Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 673 Prayer

Chapter 673 Prayer

Yue Mengsheng continued to do so. In an instant, countless runes poured into his body. The ingestion of the Heaven and Earth Seal made him automatically become an alliance disciple and a core disciple.

In the well-established introductory program, a bunch of basic information packaged began to flood into Yue Mengsheng's mind, as well as information related to Tiandiyin.

After a long time, he slowly took a rest.

"How is it?" Pan Juan'er asked with concern.

Yue Mengsheng looked at Zhang Deming and Pan Juan'er in a trance with a complicated expression, and said: "Is this the secret of your rapid improvement in cultivation? Huh? Wait, your spiritual cultivation technique back then was also..."

Zhang Deming paused, and said: "I have some influence, but it is indeed Su Hui, Juan'er is purely because of this!"

"No wonder it's like this!" Yue Mengsheng sighed.

"What's the situation?" Pan Juan'er pressed again.

"It should be fine!" Yue Mengsheng replied like this.

At this time, Zhang Deming also called his subroutine data through the authority of the main program.

Subroutine: Yue Mengsheng

Kung Fu: Tianling Heart Sutra (Rank Five)

Cultivation: Three Talents Level 3 (2/350/100 million)

[Note]: In the state of Tao damage, there is an experience penalty for forced advancement. The script upgrades it and has no repair function. The Tao damage will not be automatically repaired and will still exist.

Of course, the original physical denial during the promotion will improve the injury to some extent, especially the denial after Sixiang Thunder Tribulation.


Looking at the extremely simple panel information, Zhang Deming felt a little confused. If he remembered correctly, when he was a third-level talent, the maximum experience value of Tianjing cultivation was only 160 million, but now Yue Mengsheng's experience value is 350 million, which is more than double. .

"That is feasible?" Pan Juan'er continued to ask while Zhang Deming was looking at the information.

Yue Mengsheng nodded, and said, "But the demand for spiritual power is very high, the difference is more than 100 million!"

"It doesn't matter, as long as you have spirit stones. Although it is difficult to get more than 10 million spirit stones, but if you sell all these crappy things, I will bite the bullet and subsidize you in the next few years, it should be almost enough." Pan Juan'er heard this, and instantly He relaxed a lot and said:

"As for your time, start preparing for closed-door training. I'll go to Sacred Land to get you the promotion formula for the Four Elephants Stage!"

Yue Mengsheng's face hurt, but he didn't stop him. Before, he just thought that Pan Juan'er wanted to get him life-extending medicine. That's why there was so much hope. Who would guard these things like this!

He replied: "The sect should be able to help. We at Yuling Peak have not applied for Four Elephants resources for thousands of years. There is no need to queue up or anything. The sect will fully cooperate."

Zhang Deming shook his head, and said: "Twenty or thirty years ago, when Fan Yunfei and Zhou Qiaoru were both promoted to Sixiang, they should have used up the sect's inventory.

In a short time now, the Zongmen probably won't be able to get it out, at most it will find you some supplementary spirit stones, and the resource matter, I really have to ask Juan'er to go to Sacred Land to find a way. The resources of the four elephants in Sacred Land should be slightly more abundant. "

Yue Mengsheng was slightly stunned, he really didn't expect this situation, after all these years, he had long since given up on Sixiangqi.

"I deserve it as a master, really..." Yue Mengsheng had a bitter expression on his face when he heard this.

Pan Juan'er didn't say anything inappropriate at this time. Zhang Deming waved his hand to open the formation. Ji Ming hurried in again, looked at Zhang Deming and said: "Great Elder, what are your orders?"

"Start counting!" Zhang Deming replied.

Hearing this, Ji Ming turned his head and looked at Yue Mengsheng. Yue Mengsheng nodded and said, "Come on, there is no need to keep anything. Everything that can be sold and valuable will be sold. Then inform Fengli and Zongmen that I will start to do my best." We take orders to make beads and accept various customizations.”

Ji Ming was stunned when he heard the words, this change is no longer his salted fish master. He hesitated and confirmed: "Master, are you really not keeping anything?"

Yue Mengsheng said: "Just do as I tell you. If you continue to behave like me like a master, it will be really embarrassing!"

"Understood!" Although Ji Ming didn't know what the three of them said behind closed doors, it was clear that at least the persuasion was effective.

Then he no longer hesitated, turned around and called the disciples outside the door, and started working in various courtyards.

Seeing this, Pan Juan'er was quite eager and said: "Then I will go back to Sacred Land!"

Yue Mengsheng frowned slightly and said, "You just made a lot of noise, why don't you deal with it in the sect?"

"What time is it? Don't worry about it. Get your Sixiang resources first!" After saying that, Pan Juan'er saw that Ji Ming had left, so she opened the portal and left.

"It's really possible to drop the temporary space anchor at any time! Well, wait..." Yue Mengsheng looked at the temporary portal that was slowly disappearing in amazement, and suddenly thought of something, turned his head to look at Zhang Deming and said : "It's so convenient to come and go, so why don't you stay in seclusion for the past few years..."

"Ahem...the main peak should be coming soon, so I'll leave first!" After saying that, without giving Yue Mengsheng time to react, Zhang Deming floated up and disappeared.

Yue Mengsheng was stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses and said: "Come back!"

Unfortunately, the courtyard was empty and no one responded.


After Zhang Deming returned to Feiquan Waterfall Building, he came to the training room, his expression moved.

Quickly restrained, he came to the spirit cultivation space. At this moment, a strange light spot was born in the space, which was obviously not in the same area as the starry sky-like stars around him. The monitoring spirit also displayed a special reminder.

"Is this... a stable prayer light spot appearing in the Tianyu Federation?"

As Zhang Deming was thinking and waving, monitoring elves flew down, displaying relevant information.

A few years ago, due to unexpected circumstances, Zhang Deming was able to peek into the sky, but he encountered the official spirit of the Federation, the source code of the new car of the old gods.

Because of the other party's search, he dropped a golden card behind the trash can and didn't care about it anymore.

To be careful, he didn't even align what to do all these years.

But the matter did not mean that it ended like this. The homeless man picked up the card, thought it was gold, and bought it in a second-hand store.

Since then, the market wandering of this product has started, and because of its mystery and particularity, it has gradually moved towards the high-end market.

After five years, can anyone finally see the text above?

When Zhang Deming first created the card, he considered the issue of the spiritual root of the Tianyu Federation and made a setting. Only those who have a certain spiritual root can see the positive prayer, otherwise it will be all inexplicable runes.


Tianyu Federation, Shenqi Continent, the main city of the Federation - Baiyue City!

Various modern versions of story books are staged here all day long. As the federal center, countless people rise here like comets, some disappear in a flash, and some keep rising.

The world of capital is beautiful, but the more cruel it is, when everything looks like money and everything is a business, the society will make people cruel, and you can only live in cold blood.

The high-level society is extravagant, but the people at the bottom struggle to survive. The highly developed technology has promoted the rapid productivity, although it will not be as bad as the rich wine and meat, and the road will be frozen to death.

But in fact, sometimes this is the cruelest thing. The social animals are exhausted, their basic life can be guaranteed, and they can even occasionally have fun, which is easier to control than starvation.

This kind of extremely fragmented life appears in the same country, the same city, or even the same area, so the poor and social animals need a spiritual support.

After all, man is a kind of contradictory creature. Life is difficult, and we need some hope from the spiritual world, so as not to collapse in such a disparity in life.

Therefore, the church has a very suitable soil for survival and can thrive, and many people even deliberately promote it. Life is difficult, so pray for the blessing of the gods, that is the highest ideological sublimation!

Because of such a fertile soil for sects, apart from the Holy See, there are various other sects living in Tianyu Federation.

Even in the dark places of the city, there are still quite a few cult members active, and there are also many believers. Moreover, such people are often either anti-social or driven into madness by life.

And since the vision of "Day and Dark, Stars Falling" occurred, this situation began to rampant. Some lunatics occasionally encountered gods and worshiped them as evil gods.

Under the calm lake water of Tianyu Federation, the bottom is constantly turbulent.


Meng Yuandong is the CEO of a small scientific research company in Baiyue City, Tianyu Federation. Family businesses are not uncommon here, but most of them are not very powerful.

And Meng Yuandong is the current generation manager of the Meng family business. Although the company is not big, but as an old family that has been around for many years, it has a circle accumulated from generation to generation, and it can be regarded as a member of the upper class.

With a not-so-rich family, he lives a "scarce" upper-class life. From the perspective of outsiders, his life is considered carefree. The Meng family's impression to outsiders is that it is extremely beautiful.

But after he took over the Meng family, he discovered that in these days of blooming flowers and raging fire, the family was almost empty, and was enjoying a reluctantly luxurious life with all kinds of loans. The finances were close to a deficit, and there was no resistance at all. Risk ability is already a very dangerous situation.

Meng Yuandong was also considered a talented person. He watched each of his disciples in the family living a luxurious life without any awareness, without doing anything, and even became a little indulgent after taking over.

Under such a performance, no outsiders noticed the crisis of the Meng family, and even thought that the Meng family was getting more prosperous.

In the process, he began to annex small businesses, extinguish new forces in exchange for nutrients, and deprive many poor people of their creativity after a flash of inspiration.

This is cruel. Some people can actually squeeze into the middle class with this. After all, many mortals actually have that one burst of inspiration in their lives and come up with such a thing. Not everyone in the scientific research world is a genius.

In this way, in just ten years, Meng Yuandong allowed the Meng family to go from empty debt to even close to bad debt, and was overthrown by him. Not only has the situation improved, but there is also the possibility of further advancement. He has also become a man of the hour in a certain circle.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with him doing this. For the sake of his family and for his own life to be better, there is nothing wrong with being cruel to others, at least that's what he thinks.

Unfortunately, not everyone he killed continued their miserable life of poverty.

After he once again found several geniuses, he began to win over them with small favors when he was in school. One of them was named Min Wansong, who was a very common existence among geniuses. Meng Yuandong, under the banner of casting a wide net, Neither gave up on each other.

After they graduated, they entered the Meng family as an intern. Meng Yuandong paid close attention to their daily lives as usual.

Because Tianyu has a bad habit, geniuses often like to use the company's resources to research their own inventions in private. In this case, it is actually very dangerous.

The idea is yours, but everything belongs to the company. If there really is a fuss, you actually own nothing. Of course, this custom also leads to many people doing it secretly and never reporting it.

Some companies let it go, some strictly prohibit it, and some secretly observe it.

And Meng Yuandong is the kind of person who observes secretly, and even waits for opportunities to snatch after seeing the possibility. And he has been doing it very thoroughly, not only monitoring the target's company life, but even at home.

Once it is discovered that they have achieved something, and the possibility is determined, before it is completely achieved, they will be demoted back to the slums through various means, and then they will use their connections to ruin this person's reputation.

In Tianyu Federation, where letters of recommendation are required for employment, this is fatal to scholars who have climbed out of slums. It almost marks the end of your career, and life will become difficult. How can you still have time to continue research?

Under such circumstances, Meng Yuandong began to form a research team to make final breakthroughs, often with good results.

Even some small inventions, as a family-owned technology company, are enough for the family to develop.

Among this batch of people, Meng Yuandong originally thought that there would be no harvest again, which made him feel a little bad. Although training these people for one year only cost him one meal, but in one year No harvest, that is a big loss.

As the one-year period is approaching, he has no plans to renew the contract, because more than ten years of experience tells him that although students are the weakest in their first year of school, those who engage in research and invention are indeed It is the most spiritual moment.

After being smoothed out by this society, he gradually lost his color. After all, it is rare to see the kind of genius that can be maintained for many years.

But accidents happen so suddenly. Min Wansong, who has always been a little transparent, is studying materials science, and materials science often relies on one thousandth of inspiration, and the rest depends on luck.

In the last half month of the contract period, when Min Wansong was conducting a private experiment, he accidentally received the wrong materials, and the beaker exploded during the experiment, causing quite a mess.

But in the process of cleaning up in a panic, he found that the special viscous material he had been studying had no results, but this time he accidentally exploded something else, which seemed to be a special gel.


(End of chapter)

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