Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 681 Reception

Chapter 681 Reception

Zhang Deming looked at the other party, frowned, and said, "The Baizhu Sect has arrived too?"

Only then did Dang Rushuang come back to his senses and said: "Here we are, this time the team is still led by the genius of the Bai family, Bai Zhixin. However, there are two old men in the team, they should be the supreme elders, and they can be considered serious."

Hearing this, Zhang Deming turned back to look at the mouse and said, "You Bai family's beast-controlling system, those who control themselves and become mice, all like to steal?"

The white mouse breath became even more frightened, and said in panic: "Ancestor, you have misunderstood. I was just curious for a moment. When I was sightseeing with my senior brothers and sisters, I visited this place. Out of curiosity, I offended my ancestor. Please punish me! "

At this time, before Zhang Deming could speak, he felt someone approaching again and turned his head to look outside again.

I saw a group of people, led by a pretty woman, hurried in front of everyone. The leader Bai Zhixin first glared at the mouse on the ground, and then immediately saluted Zhang Deming and said:

"Bai Zhixin, a junior from Baishu Sect, has met Senior Zhang. His disciples are shapeless and are used to being undisciplined. If they disturb Senior, please punish him."

Zhang Deming looked at Bai Zhixin. He hadn't seen him for more than 20 years. He had improved a lot in cultivation, but he still hadn't broken through Liangyi.

"We haven't seen each other for many years, but Fellow Daoist Bai still looks as charming as ever!" Zhang Deming said with a sigh and a calm tone.

Listening to the gentle words, Bai Zhixin breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, and said respectfully: "Senior Zhang is rising like the scorching sun. It's a completely different world!"

"Haha, my situation can't be compared, and you can't call it a compliment." Zhang Deming replied with a smile.

Bai Zhixin paused and didn't quite understand the reason, so she could only say carefully: "Senior taught me a lesson, and junior will remember it!"

Zhang Deming shook his head and looked at the cautious look. Since the other person always gave him a good feeling, he didn't say anything more, but looked at the mouse again and said:

"No matter how you behave in the Baishu Sect, you are still in human form or snakes and rats running around all day long. Since we, the heavenly spirits, are here, you should be a little more particular. After all, it is a big visit, so you still need some respect!"

Such words are just for ordinary disciples to say, but if Zhang Deming's identity is revealed, it is already very serious. After all, the other party has embarrassed the entire sect, and even a second-generation person will not feel comfortable if the senior officials know about it.

The disciples behind Bai Zhixin were frightened for a while. Bai Zhixin's face also turned pale, and she immediately said: "When this junior is convicted, he will go to the ancestors to receive his punishment."

Zhang Deming looked at the trembling rat and did not pursue further investigation. Instead, he said, "In your Bai family, do you have many heterogeneous hybrid bloodlines like the Treasure Hunting Rat King and the Forbidden Rat King?"

The white mouse was confused and forgot to answer for a moment. Bai Zhixin turned pale and immediately replied: "Senior Zhang, there are not many of this kind of blood, there are only three of our clansmen.

It was originally acquired by chance by the Twelve Ancestors, and they found a whole brood, one big and two small. The big one was used by the Twelve Ancestors and became the Four Symbols of Taoism.

The remaining two were awarded one after another a few years ago. In addition to Junior Brother Bai Chengcheng, there is also Junior Brother Bai Qingyue, both of whom are leaders among the direct disciples of our generation.

However, Junior Brother Bai Qingyue has a wild temperament. Ever since he became a master, he likes to run around. He has rarely spent time in the sect these years. "

Zhang Deming looked at the mouse, then at Bai Zhixin, and said, "Is that so? I would like to meet you, Junior Brother Bai Qingyue, when I have time."

Bai Zhixin's face was pale, and she said with some doubts and nervousness in her heart: "Disciple has made a note of it, and will report it to the superior when we get back. Someone will notify Junior Brother Bai Qingyue to return to the sect, and then let him come and visit Senior Zhang."

At this time, Dang Rushuang looked at the time, her face was a little anxious, but she didn't dare to intervene rashly, so she had to show it.

Zhang Deming glanced at the other party, then looked back at the mouse and said: "I hope you will remember what I said today. After all, we are in Tianling. If snakes and rats are still running around like this...

Based on the friendship between the two sects, I won't be able to do anything to you, but it's still okay to get you to come to the door and talk to that old Taoist Bai Yuexin! "

Bai Yuexin, the oldest of the four-element cultivators of the Bai family, is also the ancestor of the Bai family.

All the terrified disciples all turned pale and were a little scared, Bai Zhixin was not much better, and said to Zhang Deming: "Junior, write it down!"

"That's it, let's go down!" Zhang Deming said.

"Junior, thank you for your forgiveness, senior!" As she spoke, Bai Zhixin saluted Zhang Deming, turned around and saw that the mouse was lying softly on the ground, and restrained him with anger, and hurriedly retreated.

His expression was quite disgusting. The Bai family is the largest Baishu sect, and the sect is more family-oriented. Therefore, there are many second generations of this legacy, and she has always been disgusted with it.


When Zhang Deming turned around, he found that all the excited disciples were now watching Zhang Deming dodge a little, obviously reacting to who Zhang Deming was, and they were also a little frightened by Zhang Deming's severity just now.

Zhang Deming was stunned for a moment, shook his head and looked at the disciples, and said: "What expression? Ancestor, am I the kind of person who always loses his temper? Being spied on is just the cause.

A few years ago, I met a disciple of the Baishu Sect, probably Bai Qingyue, and he almost stole the storage bag. Although I was tricked in the end, I didn't care about it at the time. Now I just happened to remember it, so I just mentioned it casually. "

Everyone was stunned for a while, looking at Zhang Deming, and became more aware of Zhang Deming's character.

It is rumored that Zhang Deming has a fiery personality, hates evil as much as he hates evil, has compassion for the world, and has no grain of sand in his eyes. Now it seems that he does look a bit like him.

Zhang Deming is often speechless when it comes to such rumors. It turns out that he can be compassionate and compassionate. It's really like three people become tigers!

"Let's go, don't hang around, you're in a hurry!" Zhang Deming said.

Everyone looked at Zhang Deming in awe, then led Zhang Deming into the room and started playing with various things.


"Is there anyone who can develop a kind of etiquette, hairstyle, etc., once it is done, it can be reproduced perfectly at any time? It is like the constant dust removal technique on clothes." While being fiddled with, Zhang Deming suddenly He spoke out of curiosity.

The disciple who was trying to deal with Zhang Deming stiffened his hands, and then said awkwardly: "Master, you really have a good idea. As far as the disciple knows, there is nothing like this in either etiquette or charm skills!"

Yang Hongjun, who was packing Zhang Deming's clothes at the side, suddenly said: "I heard that many people in the bloodline outside the territory like to develop strange methods such as hair trapping techniques. This aspect should be able to meet many of the requirements you mentioned, Master.

Or, given your current level, Master, find a weapon refiner to refine a special hairpin for you. Although the requirements are a bit strange, at most Law Treasure level, it should be enough. "

‘I am already a Spiritual Treasure refining master. In addition to refining a puppet, why didn’t I think of this kind of refining technique? '

Zhang Deming glanced at the other party in surprise, and said in his thoughts: "It's a good idea, and I have a lot of knowledge!"

"Haha, our Etiquette Department should know more about it, otherwise it will be easy for all the disciples of the sect to complain. You can tell whether the clothes are ugly or not!" Yang Hongjun said with a smile.

"You've got the wrong person. I'm just a cover. I usually don't care about anything, so I'm showing off to the wrong person!" Zhang Deming replied with a smile.

"Ancestor, you have misunderstood, this disciple is just talking nonsense!" Yang Hongjun replied with a smile.

Zhang Deming glanced at the other person, smiled, and stopped holding on.

And after a few words, the originally cautious atmosphere gradually became active, and it was no longer so depressing.

Zhang Deming was cleaned up quickly, and it took a while to finish.

When most of them were packed up, Zhang Deming looked at himself in the mirror and suddenly discovered that decades had passed and no traces had been left on him. He was still the same as before, even a little green and youthful. Not much maturity.

This monk...even if he doesn't specialize in beauty, after becoming enlightened, his lifespan will be extended to the limit. If this growth is not deliberately stimulated, it really seems to stop.

With a slight frown, the lines of his face became a little more angular, making him look a little more mature, and he nodded in satisfaction.

At this time, Dang Rushuang couldn't wait any longer, saying that she had already arrived at the Zongmen, and if she didn't go, she would really make a joke of being late to welcome guests.

Therefore, Zhang Deming, who barely packed up, brought a group of disciples and floated to the large welcoming square of Yingke Peak.

A group of disciples were already waiting. Seeing Zhang Deming's arrival, many people quietly breathed a sigh of relief, including Dang Xiangjun in front of the crowd and Zhou Liao, who was showing his age.

Zhang Deming exchanged a glance with him, and floated to the front of the team. Dang Rushuang led his disciples and quietly integrated into the team.

Just stood up, the endless golden light from the sky flooded in, and a pair of extremely gorgeous wings shone over the entire Heavenly Spirit Sect.

At this moment, all the disciples of Heavenly Spirit Sect felt the same. They raised their heads subconsciously and looked towards the sky. Looking at the huge light wings like the wings of choosing the sky, they all felt a little dazed.

"The movement is not small!" Zhang Deming whispered.

"The Holy See outside the territory likes such an unusually eye-catching way in terms of etiquette. This is normal!" Dang Xiangjun explained.

During the communication between the two, the light in the sky gradually receded, and a strange flying object emerged.

Different from Tianyu's spaceship, the Vatican outside the Territory adopts a completely different style, which is also Transcendent's tendency, but it is not the same Transcendent style as Hongmeng's side.

As the huge light wings dissipated, a flying object appeared in the center of the light wings. The whole Law Weapon was a bit exquisite, but the shape was a bit strange, it looked like a huge piece of cloth?

Or sheets?

Or a magic flying carpet?

It's true that it's beautiful, and it's true that the image is a bit speechless!

As the flying carpet fell down, the space gradually shrunk, and everyone fell towards the welcoming square.

Zhang Deming immediately stepped forward and said politely: "Zhang Deming, the Supreme Elder of the Heavenly Spirit Sect, leads the crowd to welcome all colleagues from the Tianyu Holy See to our sect!"

"Fellow Daoist Zhang, you're so polite. I came uninvited and it was so rude!" When Zhang Deming was greeted, the other party walked down and replied in the same polite manner, without any sense of arrogance.

Zhang Deming listened to the voice and subconsciously looked up, feeling a little stunned for a moment.

'It's him! '

The man in front of me had a square face and a very light beard, but not slovenly. He gave off a mature look and had an unusual charm of an uncle.

The standard aesthetic direction of Tianyu men from outside the territory, the strong body, even wearing a large robe without showing any muscles, still gives people a very strong and masculine feeling.

The most eye-catching thing is that the other party is wearing a blood-red robe. When he floats down, a pair of golden-red, lifelike, gorgeous wings with no variegation slightly spread out behind him. In line with the robes on his body, he looked unusually attractive and looked very charming, as if his whole person was exuding a halo.

What's more important is that although I don't know this person Zhang Deming, I have met him once.

When he first explored the Zhang family's inner circle and found the corpses of Roaring Sky Dog and three hell dogs, this man was beaten into the Zhang family's inner circle by two aliens from Weiyang Realm.

However, in order to save trouble at that time, Zhang Deming directly set up a trap and threw several people back again, and this person was no exception.

He was also wearing this red robe at that time. Zhang Deming originally thought that the other party was the red archbishop of the Tianyu Holy See. After all, this dress was a symbol of his identity.

But what Dang Rushuang said means that this person is already a temporary pope and controls the Holy See within the Sacred Land area?

"I am Lu Wenjin, the temporary pope of Yuling Suburban. I have met Fellow Daoist Zhang." Lu Wenjin floated down and greeted Zhang Deming using the orthodox Hongmeng etiquette, and his movements were very skillful.

Zhang Deming recovered slightly and responded: "I have met Fellow Daoist Lu!"

"Do you know Fellow Daoist Zhang?" Lu Wenjin asked as if he noticed the subtle change in Zhang Deming's expression just now.

Zhang Deming smiled and said, "I can't say that I know him. I have admired the name Fellow Daoist for a long time, but now I realize that 'famousness is worse than meeting me'. I didn't expect that my style is even more eye-catching."

Zhou Liao and Dang Xiangjun behind him glanced at Zhang Deming. They were a little worried at first, but they quietly felt relieved.

Lu Wenjin looked at Zhang Deming and smiled and said: "Fellow Daoist is not being honest. After all, Lu cannot compare with Fellow Daoist Zhang in terms of reputation.

Fellow Daoist temples are now everywhere, and each family has a ranking of immortals and is regarded as a saint-like existence. If this were in our Tianyu Federation, that would be a living god, or at worst a Divine Child-like existence.

For such a peerless figure, Lu cannot compare with you. This is as big a gap as a bright moon and a star. "

Zhang Deming's expression remained unchanged, and he replied: "The stars are the projection of the scorching sun in other worlds. They not only dominate the world, but also spread across all worlds. Of course it is incomparable!"

Lu Wenjin was completely stunned, looking at Zhang Deming dumbly, and then smiled for a moment: "Fellow Daoist is indeed as knowledgeable as the rumors, and he has learned so much about our Tianyu culture, which puts me to shame. He is worthy of being a person who can talk with other scholars at exchanges between the two worlds. .”

(End of chapter)

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