Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 578: Number One In Life... [Additional Update On The 54Th, Please Subscribe And Vote]

Chapter 578: Number one in life... [Additional update on the 54th, please subscribe and vote]

Rune Core: Spirit-nurturing Vine Demon Summoning Technique Lv7 (200/8000)

Promotion: It can absorb the Dao Yun and power of mature artifacts to cultivate other artifacts.

Note: Therefore, the spell belongs to the core of the runes. Under the entanglement of power, it can be used in conjunction with the forging vine and strengthening spells. It is no longer limited to the promotion of artifacts. It can also be used for secondary forging of artifacts. It still needs to absorb the power of other artifacts.

In addition, the power absorbed can only be equal to or higher than the cultivated artifact. For example, if you need to reforge or upgrade Law Treasure, then the extracted artifacts need to have at least four-star Law Treasure-level quality, and broken ones are fine!


Looking at this effect, Zhang Deming's eyes flashed. This technique... seemed very ordinary based on the description.

But... As a refiner, Zhang Deming instantly understood the horror of its effect.

You know, after some artifacts are forged, the effect is very satisfactory, but the grade is not satisfactory;

When some utensils are refined, they are clearly a six-star peak high-level Law Treasure, but the effect is so weird that it hurts.

For example, Zhang Deming had previously customized a shovel with growth magic. Because the effect was too weird and the fit was too low, he refined three pieces in total before he refined the Law Treasure that was satisfactory in both effect and level.

But the first two items were not directly fried by Zhang Deming. He had almost no problem with the furnace. It’s just that the level or effect doesn’t meet the needs, but it’s still a useful tool!

Because the demand for such things was too strange, he wanted to dispose of the remaining two pieces of waste and sell them as ordinary utensils, but they were not easy to dispose of, and now they were gathering dust in his space.

It can be seen from this that for Zhang Deming, who uses Yuling forging, the specific abilities of many artifacts are uncontrollable and cannot be known until they are completed.

So for ordinary weapon cultivators who use rune formations to build the abilities of artifacts, the direction in which the artifact becomes a weapon is even more uncontrollable, and can often only be controlled in a general direction.

This is one of the reasons why professional tailor-made weapon refining is so expensive, because in order to meet the target's delicate requirements, an ordinary weapon refining master may waste a lot of materials.

Even if the refining is successful, there are many people who are not satisfied with it and want to start over.

Moreover, this technique has unique effects on the repair and promotion of artifacts.

In particular, the ability to reforge instantly reminded Zhang Deming of the elusive Spiritual Treasure forging. It seemed that... with this operation, Zhang Deming's Spiritual Treasure forging would have some new ways out?

Thinking of this, Zhang Deming did what he said, whether it was a flash of inspiration or a spell test, anyway, he just rummaged through the closet and took out the flower pot.

Before trying this idea, he still needed to familiarize himself with the magic.

A vine swayed out, and Zhang Deming first took out an ordinary two-star shuttle Law Weapon. On the vine, something like a piranha flower was born, and it swallowed the Law Weapon thrown by Zhang Deming in one gulp.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Deming once again took out a four-star, refining waste Law Treasure. At the bottom of the vine, a blood-red root-like vine stretched out. Rolling up the Law Treasure, it disappeared into the dirt.

Immediately, Zhang Deming closed his eyes and started a tentative forging.

As Zhang Deming closed his eyes, the three-meter-tall vine with a piranha flower in front of him began to flash with spiritual light, and the flowers kept beating.

Three days passed in a flash. When Zhang Deming came to his senses again, the piranha suddenly exploded. A pair of gorgeous huge light wings flashed in the training room. A pair of mini wing-like four-star Law Treasures floated to the In front of Zhang Deming.

Looking at the Law Treasure in front of me, not only did its image change from a shuttle to wings, but its level also changed from a two-star Law Weapon to a four-star Law Treasure. It still maintained the ability to escape from the wind, and even became stronger. Zhang Deming smiled.

This means that both the promotion effect and the reforging effect are very good. It’s this forging time that makes me feel a little bit sore.

For a four-star Law Treasure, it would only take about two days for him to forge a new weapon with all his strength, which is already a relatively long time for a weapon refiner of his level.

A fire-forged weapon master can knock it out in half a day. But it took three days to re-train, which was one day longer than what he was doing now.

Seems completely thankless?

But... to use this technique to refine low-level Law Weapons, you simply don't know how to develop this technique, so you would make such a choice!

Of course, the best choice for such a spell is to use it to obtain Apex Level artifacts! He even used broken spells as a guide to cross-level forging! ! !

Presumably it is for this reason that this technique has become the core inheritance of the bottom of the box!

While thinking, Zhang Deming took out several artifacts with a little excitement.

A broken book, this technique comes from Tan Shiyi's Law Weapon "Contract Book";

A very huge book that is half a person tall and looks like a picture album, "Yuan Chen Pu·Main God Chapter";

A dragon ball with a very strange aura, and something seems to be gestating inside. It is the only thing left after the death of the childish heart of the ancestor of Yin and Yang Ji Dao;

Two broken swords, one with only half of it left, and a strange long sword with dense cracks and a small gap;

There is also a half-cut purple gourd...

Among the artifacts he owned, the most bizarre ones were all tinkered with by Zhang Deming. Because there are no successful cases, Zhang Deming needs to consider suitability, and some things cannot be randomly experimented.

For example, a half-cut purple gourd contains many ancient inheritances that have not been broken, and other confusing reasons.

He put two broken swords and a half-shaped gourd aside, leaving only two books, one large and one small.

Zhang Deming looked at the two books. Although "Yuanchen Pu·Main God Chapter" is only a six-star Law Treasure, it is still a six-star peak Law Treasure in a damaged state. It was extremely likely that it was a Spiritual Treasure, and it was also an ancient Spiritual Treasure. Treasure.

The "Contract Book" is Tan Shiyi's original Law Weapon. When he died, it was still like a Taoist treasure. It mutated, so it also has a strong foundation and has the possibility of evolving into a Spiritual Treasure.

Looking at the two objects, Zhang Deming's thoughts flashed and he threw a portion of the six-star spiritual soil into the flower pot.

Then, as Zhang Deming's spiritual light surged, a vine quickly grew out of it, and a huge flower grew from the top of the vine.

Zhang Deming threw "Yuan Chen Pu·Main God Chapter" and "Contract Book" into the flowers. As the flowers of the vine swallowed the two things, the vine immediately felt a strong sense of hunger.

Zhang Deming hadn't cleaned out his warehouse for a while, so he started rummaging through the cabinets and pulled out a lot of Law Treasures with four stars or above in the spirit cultivation space.

Some are refining waste, such as customizing six stars and refining them into four stars. Some of them are the products of occasional whims and experimental refining, which are too weird to handle. There are also some things that have not been completely dealt with before, and they are a mess.

For all abandoned Law Treasures with four stars or above, Zhang Deming cleaned them up and put them aside. A moment is a lot, and of course to Zhang Deming, it actually doesn’t sell for much.

After all, ten or twenty spiritual crystals cannot really significantly improve his current cultivation level. So after he piled these things aside as junk, Zhang Deming began to meditate with his eyes closed.

As Zhang Deming fell into meditation, the blood-red roots under the vine began to roll up the pieces of Law Treasure and submerged them into the soil of the flowerpot. At this time, the vines were swaying happily, and the strange flowers were beating strangely.

In this way, time flies, and it took almost a year for Zhang Deming to enter samadhi.

On this day, the vine that had been beating regularly for nearly a year suddenly started to vibrate again, and Zhang Deming, who was in trance, suddenly opened his eyes.

There are still a few pieces of Law Treasure left beside him, but Zhang Deming didn't add any more because they have lost their effectiveness.

But the forging at this moment has not been completed, and Zhang Deming clearly perceives that the reforged Law Treasure has not yet given birth to wisdom.

If he forced the spiritual enlightenment, then this year-long time consumption would probably be in vain. The final product would definitely be the six-star peak Law Treasure, and the effect would be strange at best.

Zhang Deming, who always felt that something was wrong, hesitated for a moment and looked at the many precious items in the spiritual cultivation space. Zhang Deming finally looked at the golden ball of light.

One is because the spiritual eye saw the description of the light ball before, and the other is that only this is currently the most suitable material for refining equipment.

With a choice, Zhang Deming flipped his hands and touched the ball of light again, and a blood vine swayed, pulling the ball of light into the soil of the flowerpot. As the ball of light sank into the ground, Fujiki was shocked instantly, and the entire flower shone with dazzling golden light.

A strange rhythm was born from the flowers, and the golden light became more and more dazzling. At this time, Zhang Deming also closed his eyes again and fell into trance again.

"Dong dong... dong dong..."

As he entered concentration, a rhythm like a heartbeat sounded in the practice room. At first, it only sounded in the secret room, but as the golden light became stronger, it slowly spread out.

Many Zhang family members gradually discovered this heartbeat-like rhythm. In confusion, they all searched and found that the source was Zhang Deming's small courtyard, and they all frowned.

The ancestors have been in seclusion for almost a year, and they have just begun to contact the Zhang family members who practice cultivation. Although each one of them has made rapid progress, due to their limited knowledge, they can't help but look at them with some worry.

Time flies, and it’s three days again.

In three days, the rhythm has resounded throughout the Zhang family's main vein secret realm, and the courtyard where Zhang Deming lives has been surrounded.

Without it, because at this moment it is already like a golden house, with countless golden lights overflowing from it. Such a vision made the entire Zhang family a little uneasy.

"What on earth are our ancestors doing?"

"It's not like our ancestors are really going to become gods!"

"It's possible. In the legend, isn't the ancient deity the same Immortal Transformation apotheosis!"

"I don't think so!"

"Could it be some kind of treasure?"

"What, you still want to...?"

"Ha ha······"

While everyone was discussing, the house filled with golden light suddenly flickered, causing everyone to silence.


In the training room, Zhang Deming also opened his eyes again at this time, and the vines in front of him began to dissipate from the roots visible to the naked eye, continuing to the roots of the flowers.

Immediately afterwards, the flowers burst suddenly, and countless golden threads floated in the sky.

At this time, Zhang Deming was so blessed that he instinctively stimulated the spirit-nurturing technique and incorporated the spirit-nurturing call into it. After completing it, he found that there was still some time, so he added the 'hidden child' ability of the Yin Yang Artifact Dao.

When it was completed, the golden threads all over the sky seemed to come alive, and with the joy of new life, they were instantly woven into a strange golden book.

The book is not thick, but it is slightly larger than normal books, with a length of more than 30 centimeters and a width of more than 20 centimeters. It looks like an enlarged textbook, but the pages are not many, only a dozen pages, and each page is Like a thick piece of paper in a card book.

The cover of the book was shining with golden light at the moment, floating in front of Zhang Deming, giving Zhang Deming a sense of agility. The faint strange rhythm that belongs exclusively to Spiritual Treasure filled the entire training room.

Feeling this rhythm, Zhang Deming raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and then his smile became more and more obvious, and finally he opened his mouth to laugh.

"Haha... It's not easy. It took me a year to refine it, but I finally made the first Spiritual Treasure in my life!"

Although it was a restorative reforging, it was not completely repaired. It could be considered the first Spiritual Treasure he had refined.

As Zhang Deming laughed, a timid consciousness seemed to sense Zhang Deming's pleasure, controlling the book and rotating around Zhang Deming. With a touch of admiration, a little bit of curiosity and joy.

It took a long time for Zhang Deming to calm down and calm down his emotions. The golden book also stopped in time and floated in front of Zhang Deming.

The seven-star Law Treasure, which was forged based on "Yuan Chen Pu·Main God Chapter" and "Contract Book" and many Law Treasures as materials, obviously has the ability of two books. It seems that because of his last spiritual cultivation technique, it happened Integrated Union mutation.

"Twelve Chapters·Seal": Seven Stars Low Grade Spiritual Treasure.

As Zhang Deming looked at the book, the book opened to the first chapter. In the first chapter, the original figure of the God of War Yang Qingwu disappeared and turned into the beautiful face of Zhang Bodao.

The opponent had a pair of triangular dog ears on his head, and squatting on his shoulders was a milk dog no bigger than a palm, with black and silver hair all over its body and a dreamy color.

Zhang Deming was stunned for a moment, then opened the second article.

This second piece is even more bizarre. It is a blurry golden bird shadow. Because it is too blurry, only a slight outline can be seen. If you look more carefully, it will become even less clear.

After that, there was a blank page. When Zhang Deming turned it over, the words 'to be added' were displayed on the blank surface.

The book has a total of twelve pages, two pages are already there, and the remaining ten pages are blank pages.

As Zhang Deming finished flipping through the book, a strange information poured into Zhang Deming's mind. After a little editing and translation, Zhang Deming instantly understood the general ability of Spiritual Treasure.


For daily tweets, I recommend a book by a great author, "I Killed Demons in the Demon Slayer Division for Thirty Years"!

(End of chapter)

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