Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 693 A Dangerous Breakthrough

Chapter 693 A Dangerous Breakthrough

"That's it for today." While speaking, Zhang Deming turned his head to look at Fang Jixiang, and urged: "In the next few days, check carefully.

Also, if you can test, don't save your spiritual power. Some functions that are not commonly used, if you find out the problem when you use it, it is easy to cause a big accident. "

"Master, uncle, don't worry. It's not been more than a year or two since the disciples took control of the sect-protecting formation. In the past, it was all possible through personnel scheduling. Now that the 'Tianling' ancestor is in charge, it is no longer a problem." Fang Jixiang replied. road.

"By the way, the special sacrifice method I used for 'Tianling' has extremely rational thinking and spiritual thinking at the same time.

Except when setting permissions, try not to let him enter a rational state. This state looks convenient, but it will limit the possibility of its growth. "Zhang Deming exhorted again.

Fang Jixiang nodded and said, "Disciple understands!"

"Also, find someone to teach 'Tian Ling'. Although I gave him some basic knowledge, memory, and cognition, in theory he is still a newborn child with high IQ, and some things still need to be taught." Zhang Deming continued.

Fang Jixiang was taken aback, and Zhou Liao who was at the side immediately said, "The old man will ask Zhao Yuan to teach him."

Zhang Deming nodded and said: "If Pavilion Master Zhao comes, I will feel relieved. Of course, there is no need to be too cautious. I have given him a lot of understanding. Many things are already half-finished and only need the final fixation and shaping." That’s it.”

Zhou Liao nodded and said, "Understood, don't worry!"

"Then I'll go back first!" After saying that, Zhang Deming bowed to several people, floated up, and left Tianling Peak.


After returning to Feiquan Waterfall Building, Zhang Deming called Qin Shizhong.

"Uncle, what are your orders?" Qin Shizhong said as though he had not changed for thousands of years. He was respectful and meticulous in his greetings. He never slacked off regardless of private or formal occasions.

For this, Zhang Deming is used to it, or rather, he is too lazy to say it, he likes it, so let him do it.

"I'm going to retreat for a few days. There's nothing important these days, so don't let people disturb you!" Zhang Deming said.

"Disciple understands!" Qin Shizhong replied.

Zhang Deming nodded and said, "Okay, you can go down now!"

Qin Shizhong saluted, turned and left, and fully activated the defensive formation when he went out.

Zhang Deming glanced at it, then floated to the training room, and exchanged with the Dao body in a wave of mind.


He returned to the inner world of the Zhang family and floated out of the training room. He did not help the sect build the sect-protecting formation to earn spiritual stones. He did not make any money from this, and only paid for the materials.

In addition to the reason that he is the Supreme Elder and needs to build a sect, there are also reasons for accumulating experience. Now that he has some experience, the family has prepared for a long time, and it is time to do it.

As soon as he arrived at the yard, before he came to the door to call for help, he paused and re-entered the spirit-nurturing space. At this moment, the monitoring elves in the sky were flashing continuously.

At the same time, a bright spot of light in the sky was also playing a picture at the moment. Looking at the familiar figure, Zhang Deming's complexion changed.

"Warning, the key monitoring target 'Qin Xian' Lan Fuyao is in Transcending Tribulation. According to calculations, the success rate has dropped to 59.8%, which is lower than the baseline. The risk of failure is serious!"


Quanqing Temple, in the Xianqin Cliff.

After Lan Fuyao and Zhang Deming separated, when they returned to Xianqinya, they found that Zhang Deming had disappeared.

She floated down and stood at the Sea of ​​Flowers Enlightenment Pavilion. She looked at Zhang Deming's small courtyard for a long time. In the end, she made no move. She didn't even go in to take a look, and began to make adjustments before her breakthrough.

She is a genius, she has been famous in the Five Elements for thousands of years, and she has been preparing for the breakthrough of Liuhe for more than a thousand years. If she hadn't been so ambitious, she would have taken action long ago.

Now the preliminary Integrated Union of Rune Core has become her biggest problem, so she is stuck. But after a thousand years, her status was still the same, and the resources and other things had been prepared long ago.

Time passed by in such a hurry. In the days that followed, Lan Fuyao had a habit of standing in front of the small courtyard next to her in a daze, but she never went in, and no disciple of Xianqinya ever went in.

It seems like this, the people in the room are still there, just in retreat, everyone is still the familiar stranger.

A few years passed by, and on this day, Yu Xiuju, Li Guangqian, and Jian Guoting, the three peak masters of Blessed Land, all came to Xianqin Cliff in person.

"Several uncles came in person, and didn't send a message in advance so that the disciples could be prepared." When the three of them floated to the Enlightenment Pavilion, Lan Fuyao came back to his senses and looked at the three of them. The way.

Jian Guoting looked at Lan Fuyao carefully and said in surprise: "The opportunity is perfect, Dao Yun has risen, are you taking the road of soul fusion and preparing for promotion?"

Lan Fuyao smiled and said: "The Five Elements have been in trouble for more than a thousand years, it's time to take action!"

"That's good. Before I came here, I thought I might ruin your chance!" Jian Guoting said with a smile: "Now that we see you in this state, we are relieved!"

Lan Fuyao frowned slightly, looked at the three of them doubtfully and said, "What are the three uncles coming to me for...?"

Jian Guoting smiled and said: "I originally agreed to give you fifty years, but a few days ago, Sacred Land sent another letter, personally issued by the two Great Saint Lords, which shows that they attach great importance to this anomaly. .

No matter what the situation is with this baby, even if we understand it wrong, we can no longer suppress her in the outer courtyard! "

Lan Fuyao was stunned for a moment and said, "Is that so? Disciple understands!"

"You have always been sensible, but it is easy for you to wrong yourself." Yu Xiuju shook her head and said:

"Don't worry, if nothing happens, no matter how talented this kid is, we will snatch it back for you until you are six months old."

A very faint smile appeared on Lan Fuyao's cold face, and he said: "No, I don't need him anymore. This person... you can do whatever you want with the three uncles."

Jian Guoting showed a satisfied smile and said, "That's good. Is anyone in the yard?"

Lan Fuyao shook his head and said: "I don't know, maybe I haven't seen you for a long time. You know, I don't care about these things, let alone these people who came here, the entire Xianqin Cliff, when did I ask Check the whereabouts of the disciples below."

Hearing this, Jian Guoting's spiritual thoughts immediately filled the air, and then he frowned. Looking at the remaining two people, he shook his head and said, "There is no one, and it seems that they have been homeless for some days."

While speaking, the three of them glanced at Lan Fuyao who was indifferent. Jian Guoting predicted. Yu Xiuju immediately shook her head gently and said with a smile: "Let people go find it!"


Things didn't end like that. Many people came later. After several months of searching without results, people from Sacred Land came and made many inquiries about Lan Fuyao.

But Lan Fuyao's talent, status, and skills were all outstanding, plus he really didn't find anything. It seemed that this had nothing to do with Lan Fuyao, and things gradually calmed down.

However, she suffered a lot of neglect because of this, probably because the higher-ups saw some traces, and felt that this baby was a bit ignorant, so she tended to be marginalized.

Of course, after all, with the talent of cultivation base, it is impossible to deal with it seriously, so it will be dealt with coldly.

After seven or eight years of stumbling, Lan Fuyao remained unmoved by foreign affairs and gradually separated from the outside world. The Quanqing Outer Court also discovered this situation. The three peak masters who watched her grow up also tried their best to help her. She avoids distractions.

A few years later, Lan Fuyao, who felt that she had perfected herself, finally found Jian Guoting and said that she wanted to be promoted.

Jian Guoting's original intention was to let her wait, wait for tens or even hundreds of years, and wait for things to cool down for a while before making a breakthrough. Then he would be able to provide her with a lot of insurance measures in Sacred Land. Anyway, she has been waiting for a thousand years. It's short of time.

Lan Fuyao calmly refused, and Jian Guoting didn't try to persuade her anymore, seeing her state.

In the end, he had to choose the Transcending Tribulation platform in the outer courtyard of the Blessed Land as the breakthrough location. Headed by the three Liuhe monks, they also gathered a group of disciples to protect Lan Fuyao and started her breakthrough in Liuhe.

The first half of the process was smooth, but there were some problems in the second half. Even with the symbiotic species, Lan Fuyao's three souls, the Integrated Union of the three major paths, was not so smooth, and her Thunder Tribulation , It is not an ordinary six-nine Thunder Tribulation.

After stumbling for more than half a month, the sky was covered with thunderclouds, when the first thunder finally fell, Lan Fuyao's aura was completely confused.

To make matters worse, something that seemed to be completely refined has also gone wrong at this moment.


As a cock crow came out of her long piano, her Integrated Union stopped completely, her breath kept fluctuating, and her natural Law Weapon could not be used. She was completely exhausted in the face of Thunder Tribulation.

Because she activated the isolation formation, everyone on the guardian stage did not know the specific situation inside, but they also frowned. Everyone could see that the situation was not optimistic.


At this moment, Zhang Deming happened to see such a scene, and his complexion changed suddenly.

Now that there is a problem with the opponent's skill Integrated Union, this is the most fundamental problem. Even with the symbiotic species, there is only one thing that can turn the tide, Zhang Deming.

In his whole life, he has not had many close friends. So he hesitated for a moment, then called up the panel.

"Does it consume one merit, one luck, and one karma to construct a subroutine?"


"Please select the subroutine direction: exercise script, skill script!"

"Skill script!"

"The selection is complete, the template subroutine is being generated..."

"The generation is complete, please fine-tune and confirm the completion."

Zhang Deming carefully made some minor modifications and then completed the program. As the panel jumped, countless runes condensed into a golden light spot.

Under Zhang Deming's overcontrol, the light points flashed and condensed into a strange seal. And when Zhang Deming finished doing this, in the scene of Sky Lan Fuyao, her situation was already worse.

On the long piano, a golden illusory chicken shadow emerged, bringing her difficult Integrated Union to a complete standstill, and under the attack of Thunder Tribulation, she was already in a very dangerous situation.

The monitoring elf's budget success rate also dropped by 50%. Looking at this scene, Zhang Deming no longer hesitated, stretched out his hand to point at the light spot, and a strange passage emerged.

Zhang Deming's face changed into that of Li Zhengkun, and he plunged in.


Quanqingguan, Transcending Tribulation Taichung.

The people protecting the law, feeling the increasingly chaotic atmosphere, showed worried expressions one by one, but because Lan Fuyao isolated them, in order not to affect Lan Fuyao's breakthrough, no one forcibly searched for anything.

At this time, Jian Guoting, who was protecting the law, was suddenly taken aback, as if he had noticed something, and frowning, he looked at the other two. When he turned his head to look, his eyes happened to meet Yu Xiuju and Li Guangqian.

When the three of them made eye contact, there seemed to be a little bit of confirmation that there was indeed something aura, but the current situation was inherently dangerous, and the three of them didn't dare to take any risky actions in the end, but just watched closely.

At this moment, Lan Fuyao at the center of the formation also tensed up suddenly. She knew how bad her condition was, and she knew that failure was almost predictable.

But at this moment, she found a spot of light suddenly appeared on her body, which quickly gathered together. It seemed that besides being cheated by the golden rooster, someone cheated on her!

This worsening scene made her grit her teeth and her heart sank.

But the change that followed caught her off guard, and she was stunned in place. She lost her mind for a moment before she came back to her senses. Looking at the condensed shadow in front of her, she said:

"Why are you here? It's just nonsense. Don't say that the entire sect is looking for you now. My sixty-nine Thunder Tribulation, you came here with Spirit Partitioning. What do you want to do? Do you still want this spirit?"

"If you don't come again, can you hold on?" Zhang Deming kept a calm expression, looking at Lan Fuyao and asked calmly.

Hearing these words, Lan Fuyao froze, for some reason, her tear glands, which had been forgotten for countless years, were abnormally swollen at this moment.


The sky was flickering with thunder, and it seemed that there was a turbulent trend. Her complexion changed, and she was about to speak, but Zhang Deming immediately flipped his hand, and a golden seal appeared in his hand, saying: "Swallow it!"

Lan Fuyao looked at the golden seal and frowned.

"Hurry up, I don't have much time, if you delay, we will do the Transcending Tribulation together, and I will be buried with you, and I can still cheat you!" Zhang Deming said.

"The three beads you had before are already a huge treasure that I can't afford to pay back! I didn't know it before, so I just took it away..." Lan Fuyao replied like this.

"You stupid woman, what time is it, you still think about this, is your brain out of order from being kicked by a donkey?"

Zhang Deming felt Thunder Tribulation's slow rolling, faint locking force. Without waiting for the other party to finish speaking, he immediately yelled.

While speaking, Zhang Deming looked at Lan Fuyao who was being scolded in a daze, Zhang Deming waved his hand, and his arm directly turned into a blood-red illusory vine, and lightning pierced into the opponent's chest.

Lan Fuyao froze again, but she didn't resist, but her expression was a little weird.

"Let's go!" Another box of spirit crystals was thrown out, and Zhang Deming's figure collapsed immediately.

(End of chapter)

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