Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 711 Taking The Initiative

Chapter 711 Taking the initiative

"This is the direction of development that Senior Sister ordered to focus on. She said that since you like to read books, you should plan ahead to avoid trouble later.

If my subordinates understood correctly, Senior Sister Ling'er originally wanted to use Guan Shitong's route to Sutra Pavilion to get into Dao Palace.

After all, our fundamental purpose at the beginning of the establishment was not to serve Senior Sister, but to manage affairs. Hidden stakes can only be raised when someone comes to take charge. This was the fundamental order given by Senior Sister when she was founded!

It's just that the senior sister may not have expected that before she can exert her efforts, senior brother, you will enter the blessed land and enter the Dao Palace through the path of further study! Liu Qingyu replied.

like reading?

When did he like reading books?

Um...wait a minute, this girl doesn't even know that he went through the Sutra Pavilion of the fifteenth peak of the Heavenly Spirit Sect!

Zhang Deming nodded with a wry smile while thinking. The more he understood the situation at Bailingmen, the more he realized that what this girl had done for him over the years was no less than what he had done for her.

Although neither of them said anything, they both did it silently. Maybe this is the depth of love!

With a smile on his face, Zhang Deming looked at the two of them and said, "In addition to understanding these situations today, I also have a task for you to complete!"

Liu Qingyu and Jiang Jinglie immediately greeted each other and said: "I am a member of the Low Grade, please respect the steward's instructions. Everyone in the hidden stakes can use their full strength at any time!"

"It's not that serious. Although the matter is not very simple, it is not too difficult." Zhang Deming waved his hand and said:

"After you go down, start focusing on developing the Baimai Palace. I think the cultivation level of the hidden disciples is generally not high, and there are not many monks in the third talent stage, so we will take the low-level route.

Although the Qingxiu Pavilion in Baimai Palace is a good place in front of it, because the environment is too favorable, the welfare share is severely compressed, and breakthroughs can apply for the right to use the Qingxiu Pavilion, it is not very popular among the disciples.

Therefore, it should not be difficult to transfer there. You start from the grassroots level, try your best to control the chores of daily care and cleaning the pool, and arrange them for your own people! "

Neither Liu Qingyu nor Jiang Jinglie had the slightest doubt, nor did they ask Zhang Deming why he did what he did. They said directly: "I belong to Low Grade and take the order!"

"Is it difficult?" Zhang Deming saw the two people being so straightforward and couldn't help but ask. The main reason was that he just came and was afraid of directly embarrassing the people below and leaving a bad impression.

"There is no need to worry about things, steward. Although we are in Dao Palace, it is very convenient to exert force outward. After all, our Dao Palace is a place that countless disciples yearn for. Many people want to curry favor but cannot.

And every Dao Palace disciple has a lot of connections in the sect. Therefore, just controlling some grassroots positions can be done completely without leaving a trace.

In addition, Baimai Palace is not a core site in Bailingmen, so it is not difficult to operate at the grassroots level. "Jiang Jinglie answered now.

"Then I'll be relieved. Well, I have other things to do today, so let's get here first!" Zhang Deming stood up and said.

"Belonging to Low Grade, I would like to send you to the steward!" The two of them immediately saluted.

Zhang Deming, who was about to leave, suddenly thought of something, turned around, looked at the two of them and said: "By the way, when you arrange your disciples, if you have a chance, throw this card into the Baimai reserve pool. If it cannot be left in the main pool, it can be thrown into a larger spout of spiritual veins."

Liu Qingyu paused for a moment, then reached out and took the card. Without any question, he solemnly said: "I know this, and I will handle it carefully!"

"Don't be so serious. It's not something special, it's just a detection method." Looking at the serious and human Liu Qingyu, Zhang Deming said with a smile:

"Although the Baimai Reserve Pool is a backup reserve pool, as a key place in the Blessed Land, there are definitely a lot of preventive measures. I am not that ignorant of the importance!"

"My subordinates will handle it carefully!" Liu Qingyu just replied.

Zhang Deming nodded, glanced at the two of them, said no more, turned and left the courtyard. After the two of them looked at each other, they exited Xindao City without any delay and began to take action, quite resolutely.


Zhang Deming floated away from the small courtyard, walked through a block, and came to the core main street of Bailing City. In the center of the street, Zhang Deming stopped in front of a wealthy courtyard.


On the plaque on the gate of the courtyard, there are three words written like this.

Zhang Deming looked at it with emotion, these three words represented that girl's hard work!

You can really see the traces that girl left for him everywhere, feel the hot and scorching heart, and the unbreakable love!

After a moment of pause, Zhang Deming floated forward and gently knocked on the door knocker.


Zhang Deming only knocked twice, and the rather heavy door opened immediately.

"Manager Zhang, you're here, hurry up, come inside!" The person who opened the door was Luan Wenhui. After seeing Zhang Deming, he immediately enthusiastically welcomed Zhang Deming inside.

Zhang Deming smiled and nodded, responded slightly to the other party, and then stepped into the yard.

The courtyard is very large, and is somewhat different from the unified layout of parliamentary areas in other urban areas. It is not a standard setting, but rather Dao Palace style. Apparently these people spent the alliance's contribution to reset it.

This is also the first time that Zhang Deming has encountered someone spending precious alliance contributions to obtain the style construction of the gathering point in Xundao City.

Many things have changed, except for the parliamentary round table in the center of the courtyard. However, the round table is located under a strange pine tree, which makes it a little more comfortable.

When Zhang Deming came in, there were three other people in the yard besides Luan Wenhui. Although Zhang Deming had never seen them before, he actually knew them all.

Two young people and one middle-aged man!

A man with a resolute face, sharp edges, and a somewhat cold breath. He is obviously a cold-blooded man. Although he is not very strong, he is definitely not handsome or average-looking.

This was Mao Wenli, the then senior senior brother, and now he is also the senior senior brother. He is also the first to enter the Four Symbols stage of cultivation, and his aura is slightly stronger than Luan Wenhui's.

Another young man, who looked like a scholar, saw Zhang Deming's gaze. He put one hand behind his back and bent his other hand on his abdomen. He smiled and bowed slightly towards Zhang Deming, giving him a rather bookish air.

The cultivation level is also in the early stage of Four Symbols. This person Zhang Deming is also impressed because he is Zhong Yueling, the second senior brother of Dao Palace.

The middle-aged man left is a woman, eh, sister-in-law?

What surprised Zhang Deming was that this woman was not a disciple, but an assistant, an assistant in the early stage of Five Elements. Zhang Deming took note of all the coaching staff in the past two days, and got a little impression.

If I remember correctly, I should have been transferred to a teaching assistant a few years ago, that is, the one who was transferred to a teaching assistant before Zhang Deming.

She is a disciple of the Ding family, not a collateral member, and her name is Ding Yuhong. It is quite strange for her to enter here with such an identity.

"My subordinate has met Manager Zhang!" She said politely when Zhang Deming looked at her.

Zhang Deming returned the greeting slightly: "Fellow Daoist Ding is so polite!"

During the ceremony, Zhang Deming looked around at the four people. These were the members of the Supreme Council of the Siming Society and the top leaders of the Alliance's Bailing District.

Compared with the Heavenly Spirit Sect, the entire parliament is much smaller. However, the gold content is relatively high, so there is no problem for a few people to control the entire Siming Association.

After everyone had finished their greetings, they sat down at the round table one after another. They were probably not people with active personalities, so the atmosphere was a little awkward.

Seeing this, Luan Wen broke the silence and said, "Now that the steward has arrived, my task of being the temporary steward who misses Minghui has finally been completed."

While speaking, several people looked at Zhang Deming, as if waiting for him to speak. Zhang Deming spoke a little and said: "I am now in the coaching circle. In addition to not understanding the disciples, my future contacts will definitely be different.

So I took over as the general manager of Bailing District, but the main person in charge of the Siming Association... just do what you did before! "

"Is this... okay? Senior sister told us before that when the steward arrives, all matters in Bailing District should be left to the steward!" Luan Wenhui said after hesitation.

Zhang Deming looked at Luan Wenhui and said, "Then what's wrong with my arrangement now?"

"Uh, no!" Luan Wenhui replied concisely.

The remaining three looked at Zhang Deming, nodded in unison, and said, "Then let's make a decision like this!"

"Tell me about the gatherings in Bailing District first!" Zhang Deming said.

When several people looked at each other, they all looked at the elegant young man Zhong Yueling, the second senior brother. It seemed that Luan Wenhui was taking care of daily affairs, but Zhong Yueling seemed to be in control of the overall affairs.

Zhong Yueling smiled slightly and said: "Our Bailing District initially started as the Siming Society. With the continuous development of the Siming Society, it gradually radiated towards the sect.

Over the past few decades, on the basis of many relationship networks, during the vigorous development, it has spread out of the sect, and began to radiate to the surrounding families.

Nowadays, in Bailing District, there are gatherings of all sizes, and various circles are divided and closely connected.

In charge of the gathering of ‘whisperers’ at the Zhang Family Temple, our Bailing District also occupies a large part of the gathering, and is recognized as a high-end circle among high-end circles. A place where many members of the alliance want to squeeze in. "

At this point, he paused and said: "However, the time used for the development of the gathering is still too short, so all the members of Blessed Land are limited to the middle and lower levels. The top management is still unable to reach out, so they cannot influence any major actions of Blessed Land.

But under the huge network of relationships, it is still possible to influence some. For low-level things, it is very convenient and easy to move..."

In this way, Zhong Yueling explained the overall situation of Bailing District. Ding Yuhong and Luan Wen would occasionally interject a few words as a supplement, and sorted out the entire situation of Bailing District to Zhang Deming bit by bit.

Only the elder brother Mao Wenli was cold and silent, and seemed not to be in charge.

After a long time, Zhang Deming understood it almost, then nodded and said: "I generally understand it. In addition to these handovers today, I have another task!"

Everyone, including Mao Wenli, who had always been aloof, became more serious and looked at Zhang Deming.

"You take care of the business!" Luan Wenhui was the first to reply.

"I need you to mobilize your disciples and control the Baimai Palace as much as possible." Zhang Deming said.

"Hundred Meridian Palace? Why are we fighting for that place? In terms of influence, it is not as good as the Heritage Palace. In terms of resources, it is not as good as the Pill Palace, and the profit is not huge. Except for breakthrough needs, few people pay attention to it.

The entire Baimai Palace is just a little better than those idle palaces in the sect. It's not that important! "Zhong Yueling frowned and looked at Zhang Deming in confusion.

After all, this was Zhang Deming's first mission when he first came here. It was completely unnecessary to control an idle palace official with such great force.

"No reason. Just put your disciples in. Be gentle and don't make any big noise. Just think of it as a test for me in Bailing District!" Zhang Deming replied calmly.

Several people looked at Zhang Deming with twinkling eyes. If Zhang Deming had given instructions in this manner before teaching, they might still obey because of Pan Juan'er's reasons, but they would definitely still have their thoughts in mind.

But now... everyone is thinking about the deep meaning of Zhang Deming's actions. After all, Zhang Deming is a monster like the senior sister at first glance, maybe even more terrifying, and he is the kind of person who is used to hiding things.

"No problem, I'll give the order as soon as I get out. In a laid-back place like Baimai Palace, it's easy to change people. As long as the low-level errands don't change, many disciples are eager to change.

It would be even more positive if we could still get some connections with Dao Palace. However, it will take some time to control most of the bottom layers.

Although the top management almost never cares about the things below, mundane things have their own system. But the movement was so loud that it inevitably attracted attention. "Luan Wenhui said.

"There's no rush, just take your time." Zhang Deming nodded, and continued after thinking: "Besides this, I need you to use your circle to help me collect some weapon refining materials, which are a bit rare... "

As the matter was settled, Zhang Deming chatted for a while, and after getting acquainted with a few people, he stood up and left.


"Senior brother, what do you mean by being in charge? What is there to fight for in Baimai Palace?" Luan Wenhui asked in confusion.

Ding Yuhong and Zhong Yueling also frowned slightly and shook their heads. Mao Wenli, who had not spoken until now, had a much deeper look in his eyes, and sighed:

"Our Assistant Teacher Zhang is indeed the person that Senior Sister Ling'er has taken a liking to. Whether it's vision, courage, character, or even talent, none of them is as bad as Senior Sister Ling'er, and it's even more terrifying!"

When the three of them heard this, they all tilted their heads in confusion and looked at Mao Wenli. Everyone is very familiar with him, and they all know that under his cold appearance, he has a very delicate heart.

"What does it mean for senior brother to know that he is in charge?" Luan Wenhui asked doubtfully.

"Haha, what else can you mean, just for the sake of cultivation!" Mao Wenli smiled and said: "It's just that I didn't expect that the other party's idea was so bold and even came up with the idea of ​​a spiritual vein storage pool. This is something that senior sister could not even think of. A direction I never thought of!”

(End of chapter)

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