Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 709 Chip?

Chapter 709 Chip?

Everyone was stunned when they heard this. Looking around, they suddenly discovered that the atmosphere among the disciples in the entire square was extremely harmonious. It didn't look like a sermon at all, but rather like a group of brothers chatting.

"Even so, we can't talk about things like this!" Luan Siyi said after being stunned for a moment.

Luan Shucheng also rarely spoke up and interjected at this moment: "I think it's quite smart. Rumors about his employment have obviously spread, and it is almost a foregone conclusion that he will go through the back door.

If you exposed it in person today, it would probably become a joke. If he was ordinary after that, he would at most continue to resist the rumors, and everyone would laugh it off if he thought about it.

But...if today's results show that he is not ordinary, haha, he has received so much attention before, and he should be looked up to more in the future!

This kind of vertical and horizontal means is a bit amazing!

Regardless of the outcome, it is clear that his reputation will not last long. And looking at this posture, if you dare to start like this, it's so menacing.

I think you should be worried about whether you will have to compete with him during the class schedule, and be careful about the embarrassment of no one attending the lecture. "

At this point, he did not continue speaking, and everyone understood what he wanted to express.


Below, Zhang Deming started with self-deprecation, and the atmosphere gradually became lively. One by one, the disciples began to relax while laughing.

"Assistant Zhang, are you really a Taoist couple with Senior Sister Ling'er?"

After the atmosphere became lively to a certain level, some disciples began to say something like this!

"Who, who said that just now, stand up for me!" Zhang Deming said with a straight face. The happy atmosphere suddenly stopped because of Zhang Deming's change.

A disciple suddenly stood up and was about to apologize when Zhang Deming said with a straight face: "Why are you asking now? It made it difficult for me to declare my sovereignty before! Yes, your Senior Sister Ling'er is mine. People, don’t worry about each of them in the future!”


"Ha ha······"


"Teacher, you have to watch it!"

"Things that haven't been determined yet can change at any time, assistant coach!"


The atmosphere returned to joy, and even became a little more joyful. Zhang Deming looked at the disciple and said, "You can sit down now. Remember to ring the bell next time you ask questions!"

As soon as Zhang Deming finished speaking, red marks for questions appeared on the tables of many disciples below, as if they were raising their hands.

"The one at No. 11 of W column!" Zhang Deming named him.

"Assistant Zhang, when did you and Senior Sister meet?"

"Well, it will take a long time, about twenty-seven days!" Zhang Deming replied.

"What?" Many people asked the same question.

"I mean, when I was twenty-seven days old. We were born in the same year and month, and she was three days later than me. Because she was born in a country and her family was relatively close, we arranged to have a baby wedding.

Then I started crawling in a basket when I was almost full term! You, senior sister, were restless when you were little, and you were very restless. "Zhang Deming said with some reminiscence, his words were slightly low and sweet.

Many disciples below were stunned, some looked yearning, and many more had their eyes twinkling.

Many people know what it means to have memories before they are full term. That is another manifestation of the Immortal Spirit Root, the Immortal Spirit is born to nourish it and knows it from birth.

Zhang Deming also felt that the atmosphere was almost lively at this moment. He did not continue to name names and gossip, but looked around and said:

"I'm here, first come first. Everyone has been waiting for me for a long time. Of course, it's obviously not the expectation for teaching.

But no matter what, today’s first preaching class is here because of your enthusiasm. So I thought about how to not let down this enthusiasm and expectation. After much deliberation, there was no result. "

At this point, Zhang Deming suddenly stopped, looked at the disciples staring at him one by one, and waved his hand. Between the fluctuations of the wall behind, a light curtain like a projection screen appeared.

The above began to emerge: the way of tools, the five elements, the speed, the way of the sword, the mind, the fortune, the spirit cultivation, the way of formation, the way of alchemy, the way of tea...

Under everyone's doubtful gazes, dozens of roads appeared front and back on the light screen.

Zhang Deming left his small column table, stepped to the edge of the high platform, got closer to the disciples in the first row, looked around the disciples, and said: "It is up to you to choose the above inheritance today!"

The disciples below were stunned!

The eleven deans watching outside were also stunned. Luan Shucheng was the first to react and said: "Huo, what a great courage. It seems that I have underestimated you!"

"This posture... is really going to be a blockbuster!" Niu Xinyuan whispered.

"Haha, that's quite a tone!" Sima Kunlun said.

"The momentum is there, but even the experienced players wouldn't dare to open such a handicap. I hope it won't end in a big way!" Hong Zhijian said with a frown.


The disciples below became quiet, and all of them were a little stunned.

"No. 7, List A!"

As Zhang Deming called his name, a disciple stood up and saluted Zhang Deming.

"What do you want to hear today?"

The disciple was stunned, then looked at Zhang Deming and confirmed, "You can really choose?"

Zhang Deming nodded and said, "You can choose any of the above paths."

"Assistant teacher, you may not know that you are the person I admire the most. The way of life runes you created has simply found the main line for our formation!"

Zhang Deming nodded and said: "I understand, the life rune is one, I dare not teach it in such a light way, it is a bit too monotonous..."

In a whisper, Zhang Deming said again: "Level B 21!"

"Disciple is here!" A disciple stood up subconsciously.

"What do you want to hear?" Zhang Deming asked again.

"The disciple is a weapon cultivator, but I am from the Heart and Soul Academy!" the man replied.

Zhang Deming nodded again and said: "Huo, your heart is big enough, and you directly clicked on the Heart and Soul Dao and the Qi Dao."

As he spoke, Zhang Deming looked at the crowd and said, "Then the topic of my lecture today will be the three Tao of the Heart, the Tao of the Instrument, and the Rune of Life!"

Everyone below was speechless. Zhang Deming walked back and continued to talk to himself: "Many disciples may be thinking that this lesson is still unclear. What are the three principles? Three lessons will teach the three principles and one lesson will teach the three principles. Is there any difference between him and me? He makes it fancy."

As he spoke, Zhang Deming had returned to the pillar table, put his hands on the table, looked around the crowd, and said: "There are still differences, because I don't plan to talk about it in isolation. Let's talk about the Integrated Union of these three. The Tao is the starting point, how to get out of the world."


"What a joke!"

"Integrated Union?"

"Is he trying to clear the way?"

"It's child's play to be able to preach so casually!"

"Uh, this isn't a joke, is it?"

"Minds, weapons, and new life runes are added. This is really not a major overhaul. Even Hongmeng doesn't have this way!"

Not only were all the deans surprised, but the disciples below also stopped talking at this moment and were somewhat stunned.

Zhang Deming pondered for a moment, as if he was conceiving on the spot, how to create a path for this proposition.

After pondering for a moment, Zhang Deming's eyes lit up, he looked around the crowd and said: "Over the years, I, Dao Palace, or the entire Hongmeng, have been seeking change and innovation.

Many people have a certain understanding of things outside the territory, and they obviously also know that this runic life originated from the formation, which is similar to artificial intelligence outside the territory, but there are essential differences.

However, the low-level rune life's mechanical sense of intelligence makes many disciples dislike it, while its ultimate rationality is loved by many formation cultivators and even regarded as true love. It is extremely contradictory and polarizing. "

Zhang Deming paused and said: "I have also thought about it, is it really better to have an extremely rational mechanical intelligence, or is it better to have a biological intelligence that is full of spirituality?

To this end I kept trying and came to a conclusion. That is, it has good and bad qualities! Therefore, the formation spirits I designed later often have two states: rationality and spirituality, which can be converted into each other.

Reason sets authority and manages things, while spirituality is responsible for daily operations and contact with people. The results show that this is a very good model. "

Having said this, Zhang Deming waved his hand, and the light curtain behind him began to change, and auras began to gather.

Zhang Deming said at the same time: "If the formation spirit can do this, then why can't people? Mind cultivators and cultivators of other methods often don't show their emotions.

The good one is called Fu Jing Bu Bo, the bad one is called Zombie Face. Why? This kind of path is not the easiest way to affect the nature of monks. If you count all things in an instant and hide the world in your chest, it will be difficult for things in the world to change their color.

As for non-calculation monks, some really want to have high-intensity computing power, and even the terrifying layout ability and reaction ability.

After today... these can all be solved perfectly. But before that, we need to give this one a name! "

Having said this, a strange card the size of a thumb appeared as countless runes gathered on the light screen.

Zhang Deming said: "This is the best way I envisioned the development of Sandao Integrated Union. I call it: Rune Chip. Because the idea comes from outside the territory, I respect the other party, so I gave it such a name.

This way uses the weapon path to create the core chip, the rune life opens up the spiritual intelligence, and the heart and soul path provides the core power. Refining the weapon in the brain, taking over the monk's rational calculations and the processing of most complicated affairs..."

As Zhang Deming narrated, many disciples were stunned at this moment. Some thought Zhang Deming was fooling but were horrified. Some disciples had a flash of lightning in their minds.

The ten deans, plus the palace master Luan Shucheng, all stood up in surprise.

"Is this... a smart chip approach that has failed and been abandoned for three hundred years outside the territory?"

"Yes, it should be this way. But it is combined with Hongmeng's Tao and uses magic to create the path of rune chips. This...isn't this the broad road for the destiny weapon monks!"

"What kind of genius is this that can come up with such a way?"

"What I'm more concerned about is, did he really improvise, or did he have plans in advance? Although they are all amazing moves, if it is the former, is not enough to describe his talent, right?"

Everyone was stunned, and then quickly called up the information of the two disciples just now. When they found that Zhang Deming had not had any contact with them, everyone was shocked.

"What kind of freak did we bring into the palace this time!"

"This... this kind of talent is simply born for me, Dao Palace!"

"Oh, what a terrible future life!"

"How come such a monster has been squatting in the corner of the Heavenly Spirit Sect for so many years! What a waste!"


During the exchange, everyone was a little surprised and shocked. As for whether to accept it or not, no one can say anymore. After all, people like Zhang Deming are simply impeccable.

His character is a man of great virtue, and everyone has a certain understanding of his abilities now. Although his only origin is a bit controversial, if the story about the Zhang family is true, then he is a child of a famous family.

Moreover, this novel idea is not possessed by all the teachers at Dao Palace. Together, these are the perfect and unique candidates for the change leaders that Dao Palace needs most today.



Everyone's expressions were different. At this moment, a commotion caught everyone's attention. When they looked down, they discovered the source of the commotion. It turned out to be a disciple who had become enlightened on the spot and was about to be promoted to Liangyi!

All the deans looked around and suddenly discovered that in addition to this huge movement, there were also many disciples with fluctuating auras. It was obvious that they had gained a lot, and everyone began to look at Zhang Deming with burning eyes.


"Okay, that's it for today's lecture. If you like it, don't forget to like my course on the forum! As for the next class start time... to be determined."

After a long time, Zhang Deming finished talking about rune chips, waved his hand to turn off the projection screen, restored the lecture to its original state, and then turned around and left.

However, the crowd below did not get noisy as usual as soon as get out of class was announced.

The whole process was still very quiet, and most of them were still absorbed in the brainstorming that Zhang Deming gave them. Many disciples really gained a lot.

A very few of them were too low in cultivation and lacked any insights. Because of this weird scene, they did not dare to get up easily, as if they were afraid of disturbing the tranquility of this moment.

"By the way, I must add that along with the rune chips, the tool path should not be limited to the form of chips.

It can take any form, and you can even set up your own Law Treasure with such an ability to achieve the purpose of part-time rune chip function.

This path is a broad road in today's era of great popularity of destiny weapons. Let go of your thinking, and it will be another ladder to heaven for destiny weapon monks.

You may even be the builder of that ladder, so... come on, young man, the future of Hongmeng is now in your hands! "

After Zhang Deming finished speaking, he showed an encouraging expression to everyone, then turned directly and entered the door, closing the small door of the preparation room.

The hall was quiet again for a moment, and then countless voices suddenly exploded, making many disciples' blood boil.

(End of chapter)

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