looked slightly serious. The long sword in his hand disappeared, and a silver-white, several-inch-long mini thunder sword appeared in his hand.

After the mini thunder sword was condensed, it paused for a moment in the palm of the hand, and then turned into silver lightning and shot towards the charging monster.

Facing the incoming mini thunder sword, the monster's eyes flashed red, and it made a dodge for the first time, but it was an unconventional dodge.

I saw that the speed of the other party's charging did not slow down. The silver thread on the chest seam faded and suddenly tore open, revealing a long and narrow crack. And Zhang Deming's thunder sword was about to pass through it.

Zhang Deming, who was still gliding backwards, suddenly had a flash of light in his eyes, waved to the distance, and said: "Explode!"

As he moved, the thunder sword that had just rushed into the crack in the monster's chest and was about to pass through flashed with strong silver light, turned into an arc of electricity, and exploded.

The monster that was charging towards Zhang Deming began to flash with electric arcs all over its body. Its body instantly froze, and the huge inertia caused it to fall to the ground and roll towards Zhang Deming.

Seeing this, Zhang Deming suddenly exerted force on his feet and made a huge hole in the first place, and his backward stroke stopped immediately. His whole body flashed with spiritual light, and his hands formed claws, making a virtual grab in front of him.

Following his movements, two emerald-colored chains, like vines, protruded from the void beside the monster that was frozen by the electricity and rolled forward, wrapping around the monster's arms and stopping it. roll.

Without waiting for the monster to resist, the chain began to turn into one black and one white line. A strong confinement effect was emitted from the chain, making the monster completely freeze in place, as if the picture was still.

Then the chain squirmed, completely binding the monster, and a lock was formed on the opponent's chest, with the Yin-Yang fish pattern flowing on the lock.

After doing this, Zhang Deming breathed a long sigh of relief and stood there, breathing for a moment. Although the contact time was extreme, it was also extremely thrilling.

This ghost seems to be very proficient in fighting, and is completely born for fighting, and his on-the-spot reactions are off the charts. If it weren't for the fact that Zhang Deming's spiritual shield could be activated passively and had been upgraded to the classic level, which was extremely defensive, he might have been pierced through the brain by the beam just now.

After breathing for a moment, Zhang Deming carefully stepped forward and came to the monster.

Walking in and looking around, Zhang Deming didn't know what words to use to describe this monster. It was clearly visible that the opponent's hands and feet should come from four people.

As for the body and brain, they have been pieced together from countless people's parts, giving them a strange stitching feel.

The body looks like flesh, but it has a little silver luster, as if it is coated with a layer of silver powder. At the interfaces everywhere, silver threads flickered, like sewing needles and threads.

"What the hell is this?" Zhang Deming frowned and whispered as he looked at the monster.

With flashes of light in his eyes, Zhang Deming checked for a long time but could not find the key to this thing. During the hesitation, his mind moved slightly, and the vines began to turn blood red. Countless blood-red roots grew along the splicing joint.

As the blood-red roots extended, the silver threads on the monster's body seemed to be shrinking consciously, gathering towards the brain.

Under Zhang Deming's surprised gaze, the monster that lost its silver thread disintegrated in an instant and turned into minced meat on the ground.

A non-existent silver-white, naked body, like a banana-sized and long meat worm, fell out of the fragmented brain between the gathering of threads.


After the flesh insect escaped from the trap, it screamed at Zhang Deming for a moment. The hidden spiritual shield on Zhang Deming's body resurfaced and fluctuated violently.

After the scream was completed, the meat insect opened its mouthparts, and the silver threads wrapped around Zhang Deming. The threads glowed with silver and were almost invisible, like nerve threads.

Before the silk thread wrapped around Zhang Deming's spiritual shield, Zhang Deming's expression changed. As his spiritual power fluctuated, black and white chains that were many times smaller appeared on the surface of the flesh insect, imprisoning it again.

"This move is similar to a golden cicada taking off its shell, and it still has a physical body. You can't just get rid of my trap!" Zhang Deming thought as he looked at the flesh worm.

After confining the flesh worm, Zhang Deming looked at the corpse next to him again.

In this brief moment, the disintegrated corpse fragments had all decayed and turned into a pile of black viscous liquid, exuding an astonishing smell.

Zhang Deming frowned and looked at the liquid. The liquid was obviously very viscous, but it soaked into the soil very quickly. It didn't look like it was soaked at all, but like it was actively swallowed by the soil.

Holding the meat worm, Zhang Deming watched this scene, moved a little distance, and his whole body floated up, no longer stepping on the ground.

But it's only about a few feet above the ground. No matter how high you go, you'll obviously feel the pull from the ground. The air restrictions here are very strong.

"What the hell are you?"

Zhang Deming looked at the meat insect in front of him and whispered, some vines grew on the chains on the body of the meat insect. The vines turned into various knife-like tools and carefully cut open the body of the flesh insect.

Different from the strong defense of the corpse, the flesh worm in its current state seemed to be unusually soft. With just one click, Zhang Deming cut open the body surface.


After making the incision, Zhang Deming gasped when he saw the internal structure. There seems to be nothing in the body of the flesh worm except silver threads. As Zhang Deming cut, the threads seemed to overflow uncontrollably.

At first, it was slow, but then the wound began to squirm. Zhang Deming's expression changed slightly and he quickly retreated a distance.


As soon as he retreated, the flesh bugs exploded and turned into silver threads all over the sky. After the threads came into contact with the air, they quickly became thick, silvery white, and visible to the naked eye.

For a moment, the area in front of the boss seemed to be shrouded in silver spider webs, like a spider web bomb.

By sensing the dissipation of the trapping technique, he could be sure that the insect was dead, otherwise his trapping technique would not have disappeared so strangely.

Frowning, Zhang Deming checked the spider web-like thread area in front of him for a long time. He didn't find anything strange, not even insect corpses.

"Are they the remnants of the Third Age? The filthy insects in the Five Elements Blessed Land, the poisonous insects in Qingmu Yang Leitian, and the suture monster meat insects here are not only insects, but they also have common characteristics: metalization and intelligence.

In addition to the previous murals... So the culprit that caused the Twilight of the Gods in the Third Age was the machine developed by the human race? Intelligence crisis? Artificial intelligence rebellion?

No, if artificial intelligence really rebels, what else is Tianyu studying now? Um, wait, today's research...? "

As he whispered, Zhang Deming's eyes flashed, and he felt as if he had discovered something extraordinary by accident.

But... this kind of thing doesn't seem to be what he should consider now?


He shook his head and looked around. He couldn't find any landmark area, so he could only choose a direction that seemed to be the central battlefield and float forward.

Along the way, Zhang Deming found that the strange aura around him was getting stronger and stronger. Xiao Lei in the spiritual shield became a little anxious, and the surrounding plants became more and more like ghost tentacles.

All these changes meant that he should have found the right direction, heading towards the core of the battlefield.

Suddenly, Zhang Deming, who was floating, felt as if he had passed through a membrane. Then, his eyes were filled with endless suture monsters, and the monsters were rushing towards him like a tide.

He subconsciously wanted to retreat, but his reaction was obviously much slower, and he was instantly overwhelmed by the monsters.

When Zhang Deming came back to his senses, he found that the monsters around him were all like phantoms, passing through his body. To be precise, he should have passed through the bodies of the monsters.

Is this... another image of the historical traces left on the battlefield?

While Zhang Deming was thinking, he looked up again.


I saw that as the monsters surged, a silver bolt cut through the sky and tore apart the group of monsters. Zhang Deming took a closer look and found that it turned out to be an extremely organized square formation.

They were all densely packed with monks, whose power was astonishing. They all seemed to be at the lowest stage of the Four Symbols stage, mostly of the Five Elements. They were wearing gold or silver standard equipment, and their auras connected to form a strange formation.

In this way, he traveled across the sky, killing monsters continuously. When swarms of stitch monsters fall, they will occasionally kill a phalanx of monks, but looking at this frequency, it will only be a matter of time before all the monsters in the sky are killed.

Is this... the Taoist soldiers of the Shenting Federation, the legendary heavenly soldiers and generals?

Was the age of the ancient gods so fierce?

Five Elements Overhaul to be a soldier?

Is this what the so-called Earth Immortal realm is called?

When Zhang Deming was thinking, the monsters died very quickly, nearly half of them died in a moment, but the phalanx monks lost less than a quarter.

At this time, a huge shadow appeared in the sky and made a spitting action. It spit out silver star-like light spots all over the sky. It flickers like a meteor shower, extremely beautiful.

Zhang Deming took a closer look, but couldn't help but shudder. What kind of meteor shower was that? It turned out to be dense silver flesh worms, the kind that Zhang Deming had dealt with before.

As the flesh worms fell like rain, the dead bodies on the ground began to change. As the fragments squirmed, the stitch monsters reappeared one by one.


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(end of this chapter)

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