Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 657 Five Elements Breakthrough

Chapter 657 Five Elements Breakthrough

Zhang Deming nodded and said, "Well, not only do we want to go back, but the clan may also intend to come back within a hundred years."

"You are asked to contact the Heavenly Spirit Sect in advance on behalf of the Zhang family?" Tong Hou asked in surprise, passing a cup of tea as he spoke.

Zhang Deming took the tea, took a sip, and said, "That's right, but Uncle Evangelist hasn't finalized it yet. He just asked me to test it out when I got in touch. I don't know the result yet. What about you, do you want to go back to the sect?"

Tong Hou shook his head and said: "Although I have made a breakthrough, the cultivation to the Jin state is too fast after all, and it is not the way I used to be. It will take a few years to get familiar with it.

Besides, I also promised your uncle to stay in Zhangjiajie for a while, so I have no plans to leave Zhangjiajie in the short term. "

Zhang Deming nodded. This point really needs to be paid attention to. Don't look at Tonghou Liuhe, but he doesn't have the unfathomable feeling of a Liuhe monk at all. Just controlling his temperament is enough for him to practice for a few months.

"Besides this, I plan to break through my cultivation before leaving!" Zhang Deming replied.

Tong Hou was stunned, looking at Zhang Deming's cultivation at the peak of the Four Symbols, and said in surprise: "Steward, are you ready to make a breakthrough again?"

Zhang Deming smiled, and said, "It's incomparable with you!"

"Can this be the same? I have taken a shortcut. If I want to improve in the future, it will be extremely difficult. You have come step by step. When do you plan to break through?" Tonghou asked.

"Just today, I'll go later." Zhang Deming replied with a smile.

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go, we will protect you, let's go now." Tong Hou replied as if impatient.

Although this was originally the purpose of Zhang Deming's coming here, he still pretended to hesitate and said, "This...isn't necessary!

I'm just a five-element breakthrough. Using the six-star Transcending Tribulation platform in my family is already an exaggeration. If I also use Liuhe monks to protect the law, this... is too exaggerated! "

Hearing this, Zhao Zhen raised his eyes and glanced at the polite Zhang Deming, but Tong Hou smiled indifferently and said, "It's okay, I'm fine anyway, besides, when I was sleeping, the steward, you kept watch over me for several years, didn't you!"

"Then..." Zhang Deming hesitated, and said, "Okay!"

After saying that, the three of them floated up, and Zhang Deming came to the Transcending Tribulation platform with a warrant for preaching.

At this moment, the place has completely changed. Amidst the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers, there is a kind of natural Dao Yun pervading, without any trace of new construction.

"The promotion of Liuhe cultivator really has a world-changing impact!" Zhang Deming exclaimed as the three of them floated forward.

Tong Hou nodded, and said: "Well, the influence is indeed not small. I guess there is a slightly different reason for the Thunder Tribulation I'm studying!"

While speaking, the three of them had floated to the Transcending Tribulation stage, Tong Hou looked at Zhang Deming and said, "By the way, do you have prepared spirit stones, I just finished using them here, and now I don't have any spiritual power reserve! "

Zhang Deming smiled, took out nearly a hundred spirit crystals, threw them to Tonghou, and said, "Of course I'm ready!"

"Okay, you can prepare. Leave the law protection to me. You can rest assured." Tong Hou glanced at Zhao Zhen who was silent at the side, and replied.

"That's troublesome." After Zhang Deming said, he floated down.

At this time Zhao Zhencai frowned and said: "This junior disciple is too active."

Tong Hou paused, looked back at Zhao Zhen and said, "It's okay, I can't explain the relationship between Guanshi Zhang and me in one or two sentences, since he's embarrassed to speak, it's okay for me to take the initiative."

Zhao Zhen took a look at Tonghou and said, "It's just meddling in other people's business!"

"Haha, Patriarch Zhao is serious. Now only you and I belong to foreign clans in the Zhang family. Patriarch Zhao reminded me that it was kind of me.

If ordinary juniors were like this, I would stay away and refuse to interact with each other, but Manager Zhang... I will tell you about it when I have time later! "

Tong Hou smiled and said that after his great revenge was avenged, the resentment in his heart seemed to dissipate, and his personality became less cold and more easy-going.

Zhao Zhen nodded and said, "I'm looking forward to it!"


Zhang Deming floated down and came to the center of the huge round platform guarded by three mountain peaks. He waved his hand to activate the formation and blocked the two people's possible exploration.

Then sit cross-legged and start to meditate. Less than half an hour later, Zhang Deming adjusted everything to the best condition.

After checking himself, he turned his hands first, took out the prepared formula materials, and carefully put them aside.

Then he looked at the panel. During the promotion of the five elements, it was necessary to condense the fourth soul as the main soul of the seven souls. Zhang Deming had already completed the condensation of spirit, virtue, and wisdom.

As for the goal of the fourth main soul, Zhang Deming has long ago determined that it is the evil soul that controls the power of spells. This soul can improve related spells as much as the effect of the three-soul rune branch.

Therefore, evil soul is the best choice for him. On the editing panel, among the many skills, it is also very obvious which ones are most suitable for improving power.

That is Rapid Thunder Dao's "Nine Heavens Little Yin Yang Five Elements Sword Escape". This technique is also one of the most powerful commonly used abilities in Zhang Deming's attack methods today.

It has the explosion and powerful damage of Thunder, as well as the flexibility and speed of Five Elements Escape Technique. It is the common ability that Zhang Deming relies on most nowadays.

The recipe is ready, the preparations for Gathering Spirits are completed, and there is more than enough luck. Zhang Deming took a deep breath. Now that everything is ready, let’s go to the Five Elements Period!

As Zhang Deming's thoughts flickered, his hands began to beat continuously.

As the Promotion Technique beat, three weird little people with their backs connected and a ball with three bags on their heads began to appear in front of them.

Looking at the villain, Zhang Deming first took out a piece of spiritual material. As the spiritual material turned into balls of spiritual light, it dispersed and poured into his body.

Countless runes began to appear on the ball above the heads of the three villains, and they were constantly being perfected. The three small balls that were half-integrated into the ball were temporarily separated from each other, and they were constantly rotating around the ball.

After a long time, when the spiritual materials were almost consumed, the ball shook, and the runes in it were a little more perfected.

At this time, Zhang Deming opened his mouth again, and another light ball was spit out. In the light ball, a colorful and shining small sword rune flashed continuously.

With the flickering of the small sword and the continuous surge of spiritual light, the fourth small ball slowly took shape and began to rotate around the ball, their auras began to connect.

At this moment, Zhang Deming moved!

"Would you like to consume 800 luck to upgrade the spell Jiuxiao Xiaoyinyang Five Elements Sword to Rank Seven?"


"Do you want to consume 540 merits and improve your Taoism?"


With the promotion of Zhang Deming, his body began to be filled with rich Dao Yun, and the main spirit that had just completed the initial condensation began to continue to improve.

The entanglement between the four small balls continued to strengthen, and finally they stuck to each other, and fell on the top of the ball and merged into it. It looks like there are four bulges growing on the ball.

At this moment, Zhang Deming's whole body was filled with Tao Yun, and coupled with the promotion of Tao body, his whole body was filled with a mysterious aura, as if he had entered a deep and special enlightenment in the middle of promotion.

As Tao Yun continued to grow stronger, his aura gradually began to change.

Before Zhang Deming improved his technique, the original thunderclouds in the sky had initially gathered. However, as Zhang Deming improved his technique and Taoism, the clouds rolled again and gathered a second time, forming an obvious two-layer structure.

It's like two ring-shaped dark clouds of different sizes, superimposed together, turning into a double-layered ring-shaped Thunder Tribulation. Although it is incomparable to the previous layers, this time it is a triple-nine Thunder Tribulation.

Such a change made the protector Tong Hou frown. Without it, with the formation of double-layered large and small ring-shaped thunderclouds, the power of this Thunder Tribulation was already close to the power of the Six-Nine Thunder Tribulation!

The expressions of the two guardians became solemn, and they subconsciously maximized the feng shui platform's debilitating ability.

The sudden power of heaven descended and thunder clouds filled the sky, causing many members of the Zhang clan to raise their heads in confusion, with confused expressions on their faces. I didn’t receive any boys this time!


With a loud bang, a silver-white thunder fell, and Zhang Deming officially ushered in the first Thunder Tribulation in his life.


A sword cry rang out, and from the weaving of countless silk threads, a silver-white thunder sword flew out and collided with the thunder falling from the sky.


During the loud thunder, silvery white light illuminated half of the sky.

Zhang Deming was slightly stunned. As he sensed it, the thrown sword kept showing cracks, but they kept healing.

During this process, his whole body was filled with Tao Yun. In a strange state, the Thunder Tribulation aura seemed to be entangled and absorbed by him in an extremely small amount.

His Nine Heavens Thunder Sword actually absorbs the rhythm of heavenly thunder, giving his thunder sword a little bit of Thunder Tribulation's special destructive power and power of heaven and earth!

Zhang Deming's eyes flashed with sword light, and when the second thunderbolt fell, he took the initiative to meet it.


In this way, as the thunder continued to fall, Zhang Deming used the Nine Heavens Thunder Sword to deal with them all. The Tao Yun that filled his body did not disappear because of this, but became more intense. The Thunder Sword also continued to improve, and he was promoted to the special level.

When the first layer of thunderclouds came to an end, Zhang Deming found that he was in a normal state and could no longer use the thunder sword to fight Jielei. He didn't change his methods because of this, but as his eyes flickered, a ball of light sank into his body.

Rune Summoning: Spiritual Vine Demon Summoning Technique Li Shangyuan!

In an instant, with the blessing of powerful power, his cultivation level quickly increased, and he reached the Five Elements Stage in the blink of an eye. After feeling that the power was almost there, Zhang Deming stopped moving.

He waved his thunder sword again and took the initiative to meet him.



Thunder continued to fall and thunder roared everywhere. When the double-layered annular thundercloud finished falling, Zhang Deming seemed to have experienced the Five Elements Thunder Tribulation twice, and his breath began to change continuously.

At the same time, the Dao aggregates in his whole body converged into one place, and his lightning technique finally completed the final classic level change, and the effect of the technique has changed a lot.


Jiuxiao Xiaoyinyang Five Elements Sword Escape · Robbery Lv7 (0/9000),

Jiuxiao: Thunder Dao is the ultimate killing technique, extremely powerful.

Five Elements Yin-Yang Escape Techniques: Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, Wind, and Thunder are all Escape Techniques, with the peak ability of Haste.

Catastrophe: special mutation ability, which can be integrated into spells to increase the breaking power, and can also be used as a variant buff spell.

Note: The direction of the luck auxiliary gain belongs to the direction of cultivation inheritance. Using this technique has a certain chance of allowing the target to break through the bottleneck. There is also a certain chance of making the target's condition worse, just like Thunder Tribulation!


Looking at the new thunder technique, Zhang Deming showed a surprised expression. In addition to the ultimate enhancement of other abilities, the ability to rob more luck seemed to be a quite interesting and powerful ability.

Especially when used in conjunction with the enhancement of Enlightenment and Enlightenment, Zhang Deming thinks it will have a miraculous effect!

At this time, as the Thunder Tribulation ended, Zhang Deming's whole body was shaken, and his spiritual power rushed out of his dantian uncontrollably and poured into every part of his body, strengthening his already powerful body again.

When his Dantian was completely empty, a ray of purer spiritual power was born from scratch. With the birth of this high-quality spiritual power, a huge sea of ​​spiritual power emerged from Zhang Deming's body. out.

Zhang Deming floated up uncontrollably. Tong Hou, who had been preparing for a long time, immediately spit out the magic formula. Around the guardian platform, the veins like dragon heads began to spit out spiritual power continuously, causing Zhang Deming's spiritual energy absorption to gradually slow down.

After a long time, when Zhang Deming stabilized, he completely completed the breakthrough of the Five Elements stage.

During this process, Zhang Deming discovered that he had a breakthrough in the Five Elements. The spirit-nurturing technique did not bring about the birth of any new abilities. However, the spirit-nurturing space that experienced the changes in the Book of Conferred Gods ushered in great changes.

The space for nurturing spirits can barely shake reality! ! !

Originally, his spiritual cultivation space was an illusory space, but now he found that this space was already between the illusory legal domain and the real world.

What was condensed from the internal chaotic mist, Zhang Deming was able to produce it in a short time by consuming a certain amount of spiritual power. Although the time was short and the consumption depended on the item, it was also a fundamental change between illusion and reality.

The most important thing is that the many functions of the entire spirit-nurturing space are gradually integrated. Zhang Deming discovered that this space has the prototype of Tao, the prototype of the reappearance of Shinto!

With the integration of many authorities, the spirit-nurturing space can barely affect reality. The power related to the Shinto in the space can be extended to reality without being affected by the Tao network!

Although this is just the beginning, it is also a very powerful change!


After a long time, Zhang Deming looked at the panel, then at the lot of luck left, and started to move again.

"Would you like to consume 200 luck to increase the magic spirit fish reincarnation to Rank Five?"



"Do you want to consume 200 luck to increase the inheritance of spells to Rank Five?"



"Would you like to consume 300 luck to upgrade the spell statue to Rank Five?"



(End of chapter)

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