Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 679 The Long-Awaited Apex Level Secret Skill

Chapter 679 The long-awaited Apex Level secret skill

"That's not true, I just didn't expect it to be so interesting." Ding Jianjun replied.

Zhang Deming was serious and said seriously: "I am serious, I am really a very good weapon refiner!"

Zhang Bo's expression was originally cold, but with such an expression, it became even more so. Originally it was supposed to be very serious and serious, but because of his previous words, Ding Jianjun even showed a slight smile.

As he smiled, he stopped worrying about this and continued the theme, saying: "Then the Fellow Daoist can refine bloodline artifacts? Or does it have methods related to bloodline growth and bloodline spirituality?"

Seeing that the conversation was about business, Zhang Deming put away his other thoughts, looked at Ding Jianjun and said: "Spiritual Treasure has obviously never been achieved, and low-level bloodline Dao Weapon objects have been refined.

As for the related methods... It's not that someone doesn't want to spread it, but that someone's Mudeng Dao is also a strange one. Not only is it not suitable for Dao Integration friends, but you probably won't be able to learn it either.

Unless, Fellow Daoist, you give up your already accomplished Bloodline Artifact Refining Path and return to the Wooden Vine Path. In this case, I don’t think Fellow Daoist would be willing to do it! "

As he spoke, Zhang Deming waved his hand, and a strange book appeared.

Ding Jianjun looked at the book for a moment, and said in surprise: "Spiritual Treasure, the most difficult of the Three Ultimate Summoning Dao? Is this something you refined yourself, Fellow Daoist? Or was it given to you?"

Zhang Deming nodded, waved his hand and put away the Spiritual Treasure, and said: "Well, my Spiritual Treasure does belong to the three masters, among which the recognition of the master belongs to the bloodline path, so it is quite familiar.

As for belonging, due to my seclusion, most of the weapons I refine are either for my clan or for myself. Therefore, the two Spiritual Treasures that succeeded by luck were both refined for myself, right? Fellow Daoist? "

"Fellow Daoist is really lucky!" As he spoke, Ding Jianjun said with a wry smile on his face: "In my life, I have made countless weapons, and I have experienced a total of five spiritual treasure-making disasters.

The first two, due to lack of experience and lack of preparation, as well as lack of luck and means, failed to survive and ended up ruining their weapons. Two of them were able to become weapons, and one used some special means to sneak through it, and it could barely be regarded as a Spiritual Treasure. "

Zhang Deming sounds a bit weird. You may not believe it when you tell me. He is already a member of two Spiritual Treasures. I haven’t seen a serious Spiritual Treasure rhythm player yet! It is estimated that few people believe that he is a serious Spiritual Treasure refiner.

When Ding Jianjun said this, his expression became even more incomprehensible, and he continued: "Having the experience of successfully refining three Spiritual Treasure weapons, among the junior seven-star weapon refiners, he is considered to be a relatively productive weapon cultivator. .

But...the three pieces of Spiritual Treasure were all made as ordered. They were all made by others, and none of them belonged to a certain person.

In addition to reputation reasons, it is also because all three are extremely custom-made, so none of them are suitable for someone, so someone is willing to leave the artifacts without breaking the contract. "

Um... A Spiritual Treasure refiner who doesn't have his own Spiritual Treasure is really... a poor kid.

After all, the average Spiritual Treasure refiner's first Spiritual Treasure is mostly in the process of refining himself, and after achieving Spiritual Treasure, he becomes a Spiritual Treasure refiner and starts taking orders to try Spiritual Treasure refining.

This embarrassing situation would probably only happen if the person who clearly accepted the order was not a Spiritual Treasure but became a Spiritual Treasure by chance.

"So Fellow Daoist wants me to refine weapons for you?" Zhang Deming asked calmly, looking at Ding Jianjun.

Ding Jianjun's breath fluctuated for a moment, and he looked at Zhang Deming and said with slight surprise: "Fellow Daoist is really interesting!"

A Spiritual Treasure refiner asks someone to help him refine Spiritual Treasure. There is a certain irony in this!

As he spoke, he raised his hand, and the crystal heart reappeared. Under Zhang Deming's stunned eyes, the heart turned into a special crystal treasure box, somewhat like a sword box, which seemed to contain countless artifacts.

"Is this... a special weapon of change in the Bloodline Path? Fellow Daoist's refining furnace, and also Fellow Daoist's attack Law Weapon?" Zhang Deming looked at the crystal-like treasure box and showed surprise for the first time. Rong, asked in surprise.

No wonder Zhang Deming was so surprised. It was just a matter of training in the art of transformation. It was really difficult to refine the weapon of transformation.

Ding Jianjun nodded and said: "Yes, my artifact does belong to the special bloodline transformation path. In order to specialize, I gave up all kinds of transformations and only kept two forms.

The heart crystal weapon refining furnace form is what I usually use for refining weapons; the weapon box form is what I use when fighting.

There is nothing special about this heart crystal form, it is a basic function. The key to the growth of the treasure box form is that the more utensils are hidden in the box and the higher the level of the hidden utensils, the more the treasure box will grow.

However, after thousands of years of nurturing, this weapon has become the original Law Weapon. It has also been promoted step by step from the original Law Weapon to the six-star High Grade Apex Level Law Treasure level. Now this last step is difficult to achieve.

Because my growth refining is based on the basic method of bloodline weapon refining. Although I naturally have the ability to grow, my success is limited to this.

The special growth potential of the Bloodline Refiner is just like how it is difficult for a monk to cross the Liuhe. In addition, it is difficult to generate spiritual wisdom, which completely stops it at the peak of six-star Law Treasure.

As for my bloodline Dao Weapon weapon refining method, the three unique properties of weapon refining, bloodline master identification and growth should have been the two easiest ones, but now there are limits on growth, and the road to Spiritual Treasure seems to be out of reach. "

As Ding Jianjun spoke, he took another sip of tea, looked at Zhang Deming and said: "This time I invited Fellow Daoist to come here, originally I wanted to see the methods of Fellow Daoist's three unique weapons, and see if I can learn from the relevant secret techniques, and try to Make a breakthrough with this.

Now that Fellow Daoist is also a Spiritual Treasure refiner... I wonder if I can ask Fellow Daoist to take action and try to combine it with someone? "

Hearing this, Zhang Deming looked thoughtful and did not immediately reply. After thinking for a moment, he said: "It's not impossible to try, but Fellow Daoist doesn't expect to just use spiritual stones to make orders, right?"

Ding Jianjun looked happy and immediately added: "Of course not. If Fellow Daoist agrees, even if it is combined, no matter who takes priority, or whether it is completed or not, Fellow Daoist can treat it as a private custom order, and the requirements are negotiable. "

Although his words conveyed the aura of a rich man, he left some room for it, making him feel like a real rich man.

Zhang Deming's eyes flickered when he heard this. Looking at Ding Jianjun, he said: "Does Fellow Daoist have a Rank Seven formation inheritance above the classic level?"

Because weapon refining requires the use of formations, traditional weapon refining masters are generally half-formation practitioners. A seven-star weapon refiner like Ding Jianjun is at least a six-star formation master. If he is also a seven-star master, he is called a master of double skills in formations and weapons.

Therefore, the opponent must have the inheritance of the formation, but the rank is uncertain. That's why Zhang Deming asked this question.

"Classic-level formation inheritance? A complete series of peerless formations that don't require you to comprehend your own private formations?" Ding Jianjun asked in his thoughts.

Zhang Deming nodded and said: "Yes, you can have a fixed model, or you can spontaneously develop a perfect and perfect formation like a magic spell!"

Ding Jianjun frowned and said: "I do have a bloodline type pulse formation, but it is a broken inheritance. It only looks like the peak of the magic level. The Rank Seven classic level part is missing."

Zhang Deming shook his head and said: "No, it can be mutilated, but it must be a classic part."

While Ding Jianjun was thinking, he looked at Zhang Deming and asked, "Does Fellow Daoist want the formation to break through the standard level?"

Zhang Deming nodded and said: "That's right, the concept of the Integrated Union's hundreds of formations, it is really difficult to understand the Rank Seven classic formation on your own. A certain person has not had a clue for many years, so he thought of another way. "

"I don't have a classic-level peerless formation inheritance..." Ding Jianjun said this, hesitating slightly, and before Zhang Deming could be disappointed, he made a classic twist: "But I have a inheritance that is not inferior to him."

Zhang Deming looked at Ding Jianjun expectantly with joy, waiting for his next words.

Ding Jianjun did not continue the topic. Instead, he changed his topic and asked in a pretentious manner: "Fellow Daoist, do you know what method was used to refine the treasure box of my weapon to have the function of hiding many objects in the box?" , can you also use this to increase the power of the artifact and the level of the treasure box?"

Zhang Deming was confused and asked tentatively: "Sealed way?"

Ding Jianjun shook his head and said: "That can only satisfy the treasure chest, but it cannot satisfy the growth potential of the treasure box as the more treasures it contains, the stronger its power will be."

"Summoning?" Zhang Deming said again.

Ding Jianjun also shook his head again and said: "This is even more impossible. The Summoning Path mostly affects the level of the treasure box due to the growth of the weapons in the box. It affects the treasure box by moving the essence but not the quantity. It will not be improved due to quantity issues."

Zhang Deming frowned slightly and did not continue to guess. He just looked at Ding Jianjun.

Seeing this, Ding Jianjun no longer whetted his appetite and said: "I am satisfied with pure formation methods."

Zhang Deming frowned, thought for a moment, thought of something, and said with surprise: "Is it... the most difficult secret skill in the formation?"

Ding Jianjun smiled complacently, nodded and said: "That's right, I am using the supreme secret technique of the formation, the first of the three special skills of the formation, the high-level special secret technique - the stacking secret technique!

By means of stacking, the storage and power stacking of utensils can be satisfied. That's why my treasure box will continue to become stronger as the artifacts are stored.

Although this stack is not a Rank Seven formation, it is definitely not inferior to any peerless formation, and in some cases even exceeds it by a lot. "

Zhang Deming showed an expression of surprise. You must know that he has already mastered the fusion formation and synergy. With the addition of this most difficult-to-find overlay...then it is three unique skills in one!

Although the formation is still Rank Six, it is not impossible to integrate many six-star formations to create a seven-star formation.

It is equivalent to the construction of a spacecraft. Although many parts can be all market-level, when combined, it can become a scientific research-level spacecraft.

By integrating the six-star formation as modules and integrating it into one formation, Zhang Deming can completely refine the seven-star formation according to the Dao Level of the six-star formation!

Although it was possible to integrate before, it lacked the feature of stacking, which means the more you get stronger, you could only combine the force of the array. Although Integrated Union was possible, the obtained value was the maximum value, not the superimposed value, so such an operation could not be completed.

Surprised, Zhang Deming stopped hesitating and said, "Yes, I will accept the lamination technique in exchange for a try. But this is just an agreement to accept the order. If it is completed, the reward cannot be just this."

"Of course!" Ding Jianjun nodded as he should and replied: "The rare thing is exchanged for the door fence, and the reward will be negotiated separately. Standard high-end customization!"

This is indeed the situation in the high-end market. Obtaining orders with rare items of uncertain value is equivalent to a contract deposit.

Regardless of whether this thing is successful or not, it needs to be paid. If it fails, that's fine. If it succeeds, additional money will be needed.

As he spoke, Ding Jianjun tried to say: "Fellow Daoist thinks that if the refining thing comes true, how about five hundred spiritual crystals?"

Huo! What a big tone. Five million spiritual stones were spoken at the outset. Even for Grotto-Heaven and even the top management of Sacred Land, this was an exaggeration.

It's just a matter of looking for Zhang Deming to refine the weapon. Ten million is considered a small amount, but if you try to combine it and try Zhang Deming's growth-oriented weapon refining method, it will be different. It is definitely worth a sky-high price.

While Zhang Deming was thinking, he hesitated for a moment and said: "Thousands of them!"

"Deal!" Ding Jianjun responded decisively without even thinking.

‘Um... is it going to be less? '

The other party agreed so readily, which made Zhang Deming suffer from the common problem of greed, which is common among human beings. He always feels that there is something missing and a loss.

"When will we do it? It can't be now, right? I haven't been able to escape in the past few days. This temporary incarnation cannot complete such a task." Zhang Deming said.

"What about after three months?" Ding Jianjun tentatively discussed: "Because this is the promotion ceremony for my birthright Law Weapon, so I need to make some guarantees to ensure that even if I fail, there will be no problems.

Otherwise, if the device fails to break, it will be a bit difficult to treat such injuries! So I need to prepare some precious things in advance to ensure that the result after failure is not too bad, which takes time. "

'March? The promotion ceremony is next month, so I should be free in three months. '

While thinking, Zhang Deming nodded and said: "It should be okay. If anything happens, I will notify you in time and make adjustments. By the way, where will you be refining the weapon then? Can't you come to the herring tribe again?"

Ding Jianjun spoke in a positive tone and discussed the matter, saying: "Although this place is not bad, it is still a bit inferior compared to the sect. Let's go to Bailing Paradise!"

Zhang Deming suddenly said: "I have forgotten that the Ding family, where Fellow Daoist was born, is one of the Apex Level families of Bailing Paradise and belongs to the direct lineage of Bailing Paradise!"

"The little inheritance in the family is obviously incomparable with the ancient Zhang family!" Ding Jianjun replied politely as usual.

"Then it's settled. After three months, a certain person will be on the lintel of Bailing Paradise!" Zhang Deming said.

Ding Jianjun's face was filled with joy and he said expectantly: "Then I'll be waiting for Fellow Daoist to arrive."

As he spoke, spiritual light surged in his hand, and countless runes began to beat. After a moment, a ball of light with flowing spiritual light emerged.


(End of chapter)

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