Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 750 Chapter 563 Qu Qingxian

Chapter 750 Chapter 563 Qu Qingxian

As the mask changed, the strange feeling of disgust gradually disappeared. Not only that, a faint power of charm emanated, and Ding Jiuniang once again transformed into a beautiful girl. She was ten years old, youthful and agile.

The other party looked at him, with tears in his eyes in surprise. Suddenly, he ducked out of sight and disappeared from sight without even saying hello.

Both Zhang Deming and Ding Jianjun had nothing to say about this. Ding Jianjun just shook his head, and Zhang Deming just drank tea quietly, and then started chatting again as if Ding Jiuniang had never been here.

The two chatted for a long time before a boy hurriedly delivered a jade box. Zhang Deming glanced at it, not wanting to look at it in person. After confirming that it was the fairy wood, he carefully put it away.

"Then, junior, go back and stop bothering senior!" Zhang Deming stood up and greeted him.

Ding Jianjun nodded and said: "Say hello to your uncle for me, and tell him that he can come to me to play chess and discuss Taoism when he is free!"

"Disciple will bring the words here!" After saying this, Zhang Deming stood up and bowed, floated out of the pavilion, and left with Dang Rushuang.

"This slick guy..." Ding Jianjun looked at Zhang Deming who had disappeared, shook his head, and said to himself: "But to be trained like this by the Zhang family, I guess he is the leader of this generation, so it is worth putting in some effort."

At this time, Ding Jianmin quietly appeared on the railing at the edge of the pavilion. She was still wearing a smart outfit, sitting on the railing, leaning against a pillar, one foot bent on the railing, supporting one hand, and one foot falling on the railing. Outside the railing, it feels so chic and comfortable.

"Isn't the overseas exchange group thing about to be finalized? Isn't it an opportunity to make a good sale!"

Hearing this, Ding Jianjun shook his head with a wry smile and said: "It can't be that easy. Contact between the diplomatic teams of the two worlds is already difficult. The three Great Saints of us are not working together and are wrangling internally.

Under these messy circumstances, everyone would argue each other every time they met, and even if something was decided, it would be changed back and forth. I guess it will take several years for the results to come out, which is really annoying! "

Hearing this, Ding Jianmin glanced at Ding Jianjun and then disappeared again.

Ding Jianjun: "..., why are you running away? I just complained, and I didn't say that I wanted to give up the blame and let you take the blame! Really!"


Zhang Deming brought Dang Rushuang back to Qishengju. He took out the spiritual material and checked it carefully. After confirming that there was nothing wrong with it, he took it and put it into the real spiritual space.

Without waiting for Zhang Deming to do anything else, Zhang Deming suddenly felt the alarm from the monitoring elf, passed through the real space, and came to the chaotic spirit-nurturing space.

I summoned the blinking surveillance elf and took a look. I was a little surprised. Is this a request for help?

As his thoughts flickered, Zhang Deming looked at the situation on the screen. It was already very urgent. Without much hesitation, a spiritual seed emerged with a wave of his hand.

Rune Summoning: Spirit-nurturing Vine Demon Summoning Technique·Ding Jianjun!

The spiritual seed expanded and stretched rapidly, turning into Huang Lao's old appearance.

Rune spell: Split Road!

Immediately afterwards, several light groups flew in and merged into Huang Lao's body. Huang Lao, who originally looked like an ordinary old man, changed his whole person.

The special temperament of being out of dust, indifferent, transcendent and fairy-like comes through. The Taoist robe moves automatically in the absence of wind, and the long silver-white hair floats slightly, as if a banished immortal has arrived. The immortal appearance is unparalleled, but it reveals endless vicissitudes of life.

After preparing, Mr. Huang stretched out his hand to face the void, and a passage emerged. With his hands behind his back, Mr. Huang transformed into a strange spiritual species and submerged into it.


Qu Qingxian, as a disciple of the Qu family from the marginal family of Heavenly Spirit Sect, once thought that he would be like this for the rest of his life.

The talent is neither high nor low, the luck is bad, the family is neither big nor small, and after hundreds of years of stumbling, Tai Chi finally makes its mark.

Liang Yi looks like he's not far away, but actually it's far away, mainly because he's not talented enough and his magic skills are completely inexplicable. Even relying on his seniority, he overcame many seniors in the clan and finally took charge of the entire Qu family.

But as a fringe family in the Heavenly Spirit Sect and one of the Apex Level families in Tianling City, he still has some perspective. In his life, there should be no hope for Liangyi.

Therefore, starting from the age of more than two hundred years, he became bearish. If he lives like this, he can be considered good in this life. There are not many disciples of the Qu family who can compare with him, and there are not many who are better than him in the entire Tianling City.

When he was young, he still wanted to go to the Heavenly Spirit Sect to fight and fight, but the elders in the clan didn't support or stop him. Later, he went to no avail, so he had to come back in despair to inherit the dilapidated family.

Later, he gradually understood why the Qu family lived in the same place. It was because their ancestors had overdrafted their luck, causing the family's fortune to suffer greatly.

Therefore, the Qu family does not have the destiny to be rich and powerful. If there is any great opportunity, given their family's fate, it may be harmful.

This was what his grandfather, the previous clan leader, told him before he died. As a master of Tai Chi, he still believed in his last will and testament.

And he also knew that before his grandfather died, he took many secrets from the clan with him, and the Patriarch of the Qu family passed on the secrets, and he took many of them into the soil, leaving only a small half for him.

Grandpa Grandpa said that some debts had been in debt for too long and should be forgotten. He carried them away and would not give them to his children and grandchildren. Because if he passes it down, no matter what his children and grandchildren choose, it will be too bitter and tiring.

At the beginning, he was a little puzzled, and even resented his grandfather for deliberately cutting off some inheritance of the Qu family, making them both ashamed of their ancestors. After all, their Qu family is said to be an ancient family!

But as he got older, his complaints gradually faded away. He began to develop the entire family and tilted all resources towards the family. Liangyi was already out of reach for him.

But things in the world are always so unpredictable. When I was young, I thought of countless ways and traveled all over the world, but I couldn't find the opportunity. But when I got older, it came.

First, an expert came to the door, and later found that he and the younger disciples of the clan had become disciples of the ancient organization, and somehow had the opportunity to be promoted to Liangyi.

In his more than two hundred years of life, Qu Qingxian, had never had such a great opportunity?

As a low-level family, he knows what kind of opportunity this is, so he cherishes it very much, and with his only grandson, he firmly grasps this opportunity.

This is the ladder to heaven for their Qu family!

Originally, he thought that he would slowly rise up in their future lives and ascend to heaven with the Qu family's chickens and dogs. It's a pity that in such happy days, the coming of tragedy is often ignored.

Grandpa’s instructions before his death have come true. His Qu family has bad luck and is okay, but great wealth will inevitably be accompanied by great disasters.

On that day, an ancestor of his Qu family grew old, but it was not a big blessing, but it made his Qu family almost extinct.

That day, his Qu family's corpses lay everywhere.

On that day, although he was able to acquire the Liangyi, he exchanged the entire Qu family for it. He hated that his family that had developed for a hundred years, and the inheritance of the Qu family for thousands of years, were buried in his hands.

On that day, he entered the Tao as an evil dragon, sticking to the last guarding heart, wanting to protect the continuation of the Qu Family.

It was also at that time that he knew why his great-grandfather left with family secrets and never passed them on to him. At the same time, it was also at that time that he knew why his song family was short of luck.

Because the ancestors of the Qu family committed heinous crimes and heinous crimes, so that it harmed their descendants!

The remnants of the Five Elements Blessed Land in ancient times, the evil cultivators who cannibalize people without spitting out their bones, these things that are not human, turned out to be their ancestors, they turned out to be dark sons.

It's no wonder that when the great grandfather died, he held his hand tightly and said: One cannot choose one's life experience, but one's own destiny is one's own. Their Qu family, since Qu Qingxian, has been an ordinary little practitioner of cultivation. family!

So it turned out that it was because of such an ancestor of the Qu family!

But what about the old ancestor, although Qu Qingxian is not a great virtuous and powerful person, he still knows the big things, and with the backing of the alliance, sooner or later, he will destroy his ancestors and the evil debt that harmed the Qu family.

Although the idea is good, but the disaster is infinite.

In the following catastrophe, the Qu family, who hadn't recovered from it, suffered another devastating blow. Not only were there only a few juniors left, but Qu Qizhong, his most promising junior, was even older than him. The new star of the Qu family who entered the alliance fell like this.

At that time, his black dragon almost went berserk, if not for a few clansmen who had to protect him, he felt that he would have become a demonized dragon at that time.

Later, the damned ancestor finally died, at the hands of the alliance boss. At that time, he clearly felt that the haze weighing on the family dissipated.

That day, he, who hadn't cried in a hundred years, cried like a child, frightening the juniors below to panic.

After being freed, he refused the sect's support, left Tianling City, left the core circle of Heavenly Spirit Sect, went to the edge of Huashui Palace, and started a new construction of the family.

The Qu family has not yet died, and if Qu Qingxian lives for a day, then there is still hope for the Qu family.

While stumbling forward, holding on to the last trace of innocence in his heart, he gradually improved in the evil dragon way and became a well-known three-talented overhaul. He also relied on various benefits of the alliance, especially his outstanding performance in overseas rescues, and received A huge reward.

He could actually hope to have the Four Symbols. Once upon a time, he did not dare to think of being a three-talented monk. He only wanted to become a two-sect major cultivator. Now, having the Four Symbols is not an extravagant hope. That is the level of the Supreme Elder of the Heavenly Spirit Sect!

With such expectations, time flies, and in the blink of an eye, for decades, he relied on the alliance to improve his cultivation day by day, and the Qu family also regained its vitality in just a few decades.

Although they are all a group of newborn babies, the situation is better than it was back then. He is worthy of the dead great grandfather, and will not be ashamed to meet him.

His cultivation has unknowingly reached the peak of the three talents, and he needs to advance to the four images. But a person like him is similar to Independent Cultivator. Where do they get the resources?

In the clan? The whole family is supported by him!

You can only find it yourself, find it yourself. Fortunately, now that the alliance has gradually recovered, especially the merchant alliance, he has also become the manager of the first district, a platform for millions of monks, and various high, medium and low-level transactions, at least not without options.

This is the spirit stone, I'm a little speechless!

Why is it that every slightly stronger alliance disciple is like this, holding on to one or two spirit stones, so every penny counts!

Why does he feel that there are more and more poor monks like him in the Blue Sky Alliance?

Is it an illusion?

No, it’s not an illusion!

Low-level monks who want spirit stones are a bit lucky. For example, although the symbiotic species does not mainly swallow spirit stones, it swallows resource materials!

Cultivation as a symbiotic species, swallowing spiritual materials and swallowing stones to increase cultivation;

Spell symbiotic species, swallowing spiritual materials to improve skill proficiency;

There are also symbiotic species of artifacts, and life weapon monks enhance life weapons, which are also swallows of various spiritual materials.

The symbiotic species are all like this, wouldn't the stronger Heaven and Earth Seal and Xuanhuang Seal be more exaggerated?

What kind of ancient high-level alliance is this? This is an alliance for cultivating poor people. However, among the high-level disciples of the alliance, few are rich, no, not one is rich, at least he has not seen them!

But even if they are poor, it is also a great opportunity. Countless disciples are happy with each other, pain and happiness. After all, a grassroots like him can start to fight for Sixiang, which shows what a great opportunity this is.

Through the Whisperer Gathering, he got to know a circle that was neither high nor low, and had his own path.

These days, through this circle, he has gathered a wave of Sancai disciples, some of whom are raising resources like him, some who have just started raising resources like him, and some who have been preparing for hundreds of years and have not yet completed it.

There are also a few who are purely here for experience, and even Qu Qingxian vaguely discovered that there are disciples from the great sect among them!

A group of them started to travel together. Fortunately, now that Hongmeng Secret Realm is everywhere, he should have a chance to raise all the resources of the Four Symbols!

In the days that followed, I broke into several secret realms, had some twists and turns, and gradually had more than half of the resources. But as the saying goes, if you walk too much at night, you will encounter ghosts sooner or later.

On another trip to a secret realm, they accidentally entered a completely enclosed secret realm and encountered an ancient evil, alive!

After being trapped in the secret realm for many days, Fellow Daoists died one by one. The surrounding area was sealed off and completely isolated from the world.

Fortunately, he didn't deserve to die. When Fellow Daoist died and there was only him and another mysterious sword cultivator, that is, when he had always suspected that the other party was a training disciple from Grotto-Heaven, the other party broke out desperately.

The last sword strike was simply shocking. Although he failed to kill the evildoer, he accidentally broke the blockade. He seized the opportunity and transformed into a black dragon to escape with him.

Unfortunately, the house leaked and it rained all night. As soon as he came out of the wolf's den, he was immediately blocked by an evil tiger, which eventually led to him being overtaken. Wouldn't fate favor him, Qu Qingxian, in this life?

Qu Qingxian looked at the evil disaster that was chased out of the space because of a moment's obstruction, and the picture of this life flashed through his mind.

At this moment, he was exhausted, but he was unwilling to accept his fate and bowed to his fate.

Taking advantage of the unblocked moment, he put his hands around his chest and tried to pray again.

"Boundless Hongmeng······"


(End of chapter)

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