Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 717 Breakthrough

Chapter 717 Breakthrough

Huo, when did he, Zhang Deming, talk about the situation of making a hand on the board?

Shouldn't all business be in line with Lingshi, and everything should be paid for and accepted?

Card face... such a luxurious thing, when did a poor guy like him have it?

Thinking rather speechlessly in his heart, Zhang Deming looked at Li Shangyuan and said with a smile: "Hehe, let's talk about it at that time.

By the way, on the market acquisition side, if possible, you can check it quietly. You don’t need to make too much noise, just check it a little bit, and forget it if you can’t find out who is doing it. "

When Li Shangyuan heard this, his eyes flashed, he nodded, and said: "I know these skills, but I just didn't think about it before. I just collected the rags and didn't expect that there would be other forces that would spend their energy to make things happen! It's so free!" "

Zhang Deming's eyes flickered slightly, and he chatted with Li Shangyuan a lot about Spirit Medicine Mountain and the Herring Clan before closing the book of sentient beings.

In a moment, as the portal surged, twenty or thirty broken pieces fell out in front of Zhang Deming. There is no complete Spiritual Treasure this time. They are all fragments, extremely damaged, and most of the Dao Aggregates have been dissipated.

Zhang Deming will collect them all, plus the leftovers from the tortoise shell he refined last time, it should be enough for a Spiritual Treasure to be reforged and promoted as ‘dog food’!

Zhang Deming waved his hand to put away all the things, closed his eyes, and exchanged words with the Taoist body.


In Baimai Palace and Qingxiu Ground, Zhang Deming opened his eyes.

After three years of retreat, Zhang Deming's spiritual power is already overflowing at this moment. Originally, it only took more than two years, but Zhang Deming finally chose to continue to develop, so he only accumulated it yesterday. Looked at the panel.

Kung Fu: Great Yin and Yang Five Elements Secret Manual (Rank Nine)

Cultivation: Five Elements Level 1 (75/75/100 million)

Rune Core: Spirit-nurturing Vine Demon Summoning Technique Lv7 (600/8000)

Branch runes:······

Seven soul runes:······


Tao Body: Divine Dream Differentiation Level 7 (0/8000),

Spiritual power recovery: 7300 spiritual power/1 minute

Experience growth: 730 experience/1 minute

Innate Dao Body·Disabled: Lv52 (0/540) [merit]

After looking at the warehouse, the accumulation of the previous five years, plus Ding Jianjun's change of fate, the luck is more than 7,000, and it is another three years of accumulation. Zhang Deming's luck ushered in the highest value in history, breaking 10,000.

Today’s energy, merit: 465.2, luck: 10656.4, karma: 24.2.

Zhang Deming saved this huge amount of luck by resisting the urge to improve again and again. Therefore, he could choose the Soul Gathering Technique of Five Elements and One Turn at will.

Now he has completed the condensation of the four souls. The spirit of the first soul gives spiritual power, and the evil soul of the main soul gives the power of magic. The remaining four images, the second and third lives, determine the wisdom and virtue.

Now only the strength of the body is left; the soul of life and death, the soul of longevity; the balance of harmony.

In terms of priority, although he is an Integration monk, due to special reasons, he has the least need for balance, so He Po should lean back.

As for Shouyuan, he is only a few decades old, so he doesn't have to worry about this at all. Of course, if the five elements of life will be superimposed and reflected in the Liuhe period, you can also choose Yi Po.

However, your longevity in the Liuhe stage will not be affected too much by this. The power of Yi Po only makes this stage of the Five Elements closer to the limit of ten thousand years. It does not mean that your longevity will be fundamentally strengthened.

If it hadn't been for this, Zhang Deming wouldn't have been pressed to this point. Therefore, there is not much demand for it. To be precise, among the seven souls, Zhang Deming has the least demand for it.

Therefore, under the elimination method, the only option is Lipo. Due to the changes in the Innate Dao Body, his body is now close to the same level of physical cultivation. With this, it is estimated that there will be no problem if he really becomes an individual practitioner.

In this way, Zhang Deming finalized the process of gathering souls in the Five Elements Stage. The first transformation is the physical strength, the second transformation is the harmonious soul, the third transformation is the longevity soul, and the seven souls are finalized.

After finalizing the idea, Zhang Deming looked at the many spells on the panel and needed to choose a physical soul-gathering technique.

In normal physical training, strength should be the core, and choice is definitely the main focus. But for Zhang Deming, his choice is not conventional strength skills or physical skills.

Spirit Fish Reincarnation Lv6 (0/800), Hidden Breath Art Lv6 (0/400), True Vision Lv6 (0/1600),

For him, the best three choices should be to choose one of these three.

Spiritual Fish Reincarnation and Hidden Breathing Art are considered choices for the Tao. One enhances survivability and the other enhances concealment. As for the True Seeing Spiritual Eye, it is considered a choice of information direction. No matter which one you choose, the benefits are not small.

Zhang Deming thought about it for a moment, and finally chose the True Sight Spirit Eye, because this technique is the most special. Rank Six requires 1600 luck, which represents its power and specialness. Only by giving it a rank can it be worthy of its potential.

In addition, because he has completely perfected the art of slashing the path, it is difficult to die, so there is not much need for spiritual fish reincarnation. The only thing that could compete with the True Sight was the Invisibility Technique, but between passive hiding and active detection, Zhang Deming finally chose to be active.

After confirming his idea, Zhang Deming no longer hesitated, and with the fluctuating movements of his hands, he began to gather souls and advance.

As Zhang Deming's breath fluctuated, he opened his mouth and spit out a blurry ball of light. At this time, three weird little people back to back, with balls on their heads and four bags on their heads also appeared on their chests.

The four bags on the balls above the heads of the three back-to-back villains also flew out at this moment, and the breath was constantly connected with the newborn balls spinning around the villains.

When their connection deepened to a certain level and they were about to stop, Zhang Deming's expression changed.

"Do you want to spend 1600 luck to upgrade the spell True Sight to Book Rank Seven?"


At this moment, the five small balls stretched to their limit and landed on the big balls above the heads of the three villains like lightning. They embedded themselves in and turned into five bulges next to each other.

And this involvement is still deepening. When the first Integrated Union was formed, it was more like two balls, one big and one small.

Now the five small balls have been integrated into half of the big balls, becoming a veritable bulge. If we continue like this, when the seven souls are completely condensed, the ball represented by the seven souls and the rune core will probably be close to the Integrated Union!

Zhang Deming had no time to pay attention to this, because at this moment, a situation caught him completely off guard. As the True Seeing Spiritual Eye gathered energy and advanced to the classic level, he suddenly felt a tearing pain in his eyes and between his brows.

It was not a little feeling, but a tear coming from the depths of his soul. At the same time, an extremely satisfying feeling of relief filled both parts of his body. This extreme contradiction made his whole body feel bad.

Having practiced Taoism for so many years, he thought that his character and endurance were pretty good, but at this moment, Zhang Deming also rolled on the ground uncomfortably, and let out a low muffled groan.

Fortunately, he was fully prepared before. In order not to be discovered for this breakthrough, he set up more than one or two layers of formations in the training room, so that no matter how loud the movement was, it would not be transmitted.

The pain is not over yet, the spirit cultivation space is also in chaos at this moment, and the light spots all over the sky are flickering, as if they are all affected.

Zhang Deming was tumbling, feeling that he was in hell, being tortured to the extreme, and at the same time felt that he was in heaven, surrounded by countless beauties.

In the extreme contradiction, Zhang Deming rolled on the ground for a long time, the tear not only did not weaken, but also began to spread to the whole body.

The body slowly began to crack, turning into pitch-black eyeballs, constantly flickering. The scene is obviously terrifying, but it gives people an extreme sublimation and an infinite sense of beauty.

After a long time, Zhang Deming's body completely disappeared, turning into a dense mass of black eyeballs.


With a soft sound, two of the eyeballs suddenly joined together like soap bubbles. This change triggered a chain reaction, and countless eyeballs quickly integrated union, gradually turning into a huge eyeball.

As the eyeballs beat like a heart, they gradually elongated and began to be bumpy. Slowly turning into a baby hugging its knees, floating in the air, as if a mother was pregnant, Zhang Deming gradually resurfaced.

Chiguo's body has become as smooth as jade, shining with a faint luster. If you go through the flesh and see the bones, you can see that it has really become like suet jade, and it also shines with a strange light .

Immortal muscles and jade bones, this is the most ideal state before the Liuhe Transcending Tribulation, and even the most ideal body after the Liuhe Transcending Tribulation of all monks, but Zhang Deming has now completed this step ahead of schedule.


Suddenly, Zhang Deming opened his eyes abruptly, as if he was still immersed in the horrible torture just now.

As he opened his eyes, his pupils were black and deep, like an abyss. At the same time, a vertical pupil between the brows opened completely.

It is not a magic eye, nor is it made of runes, but it really seems to have an eye. Strange divine light emerged from three eyes.

Zhang Deming felt that his field of vision began to change constantly, sometimes in the mountains, sometimes in the plains, sometimes in the streets full of people, and sometimes in the quiet valley.

At first he was extremely uncomfortable, and the images that kept flashing made him dizzy, not knowing what was going on.

It took him a moment to feel the power of the spirit cultivation space fluctuating, and countless light spots flashed as the screen jumped.

Gradually, he understood that these many pictures were from other people's perspectives. Now he is no longer just peeping, he can completely have the vision of the light spot, and completely possess the power of the gaze of the gods.

At the same time, when Zhang Deming's field of vision changes, the space of spiritual cultivation also fluctuates constantly, and a strange force is born in the space, which is the power of Tao.

No, it shouldn’t be said to be a birth, but a resurgence. It is magnificent, ancient, and long-lasting, extremely simple and beautiful, yet endlessly complex and cruel.

It cannot be seen or touched, but Zhang Deming can clearly feel it. It is in the space, or it is the spiritual cultivation space, and the spiritual cultivation space is just a form of expression, a form that Zhang Deming's subconscious mind can most easily understand.


Following such a drastic change, the space suddenly vibrated, awakening Zhang Deming who was in a trance. The space kept shaking, and the monitoring elves kept flickering.

"Warning! Warning! Warning!"

"The breath of breakthrough has been leaked. Someone is trying to track the breach of the firewall. Please use all the power of Sea Calming Pearl and space characteristics to cover up the tracking!"


Zhang Deming's expression changed slightly, he immediately sat down cross-legged without caring about stabilizing his cultivation, and all his strength began to flow into the space.

With the influx of power, the space began to stabilize. For a moment, the monitoring elf stopped blinking.

"Due to a special breakthrough or even a special connection that triggered the tracker, although the 'original IP' was successfully hidden again, the target already knows what it is that is being tracked, and it will most likely be difficult to hide it next time it is discovered."

"And based on the current progress, the firewall may be breached in less than a hundred years. Please improve your cultivation as soon as possible, strengthen your means of fighting the enemy, or strengthen the firewall to avoid pursuers as much as possible."

Zhang Deming felt the information and frowned. This tracking is getting harder and harder to avoid!

The cultivation level is still too low. If the cultivation level is strong enough, no matter whether it is hiding or fighting, there is no need to go to such trouble!

Zhang Deming's thoughts flickered for a long time, and there was no fundamental solution to this problem. Now he can only delay it day by day, and improve his cultivation as soon as possible!

Zhang Deming shook his head, cleared away these messy thoughts, and looked into the space. The space feels like nothing has changed, but Zhang Deming knows that it is different.

The clearest and most intuitive feeling is that now he can see the world through the light point person's field of vision with just a thought, and no longer has to go through a light screen like a projection.

And this field of view can be changed, first person, second person, God's perspective can be all, but the range has not changed, it is still the area of ​​100 kilometers of the light spotter.

But when I peeked in before, Zhang Deming just felt like watching a movie. Now Zhang Deming clearly feels that this is a kind of power, a kind of power that starts to extend outward from the spiritual nurturing space. It is no longer illusory, but real. existing.

After a long time of realization, Zhang Deming withdrew from the space. The moment he returned to his physical body, Zhang Deming clearly felt the power of his body.

Especially his eyes, Zhang Deming feels like he can see through all the illusions in the world and get to the essence without opening his spiritual eyes. In addition, there are many small changes, which Zhang Deming is constantly sensing.

It took a long time for Zhang Deming to come back to his senses. Click on the panel.

Kung Fu: Great Yin and Yang Five Elements Secret Manual (Rank Nine)

Cultivation: Five Elements Level 2 (0/150/100 million)

Rune Core: Spirit-nurturing Vine Demon Summoning Technique Lv7 (600/8000)

Branch runes: Strengthening Technique Lv7 (0/10000), Universe in the Sleeves Lv7 (0/8000), Words Technique·Speech Spirit Lv7 (0/4000),

Seven Soul Runes: Yin Yang Chess Game Lv7 (200/8000), Contract Soul Lv7 (0/8000), Spiritual Shield Lv7 (0/4000), Nine Xiao Yin Yang Five Elements Sword Escape·Jie Lv7 (0/ 9000), True Vision Lv7 (0/16000),

Skills: Corpse Killing Technique Lv6 (0/1200), Fusion Lv6 (0/1000), Split Path Technique Lv6 (0/400), Hidden Breath Technique Lv6 (0/400), Blood Soul Lock Lv6 ( 0/400), Storage Lv6 (0/400), External Device Lv6 (0/400), Devouring Lv6 (0/1200), Feng Shui Pulse Lv6 (0/400), Spiritual Fish Reincarnation Lv6 (0/800) , inheritance Lv6 (0/800), statue Lv6 (0/1200)

Tao Body: Divine Dream Differentiation Level 7 (0/8000),

Spiritual power recovery: 7300 spiritual power/1 minute

Experience growth: 730 experience/1 minute

Innate Dao Body·Disabled: Lv52 (0/540) [merit]

(End of chapter)

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