Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 637 Temple

Chapter 637 Temple

At the same time, Zhang Deming never forgets to collect all kinds of information, even a little bit of broken text. The analysis ability of monitoring elves and the ability to derive from the art of spiritual eyes are all very dependent on the database.

Therefore, if you collect more secrets, you may make progress and achieve a big breakthrough one day. And it seems like the world here is not affected by the curse and the information is not banned like the world of Shenting Federation.

For several days, Zhang Deming threw out dozens of avatars, sensed all the spaces, and began to search the entire ruins.

As the data was collected, Zhang Deming gradually understood where this place was. It seemed to be the civilized place of the gods who recorded this single civilization.

Every dilapidated temple represents a lost ancestral god, and its degree of dilapidation represents the remaining extent of the ancestral god's civilization.

It is also because of this that some things seem to have been seriously eroded by time and no trace of them exists, because their civilization has disappeared without any trace.

Some are like newly broken, because although it is dead, its civilization still has many biological cognitions.


On this day, Zhang Deming, who kept searching, once again found a relatively complete main hall. He stopped in front of the main hall and looked at the plaque on the dilapidated main hall.

"The Temple of the Ancestor of Man? Huh?! This...isn't the one I thought?"

Looking at this strange-looking building, Zhang Deming recognized the words on the plaque and was stunned and a little surprised.

With an expression of joy, Zhang Deming floated into the dilapidated main hall. This building is the most completely preserved among many buildings.

It seems that it was left behind intentionally by everyone who destroyed it, or under some inexplicable influence, it should still exist.

The entrance to the main hall is a huge corridor, at least for the creatures who originally used this building, it is considered a corridor.

For Zhang Deming's size... it is just a huge hall-style gallery.

For the convenience of viewing, Zhang Deming's body was squirmed with vines, and the wish-fulfilling vines spread all over his body. His body quickly swelled up, and he turned into a giant in an instant, and stepped into the corridor.

After walking a certain distance, there was the first mural on the corridor wall, which recorded some things. There were only paintings without words.

The entire 'Ancestral Temple' complex, all the main halls, should have been like this, with murals recording their respective civilizations, perhaps this is the reason why the Ancestral Temple exists at all.

Probably the reason why this hall is still preserved so completely, because the human race still exists, probably because the ancestor gods and the new gods of Shenting are all dead, so this place is a little dilapidated, otherwise it might be intact.

The first mural is very simple. It depicts a stone falling from the sky and hitting the ground. The whole scene is like a meteorite falling from the sky.

This is not the first time Zhang Deming has seen this painting. He has seen it in several ruined temples, either complete or incomplete, and they are all exactly the same.

It seems that all the temples here start with this picture of a meteorite falling from the sky, as if it represents the beginning of everything in the second era, and it seems to represent the civilizations of all races in the second era, because of such a meteorite falling from the sky. open.

The runes between Zhang Deming's brows flickered and he continued to move forward. Zhang Deming saw the second mural. It was said to be a mural, but it was more vivid than an oil painting. It was almost like a photo wall.

What is shown in the picture is a giant tree. The tree is a little weird. It looks like a peach tree, but it doesn't have half a leaf.

One fiery red, one pure white, and one green.

Among them, the green one is the largest; the red one is the smallest, but the color is the most conspicuous and the breath is the most active; the white one seems inconspicuous.

Looking at this inexplicable scene, Zhang Deming didn't quite understand its meaning. What surprised Zhang Deming was that when he looked at the painting, the spiritual eyes between his brows flickered, and a paragraph of text seemed to appear in front of his eyes due to the intense consumption of spiritual power.

Information: In the ancient times, at the beginning of the birth of the human race, there was an ancestral god in heaven and earth named: Pan. It had no power and no authority, but it had the authority of heaven and earth and could give birth to 'civilization'. It was the most bizarre existence among the ancestral gods.

Although the characteristics and information of the spiritual eye are real, the information seen in this mural seems to have a strong meaning!

Looking at this painting, Zhang Deming continued walking down and saw the third painting, which was the continuation of the second painting.

In the painting, the trees are dead, but the three lotus flowers are in full bloom.

Among them, a sun appeared in the smallest but most dazzling red lotus, and there was a golden crow in the sun;

From the largest blue lotus, an old man emerged. The old man was holding a strange sword-like whip;

Among the most inconspicuous white lotuses, there is a naked young man. The young man looks not at all magical, just like an ordinary person.

Looking at the picture, his spiritual energy was violently consumed again, and Zhang Deming saw another line of text appear.

Information: Pan's civilization died, but Pan's death gave birth to three major civilizations, so there are Beast Race, Innate Protoss, and Heavenly Human Race in the world.

Moving forward, the fourth painting contains more content.

The body of the flat tree seems to have undergone a whale fall effect, turning into a world. The sunbird hangs high, shining on various creatures in the world, giving birth to various Beast Races.

The old man was holding a sword-like whip, and he was waving the whip, constantly beating all parts of the body, trying to give birth to a god like Beast Race.

The naked young man lives in the world without any worries. He is born with knowledge and is extremely intelligent. The blessings of Pan Ancestor make him stronger day by day.

Information: The fall of Pan, the birth of the world, the emergence and disappearance of the civilizations of the three races, independent of each other, but entangled with each other.

The content of the fifth painting is rather strange and a bit inappropriate for children.

I saw that the naked young man already had clothes, and there were countless creatures around him. The young man seemed to be taking care of these creatures.

As they get along in a friendly manner, the monsters absorb the essence of the sun and the moon, and gradually gain wisdom. These monsters subconsciously imitate human youths.

Gradually, the creatures began to transform one by one. They had different appearances, some had wings, some had horns, and some even only completed the transformation of half of their bodies.

One of the apes had the most complete transformation, turning into a beautiful woman without any parts of other beasts. The human youth excitedly 'hugged' the woman, seemingly crying with joy because of loneliness.

But the old man was still flailing in vain!

Information: The human ancestor was lonely and tempted the demons to transform into humans. The demons also lured the human ancestor to taste the forbidden fruit. The first Heavenly Human Race was disqualified, and the humans the day after tomorrow were born! Human and demon civilizations are entangled and inseparable!

In the sixth painting, there is no longer peace.

In the picture, the old man seemed to have tried everything, and finally looked at the transformed Beast Race. There were many dead Beast Races on the ground around him.

The sunbird in the sky frowned and watched all this, while the young human race who already had a large group of descendants on the ground stopped the old man, and the two seemed to have a fierce quarrel.

Information: The God Ancestor spurred the demons in an attempt to defeat them and become gods. The demons were in dire straits and asked the Human Ancestor for help. The human ancestors stopped the divine ancestors, and during the dispute, they discovered that humans could become gods, and the divine race was born!

At this point, the three civilizations of humans, demons, and gods are entangled, just like one clan, but they are three separate clans, unique and different from the many civilizations in the world.

The seventh painting seems to be the last painting. It is very simple, just a portrait, with a broken world background behind it.

Information: The human race has prospered in civilized wars, the second era has come to an end, the age of gods has dawned, and the gods have just begun!

As you continue forward, the mural disappears.

Recalling the seven paintings and the supplementary information given by the spiritual eye, it seems to tell the beginning of the Hongmeng human race. It seems that this so-called ancestral temple is probably a place where civilization is recorded.

Well, a place where the civilization of the ancestor gods is recorded.

And because of its special nature, the human race also left traces here, leaving records of its origins.

Fortunately, he has spiritual eyes, otherwise he would probably be confused by such a metaphorical picture.

Although this information, Zhang Deming also felt that it was also allegorical, and it was obviously not a record of direct events, such as "whipping" to become a god, which was obviously an allegorical reference.

But the clarity of the information, coupled with the mural, is probably still understandable!


While thinking, Zhang Deming continued to walk forward for a while and came to a huge dome hall.

The dome of the main hall is broken, with holes everywhere. On a giant tree sculpture in the hall, there are three lotus-like seats with three statues of gods on them.

At this moment, all three statues are damaged to some extent. It is vaguely visible that the one on the right is a young man with a bird on his back, but the sculpture is seriously broken;

The left side is strange. It seems that there was only one long whip originally. The old man in the painting was deliberately hidden or something, and did not appear here, becoming a main statue.

In the center is a man wrapped in a dragon, which should be the Renzu man referred to in the painting. Although this sculpture is also broken.

But judging from the vague traces, Zhang Deming must have seen it several times. Although it looks different, the general style is the same.

If you guessed correctly, the person in the middle is the president of the Shenting Federation Council, the leader of the gods, Bai Ren, the ancestor of the Zhang family!

Zhang Deming looked at the statue and the entire hall, and suddenly found that Yang Qingwu's temple seemed to be somewhat similar to Xiao Heavenly World. The seven-wall gallery, the huge statue building, the dome hall, etc., seemed to have the same style as a whole.

Considering the age of this place, it should be said that the temple buildings of the Shenting Federation in later generations were built in imitation of the style here.

While thinking, Zhang Deming stepped out of the corridor area and came to the main hall.

As Zhang Deming stepped into the temple, the dilapidated temple shone slightly under Zhang Deming's surprised gaze. It seemed that the dilapidated hall was still functioning.

Under Zhang Deming's gaze, the entire hall slowly lit up, starting with tiny dots of light, and then slowly like a spark of fire igniting a prairie fire. Because many places were damaged, the process was a bit slow.

For a long time, the entire hall exuded a soft aura, and the aura slowly converged towards the statue of the god in the center.

As the aura continues to converge on the main body of the peach tree-like sculpture, mini lotuses bloom on the peach tree.

Whenever a lotus flower finishes blooming, they break away from the peach tree like a ripe melon and float towards Zhang Deming, stopping in front of him.

However, during this process, whether it was a normal situation or due to the damage to the main hall, some petals of the lotus slowly fell off as it fluttered.

When all the auras were gathered together and the hall and sculptures returned to normal, there were already dozens of incomplete lotus flowers floating in front of Zhang Deming.

This process seemed slow, but when Zhang Deming came back to his senses, these lotus flowers were floating quietly in front of him.

Some of them only lost a few petals, and some only had a flower center. The most exaggerated one was just a flower receptacle floating in front of Zhang Deming.

Looking at this situation, Zhang Deming could probably guess that it was due to the dilapidation of the main hall or some other influence that these flowers were not originally dilapidated.

At this time, the spiritual eyes flickered, and there was some information.

Message: Seed of Authority. The authority of Shinto has been affected by the destruction of Shinto. Many paths have been destroyed, authority has dissipated, and the authority of some related paths has also been fragmented.

Looking at this information, Zhang Deming was slightly stunned.

Do these lotus flowers represent the authority of gods? In the era of Shenting Federation, the most precious resource?

So is this a place to pass down civilization and grant authority?

No wonder this place is called the Ancestral Temple of Civilization and Authority!

So now let yourself choose one?

While thinking, Zhang Deming focused his eyes on one of the lotuses with half of its petals falling off. As Zhang Deming looked, the lotus turned slightly, and several runes appeared in the center of the flower.

The runes were obviously very broken and obscure, but Zhang Deming somehow understood them. As he understood them, his spiritual eyes began to give some information.

Authority: Pardon

Affiliation: Human Shinto

Condition: Extremely dilapidated

Information: Humanity is flourishing, and Shinto is lying on it. The two are too deeply involved. As Shinto disappears, the power of pardon is broken by its involvement. After being obtained, the chance of re-editing and completing it is less than 10%.

Seeing this information, Zhang Deming's eyes flickered, he seemed to be really powerful! In other words, under normal circumstances, coming here should mainly be to obtain authority.

In his thoughts, Zhang Deming looked at the dozens of incomplete lotus flowers in front of him. The one with more than half of it missing had no chance, so forget about most of the more damaged lotus flowers.

Looking around, Zhang Deming found that only five lotus flowers were better than the one in front of him. First, Zhang Deming looked at the most complete one among them.

Authority: Gaze

Affiliation: Information Road

Condition: Slightly dilapidated

Information: God's general authority is not unique. Becoming a god must be one of the authorities that must be condensed. It is already possessed and there is no need for it.

Looking at this most complete lotus, Zhang Deming was stunned. Isn't this the ability to peek and monitor through light spots in the spiritual cultivation space.

In shock, Zhang Deming's mind moved slightly. Could it be...

As his thoughts flickered, he turned his head and looked at the remaining four intact flowers, and information emerged one after another.

(End of chapter)

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