Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 720 Sudden Disappearance [123 Days Added]

Chapter 720 Sudden Disappearance [123 days added]

After half a day, everyone left one after another, and Zhang Deming returned to the Holy Residence. The Dao body that had been retreating in the Baimai Palace had also turned into a god-cracking nail at this moment, and was brought back by the disciples.

Although Zhang Deming denied today's incident, he knew that it was probably not completely over. The respondent was such an important matter, and it was obviously impossible to let it pass like this. There must be a lot of private investigations.

Fortunately, Zhang Deming has not been preparing for this for a day or two, not even a year or two. With the lessons learned from the Anbu of Bailingmen, he has never underestimated any information workers in these years.

However, considering the strength of the Bailingmen Dark Palace, it is better to be honest for a while, do less work, less train disciples and so on!

Also, what happened today gave him an idea. Since Tonghou is in the Zhang family, he seems to be able to take advantage of this!

Well, there is no rush, this matter has to be delayed, at least until he is really in heaven. Otherwise, if you take too many steps, you will be torn apart.

While thinking, Zhang Deming turned his hands and took out two jade boxes.

In the lobby just now, he was embarrassed to look at the spirit crystals, but now he immediately opened the box and counted carefully, there were only six hundred and fifty.

So a seven-star material cost 3.5 million, which... is a bit ridiculously expensive, right?

The six-star material is only tens of thousands, even if this thing is very precious, it shouldn't be a hundred times the difference!

You know, the Hongmeng Seven-Star Spiritual Treasure is only in the range of 5 million to 20 million. Even high-end customizations rarely exceed it. 20 million spirit stones are probably the ceiling of seven-star items, and it is extremely difficult to exceed.

But with such expensive materials nowadays, even if the finished product is sold for a sky-high price of two thousand spirit crystals, it is not a big profit, and it may even lose money!

After all, this is not a business. It only counts the price of labor and one-time materials, and it is the kind of reselling. There is also the extremely small probability of failure and refining into Spiritual Treasure.

If all these things are counted, the price of this material is really higher than the sky-high price, and it can be regarded as a loss-making business.

"Forget it, after all, we are talking about the Sacred Land circle, and the Sacred Land for Ling Yuling... there should be some inflation, the purchasing power of spirit stones will decrease, and the value of Apex Level spirit materials will increase!" Zhang Deming shook his head, He comforted himself.

The reason why he accepted it was that he had been preparing these materials for a year or two, but he had already obtained most of them before, but he could not get the key main materials.

Therefore, he also understood that this should indeed belong to the seven-star rare grade refining material, it is very difficult to find, and if it is more expensive, he can accept it.

Zhang Deming first announced the need to retreat for a period of time, then took the materials and walked into the practice room. After sitting cross-legged, he flipped the flower pot out of the furnace, looking at the materials in front of him, Zhang Deming's eyes were rarely burning.

The carrier body of the Taoist body was the first pseudo Spiritual Treasure he made. He originally thought it would be his first Spiritual Treasure later, but he was unable to obtain the core material of the Seven Stars.

Coupled with the coincidence, now he already has two spiritual treasures, the picture album and the tortoise shell, but the body of the Taoist body is still at the pseudo-Spiritual Treasure level. It is really time to upgrade, otherwise when he waits for Liuhe, the Taoist body will be It's time to stretch my crotch.


After throwing out all the materials, Zhang Deming raised his hand, and a Spirit Seed fell into the flower pot.

But before Zhang Deming gave birth to the seedlings, he paused, his mind quickly restrained, and he came to the spirit cultivation space.

At this moment, a not-so-serious red alarm flashed in the space, and Zhang Deming stretched out his hand to summon the monitoring elf.

"Warning, the long-term tracking target has disappeared, try to connect again..."

"Connection failed! Try connecting again..."

"The connection failed three times, an unknown situation occurred, the database has no relevant countermeasures, and it began to call the mastermind."

"The call is successful, enter the intelligent standby state!"

Zhang Deming clicked on the information screen of the monitoring elf, and such a log was displayed on the projection screen.

Zhang Deming frowned and looked at the bottom of the log, trying to connect to the target. It was none other than Pei Xiaoxiao, who decided to travel to Hongmeng after his temperament changed drastically.

Zhang Deming hesitated for a moment, stretched out his hand, and Pei's small light point flew down.

Looking at the strange light spots in front of him, his mind fluctuated slightly. As his eyes flickered, the light spots began to flicker, and Zhang Deming's pupils began to diverge.

But then, Zhang Deming found that his eyes were completely dark and he couldn't see anything. No, it wasn't that he didn't see anything, but that he didn't have contact with Pei Xiaoxiao's perspective at all, as if he was blocked.

Seeing this, Zhang Deming immediately pointed at the light. As the light swayed, a light curtain emerged, and it was still pitch black.

Zhang Deming, who looked much more serious, slightly mobilized the power of the spirit-nurturing space, and gently moved the light spots, trying to pull Pei Xiaoxiao's consciousness back.


This time there was movement, and the light spot shook violently. But Zhang Deming failed to pull it out. When pulling his consciousness through the light spot, Zhang Deming felt that he had fallen into some swamp and failed to pull it out.

He clearly felt that if he wanted to force it, it should be possible, but the price should be to tear Pei Xiaoxiao's consciousness to pieces, and even disintegrate the golden light in front of him.

Therefore, Zhang Deming immediately stopped and fell into a temporary helplessness.

"Retrieve the previous surveillance information and search for the reason for Pei Xiaoxiao's disappearance!"


"Retrieval completed!"

"Relevant data are being compiled every day, and no abnormalities have been found. It seems that cross-checking has been repeated."

Zhang Deming frowned and said, "Call out her relevant photos from the past three days and play them at a hundred times speed!"

"Pictures are being called out..."

"Start playing!"

On the light screen, Pei Xiao's figure began to appear.

Time flies, and it has been almost ten years since Pei Xiaoxiao left Feiquan Waterfall House. She has changed so much in the past few years, even more than in the previous decades.

In the picture at this moment, Pei Xiaoxiao lost all his cuteness, and his whole body was as cold as frost, as if he was always exuding a cold air that could freeze people.

There is no trace of the girlishness anymore, she is aloof and mature. At the same time, I don’t know if it is an illusion. Zhang Deming feels that the other party has a gorgeous, elegant and noble temperament.

It's obviously very cold, but it gives people a noble and elegant feeling, like the legendary royal family of the gods. The dressing style has also changed. The style of the long skirt has become more classic, and the whole body is blood red, a dazzling red.

But in her current image, there is nothing abrupt about it. Instead, it matches well. It seems that she was born to wear this color.

No, this bright red color should be just for her.

The only thing that hasn't changed much is that face, and it's not right either! It can only be said that the physical appearance of the face has not changed, but coupled with the temperament, hairstyle, and clothes, the face actually looks changed a lot. It can be said that it is completely two people.

Her cultivation level was also completely different. What Zhang Deming never expected was that her cultivation level was a little higher than his own, and she had already broken through the third level of the Five Elements.

Zhang Deming suddenly looked at Pei Xiaoxiao like this and was stunned for a moment before he reacted.

In the picture, Pei Xiaoxiao seemed to be searching for something in a dense forest.

It was not a regular search. There was no map or guide. It was as if she was just wandering around in the forest relying entirely on her feelings.

As the screen flashed rapidly, Zhang Deming frowned and said: "Increase the playback speed to two hundred times!"

Following Zhang Deming's words, the scene sped up again. In a short while, all three days of footage were played.

For three days, the other party seemed to be searching the forest the whole time. Even the moment before Pei Xiaoxiao's signal was lost, she did not show any abnormality.

Zhang Deming frowned and said: "Retrieve the photos taken in the past ten days!"

"If you want to find some information, Master Brain, there's no need to search!"

"According to the database records, Pei Xiaoxiao has only come into contact with five people in the more than eight and nearly nine years since he left Feiquan Waterfall Building. They all met by chance and passed by each other in a hurry."

Zhang Deming's expression changed and he said, "Huh? In other words, she hasn't had any contact with anyone in these years?"

"Yes, in the eighty-nine years since she left Feiquan Waterfall Tower, she seems to have had some special sense. With this sense, she has been traveling all over Hongmeng.

I didn’t look for anyone’s directions, any maps, or any clues. I just wandered around based on my feelings.

In the process, she found many secret Cave Mansions. Every time she found one, her cultivation level suddenly increased by one level.

But as the search continues, the discovery of that strange Cave Mansion becomes slower and harder, and it often takes a long time to wander around before finding one. Her feeling seemed vague.

It was nine months ago since the last Cave Mansion was discovered, and eleven months ago since the last time she saw anyone. Do you need to call up relevant photos? "

Zhang Deming shook his head and said with a frown: "No need!"

As he spoke, he clicked on Pei Xiaoxiao's summary information and carefully checked the relevant information.


After a long time, Zhang Deming still found nothing. Judging from the information, the other party has lived a very simple life in the past few years, which can even be said to be mechanical.

Search the Cave Mansion, break through, search the Cave Mansion again, break out again. It goes on like this, this mechanical life, until Pei Xiaoxiao disappears.

After carefully checking all kinds of information, Zhang Deming couldn't find any clues. After that, he searched for photos for a long time, but still found nothing.

In the end, Zhang Deming had no choice but to give up the futile action and ordered: "Create a new task: We will try to connect 24 hours a day. Once there is news or movement, notify me immediately."

"Task is being generated!"

"The generation is completed, and 24-hour uninterrupted contact will be enabled!"

Seeing this, Zhang Deming reached out and threw the light spot and the monitoring spirit back into the chaotic sky.

He felt a little solemn in his heart. Since the opening of the spirit-nurturing space, this was the first time that his sight was completely blocked when he encountered a peeping light spot.

His thoughts flickered in the space for a long time before Zhang Deming reluctantly gave up further thinking.

With his mind fluctuating, he exited the spirit-nurturing space and returned to the training room.


After calming down a little and no longer thinking wildly, he rechecked the various formations in the training room. After making sure that there was no problem, he looked at the flowerpot in front of him again.

With a slight movement of mind, a seedling emerged from the flowerpot, and several blood-red roots rushed out of the soil, grabbed the spiritual materials prepared by Zhang Deming, and shrank back into the soil.

Then the seedling grew rapidly, and in a moment it turned into a three-meter-tall vine, with a huge flower blooming at the top.

At this time, Zhang Deming waved his hand, and the God-Splitting Nail, which was transformed into a Taoist body, was thrown into the flowers by Zhang Deming. The flowers wrapped the God-Splitting Nail like a piranha.

Then Zhang Deming began to meditate, and the whole room fell into silence. Only the vines swayed slightly, constantly absorbing the nutrients of the spiritual materials, supporting the growth of the God-Splitting Nails in the flowers, and causing them to undergo complex changes.

The previous God-Splitting Nail was a semi-intense attack-like Law Treasure. Now Zhang Deming plans to re-adjust it this time. He has incorporated the characteristics of Sea Calming Pearl into it, and plans to adopt a more suitable sneak attack style.

That's right, what Zhang Deming is refining this time is the Integrated Union type Law Treasure, Dinghai·God-Splitting Nail!

Let it have spatial characteristics and at the same time become a mind-type sneak attack Law Treasure. This combination can be said to be the most suitable for the God-Splitting Nail, and it is also the best way to exert its maximum power.


As the vine swayed, I don't know how long it took for it to gestate. The flower on the vine gradually turned into a transparent colorful fruit. The fruit continued to grow in size, and finally exploded into transparent colorful threads that filled the sky. The threads continued to float in the room.

After a long time, Zhang Deming opened his eyes and the silk thread began to weave.

At this time, as Zhang Deming's spiritual power fluctuated, the breath of the vine wood changed slightly, the breath of spiritual cultivation emerged, and the power of Sea Calming Pearl poured in, making the silk thread weaving much slower.

After a long time, when the silk thread weaving was coming to an end, Zhang Deming frowned.

He originally thought that the God-Splitting Nail was a fake Spiritual Treasure due to various reasons. The implantation of subroutines made its aura comparable to that of a Spiritual Treasure. Now he only had to re-forge its power.

But today's reforging, let alone becoming a Spiritual Treasure directly, has no rhythm at all. The reason for this situation is that apart from the fact that Spiritual Treasure is extremely difficult to refine, it seems that the multi-functional mixed sacrificial refining is still a bit over the top for Zhang Deming.

Looking at the weaving that was coming to an end, Zhang Deming no longer hesitated, waved his hand, and a bunch of messy pieces flew out.

Under the fluctuation of Zhang Deming's spiritual power, blood-red rhizomes appeared under the vines again. The rhizomes grasped fragments of Spiritual Treasure and submerged themselves into the earth again.

On the vines, the unique aura of the Ascension Vine began to fluctuate, and Law Treasure, which was almost finished weaving, stopped weaving and started to undergo strange changes again.

As the special Tao Yuan of the broken Spiritual Treasure fragments was absorbed, the messy power was swallowed up as nutrients, and finally turned into the pure Spiritual Treasure Dao Yuan, which was transported into the utensils. The utensils at the tip of the vine gradually filled with the spirit of Spiritual Treasure. Tao Yun.

As the extraction proceeds, this strangeness becomes stronger and stronger, until the silk threads are completely woven, and the Spiritual Treasure finally takes shape. However, during the whole process, there is no abnormality in the artifact.

(End of chapter)

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