Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 601 Integrated Union Refiner

Chapter 601 Integrated Union Refiner

In other words, only if the value is rare enough and a transaction requires certain guarantees, the monitoring elf will mobilize his power, and after his approval, such a contract will be automatically generated.

If I remember correctly, his minimum standard is one million levels, and it seems that he has only had a few single transactions so far. There should be no such poor guy in front of me.

When Yan Xiangcheng heard the words, he immediately shook his head and said: "No, I have never seen it before, but I have heard the legend of this thing before. I didn't expect that I would also use the party contract one day."

Zhang Deming suddenly said, "It's nothing strange. It's just that the great power of the party organizer has taken this direction. Because of the particularity of this road, this contract is not allowed to be deceptive, and it is not allowed in concept.

Binding is secondary, mainly due to the unique verification effect, which can avoid deception in the early stages. Therefore, it is more popular at parties and has become a routine process when we trade in high-end markets. "

As Zhang Deming spoke, he signed the contract very skillfully. The contract in front of him flashed and turned into a card.

Yan Xiangcheng carefully looked at the contract and its terms, and kept looking at Zhang Deming from the corner of his eye. After seeing Zhang Deming sign the contract casually, he signed the contract hesitantly.

As he signed, he instantly felt an extremely strong restraint on his mind, which was no weaker than the strength of an oath. This change made his complexion change drastically.

"Don't worry, this thing is still fair. You will get used to it after a few times! Moreover, the punitive nature of this contract depends on the alliance, not the contract itself.

Otherwise, the high-end market would not be popular, and no one would dare to break the contract easily. "Zhang Deming looked at the change in Yan Xiangcheng's expression and took the initiative to speak.

When Yan Xiangcheng heard this, his expression changed, he took the card and said: "The senior management behind the Whisperer organization is really impressive..."

It seemed that I couldn't find any suitable adjectives, so in the end I stopped talking and ended with an exclamatory statement.

Zhang Deming looked at the other party, turned over and put away the small bag, and said: "Let's settle it then. I should be able to give you an accurate answer in half a year at the earliest and three years at the latest."

"Don't worry, if I want to sell more than 100,000 spirit stones, I might have to go to the Hengduan Mountains to work hard!" Yan Xiangcheng replied.

A million-level net worth is actually quite rich for a Five Elements cultivator, especially for an Independent Cultivator, who is definitely not poor, and can even be considered rich.

Not everyone is as poor as Zhang Deming!

Zhang Deming looked at Yan Xiangcheng and said: "I have to remind you that the price I ask is one hundred spirit crystals, and I will not accept payment with spirit stones.

The price difference is a trivial matter. In the circles I am in contact with, spiritual crystals are not commonly used. If I were to buy something and throw a few boxes of spiritual stones out, it would be a bit out of style. As for changing it myself, I find it too troublesome and don't want to bother with it. "

After hearing this, Yan Xiangcheng's face froze again and said, "I understand!"

Such an evil style! ! !

No, I want to switch to traditional blacksmith repair. I am also a person who wants style!

"Then it's settled, there are no other special requirements, just come here today!" Zhang Deming said as he looked at Yan Xiangcheng's expression changing.

"Well, see you later!" Yan Xiangcheng also stood up and bowed, then slowly disappeared, leaving only a cup of untouched spiritual tea on the spot.

Zhang Deming glanced at it, then shook his head, this person and his trust... it seems that there is nothing left!

With a wave of his hand, after putting away everything, his body also collapsed on the spot, his mind withdrew from the real space of Yuling, and he slowly opened his eyes.


First, he took out a storage bag. It was an ordinary two-star storage bag, which only contained some materials.

Zhang Deming first took out three strange beads from inside. The beads were white and exuded a very clear and pure breath, which seemed to represent the tranquility and beauty of time.

This is a standard material in which things must turn to their extremes and yin and yang complement each other. Judging from the appearance of this thing alone, who doesn’t understand its origins, who would have thought that to give birth to this thing, it needs countless souls to feed it!

After checking it for a long time and confirming that there was nothing wrong with it, Zhang Deming carefully put it away. He turned his hand over again, and this time he pulled out a scroll like a parchment.

The scroll is very thick, about one foot wide, and it is more than ten meters long when opened. It records not only the simple forging of the soul-calling banner, but also the forging of branches, and details such as how to cultivate the soul-calling banner.

Soul-calling flag: a strange artifact passed down from ancient times to this day, belonging to the Way of the Heart and the Way of Summoning. Because it was originally an artifact derived from an Innate Spiritual Treasure through reverse deduction.

Therefore, the tendency of hungry ghosts is obvious, and monks who use this thing are extremely easy to go astray. Of course, as the saying goes, there are no evil spells, only evil monks.

There have been many Apex Level overhauls of the Holy Spirit Recalling Banner throughout the ages.

Therefore, it has been refined into many branches, such as evil ghost flags, holy spirit flags, beast flags, etc. It looks very different, but in fact the essence has not changed and they belong to the same series.

This flag is quite special and belongs to a strange category, not only because of its image and function, but also because of its very different heels.

All soul-calling flags, if they want to be a weapon, must be at least a unique weapon and have the ability to grow before they can become a weapon, otherwise they will definitely fail.

Moreover, the weapon refiner cannot absolutely control the level of the Soul-Calling Banner. Any Soul-Calling Banner that is refined is theoretically a one-star Law Weapon. Its basic level depends on the ghosts or elves stored in the banner.

Theoretically, if you have the ability to raise a seven-star ghost cultivator, then you can create a seven-star spiritual treasure. Of course, this will involve many requirements and prerequisites.

Not all soul-calling flags can withstand such ghost cultivation, that is, they have the potential to grow into Spiritual Treasures.

Of course, it is not difficult for a weapon cultivator to refine a high-level soul-calling banner. During the refining process, a high-level soul body is added as the main soul, and then the refined soul-calling banner can be graded.

Moreover, this main soul is more suitable for this banner than other acquired souls. Even powerful weapon cultivators can refine it into a disguised weapon spirit, adding one more skill to the weapon to create two unique weapons.

Due to various reasons, the value of this flag is extremely special. In addition, the Sacred Land bosses deliberately suppressed this series of artifacts and prevented their large-scale development, making their market very rare and the price unusual. So high!

Zhang Deming looked at the several-meter-long drawing of the soul-calling flag in front of him, with a flash of inspiration in his eyes, and he finished recording it in a moment.

"The various tendencies of the Holy Spirit, Spirits, Evil Ghosts, and All Beasts are all explained in detail. This is a good series of inheritance for transferring attributes and refining weapons.

No wonder this guy said that if this thing finds the right market, it can sell hundreds of thousands of spirit stones. This is not nonsense. For some traditional weapon repairers, it is indeed worth the price. "

In a whisper, Zhang Deming put the drawing back. This thing has to be returned, but he has already recorded it, and it is not a Tao Yun book. The recorded scroll is just an ancient scroll to him, and it has some collection value. .


After putting away his things, Zhang Deming started to find out some low-level materials and started to practice.

Refining a soul-summoning flag with advanced growth characteristics definitely requires a certain degree of proficiency, while the low-level Law Weapon, which can only hold a few Tai Chi souls, should not be difficult with Zhang Deming's current attainments.

After throwing out the flowerpot, Zhang Deming started planting vines, knotting, and nurturing spirits.

For several days, Zhang Deming gradually became familiar with the refining of the soul-summoning flag, but... when he tried to make it, he tried many methods such as soul-nurturing magic, summoning magic, etc., but he was always not satisfied. , I always feel a bit unprofessional.

Even in the end Zhang Deming tried the White Tiger Wang Yuling, which seemed to be more appropriate, but it still felt a bit wrong.

"Is it really necessary to use the formation method to create the function of the traditional soul-calling banner?"

Zhang Deming frowned and whispered. The first time he made a weapon, he encountered a problem that the spirit-nurturing technique could not solve. The main reason was that the soul-calling flag was not the kind of thing that was both a spell and a map. The spell he knew was used to nurture spirits. There's always something wrong.

By the way, what is the essence of this soul-calling flag’s ability to nourish ghosts and store souls?

Ban storage?

Swallowing evolution?

The way of heart, soul and soul?

There seems to be a bit of everything!


Wait, it’s all a little bit!

Thinking of this, Zhang Deming's eyes flashed. With this sudden inspiration, Zhang Deming did not hesitate at all. He threw a piece of six-star spiritual soil into the flowerpot and started the first orthodox soul-calling banner. Refining.

A seedling swayed out, and several blood vines rolled up a piece of material and submerged it into the soil. Zhang Deming also slowly closed his eyes.

As he entered meditation, the seedling began to grow until it turned into a strange vine about four meters long, and then slowly stopped.

The difference from before is that this time it was clearly just a tool, but several flowers bloomed on the vines, as if Zhang Deming was refining on a large scale.

As it blooms and bears fruit, several fruits are gradually born at the same time. This kind of pregnancy is a month long.

A full month later, several fruits ripened at the same time and exploded into silk threads that filled the sky and floated throughout the training room.

At this moment, Zhang Deming's body began to flash with a strong spiritual light, and the Integrated Union technique was activated.

As Zhang Deming's spiritual power fluctuated, something strange happened. In the past, after the fruit exploded, the silk would usually be woven into a vessel from the base of the fruit, and one fruit would form another vessel.

But this time it was different. The silk threads of other utensils and fruits began to converge towards the core of the utensil and fruit. The silk threads of several utensils and fruits were intertwined together and began to weave a utensil.

In this strange way, Zhang Deming cultivated the spirit of each fruit separately, but in the end, no function or intelligence was born. Under the influence of the Integrated Union technique, everything was woven towards the core.

As for the core fruit, Zhang Deming did not choose the spiritual Taoist magic method or the summoned Taoist magic method to cultivate the spirit, but chose something that was completely irrelevant and out of reach.

That is the luck technique that I learned specially when I was refining the cornucopia: the technique of saving luck!

Following Zhang Deming's nurturing of the core fruit, the whole silk thread weaving came to an end. As the vines withered rapidly, a strange mini-flanker emerged. Different from the traditional black banner, this turned out to be a red banner.

The level did not reach the six-star Zhang Deming imagined, only the five-star peak. It seems that when Zhang Deming finally cultivated the spirit of the main fruit, because of a slight mismatch, some mutations consumed some power. What surprised Zhang Deming was the effect of this flag:

Artifact: Evocation Banner · Fugui

Level: Five-star peak

Effect 1: Raising ghosts can ingest living souls, because the Integrated Union devours Tao, so you can raise Gu to cultivate and upgrade without changing the main soul.

Effect 2: Summon the soul, which can summon the ghosts in the banner to help them fight. Because of the integration of the soul-melting summoning method, when encountering ghost restraint methods, you can choose to melt into blessings.

Effect 3: Blessed ghosts, this banner, for special reasons, harmonizes yin and yang in the way of evil ghosts and the way of luck, and has become an orthodox artifact. You can designate a soul to accumulate luck, and burst out at once when needed.

In addition, due to the influence of the existence of blessing ghosts, if the ingested living soul does not have much cause and effect with itself, it will not bear the corresponding debts and karma.

Effect 4: Can grow!

Looking at the five-star Law Treasure in front of him, Zhang Deming was a little stunned. Although it is only a five-star artifact, the effect of this thing is simply too good!

The other three functions, raising ghosts, summoning souls, and being able to grow are all okay. These are the normal functions of summoning souls. Although the ones he refines are somewhat different, they are better and special.

But the extra effect three is not simple. You must know that the owner of the high-level soul-calling banner, even if he is inclined to the Holy Spirit, will eventually have karma added to his body, and his luck is often bad.

This lucky ghost... has completely removed this effect. The more advanced the monk who summoned the soul, the greater the effect of this function.

"You... well, I don't want to sell it anymore, the original price is the normal price, but now it's sold like this, what should I do if I lose money?

How about...add money?

Wouldn't that be a bad idea? I feel that adding money has almost become a habitual stage for him to refine weapons, although it is often the other party who is voluntarily strengthened! "

Thinking of this, Zhang Deming looked at the remaining two documents, his thoughts flickered, and he made a decision.


In the blink of an eye, it has been several months. Since Zhang Deming's blacksmithing technique was promoted to the Rank Seven classics, the refining of five or six-star Law Treasure has rarely been based on months.

It can be seen from this that the difficulty of refining the soul-calling banner is also special. But what is gratifying is that among the auxiliary materials, he has also found the most difficult-to-find soul-calling beads.

Qiang Guo had already had the five supplementary materials, and Void Wood had been used together when the main materials were changed. The demon blood spirit stone and the Primordial Origin chalcedony were taken out bit by bit by Quan Qing while he was watching.

The only soul-calling bead that was out of stock is now available, and the auxiliary materials are complete. The entire formula removes the auxiliary materials that can be added, and only the core main material, the God Stone, has no clue.


(End of chapter)

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