Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 635 First Entry

Chapter 635 First Entry

From the looks of it, it was not because it was a thunderstorm at the moment, but the prevailing weather in this secret realm.

The entire world is filled with a strong resentment of demons, even mixed with spiritual power.

While the script was running automatically, a cold breath entered his body, making Zhang Deming feel slightly uncomfortable and immediately stopped the script's automatic running.

In this world, ordinary monks are under great pressure to recover their spiritual power. Of course, Zhang Deming, who has a Taoist hang-up, is not included!

While Zhang Deming was observing the surroundings, Li Shifan's figure was also outlined nearby. Looking at the surrounding environment, he frowned and said hesitantly: "This place... doesn't look like the Buddha Gate Lock Demon." To suppress Demon World?"

Zhang Deming nodded and said: "Well, although the demons have enough resentment, in terms of environment, it is obviously not like the Demon World of Lock Demon Town."

Buddhist Gate Demon World is one of the twenty-four Buddhist Gates during the Shenting Federation period. It is specially used to lock demons and suppress demons.

It is different from the ordinary divine worlds. The twenty-four heavens of the Buddhist Gate are all evolved from the twenty-four Sea Calming Pearls, so they originally belonged to the Spiritual Treasure Grotto-Heaven.

It was just evolved to the extreme by the top power of the Buddhist Gate, so that it was as vast as the world, so it was called the Twenty-Four Heavens.

Demon World, the Demon Lock Town, was originally a multi-layered space inside. Not only is the sky round and the place is round, but except for the top floor, you can clearly see the dome of the previous floor above your head, as if you are in a huge sky tower, so it is also called the Demon Locking Tower.

Now, although they don't know much about the surrounding situation, it obviously doesn't look like a multi-layered space secret realm.


While the two were thinking, Li Shifan took out the map, checked it for a moment, and said, "This place is not on the map!"

The entrance to the space they entered, in order not to be discovered by the sect, would be randomly anchored every time it was opened.

In other words, people who enter together in a short period of time are in the same place, but at different times, the people who enter in a team each time will not appear in the same place and will change regularly.

Zhang Deming replied: "I probably ended up in an unfamiliar area randomly. Let's find the area that appeared on the map first!"

Since there was no specific map, the two of them identified the direction based on the information they had previously obtained while talking, and quietly moved forward.

After walking for a long time, Zhang Deming frowned. He turned his head and looked at Li Shifan and said, "Do you feel it?"

Li Shifan nodded and said, "Well, this place seems completely different from the other secret realms of the Divine Court that I have entered before?"

Yes, the whole feeling here is different.

If you were to label the secret realms of the Shenting period that Zhang Deming came into contact with before, Zhang Deming would probably label them: weird, tentacles, metallization, etc.

But's a completely different feeling, weird, evil, like a ghost.

More importantly, this place also looks like a battlefield, but the scale seems to be larger than any other place before, as if the entire world has experienced the devastation of war.

As you move forward, you can see various traces from time to time, even cracks like abyss all over the earth, and potholes everywhere.

The whole world is filled with resentment, but it is all the resentment of demons, and there seems to be not much human popularity mixed with it.

The two of them walked forward for most of the day, but they didn't find any metal insect monsters or anything like that.

The surrounding area is full of ravines, with holes, cracks, and gravel everywhere. There are some not-so-tall shrubs and low vegetation growing there, making it not too desolate.

A ghostly scene countless years after the war!

At this time, Li Shifan, who was moving forward, suddenly stopped, and Zhang Deming also stopped in time. Following his gaze, he seemed to see a tall mountain range.

Because it was too far away, only a vague outline could be seen. The two looked at each other and drifted towards that side.

As the two people got closer, the vague mountain gradually emerged, and at the same time it became larger and larger. After a while, the two gradually realized something was wrong. The mountain seemed to be tilted.

After moving forward for a while, Zhang Deming and Li Shifan both looked at the distance with blank faces. It was not a mountain range at all, but seemed to be a collapsed Optimus Pillar.

"Is this... a tree?" Li Shifan said uncertainly, looking at the mountain in the distance that collapsed like a sky-supporting tree with a horrified look on his face.

Zhang Deming also said with some hesitation: "It looks like some kind of strange tree?"

In the direction they were looking at, they saw a fallen tree trunk standing in the distance like a huge mountain range.

The tree was very huge, larger than any tree Zhang Deming had ever seen. The only thing that could compare with it was the true form of Kunpeng that Zhang Deming saw when he realized Kunpeng's bloodline.

The trunk of the tree is a little weird. The middle area of ​​the trunk is abnormally bulging, and the two ends are smaller, like a pregnant woman. Only a few huge branches can be seen on the branches of the tree cover, and the rest of the trunk has all disappeared.

The two stood stunned for a moment, and then flew forward quickly again, but as they moved forward, Zhang Deming found that the surrounding space became more and more active. He was not affected at all, but Li Shifan's movements became slower and slower.

At first, Zhang Deming thought the other party was being cautious and slowed down a lot. But gradually, Zhang Deming found that the opponent was not only getting slower and slower, but also sweating on his forehead, and then he realized something was wrong.

"Is there magic erosion here?" Zhang Deming looked at Li Shifan and asked uncertainly.

Li Shifan looked at Zhang Deming who was feeling no pressure. At first, he thought it was because Zhang Deming was too strong. Now this meant... Zhang Deming had no feeling at all?

He said in astonishment: "Senior brother, don't you feel it?"

"What do you feel?" Zhang Deming asked in confusion!

"There is such a strong spatial repulsion here, as well as a feeling of mental oppression. Senior brother, do you really feel nothing?" Li Shifan said in surprise.

Zhang Deming frowned, sensed the surroundings again, shook his head and said, "I just feel that the surrounding space is very active, and I don't feel any repulsion?"

"Huh? Why?" Hearing this, Li Shifan looked at himself and then at Zhang Deming, with a puzzled look on his face.

Zhang Deming also frowned slightly and replied: "Maybe it's because you look too ugly!"

Li Shifan: "······"

As he spoke, Zhang Deming's spiritual shield spread out automatically and slowly expanded, covering the two of them. The shield also shone with a dreamy divine light.

Zhang Deming looked at Li Shifan and said, "Is it better?"

Li Shifan nodded and said: "The physical feeling of rejection has disappeared, but the mental pressure is still there, but it has been reduced a lot."

Hearing this, Zhang Deming checked himself again and found that he really didn't feel anything at all. With doubts and frowns, he continued to drift forward with Li Shifan.

As he got closer, his sight became clearer and clearer. Zhang Deming found that it would be unfair to describe it as a mountain. The tree was like a pillar in the sky.

After walking for a while, Zhang Deming suddenly felt as if he had passed through some kind of force field. He obviously didn't have any protection, but he could clearly feel that he had passed through something and entered a different area. Zhang Deming still didn't feel the slightest bit. .


Li Shifan suddenly groaned, staggered and knelt down, pressed his temples with both hands, and said with a splitting headache: "No, brother, if I go any further, I can't bear it anymore!"

Zhang Deming looked around inexplicably. Until now, not only did he not feel anything, but he didn't even feel the slightest fluctuation of the magic field.

After hesitating, Zhang Deming fell towards the ground. He originally planned to put Li Shifan here and explore further, but when the two of them landed on a black boulder, they both stopped.

When his vision was blurred, Zhang Deming was slightly in a trance. When his vision became clear again, he seemed to have left the place and came to a huge primitive jungle.

Everything here is very huge, with towering ancient trees and giant beasts everywhere. From time to time, you can hear thunderous roars. If it weren't for the grass at your feet, some of which were just as short, Zhang Deming would have thought that he had entered a giant world.


At this time, a lightning that seemed to destroy the world, accompanied by silvery white flashes all over the world, scared Zhang Deming to the point that he almost jumped up.

With the thunder, an extremely huge tree appeared in Zhang Deming's field of vision. The tree was so huge that it seemed to be completely shrouded in clouds before.

As the thunder roared, it gradually took shape. The tree trunk lifted up into the sky, like a pillar of heaven, and the tree cover spread out, seeming to cover the entire world.

It looks like a willow tree. The hanging willow branches are countless times larger than the huge towering ancient trees around it. They connect to the sky and the earth, like a ladder to heaven!

Looking at this huge tree that looked like an ordinary willow except for its big belly, Zhang Deming was completely stunned.

Especially the other party's pregnant tree trunk body. This image, this volume, and the spatial fluctuations he had just sensed made Zhang Deming instantly think of a creature in Hongmeng's mythical story that was defined as purely fictitious and without any reference value.

"Empty... Hollow Willow? Is there any mistake? This legendary thing that transcends the peak nine stars really exists? Shouldn't this be the Hongmeng world, a mythical story from ancient times?"

Looking at the trees, Zhang Deming whispered dully.


Zhang Deming was stunned. At this moment, another burst of thunder flashed, and under the power of the World-Destroying God, countless thunder fell. Under the bombardment of thunder, the willow tree began to break, and branches scattered everywhere, as if the sky was falling.

Before the matter was over, the world around him seemed unable to withstand the pressure of thunder. As the screen shook and the world slowly shattered, Zhang Deming came back to his senses.

Zhang Deming looked horrified, and Li Shifan pressed his hands on his legs, bent over, and kept breathing, also looking horrified.

"Did you see it too?" Zhang Deming asked.

Li Shifan gasped and nodded, saying: "Well, although it is short-lived, but... isn't this really a hollow willow?"

Zhang Deming shook his head and said: "If it were true, how could we be so close? Even the power emitted by the remains of a wicker body could crush us to death.

You know, according to legend, this hollow willow is an ancient creature of the same era as the ancestor gods who created Hongmeng! That kind of distant Second Age ancestor Divine Level creature! "

While Li Shifan was breathing, he looked at his embarrassed look, and then at Zhang Deming's unaffected look, but hesitated to speak.

If Zhang Deming hadn't felt anything at all, would he honestly say that this power wasn't strong?

"Can we continue?" Zhang Deming looked at Li Shifan and asked.

Li Shifan shook his head, and said: "It's not enough, I've reached the limit, if I go on, I'm afraid that if I can't hold back, my mind will die, and I will become a complete empty shell!"

Hearing this, Zhang Deming frowned slightly and said, "Then wait for me here, and I can go over and take a look?"

Li Shifan nodded and said: "Be careful!"

Zhang Deming nodded in response, floated up, and was about to shoot forward.


Just as he stood up, Zhang Deming heard a muffled groan.


Looking back, he found that after Li Shifan left his spiritual shield, he knelt directly on the ground, making a big hole in the ground with his two knees.

What's even more terrifying is that cracks are beginning to appear in the other party's body. Before any blood flows out, the whole person is like porcelain and is about to collapse.

Zhang Deming's expression changed slightly, he waved his hand, and under the fluctuation of the spiritual shield's spell, he directly blessed Li Shifan.

Although this is a single-target defense spell, Zhang Deming's classic level proficiency plus other spells, Integrated Union, can still increase the defense of others.


Li Shifan, who was covered by the spiritual shield, began to pant violently, his face was full of horror and lingering fear, he had never felt so close to death like before.

As he panted, blood began to overflow from the cracks around his body. In an instant, he became a bloody man, and the wounds began to squirm quickly and slowly healed.

"Are you okay?" Zhang Deming asked worriedly.

Li Shifan waved his hand and said: "It's okay. I just think too highly of myself. I suffered some skin injuries and I still can't die."

Zhang Deming looked at Li Shifan's miserable look and said, "If this shield is not attacked, it can last for most of a day, which should be enough time.

If you wait for a long time and I don't come back, you should exit first. Also, if you get separated, remember to meet at your destination! "

Li Shifan nodded and said, "Well, I understand!"

Upon hearing this, Zhang Deming glanced at Li Shifan again, floated up again, and flew towards the distance.


After leaving Li Shifan, Zhang Deming's speed suddenly increased, flying towards the distance as if it had no impact.

With the help of Zhang Deming's extreme speed, Zhang Deming arrived in front of the giant tree in just a moment. As he got closer, the trees were too huge to be seen in detail.

Zhang Deming looked in front of him, like a huge wall supporting the sky and the ground, up and down, left and right, with no end in sight except the ground, he reached out his hand hesitantly, and touched the tree among the vines and yogurt.

What surprised Zhang Deming was that his vines went right through.

"Huh? Virtual? Is... just an afterimage?"

I was so disappointed with the moral integrity of the bosses that I worked hard to prevent theft and publish the article in the middle of the night for a few days, and I decided to drop whatever I could see! sad!

(End of chapter)

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