Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 611 Test

Chapter 611 Test

The place he was in seemed to be in the very depths of this forest, but after a while, Zhang Deming saw a lot of monsters, and their cultivation was not low.

The only strange thing is that Zhang Deming even saw a lot of monsters in the third talent stage, but they all had little intelligence, just like wild beasts, and they were all mentally retarded. He didn't know why such a strange situation happened.

Flickering forward, Zhang Deming, who was frowning in thought, suddenly paused and turned his head to look not far away.

"Is this... Heart Soul Grass?" Zhang Deming's eyes flickered, and he saw a strange grass in the mountain col not far away through many obstacles.

Like evergreens, it has grown into a big ball. In the center of this grass ball, there is a thick branch that is out of place, like the stems and leaves of a lotus, standing like a dull hair.

The branches are as thick as a little finger, verdant and emerald green, and still shining with dots of light. On the top of the branches, there is a blastocyst that is not known whether it is a flower or a fruit.

When the breeze blows and the branches sway, the blastocyst-like fruit squirms slightly. It seems to be a bag of liquid inside, and it also emits a stream of light. The light flows as the liquid squirms.

This is the more precious thing among the five-star materials, the five-star low grade spiritual material, the heart and soul grass.

If the environment is more special, or if you wait for hundreds of years, it will eventually grow into Nine Nether Soul Grass, a five-star Supreme Grade spiritual material, and an optional auxiliary material that can be used in most of the Five Elements formulas.

However, for Zhang Deming's formula, both Heart Soul Grass and Jiuyou Heart Soul Grass can be used as additional auxiliary materials. In the case of Heart Soul Grass, the effect may be slightly weaker.

Of course, this weakening is tolerable compared to waiting a few hundred years. Zhang Deming turned his direction resolutely and headed towards the col while his eyes flashed with inspiration.


The place is not far away, and Zhang Deming arrived at the destination within a few ups and downs.

I saw that under a not-too-high cliff, there is a mountain depression, the depression is quite spacious, and the heart and soul grass grows in a corner of the depression.

In addition, there is a huge creature lying in the mountain depression.

It looks like a bear as a whole, about four meters tall, slightly bloated, and looks very huge. The whole body is snow-white, and there is a mass of black hair on the forehead, forming a sign of a crescent moon.

If that's it alone, it should belong to a lunar polar bear. But the moon polar bears are generally monsters of the Four Elephant Stage, but this one in front of them has a five-element-one-turn cultivation base.

Moreover, the opponent's short bear tail is not a ball of fluffy hair, but flat hair that grows into a fishtail shape. There are also two less obvious bulges on the top of the head and next to the ears.

Obviously, the guy in front of him should be a sub-dragon mentally handicapped monster with dragon blood.

Zhang Deming looked it over carefully, and after confirming his strength and the surrounding situation, he walked out of the forest.

Yueji Longxiong immediately spotted Zhang Deming, his lazy body tensed up instantly, and with agility that was incompatible with his bloated figure, he turned over and looked at the approaching Zhang Deming with cold eyes.


With its hair standing on end, it roared like a beast at Zhang Deming.

"It's really that IQ hasn't increased at all. After the Five Elements Stage, it's still like an ordinary bear. It's really mentally retarded."

Seeing the extremely powerful Moon Dragon Bear roaring at the beast as if declaring its territory, Zhang Deming shook his head and whispered:

"Okay, I just want to try the magic on you. Although I am already familiar with many of the magic, I haven't tested it in combat yet. With your strength, it is quite suitable."

As Zhang Deming whispered, spiritual energy surged around his body, and as the spiritual light flashed together, two chess pieces, one black and one white, emerged and rotated rapidly around Zhang Deming.


The moment the Moon Dragon Bear on the opposite side felt the fluctuation of Zhang Deming's spiritual power, he seemed to be provoked and ran towards Zhang Deming while roaring. The huge and bloated body did not affect much speed.

Zhang Deming looked at the charging Yueji Dragon Bear, with the corner of his mouth slightly raised, his right hand stretched forward, and his middle finger pressed on the index finger, as if holding a chess piece.

Following Zhang Deming's movements, his whole body's spiritual power surged. He pressed his middle finger on the middle of his index finger, and a chess piece emerged. The chess piece was neither black nor white, but black and white, and the yin and yang fish rotated slowly.

Facing the Yueji Dragon Bear who was about to rush forward, Zhang Deming showed an evil smile on his face, and pressed forward with his right hand holding the chess piece, as if he was making a move.

Yin Yang Chess: White Tiger Chess Game!

Following Zhang Deming's move, the chess piece in his hand hit Yueji Longxiong like lightning. An illusory chessboard appeared in front of them, instantly encompassing Zhang Deming and Yueji Longxiong.

The two people turned into flowing light and flew into the chessboard. The chessboard slowly solidified and became the size of a normal chessboard. A light mask slowly enveloped it.

Through the light-transmitting mask, you can vaguely see the mini Moon Dragon Bear, which has become the size of a chess piece, and is now landing on the chessboard in a daze.

Because it only has the intelligence of a beast, it was a little stunned by this sudden change. At this moment, it was looking at this chessboard-like duel space with a confused expression.

Before it could do anything, a black and white chess piece opposite it was taken out by an illusory giant hand and landed on the chessboard like lightning.


Following the move, the space on the chessboard made a crisp sound, and then, at the place where the move was made, an identical Moon Dragon Bear condensed out.

Regardless of body shape, hair, or breath, they are almost exactly the same.


The condensed copy of the Moon Dragon Bear roared and rushed towards the opposite side.


The confused body looked at the bear charging towards him, with a little doubt in his confusion. Immediately afterwards, the two bears started fighting crazily.

Zhang Deming's illusory figure is like a bystander watching chess, watching all this in the sky of the chessboard.

The White Tiger chess game not only has the duel space of chess, but also inherits the biggest limitation of Yin Yang chess - if you want to trap the enemy, you must first trap yourself!

During the process of performing the spell, Zhang Deming himself also needs to be in the space to provide spiritual power to the space. He does not just run away after losing the spell.

If this is true, this technique will not only be a powerful attack technique, but also an extremely powerful trapping technique, a special escape technique.

Of course, the classic White Tiger chess game by Zhang Deming is no longer limited to spectators. He can also leave the game and become a chess player.

In other words, Zhang Deming can control the condensed replica. Of course, when used, this technique is already a huge consumer in the classic level. If Zhang Deming wants to quit playing as a chess player, the consumption will be doubled.

Moreover, Zhang Deming was only testing the specific effects of the spell at this moment, so he did not choose to end, but just watched quietly.

The battle below can be described as brutal.

The replica and the original body are existences of the same level, and this equality includes IQ. Therefore, both beasts were like wild beasts, and their strength was almost the same. They started bloody mode in a moment.

You slap the two bears, and I bite them. In a short while, the Yueji Dragon Bear was crippled, and similarly, the copied Yueji Dragon Bear also suffered similar injuries.

But there was no blood flowing out, only spiritual light constantly overflowing. As the clone continued to be injured, a lot of spiritual light leaked out of its body, and its body became more and more unstable. When the two bears collided crazily again.


With a soft sound, the clone exploded into auras that filled the sky, and then the entire chessboard instantly collapsed.

Zhang Deming and the Moon Dragon Bear reappeared, one person and one bear in a completely different state than when they entered. At this moment, Zhang Deming was unscathed, but his spiritual power was running low, and he was still recovering quickly.

The Yueji Dragon Bear on the opposite side was covered in blood and had been severely injured. He was losing more energy than he was taking in. Zhang Deming also obtained information on the actual effectiveness of this technique.

The cost is huge and the effect is significant. The strength of the mirror body is almost the same as that of the main body. The only disadvantage is that... because it is an energy body, its ability to withstand damage is relatively weak.

This point needs to be noted. Once you meet a monk, it will be a matter of time before this shortcoming is discovered during a fight, and the game will definitely be broken based on this weakness.

In addition, because the chessboard is broken, the runes take a long time to recharge, and spells cannot be cast continuously in a short period of time.

However, compared with the shortcomings, the advantages are equally huge. Whether it is used as a killing spell or a consumptive spell, the effect is absolutely significant.

Not to mention the final word, at least when the strength is equal, a super advantage can definitely be established.

In addition, the chessboard space has inherited the time and space characteristics of Yin Yang Chess Path. Although he cannot construct temporary time and space now, it is also a rapid space. He watched the battle inside for a long time because everything was accelerated, so the flow of time felt different from outside. The outside world has only passed for a moment.

It seems that this cannot be controlled at will at the moment, and can only be adjusted reluctantly, especially considering that this is a spell of the time and space attribute. To meet the adjustment needs normally, it should take a level.

While Zhang Deming floated towards the Moon Dragon Bear, he quickly summarized the results of the spell test.


The seriously injured Yueji Longxiong looked at the floating Zhang Deming. He did not show any timidity. Instead, his eyes flashed fiercely, as if he wanted to fight Zhang Deming desperately, and his ferocity was undoubtedly revealed.

Zhang Deming shook his head and whispered: "Even if you have five elements, without IQ, you are just a stronger beast."

Following his words, a colorful ball of light suddenly flashed out from behind the Moon Dragon Bear and directly hit its head without him noticing.



After a clear bone-crushing sound, the colorful light ball easily smashed through the Moon Dragon Bear's head. The strange divine light of the light ball also broke the opponent's demon soul at the same time.

Zhang Deming looked at this effect, but frowned because the actual combat test of Sea Calming Pearl was somewhat unsatisfactory.

The Sea Calming Pearl in the state of a magical weapon is slightly less lethal. It seems that it still needs to find a way to refine the weapon.

Although he does not follow the path of life weapons, he can refine them into external weapons, and the effect will not be much weaker at all.

In addition, because Integrated Union has the spirit-nurturing space characteristic, the classic-level Sea Calming Pearl has space characteristics, and its sneak attack ability is greatly enhanced.

However, this spiritual power consumption is even more exaggerated than the White Tiger chess game. It cannot be used as a conventional method at all. It is positioned as a trump card with a tendency to sneak attacks.

When Zhang Deming concluded, what made him happiest was that his magic was so powerful that it was a bit abnormal now!

The classic-level spells driven by the peak cultivation of the Five Elements under his blessing, even if they have strengthening techniques, originally cannot achieve the standard effects of the classic-level spells.

Because this is the patent of Liuhe monks, the biggest feature of classic-level magic is that it can mobilize the power of heaven and earth.

But Zhang Deming's magic power is almost the same now! In his strongest state, he barely had the combat power of a parallel-imported Liuhe.

The fundamental reason is that the 1.49 spell bonus of the Taoist body is fundamentally strengthened, and all other spell effects are enhanced on this basis.

In other words, he has become half as strong. This is not an exaggeration. After all, the strengthening technique has already strengthened him several times.

However, this effect is not limited by rank. In other words, he who was already at the peak of the five elements was forced to stretch to the level of parallel import Liuhe, breaking through that critical point.

Looking at the nearly dead Moon Dragon Bear in front of him, Zhang Deming did not continue the test. He raised his hand and made a move, and some blood-red vines grew from its body.

As the blood-red vines swayed, one of them swayed upwards and grew into a vine. As the bear corpse continued to wither, three blastocysts were about to form.

At the same time, a blood vine took out a Beast Core the size of a pigeon egg from the bear's body. There was also a broken demon soul in the Beast Core.

He reached out and took off the Beast Core and checked it. Although the demon soul was a little broken, the Beast Core was intact, and it could barely be regarded as a complete Five Elements Beast Core.

At this time, the blood vines shook, and all of them turned into streams of light and disappeared, leaving only a bear skin, a few deliberately preserved bear bones, bear claws, and three floating blood-red ones, covered by a thin film. A blood droplet surrounding a blastocyst.

Zhang Deming first put away all the materials, and then looked at the three blastocyst blood beads, one of which was only the size of a needle tip, emitting a faint golden light and a faint dragon power. Obviously this dragon bear's dragon bloodline is very weak.

Next is the bloodline of Yueji Longxiong. The fist-sized blood beads are crystal clear and look quite good.

After Zhang Deming put away the two blood beads, he looked at the third blood bead. His eyes flickered, but he still couldn't see where it came from.

"What the hell is this? Why is the aura of the Hungry Ghost Path so strong? A pure flesh-and-blood creature of the Hungry Ghost Path? Are there still such creatures in Hongmeng today?"

Looking at this blood drop, Zhang Deming frowned for a long time, his thoughts flickering, but he couldn't think of any clues.

Mainly because this thing is a little too weird!

And if Zhang Deming is not mistaken, the reason why this bear was not born with spiritual intelligence and is still so stupid even in the Five Elements stage, this blood bead must account for at least 40% of the credit.

Zhang Deming, who didn't see any results for a while, shook his head and put it away.


(End of chapter)

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