Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 736 Hui Clan

Chapter 736 Hui Clan

Zhang Deming fired a special aura, and the Sea Calming Pearl's light, which had been replenished with strength, instantly shone again. In a flash of light, it suppressed the raging space power in Zhao Zhen's body with all its strength.

Fortunately, the Law Treasure that the other party has cultivated is Sea Calming Pearl. If it were something else, even if it was from the Space Dao, as long as it was not a stable space, there wouldn't be much hope given the opponent's injuries. No, he wouldn't be able to hold on at all. Now.

Zhang Deming waved his hand and arrested Zhao Zhen. After looking around and making sure there was nothing missing, he led Zhao Zhenshan into the portal and disappeared in place.

It was not until Zhang Deming disappeared for a long time that the surrounding Great Monsters got up one by one, looked at each other, and dispersed helplessly.


The spirit-seed avatar did not bring Zhao Zhen to Zhang Deming's side. After passing through the portal, he was directly placed in the transiting spirit cultivation space.

Then the avatar disintegrated instantly, turning into a group of dreamy and beautiful vines of blood ruby, and the vines wrapped around the ceramic-like Zhao Zhen like a snake.

In a moment, Zhao Zhen stretched and twisted into a strange mummy, and then the vines raised their heads as if consciously, and the tips became sharp and shone with cold light, like needles.


All the tips flashed with cold light, and inserted into Zhao Zhen's body like lightning, spreading all over the body. The head, chest, and lower body were covered with ruby ​​vines that looked like blood vessels.

As it began to flash a special devouring light, the space fell into silence.


Outside, Zhang Deming suddenly opened his eyes and breathed a long sigh of relief. The other party's life was saved. As for his injuries, he should be fully recovered in three to five years.

But it's better to save your life, otherwise the Zhang family will owe a lot of favor to the Zhao family this time. After all, the Zhao family only has one ancestor to support their appearance. For the rest, there are only two or three major repairs in the Five Elements Period, and they are still beginners!

Zhang Deming breathed a sigh of relief and his face changed. He flipped his hand and the Book of Living Beings appeared.

For a moment, Tong Hou's miserable look emerged.

After seeing Zhang Deming's intact appearance, he was stunned for a moment and said with a wry smile: "My lack of strength and being brought to this by the collapse made Zhang Fellow Daoist laugh. It seems that I really need to get familiar with my strength carefully. Used in combat.”

Zhang Deming shook his head and said: "I was not much different from you before. To be precise, it was more serious. I just used special means to temporarily suppress the injury."

"Is that so? Then I've thought about it a little bit. At least I'm not too useless!" Tong Hou laughed at himself with a wry smile.

Zhang Deming did not dwell on this topic and said: "I found Zhao Zhen. He was seriously injured. I will take him back to the clan first and won't go looking for you."

Tong Hou nodded and said: "Okay, I'll stabilize the injury a little and rush back as soon as it doesn't affect my actions. Don't worry about me. You shouldn't encounter any accidents!"

Zhang Deming paused for a moment, and said with a strange expression: "Now the portal can be opened into the inner world, and there is one free entry every day, and you don't need to give the spirit stone to run away for free."

Tong Hou's expression froze, and he seemed to have just come to his senses. He was embarrassed for a while, and then said: "Haha... that, I mean, I will go back right away!"

Zhang Deming glanced at the other party with a twitching look on his face and said, "That's it, I guess it will take a few days before I can go back."

He didn't explain why, and Tong Hou didn't ask why. He just nodded and said, "Then be careful!"

Zhang Deming nodded and said: "I know, it's okay to join the book together!"

"Well, it's done!"

After saying that, they both closed the book of living beings, and the light and shadow slowly disappeared in front of Zhang Deming.

He looked at the map in his hand, determined the direction, and headed towards the nearest entrance to Xiao Heavenly World.

It's really depressing to think about it. From the cargo lanes to the portal, the alliance's transportation is constantly upgrading, and the transportation of its members is becoming more and more convenient. He, the boss behind the scenes...

I still managed to run the whole distance by myself. If the alliance disciples found out, wouldn’t it be a bit too much? !

It’s hard to resist!

Why can't you swallow it yourself? Really, you can't break the basic rules, it's rubbish!

Zhang Deming was depressed and aching as he hurried on the road, his mind racing with thoughts.


After traveling at full speed for a day, Zhang Deming gradually left the core area and arrived at the slightly deeper middle level of the Hengduan Mountains.

At this time, Zhang Deming, who was in a hurry, suddenly paused and frowned slightly.

In the perception, many monsters seemed to be moving abnormally. When the perception was directed towards the source, a faint chaotic and evil aura filled the air. Even though it was very light, it was very evil.

Zhang Deming felt a little familiar, his eyes flashed slightly, he changed direction and flew towards that place.

As he got closer, Zhang Deming discovered that it was not just monsters, but also some low-level beasts that were not even monsters. They began to swarm out in groups, like a tide of beasts, but with obvious panic, or It would be more appropriate to describe it as an escape.

Because many natural enemies are crowded together, constantly escaping without any intention of attacking each other, just like hawks and snakes hunting snakes walking together.

In front of Zhang Deming, a monstrous evil aura seemed to permeate the entire area.

He frowned and drifted forward.


After a while, Zhang Deming finally arrived at his destination, which was originally a hilly area with low mountains scattered throughout and shrouded in endless forests.

But now... everything is gone, the forest is gone, even the mountains are gone, there are only countless giant snakes five to six meters long, in a lake of brown-red liquid like sticky asphalt entangled.

Yes, this was exactly the pool of snake cell fluid and the reason why Zhang Deming found it.

After just two or three days of absence, these cell fluids have undergone great changes. It should be because he left the Time Realm, lost the power suppression arranged by the Demon Emperor and Taibai Jinxing, and became extremely active and fierce, with arrogance.

The entire area is filled with a special aura, as if a peerless ferocious beast that has been sleeping for eternity is slowly waking up at this moment.

Countless giant snakes on the liquid were constantly tearing and devouring each other, extremely fierce, countless times more ferocious than before.

In just two or three days, the number of snake bodies was reduced by nearly half, and the size increased several times. Adding up these various traces, it can be clearly seen that it has left the obvious change of the Time Realm.

In addition, the liquid below is no longer honest, wriggling, like nano-robots, constantly infecting, gnawing, and devouring everything around.

Even the soil is not spared, and it can be seen that the surrounding mountains disappear. During this process, they continue to increase in value, like cancerous cells, without limitation.

As these liquids squirm, there are occasional flashes of silver light. If it weren't for a pool of strange snakes, it might actually be a mutant biological nanorobot liquid, or in other words, a mutant carpet?

Looking at this scene, Zhang Deming looked a little dignified. With a wave of his hand, a golden copper coin flew out, and he turned his hand again to find the jade bottle from before.

Space Road: Qiankun Luobao money!

The golden copper coin became very huge. As it spun, a powerful suction force from the universe in the sleeve came from the coin hole, and a treasure vase was suspended behind it.

As it rotated, those cell fluids were constantly being pulled, flying towards the copper coins in the sky. As they approached the copper coins, the snakes kept getting smaller, and finally collapsed into a liquid the moment they sank into the copper coin hole, and fell into the vase.

Looking at this scene, Zhang Deming's heart relaxed slightly, at least the point of zero resistance to the Sealing Dao remained unchanged.

Zhang Deming looked at the surrounding area. With such a large lake, and now that it has become much stronger, it seems that it will take half a day to complete.

So he sat cross-legged directly, and began to urge the spell and Law Treasure with all his strength.


Time was running out, because in the middle depth, high-level Monster Cultivator is rare, and nothing happened after a long time. Zhang Deming successfully absorbed all of it into the bottle.

In order to prevent accidents, Zhang Deming even dug three feet into the ground to eliminate all the contaminated soil, then put away the vase and headed towards the inner circle of the Zhang family again.

Along the way, Zhang Deming discovered a problem. The core area of ​​the shattered Shenhou World was not just the battlefield area where Zhang Deming and the others were before, but the entire space of that continent was completely shattered.

Because of the entire middle depth, Zhang Deming encountered various objects falling to the ground from time to time, some of which were huge rocks that were so big that they looked like strange land islands.

In some places, there are all kinds of liquids and contaminated monster corpses, all of which are the things on the battlefield of Shenhou Realm. These things are scattered all over the entire middle depth. Obviously, a continent is all here, and there is a lot of movement.

No wonder he saw a wave of fleeing beasts before. It turned out that it was not a place, but the entire depth of the middle layer.

Fortunately, it fell in the Hengduan Mountains. If it had fallen outside, no matter which Sacred Land company was in the sphere of influence... In this situation, it would have been another catastrophe, like a purgatory on earth.

Even now, the situation is not good. The entire middle depth is in chaos. Zhang Deming even sensed the detection of several Great Monsters. Obviously, this situation has alarmed the City of Ten Thousand Monsters.

Even if Beast Race restocked the monsters below, it was obviously impossible to ignore such a big mess.

As the chief culprit of all this, Zhang Deming collected his breath and hurried on the road.

After two days of stumbling on the road, I quietly passed through the entrance of Xiao Heavenly World and returned to the inner world of the Zhang family. It was better to avoid showing up during this period.

Because even though Beast Race and the higher-ups of the human race are looking at peace now, the pot is a bit big, and he can't afford it anyway.


The moment Zhang Deming returned to the inner world of the Zhang family, he felt that the atmosphere in the whole inner world was a little tense, and there was a smell of anger with drawn swords.

"I've seen my ancestors!"

"My ancestors are well!"

"Ancestor, you are finally back!"


Along the way, many disciples looked at Zhang Deming and said hello. Zhang Deming nodded with a frown and drifted towards the small courtyard.

At this time, Zhang Zeli hurried over with a group of senior officials and greeted Zhang Deming. He immediately saluted and said, "Uncle, you are back. If you don't come back, my grandson will want to send a large number of disciples out to greet him!"

Zhang Deming frowned and said, "What happened?"

Zhang Zeli immediately said: "A few days ago, Ancestor Tong returned from serious injuries. It was a bit scary to look like that. After hastily saying something that you replied right away, he ran to the Chenlong Realm's main blood pool to retreat to recover.

But after waiting for ancestor Tong for several days, there was no news from you. The grandson and others saw that ancestor Tong was so seriously injured and did not dare to disturb him rashly, so they could only wait.

Because there were many disciples who knew about it during the exploration and return, everyone has been a little flustered these past few days, fearing that something might happen to you, ancestor, and feeling a bit panicked. "

Hearing this, Zhang Deming shook his head. The Zhang family still had too little time to reorganize. From this one thing, it can be seen that some of the foundations are still insufficient.

"I'm fine, but the ancestor of the Zhao family will probably need to heal for several years. I'll go to the Chenlong Realm. The powerful vitality of the Source Blood Pool will help his current state."

Having said this, Zhang Deming paused and glanced around at the people around him. They were all the current leaders of the Zhang family, and said:

"Although with the search in the time realm, our Zhang family now has some of the atmosphere of an ancient family, but if we want to come back, some things are still shallow.

If you don’t want to disgrace the ancient Zhang family and the Imperial family, you should put these things in order before you are born! If not, it's better to just stay here and live like a hamster instead of losing that person! "

Everyone was shocked when they heard these words of reprimand. They were all frightened and said politely: "Juniors, please follow the religious teachings of our ancestors and deal with these issues seriously."

"Okay, I'll go to the Chenlong Realm." As he spoke, Zhang Deming jumped over the crowd and floated up. After only a few steps, he suddenly stopped and said, "By the way, how is the monkey world?"

Zhang Zeli immediately answered: "I was planning to report this. Now the twelve portals have become eleven. According to the disciples who were on duty a few days ago, the Shenhou and Haizhu Integrated Unions are together.

Because of your uncle's instructions, we are not allowed to break in without your information, so we didn't dare to try rashly, not knowing what was going on inside. "

"Come together?" Zhang Deming said in surprise.

Zhang Zeli nodded and said: "Yes, it's done!"

Zhang Deming's eyes flashed when he heard this. In other words, after the collapse of the Shenhou core, the remaining areas have completely integrated with the Haizhu Integrated Union. Is it no longer an overlapping phenomenon?

"That's it!" Zhang Deming drifted away while thinking, but suddenly stopped again and said again: "By the way, there is one more thing."

"Uncle, please give your orders," Zhang Zeli replied respectfully.

"Call the people in the clan who manage the library, especially the person in charge of miscellaneous books, to come to my courtyard and wait for me. I have something to tell you." Zhang Deming warned.

"Miscellaneous books?" Zhang Zeli said with confusion on his face: "My grandson didn't understand a bit!"

(End of chapter)

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