Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 649 Escape The Shielded Projection

Chapter 649 Escape the shielded projection

But in his mind, the editing panel was beating gently, and a strange pulling force clearly guided Zhang Deming in the direction, as if there was a rope tied to him.

In this case, no matter how strong the ecstasy gray fog is, even if it disrupts Zhang Deming's sense of direction into a ball of paste, it will have no effect at all. After all, ecstasy is not ecstasy.

In this way, Zhang Deming followed the strange pulling force and kept moving forward. After about an hour, Zhang Deming felt as if he had passed through the water and entered another space.


As soon as he passed through, Zhang Deming's mind suddenly became clear, and his field of vision suddenly became brighter. There was no gray fog around him.

Looking back, there is an endless wall of gray fog behind him. The thick fog is still rolling, which seems to indicate that Zhang Deming passed through that place just now.

I looked down and saw that I was clearly not flying at this moment, but floating in the air, as if there was no gravity here.

Looking down, the end of the sight is also boundless gray fog with no end in sight.

Looking up, in front of my eyes, there were countless debris floating like a meteorite zone at first. The further forward, the fewer the debris and the larger the stones, until they turned into floating islands.

Looking around, there are countless floating islands. Some are very big, like islands in the sky, and some are very small, only a dozen square meters. There is no water or soil on the islands, but in the rocks, there is a vigorous and powerful plant. ancient pine.

It is simply a fairyland, just like the legendary fairy ashram.

Zhang Deming looked at this scene, his eyes flickering around for a long time, his mood fluctuated violently, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

The shocking feeling of the scene was secondary. What really made Zhang Deming's mind fluctuate violently and could not calm down for a long time was the familiar feeling from the depths of his soul. If it were not for the fact that the surrounding fog was gray and white, it was chaotic.

Zhang Deming even thought that he had stepped into the spiritual space!

But he was very sure that he was outside at the moment and not in the mental world. Therefore, he looked at the scene in front of him and felt the familiar feeling. As his heart was ups and downs, his thoughts were constantly surging.

So, the birth of the Spiritual Education Space was not an accident by chance, but an inevitable result of chance?

Even if you don’t learn the art of cultivating spirits, there might still be a forging space, an elixir space, or other strange legal space? Is it just that the form of expression is slightly different?

So, is all this happening to me inevitable due to fate, or is it accidental?

Whose gift of fate must it be?

Or a special change occurred under his identity as a transmigrator?

Or am I overthinking it and all this is just a coincidence that happened under special circumstances?


Zhang Deming stood there, his thoughts racing for a long time before he calmed down. The editing panel is his biggest secret, and it is what he relies on to get where he is today, so Zhang Deming wants to find out no matter what.

After calming down his turbulent mind, Zhang Deming took a deep breath. With his spiritual power fluctuating slightly, he floated forward and flew forward.

After passing through the gravel area of ​​the meteorite zone and arriving at the floating island area, Zhang Deming floated forward and looked around, discovering that the surrounding environment was exceptionally beautiful.

Some floating islands are covered with green grass and trees, and there are clusters of flowers. Some floating islands have spiritual springs rising from them and sloping down, surrounded by mountains and rivers. It is truly a fairyland.


"Ha ha······"

At this time, a little voice suddenly sounded in Zhang Deming's ears. Zhang Deming turned his head sharply and found that at some point, two women in fairy skirts had arrived beside Zhang Deming while chasing and fighting. .

He had never felt any of this before.

"This immortal..."

Looking at the chasing woman, Zhang Deming saluted and was about to ask, but found that the two of them did not stop at all. While Zhang Deming was talking, they bumped into each other while chasing and fighting.

As Zhang Deming's aura surged, he was about to get out of the way, but he suddenly froze on the spot. He saw the two chasing women bump into Zhang Deming and pass through without any impact.

Zhang Deming turned his head and looked around, and found that the two people who passed him quickly disappeared and disappeared in the blink of an eye. Just like they appeared just now, I don’t know where they started and where they ended.

Is this... a projection?

Could it be...

Zhang Deming's thoughts flashed and he landed on an island. Before Zhang Deming could stand firm on his feet, when he touched the island, the island fluctuated rapidly and slowly disappeared.

And it affected a large area and then disappeared, leaving a vacuum zone where Zhang Deming was.

Looking at this scene, Zhang Deming looked a little stunned. He looked around and looked at this picturesque and extremely real environment. He couldn't believe that it was all real projections!

It’s not the afterimage of the legal domain, it’s not the shadow of an illusion, it’s a projection like a mirage, and it can already confuse the senses of reality and illusion!

Naturally occurring?


Zhang Deming looked at the endless thick fog behind him, as if it was guarding this place. It could never be natural!

So it was artificially arranged?

But if you want to artificially arrange such an exaggerated thing, then there is only one possibility that can satisfy you.

In order to create a Jingshu-level formation cultivator plus a Jingshu-level Feng Shui master, one must appear in one person and integrate the two skills into one another.

Because such a projection seems to have no impact, but it has miraculous effects in some places, and it is an extremely high-level method.

For example, if you want to create this kind of thing without leaving any spell fluctuations, escape the detection and prohibition of all spells, and not be found, discovered, or perceived by anyone or any spell.

Only when you see it with both eyes can you discover its existence. In other words, this is an unconventional and extremely advanced way of retaining information that can circumvent everyone’s blocking!

So did someone deliberately want to leave some information or pass on some knowledge?

Zhang Deming looked at the empty space around him and stopped touching other things, lest he destroy the balance here and dissipate the entire projection before he found the key.

Continue to float forward, heading towards the deep area of ​​the floating island.

Gradually, the floating islands became larger and larger, and on many floating islands, beautiful buildings and pavilions began to appear. Looking at its style, Zhang Deming combined the database data and slowly calculated the approximate period of this place.

This should be the end of the Civilization War of the Second Era, or the beginning of Ragnarok of the Third Era, or simply a core place of the Federation of Gods during the confluence of the two eras.

As we continued to move forward, more and more Xian'e came and went, and they were busy shuttling back and forth. There seemed to be some grand celebration being held, just like the legendary Peach Conference.

But to Zhang Deming's surprise, Zhang Deming only saw Xian'e, not a single fairy god. In the midst of the busy sky, the empty temples everywhere seemed very quiet amidst the bustle, which was a bit weird.

Continuing to go deeper, when Zhang Deming came to the core area, he didn't see the legendary Lingxiao Temple, or even a single building. The entire core area, a large area, seemed to be shrouded in some mysterious formation at the moment.

No, it must have been that when I took the photo, something was shrouded here and it was forbidden to view it.

Zhang Deming looked at the hazy core area, fearing that it would affect the stability of the projection, so he did not rush in. He wandered around the core area, collecting information.

He was waiting for the start of the so-called banquet or other events. If the core area was still invisible after the start, he was ready to break in and try.


Zhang Deming didn't keep him waiting. Under Zhang Deming's observation, the surrounding Xian'e changed from busy to deserted. Gradually, when the whole surrounding environment became strangely quiet, the central area suddenly vibrated, and the enveloping formation spread out.

Zhang Deming looked around and realized that there was no palace in the central area, not even a floating island, nothing.

The entire core has a large area left empty. As the formation dissipated, the conference opened. In the open area in the center, a huge island grew out of nothing and quickly grew in size.

Well, it is a bit inaccurate to say that it is an island. It is a special high platform surrounded by countless disks.

Each round platform is one meter in diameter and is distributed around the high platform, surrounding the high platform. The high platform is like an ancient rooftop platform for worshiping heaven, but there is no tripod in the middle, only a platform.

In the blink of an eye, the entire central area was covered with round platforms. Viewed from the air, these round platforms resembled the pattern of the Nine Palaces and Bagua.

Zhang Deming looked at the round platform and the high platform in the center, and he was stunned!

Is this... the Conferring God Pointing Platform?

Could this be...

Looking at the high platform surrounded by discs, Zhang Deming recognized it at a glance!

The main reason is that this thing is too famous, just like the legend that Zhang Deming knew in his previous life, Pangu Opening Heaven, and Nuwa's creation of man was almost known to everyone in his previous life.

According to Hongmeng legends, the Conferred God Generals during the Shenting Federation period, just like Pangu Opening Heaven, are highly teleported, appearing in various scripts, and there are almost no monks who don't know about them.

As for the Conferring God Pointing Platform, it probably has the same status in legend as the Pangu Ax!

As Zhang Deming's pupils contracted, his thoughts flickered quickly, and his face showed a surprised expression. At this moment, on the central high platform surrounded by a round platform, three streamers of light descended from the sky, and three figures slowly emerged from the streamers, and finally landed on the high platform. superior.

Among the three people, one is an old man and two are young men.

Looking at these three people, Zhang Deming almost confirmed his guess.

This is not a flat peach banquet. This is the live broadcast of the heavens conferring gods and spirits on the list after the end of the Civilization War of the Second Epoch and when the Shenting Federation won the final victory. Well, the recording and broadcasting scene!

Because Zhang Deming has met all three of them, two of them more than once, well, indirectly more than once.

Among the three people, a young man is wearing a purple gold dragon robe with a five-clawed golden dragon swimming on it. It is ancient and noble, and its majesty comes from itself. This is the person Zhang Deming has met many times and is most familiar with.

Ancestor of the Zhang family, President of the Shenting Federation Council, Lord of the Gods—Zhang Bairen!

Another young man was wearing a golden and red robe, with a lifelike three-legged golden crow spreading its wings. The young man's face is handsome, with a hint of eccentricity, making him extremely charming. He can be described as extremely handsome.

And he seemed to be born with background special effects. Where he stood, light started to shine, and his whole person was surrounded by a circle of beautiful rendering halo. Maybe it should be called divine light?

Although he was just standing there, he seemed to be the center of the world, attracting everyone's attention all the time. Zhang Deming couldn't help but take a few more glances.

The main reason is that in addition to being handsome, his personality is a bit high. If there is some background music, he is simply the kind of legendary man who comes with his own special effects and BGM!

This person, Zhang Deming, has only been seen in vague images before. This is the first time he has seen his true appearance, but that aura is so familiar to Zhang Deming!

If you guessed correctly, he should be the legendary ancestor of all monsters, President of the Shenting Federation Council, Monster Emperor Three-Legged Golden Crow - Lu Wuya!

The last old man stood in the middle of the three people. This man Zhang Deming had also seen. He was the ancestor of the gods in the ancestral temple, holding a long whip and beating all things in an attempt to give birth to the god race.

This person, Zhang Deming, has never heard any legend about him before and doesn’t know his name.


With the appearance of the three people, the surrounding circular platform began to slowly rotate.

I don’t know if it was an illusion, but Zhang Deming found that when the circular platform was rotating, the evil young man transformed into a three-legged golden crow on the right side of the old man seemed to glance at Zhang Deming.

After the round platform rotated, a strange long scroll in the sky slowly unfolded like a scroll on the sky, and the old man in the center of the three people also had a scroll like a scroll in his hand.

The old man gently unfolded the scroll, and the sky scroll also slowly unfolded. On the back, the three characters 'Conferred Divinity List' shone with endless divine light.

Zhang Deming looked at this top-notch Spiritual Treasure in Hongmeng Legend, and was a little lost. I never thought that one day he would be able to see his true face!

"Yang Qingwu comes forward to listen to the seal!"

"Come forward and listen to the seal!"


As Zhang Deming's thoughts flickered, the old man holding the volume suddenly spoke.

The sound was obviously not loud, but it was like the loud sound of the first opening of the Hongmeng. It resounded throughout the whole world and continued to echo in Zhang Deming's mind. The lingering sound lingered for a long time.

"The disciple is here!"

It seemed like an instant, like ten thousand years, when the sound echoed for a long time, when Zhang Deming came back to his senses, a stream of light fell from the sky and fell on a round platform not far from the high platform.

A young man with a third eye between his eyebrows, holding a strange long knife, and followed by a big black dog, emerged from the round platform as the light fell.

“Since the creation of the Ancestor God, the heavens have been in chaos, all races have been at war, and civilizations have been fighting.

Our three tribes of humans, demons, and gods started from a humble beginning, grew up in chaos, and finally unified the heavens, established the Federation of Gods, built unparalleled great achievements, controlled the ups and downs of all realms, and achieved boundless merits.


Disciple Yang Qingwu, with unparalleled bravery and outstanding achievements, now honors the wishes of all living beings, is listed on the list, canonized as the God of War in Shenting, enters the twilight realm of the twelve Yuan Chen, becomes the main god of dusk, and controls the time of the heavens..."

(End of chapter)

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