Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 573: The First Battle Of Liuhe 2

Chapter 573: The First Battle of Liuhe 2

In the blink of an eye, it turned into long swords all over the sky, floating behind Zhang Deming. Each long sword has its own unique aura, and the owner has his own way.

As the breath of the long sword connected, Zhang Deming's whole body's spiritual energy surged, his long hair wavered slightly, and a powerful aura rose from his body.

Development of Yujian: Vine Sword, Ten Thousand Swords of Split Dao returns to the clan!

Countless long swords, controlled by Zhang Deming, rushed towards the evil dragon that had turned into a huge pillar of flesh in the sky.


The densely packed long swords rushed towards Nielong, but Nielong didn't make any movement and had no defense at all.

The long sword was continuously inserted into the flesh column transformed by the evil dragon, causing the bloody flesh on its surface to become very eroded, but that was all. It can't penetrate, and it can't leave any significant damage.

Zhang Deming even found that as the technique continued, a strange smell was born in the rotting flesh. Zhang Deming's technique seemed to promote the further strange transformation of these flesh, almost like cancerous flesh and blood.

A moment later, after Zhang Deming's spell was completed, the evil dragon's flesh pillars that had stopped expanding all shook together, as if all the cells had come to life, and all of them were rapidly increasing in value with their own consciousness.

The meat carpet on the ground also began to thicken at a visible speed. At this speed, it would not take half a quarter of an hour for the entire hemispherical space to be filled.

Zhang Deming's expression changed dramatically, and his spiritual power surged out again.

Yin Yang Chess Path: Dilemma!

A huge chessboard emerged in the entire hemispherical space. A Yin-Yang fish on the chessboard rotated, and the entire space instantly stopped.

After learning this technique, Zhang Deming never thought that one day he would be able to use this technique so easily and be forced to compete with others.

"If you don't hurry up, I'm really going to run away!" Zhang Deming stiffened and said to Lan Fuyao, who was not far away.

"No, it's only half an hour, not enough time at all! And your current a limit technique involving space, I can't continue to purify..." Lan Fuyao replied like this road.

Zhang Deming: "······"

This Yin Yang Chess Dao Fruit is definitely a cheating technique. If you use it without thinking, it is a useless technique...

"What can you do about the evil dragon's current technique?" Zhang Deming asked.

"This is an ancient magic, belonging to the Blood Sea Curse series of the classic book Rank Eight, and it cannot be solved by non-professionals in the purification path!

In his current state, it is completely impossible with our cultivation to rely on external force to break this technique from the outside. You hurry up and leave me alone. "Lan Fuyao said like this.

"You... wait, what did you say?" Zhang Deming looked stunned and suddenly said.


At this time, the still space began to shake rapidly.

Lan Fuyao paused and asked doubtfully: "An ancient magic, a Rank Eight curse?"

"Not this!" Zhang Deming replied.

"Our cultivation level cannot be broken by external force from the outside?" Lan Fuyao asked.

"That's right, why do you have to come from outside! Although it's not Sun Monkey, it doesn't have to be from the mouth!" Zhang Deming said with a flash of light in his eyes.

Lan Fuyao was stunned and a little confused. She probably didn't understand the meaning of some of Zhang Deming's words, but she still understood the general idea.

She smiled bitterly and said: "It's impossible. In this state of the art, you can't pass through countless flesh and blood and directly attack the evil dragon inside the flesh and blood!"

"Who said I'm going to attack the evil dragon inside the flesh and blood?" Zhang Deming replied.

Lan Fuyao looked at him suspiciously, and said, "Then what do you mean?"

Zhang Deming didn't answer, and stopped the huge transmission of spiritual power. The yin-yang fish chessboard under his feet was quickly shattered. Zhang Deming flipped his hands over and took out half a purple gourd.

"This is... the incarnation of the old man who fought the dragon with me last time. Did it appear because of you?" Looking at the familiar half gourd, Lan Fuyao asked with flickering eyes.

Zhang Deming still didn't answer the other party, he threw the gourd to Lan Fuyao, and said, "Put this thing in for me too, and let's purify together!"

Lan Fuyao heard that, although she didn't understand what Zhang Deming was going to do, she didn't hesitate in her action, and quickly pressed the half of the gourd that she had caught into the depression of the light ball, purifying it together with her pendant.

Following this movement, the rapidly proliferating flesh and blood trembled violently, as if they were in great pain.

Nielong originally thought that there was only one Lan Fuyao, but now both of them were former enemies.

"It turns out that it was also because of you last time. It just so happens that the old and new grudges are counted together!" In the pillar of flesh in the sky, a vague dragon face emerged, looking at the two people below and said.

As it emerged, the trembling flesh and blood stopped trembling and began to proliferate again. Although the speed was much slower, it would be a matter of time before they were buried.

Zhang Deming looked at Lan Fuyao and said, "Take care of my fleshy body, and try your best to delay the growth of this fleshy flesh."

"What do you want to do?" Lan Fuyao asked confused.

Zhang Deming didn't answer, spiritual power surged all over his body, his complexion was pale, countless spiritual seeds spewed out, and an avatar completely condensed by spiritual seeds emerged.

The avatar glanced at Lan Fuyao, and disappeared in place while the purple gourd flickered below. At this time, Zhang Deming's body also sat cross-legged, closed his eyes, and floated beside Lan Fuyao.

This change made Lan Fuyao pause for a moment, and looked at the purple gourd on the ball of light, his eyes flickering.


Zhang Deming was in a trance, and when he came back to his senses again, he had already arrived in the calabash space.

In front of him is a familiar ancient gate, which is the entrance to the Inheritance Underground Palace. Not far behind, the location of the entrance corridor, without the corridor, is a constantly fluctuating silver space.

At this moment, countless white rays of light containing purifying breath poured into the space from the surroundings with the ultimate purifying power.

After the light flooded into the space, a lot of power rushed to the other side through the silver space. Let the silvery space fluctuate very unstablely.

Looking at this scene, the corners of Zhang Deming's mouth slightly raised, and he whispered: "Hehe, that's what the so-called karma is like.

Before you passed through the space gap of this Spiritual Treasure, trying to contaminate my half, which made me dare not take it out of the spirit cultivation space to study it carefully. Now... I will also go to your side for a walk! "

While whispering, Zhang Deming took a deep breath and plunged into the silver-white space.

In other words, this space is a kind of dragon cave, right?

At this moment, he seemed to have forgotten what he said several times before, and he never took the initiative to drill any dragon holes in his life?

Sure enough, there are some things that only have zero or countless times, and once you break your virginity, you will become addicted!

As Zhang Deming entered the space door, a familiar feeling came over him instantly.

He seemed to be wrapped in something slippery, sticky, and disgusting. He felt like he was being pulled forward by countless small suction cups, squirmingly sucking him forward.




After a moment, Zhang Deming was spit out, or ejaculated, from the squirming channel, with some viscous liquid in it. He only had time to stabilize his body, and then he retched uncontrollably.

After a long time, Zhang Deming stopped.

"Damn it, after this is over, no matter how good our relationship is, I will never go into a dragon hole just to help others. This feeling is so bad!"

As he spoke, he seemed to have forgotten that it was only after he saw the laurel leaves that he made up his mind to stay!

After cursing and complaining, it seemed that he had completely vomited out the uncontrollable nausea, and then he began to look around.

The eyes were filled with blood red, and a huge blood-colored dome in the sky enveloped the entire space. Below is a rolling, extremely viscous blood-colored pool, in which a lot of plasma-like liquid is rolling.

Behind it is a blood-colored flesh wall. There are many closed eye-like valves on the flesh wall. One of the valves is slowly closing, and a little blood-colored liquid is flowing out. It is obvious that Zhang Deming was sprayed out from here just now.

Far ahead is a huge blood-red heart standing in the center of the blood pool. The bottom of the heart is supported by countless blood vessels like a tree pocket, and several huge cardiovascular-like pillars above it connect the entire blood-red sky.

In the center of the sky above the heart, there is a golden ball of light, providing illumination to the entire space.

"Is this... a pool of creation and creation?"

That's right, Zhang Deming once again entered the original assessment place of Qingmu Yang Lei Sect - the Life Creation Pond.

Of course, this is inevitable. After all, his half of the gourd owns the Underground Palace of Inheritance, and what is closely connected to it happens to be the Creation Pond.

However, there have been many changes in the Creation Pool today. For example, the magma-like liquid rolling below has turned into plasma. Although it is a bit hot, it is not scorching anymore.

In the air, there was no longer that strange power of retrospect controlling his cultivation. It can be seen that the entire space has been infected to a certain extent, and it may not be far from the space in the belly of the evil dragon.

Zhang Deming only looked at it for a moment, then looked at the huge heart in the distance. If he understood correctly, this thing is the heart of the evil dragon!

Although for the big boss of Liuhe, even if the body dies, the body will not die. But for the Great Monster, without the physical body, the impact of strength is still huge.

No matter how bad it can still delay time to a certain extent!

In his thoughts, Zhang Deming turned into a stream of light and came to his heart. He waved his hand to condense a huge emerald sword and raised it high above his head.


While roaring fiercely, Zhang Deming slashed with his sword.

The long sword struck his heart, but it was not broken directly. He felt as if the blunt knife was striking on leather, which was still very elastic leather.

His heart visibly sunk, and then his long sword bounced away.


Although the heart was not split open, the surrounding flesh and blood shook for a while as it contracted. Apparently it was not ineffective, and Zhang Deming heard strange sounds. It was very similar to the sound he made when he was sprayed out just now.

When he looked back, he was stunned. At this moment, several balls of light were slowly rising upwards. On the wall, several opened valves were slowly closing, and there was still a little bloody liquid at the opening. Slowly slide down.

Are these... the various inheritance balls from the Rank One trial?

Don't be too familiar with Zhang Deming when you see these light balls. He went through this entire stage and climbed to the top of the light ball pyramid!

So the control center here has been completely refined into a heart and has entered a semi-disabled state?

Stress spray?

Like a muscle contraction?

While thinking, Zhang Deming turned his head with burning eyes, and the surrounding vines weaved quickly, but no long sword emerged, but huge fists condensed out one by one.

He is pressed for time now, and his heart is obviously very defensive against sharp weapons, but... what about blunt weapons?


Zhang Deming showed a rather lewd smile, and with a slight movement of his mind, the giant fists woven with vines behind his back began to strike alternately like a violent storm.

"Bang bang bang..."


With Zhang Deming's rapid impact, the entire dome wall began to shake.

While the blood-colored flesh wall was shaking, it spit out light balls one after another like a convulsion, just like the opening of the assessment, but it changed from automatic spit to manual under stress stimulation.

Watching the ball of light continuously spit out from the bottom flap of the flesh wall, slowly reaching the middle, and then reaching the top, Zhang Deming became more and more excited, and the more he hit, the more intense the light in his eyes became.


In the outside world, after the incarnation of Zhang Deming's spiritual seed disappeared, Lan Fuyao's spiritual power surged throughout his body and he began to play a rapid music.

Let the slowly proliferating flesh become a bit slower, but it is still growing rapidly. If this continues, it will be a matter of time before the two of them are buried in flesh and blood.

But in just a moment, the flesh in the entire hemispherical space suddenly twitched for a moment. After a short pause, it twitched again.

At this time, the pillar of meat that the evil dragon in the sky had turned into was already very thick, and it could be said to be half a wall of flesh. With the violent twitching of the flesh, the pillar of flesh began to struggle and bounce like a loach coming ashore.

"hold head high········"

The evil dragon let out a shocking roar, and the roar was filled with extreme pain. And because of this reaction, the surrounding fleshy growth stopped.

Lan Fuyao's eyes flashed, and he changed the piano music very decisively. The strong dreamy light surged, like a sharp sword, and went straight to the heart of the evil dragon in the flesh column.


The madly struggling Nielong let out a muffled groan, but after the groan, he didn't fight back immediately, instead he only left a small part of his mind to deal with Lan Fuyao's attack.

Most of his mind quickly pulled away, entered his body restrainedly, and rushed towards Zhang Deming who was struggling inside his body.


(end of this chapter)

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