Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 569 Base Camp

Chapter 569 Base Camp

In Zhang Deming's eyes, the murals have more information like this.

Name: Mural

Status: Forbidden

Contents: Unknown.

Tip: After the fall of the ancient Divine Court Federation, due to many unknown reasons, strange things arose. A powerful power shocked the world and tried to ban history and completely stop the series of disasters that followed.

Zhang Deming looked at the prompt and was a little stunned.

So this is the 'if you have accumulated enough, you will get some linkage information when using this technique' in the skill description. '?

With expectations, Zhang Deming continued to move forward. When he scanned the next six paintings, he finally used his true eyes to see the Shattering Void illusion, analyze the essence, and the ability to link it, and completely extracted the real information in the six paintings. come out.

In the first three paintings, the three paintings combined information of sunbird, moon spider, giant, sentient beings, brain in a tank, etc., he got a key message.

Tip: In the Federation of the Ancient God Court, there are two types of gods and three basic factions.

The first category: the righteous gods who are on the list.

This kind of deity, because the true spirit is stored in the god list, can last forever, and has a perfect incense burning mechanism, which strips most of the incense and god poison. Therefore, the righteous gods will hardly be affected by the beliefs of the gods, affecting their minds;

The second category: those who light the divine fire and gather the divine personality.

This kind of god, the godhead is immortal, and will last forever, because the true spirit resides in its own godhead, so the incense is self-refined. Such gods often become the gods in the hearts of all living beings after becoming gods for a few Huiyuan.

Behavior, style of doing things, direction of thinking, etc., are all completely influenced by the beliefs of sentient beings. In addition, the true spirit is not on the list, not restricted by the list of gods, and acts without scruples, and is classified as a follower of gods by the court of God.

For these two reasons, the three basic factions are divided into the demon god represented by the sun, the righteous god represented by the giant, and the obedient god represented by the moon.

Among the three major factions, the righteous gods are mostly human races, and the slave gods are mostly subhuman races. Of course, it is impossible for the three major factions to have a clear and clear path, and there are occasional confusions.

In the last three paintings, about Xiao Heavenly World, Zhang Deming also got a message.

The twilight of the gods is the calamity of the heavens, and the aura of calamity permeates the heavens. At dusk, Yang Qingwu, the main god, dies to guard the peace of the world.

However, the body of the 'God-Controlling Insect' mutated under the world-changing command spell and attempted to be polluted. Finally, under the influence of Murphy, the Seven Kings of Hell, the current situation of Xiao Heavenly World was formed.

The information given by the Eye of True Sight allowed Zhang Deming to completely understand the origin of Xiao Heavenly World's current situation. Because of this, Zhang Deming once again discovered the power of this technique.

Back then, Yang Qingwu was rumored to be a grassroots born with three eyes. Various legends felt that it was a bit outrageous and exaggerated too seriously.

But Zhang Deming clearly understood at this moment that this guy is completely equivalent to Goldfinger, and it would be unreasonable not to rise up!


While thinking, Zhang Deming has already drifted quickly across the mural area and passed through nine forks. Compared with the cautious one before, Zhang Deming is much careless now.

After passing through the nine fork areas, Zhang Deming saw the tenth fork. Compared with the ninth, the construction era of this fork is even more backward.

The murals on the wall were still scratched by claws. When he came to the attached hall, Zhang Deming found that the layout here was almost the same as that of the eighth and ninth Chadao halls that had problems.

The empty hall was filled with priestly runes of unknown meaning. In the middle of the runes was a stone platform. There was a coffin on the stone platform, but the coffin had been pried open.

Well, it's not entirely true to say that there is no difference. From the eighth, ninth, and tenth crossroads, it is obvious that the years have slowly changed. The most obvious change is that the runes of unknown meaning on the ground have begun to change obviously.

In the front, it seems to be based on the runes of the previous main tomb and the seven guard tombs, but in the back, it gradually evolved into its own system based on these runes.

There is less of a mysterious feeling and more of the beauty of words. It seems that... later people, after these runes lost their due power, gradually regarded this kind of runes as a special recording text. ?

Zhang Deming floated to the coffin and found that there were still some traces of corruption in the coffin, but its bones had been taken away. If he understood correctly, the bones of the Mo family's Poisonous Fog Valley came from here.

Zhang Deming shook his head and floated out again. This time Zhang Deming floated for a long distance without seeing the fork in the tomb chamber.

After a long time, he suddenly stopped while moving forward. He actually came to the end of the passage.

There seems to be a total of one main tomb and ten guard tombs. Excluding the seven animal tombs, there are only three tombs that were added later.

This made Zhang Deming think of the three villains who were watered by the blood of the gods on the previous mural. They were all three, including Zhang, Yang, and Mo. Isn't it a coincidence?

Is that why the mural was covered with claws?

Is it because the murals of the Three Cross Roads record all kinds of things about the three families?

But the ancestors of three families live in the same cemetery?

It's possible for Zhang and Yang, but not for the Mo family, right?

With some doubts, Zhang Deming floated to the end of the passage. There seemed to be a huge door here, with sacrificial runes densely covered on the door.

Zhang Deming looked at it for a long time but didn't see any switch. Finally, he cautiously reached out and touched the door.

Because at this moment, his eyes showed: With the Lord God's Order, you may make unexpected discoveries when you touch it!

As he touched it, the countless sacrificial runes on the door lit up completely, echoing the jade pendant on Zhang Deming's waist.


Zhang Deming felt the shaking, and his expression changed slightly and he stepped back a distance.


During the slight shaking, the sound became louder, and then, the giant door dozens of meters high slowly opened under Zhang Deming's surprised eyes.

The dazzling light suddenly shone into the passage, causing Zhang Deming's eyes to squint slightly. After getting used to it, Zhang Deming floated out.

"Oh my god! An ancestor really came to life!"

"This can't be a ghost!"

"What are you talking about? Those who are called gods and can enter the human world after death are called gods. Our ancestors have become gods!"

"So young, is this really an ancient ancestor?"

"Bullshit, of course you won't age when you become a god!"


The moment Zhang Deming floated out of the passage, he was stunned. I saw that he was standing in front of a huge temple gate. The temple is extremely tall. Even if it is half buried in the ground, it is still hundreds of meters high.

The main hall seemed to be glowing, but when he looked back, the light had become very dim and slowly disappeared.

Outside the gate is a huge platform. There is a staircase in front of the platform, and at the end of the staircase is a huge square. Overall, it looks like a modern courthouse outside.

At this moment, the square was crowded with people kneeling. There were all men, women and children, old and weak, women and children. Originally, these people seemed to be kneeling in fear. From the looks of it, it seemed that they would not be here for a long time.

The appearance of Zhang Deming at this moment caused the whole square to explode. Discussions and exclamations resounded throughout the square.

"Welcome to the ancestors!"

"Welcome to the return of the ancestor god!"

"Welcome to the return of the ancestor god!"


Everyone was surprised for a moment, not knowing who took the lead. Then they started to say different greetings. They were different at first, and finally unified. They all kowtowed to Zhang Deming and said this.

Zhang Deming: "······"

Looking at the people everywhere, they are all mortals, without any fluctuations in spiritual power. Even the Zhang family didn't have the situation of one man and one dog like before. Frowning, he did not immediately pay attention to the crowd, but floated up, slightly higher, and looked around.

"Fly! Fly!"

"My mother, she is such an ancestor who has become a god!"

"My God!"

"God has really descended to earth!"

"It's so scary!"


Zhang Deming ignored the people who were shouting below. After he floated up, he looked around and found that the entire huge temple was located in a plain.

Well, at least there is a plain in front of the temple, and the back seems to be embedded in a mountain.

The land around the front of the temple is slightly dented, as if the temple fell and made a crater around it.

At this moment, in the sunken basin, except for other places in the temple area, there are many buildings, and a semicircle is built around the temple.

It looks like a city. From a distance, it has no spirituality at all, as if it is an ordinary ancient city-state.

Without continuing to raise his sight, at least after taking a brief look, Zhang Deming floated down in surprise, floating directly in front of the square, looking at the crowd in front of him.

Following Zhang Deming's movements, everyone stopped talking. Some people stared at Zhang Deming feverishly, some lowered their heads, and some kept kowtowing in fear.

This reaction was as if they had never been exposed to transcendental power before, and now they suddenly saw the legendary immortal god.

"Who is in charge here?" Zhang Deming frowned, looking at the old men in front of the crowd, and asked.

In front of the crowd were kneeling five old people, three men and two women, all with hair covered with silver threads.

Following Zhang Deming's words, everyone looked at the old man in the middle. The old man also suppressed his excitement and said in a slightly trembling voice: "Old Zhang Zhongxiang, I have met our ancestors!"

'Surname Zhang? Loyal generation? '

In the past, Budze and Junxiu were loyal, and ten generations were reincarnated. Compared with Zhangjiacun, this loyal generation seems to be several generations faster?

"Where is this? Why are you doing this?" Zhang Deming asked in his thoughts.

The old man was stunned and replied honestly: "This is the ancestral land of our clan, ancestor, don't you remember? As for us, because of the abnormal movement of the temple a month ago, we started worshiping for half a month, until the temple shone again just now, Ancestor, just come out!"

'The temple? '

Zhang Deming looked back at the cemetery he thought he had seen before. Looking at the appearance now, he guessed that it was the original Yang Qingwu temple that had been rebuilt!

While thinking, Zhang Deming communicated with the old man.

As he communicated, he gradually understood the current situation.

This is also the land of the Zhang family, but due to some reasons, they lost the inheritance of cultivation, and it seems that it was cut off intentionally.

And because of the existence of the temple, they were not affected by the strangeness, and they survived for generations. Now, not only the gods have become legends, but also the practitioners.

"You said the crazy fog of isolation is dissipating?" During the exchange, Zhang Deming suddenly noticed a piece of information and said.

"Yes, ancestor. The fog surrounding the entire temple mountainous area has been dissipating since the temple moved a month ago, so I waited in fear before coming here to offer sacrifices." The old man replied.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Deming rose into the sky again.

"Ancestor, where are you going?" The old man asked anxiously as he looked at Zhang Deming flying away.

"Wait!" Zhang Deming's words came from the sky.

After Zhang Deming rushed into the sky and lowered himself to a certain height, he could see the surrounding situation clearly.

There was originally a high mountain here. The temple fell at the foot of the mountain, creating a crater at the foot of the mountain. The temple was embedded into the mountain. And that group of mortals lived in the small pit at the foot of the mountain.

Outside the pit is a jungle. The jungle area is quite large, but it is interrupted by a circle of fog. At this moment, nearly half of the fog has dissipated, and the forest on the other side of the fog is looming.

Zhang Deming turned his head and looked to one side. If his sense of direction was correct, that direction was the Zhangjiacun clan land?

So, is this world going to be completely connected again?

In his thoughts, Zhang Deming once again became absorbed in the command talisman and felt it for a long time. With the flash of the command talisman, his body suddenly disappeared from the place, and when he reappeared, he was back in Zhangjia Village.


It was Xiangwu at the moment. As many as the Mo family came in these days, the Zhang family stayed behind. The Mo family did not dare to wander into the Zhang family's smoke area anymore, thinking that the Zhang family's land had been filled with strange-looking crazy fog.

After the Zhang family was able to take a breather, several clan elders discussed with Zhang Xiuqing and began to plan the construction of the ancestral land, so there was no one in the village.

Zhang Dailong and a group of children were playing in the village dam. A group of naughty children surrounded Zhang Dailong, who already had blood, and listened to his excited bragging.

"Just like that, my father easily became another Mo family's three-talented son..."

Speaking of excitement, Zhang Dailong got excited and started to dance and gesture while talking. As he danced, he suddenly found that the children around him had disappeared without knowing it.

This familiar scene made him sluggish for a while. He turned around stiffly and found a figure.

"Haha, that... ancestor, you are back. The ancestors in the clan are worried about you!"

Zhang Dailong's body stiffened. After saying something, he looked at Zhang Deming's expressionless face. He flashed his eyes and ran away.


Following Zhang Deming's words, Zhang Dailong was surprised to find that he turned around uncontrollably and ran to Zhang Deming.

"With your bloodline, you are so courageous that you dare to run away! It seems that the praise you received last time made you a little bit carried away!" Zhang Deming said.

"Old ancestor, your grandson knows you are wrong. You are really wrong. You should let your grandson go for once. You might as well look for your younger brothers and sisters. If you catch your grandson masturbating alone, you will make him stupid!" Zhang Dailong looked sad. road.

(end of this chapter)

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