Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 753 Mission Building

Chapter 753 Mission Building

These people must be recruited if they can come. At the same time, it is already the Third Realm Hongmeng Conference, and it is time to add two new people, otherwise it will easily give people the idea of ​​fixed members.

Zhang Deming thought for a moment, and with a slight movement of his mind, he began to call the meeting members.


Hongmeng Sacred Land, ever since Jian Wuxin was captured by Jian Chen and brought back to Sacred Land, he seemed to have been imprisoned and was cultivating on the Hongmeng Sacred Peak.

Watching Jian Chen practice swordplay and listening to Yu Qianyu reading all day long, it seemed that his mission was to hold the snake bone sword and watch from the side, or to be precise, hang up.

Because since he came back, his cultivation level has begun to improve by leaps and bounds. Without doing anything, his cultivation level has been rising on its own. He is even more speechless than when he was 'gaining momentum' before.

At least when he was accumulating power, he clearly felt that the source of his power was the master's sword seed in his body. When he kept trying the sword Hongmeng, the reason why he was able to break through quickly was not because of the success of "accumulating power" at all.

It's completely due to the continuous power transmitted from the sword seed, and it's not the kind of skill passed down by the master. It's no different from him absorbing spiritual power to cultivate, and there are no sequelae at all.

It was strange enough at the time, but fortunately, he could barely accept it because of Master's greeting. It must have been Master doing something, it was Master's strange method, but now he can't understand it at all.

For example, half a year ago, he just sat around and did nothing, let alone spiritual materials, and he didn't even do any cultivation!

What's even more speechless is that he is from Liuhe. He doesn't have any visions at all, just like he is a monk from Liuhe. Master and the others don't respond either. If he asked, whether it was to Master Jian Chen or Master Uncle Qian Yu, he would always give a reply.

"First stabilize the sword in your arms so that it doesn't fluctuate, and then let's talk!"

In addition to him, Yu Baiwen was also called back. This junior brother who grew up with him, faced with his own confusion, Yu Baiwen was simply desperate.

After all, the two of them have never stopped comparing and competing with each other since childhood. Now...hehe...

Today, the master is still practicing swordsmanship, the master uncle is studying, while Xianyu hangs up beside him, and the junior brother Yu Baiwen is practicing hard, like an eternal picture.

At this time, the practitioners Yu Baiwen and Jian Wuxin's breaths fluctuated for a moment at the same time, they both opened their eyes, and even the snake bone swords in their arms shook.

When the two looked at each other, they stood up together. Without saying hello to the two masters who were practicing swordsmanship and studying, they turned around and left, entering the side yard.

Jian Chen who was practicing swordsman and Qian Yu who was studying just glanced at the two of them and didn't notice anything unusual. They continued to do their own things. As long as the two children didn't go out recently, there were no restrictions on the other two.

The same situation is found in various places such as Lingshan and Yuling Sacred Land. The nine members of the original Hongmeng Conference entered their practice rooms one after another and sat down cross-legged, as if they were practicing meditation.


At the same time, in the Spiritual Education Space, at the round table meeting in the All Living Beings Building, figures began to emerge from each seat.

As people emerged one after another, they all looked around subconsciously. During this look, they all discovered differences.

In the previous two meetings, except for Mr. Huang and Mr. Xing, the remaining ten positions were fixed. After the two meetings, everyone also had a certain understanding.

This time... there have been quite a few changes. It is obvious that there are two more positions, and some changes have taken place in the other three.

First of all, the old man's ten positions have not changed, but only nine people have come, and Yidao (Pei Xiaoxiao)'s position is vacant. I don't know why.

In addition, Jiqi (Tong Hou) has completely become a normal person, no longer a teenager, nor a frozen amber, a baby or something.

There is also Huajian (Li Shifan). There is no one in this guy's position, but unlike Yidao's position, there is a snake-bone sword floating at the moment.

Because of the sacrifice of chess, even though they had already gained knowledge, they subconsciously took a second look after seeing Li Shifan turned into a strange sword.

In addition to the changes in the old members, everyone found that there were two more positions. The original twelve positions had now become fourteen.

One is a young man with a vague face beside the painted sword. There is another one that is even more attractive. It is a strong and strong man, but the other party obviously has a monkey tail. It is not clear whether it is a Beast Race or a sub-human.

At this moment, the other party looked at everyone vigilantly. It seemed that this was the first time they had come here. Of course, there was not much shock. It seemed that they had at least learned about the alliance.

Seeing this change, everyone was silent for a while.

At this time, the illusory figure of Huang Lao on the main seat gradually solidified, while Xing Lao was still illusory, like a projection. Everyone immediately came back to their senses, they all got up and saluted and said, "I've seen Mr. Huang and Mr. Xing!"

Huang Lao looked around the crowd, nodded and said, "Well, sit down!"

After hearing this, everyone sat down one by one.

"I believe everyone has seen it. This time there are two newcomers." Huang Lao looked at Jian Wuxin and Yuan Cheng and said, "So before the party starts, welcome the next two newcomers and give each of them a code name."

That's right, there are so many two people, one is because Li Shifan has been deeply involved with Jian Wuxin, and the other is Monkey King Yuan Cheng.

Of course, the two didn't just join the alliance today, at least they have been through it for a while, and they already have a certain understanding of the alliance, but it's just the first time to participate in such a gathering.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to agree to Huang Lao's invitation to enter here.

Following Huang Lao's words, everyone looked at the two of them. After a long period of understanding of the alliance, Jian Wuxin, who had even quietly participated in the Whisperers' Gathering, instantly understood that this place should be the highest core of the Whisperers' Gathering lock up.

His eyes flickered, and he said, "Extraordinary Sword"

Huang Lao nodded, looked at the pensive Yuan Cheng, and said, "What about you?"

Although Yuan Cheng also knew about the alliance, he should still be in the stage of quietly searching for Daocheng. At this moment, he is digesting the information about the Whisperers gathering in his mind.

Of course, since he agreed to invite him in, it was obvious that he knew something about it before, and he wasn't completely unfamiliar with it, so he replied divinely after being asked, "Monkey King!"

Following his words, everyone's eyes flickered, and it was probably certain that this was a monkey monster.

This idea emerged, making everyone subconsciously look at Huang Lao and Xing Lao, so the alliance not only includes the human race, isn't the Beast Race also considered hostile? It is also mainstream for the Beast Race of the ancient gods!

At this moment, almost all the old members had such an idea across their minds.

"Okay, that's it for the introduction of the new members. If you want to get acquainted with each other, you can come down and gather by yourself in Xundao City. I won't waste time here and start this gathering."

As Huang Lao spoke, he looked around the crowd, paused for a moment, and continued: "As usual, let me first say two things."

Following Huang Lao's words, everyone became energetic and listened carefully.

"The first thing is Venerable. Duzunlou has been recovering for several years. You and other regions have been developing Venerable for a long time. I think it has reached a certain scale. It is time to officially start Venerable! "

Qian Qian (Du Xuanda) frowned in confusion and said, "On duty?"

Everyone looked puzzled, especially the old people. After all, as far as they know, the Alliance currently has no physical location other than the Temple Gathering Hall, the gathering point of the Whisperers, which is a physical location.

Everyone knows that the temple gathering place should be in the secret realm, which belongs to the Zhang family's territory, and does not require any guarding at all. As for Xindao City, it is obviously a special legal domain, between illusion and reality, and there is no need for patrols at all.

Huang Lao looked around, and under the doubtful eyes of everyone, he nodded and said: "Yes, it is on duty, that is, on duty."

Everyone was suddenly stunned, and then their eyes flickered.

Regardless of their reactions, Mr. Huang continued: "Venerable is the guardian of the Tao, and the original leader of the Duzun Building was the one who was asked to be responsible.

Previously, due to reasons such as his recent recovery, Lao Dao managed the entire petition in various incarnations while signing the contract.

Now I see that Duzunlou has begun to operate, and Venerable has become more popular in recent years, so Venerable needs to slowly start taking over the petition.

As for how to distribute it, if you take over now, Alliance Spirit will automatically distribute it later. You just need to be ready for rescue at any time during your duty. Once the mission is issued, you need to enter the portal in time for rescue.

After all, when there is a portal, it is necessary to ask for help, either because the situation is very critical or because of special circumstances.

Of course, you don't have to worry about not being able to complete it. Since it's a rescue, generally the tasks assigned are ones that you can solve, and those that can't be solved won't be assigned to you.

Don't think that this is hard work. Among the alliance's contributions, the easiest way to win a big share is to ask for help.

10% of the contribution deducted for each rescue will be deducted and used to allocate losses in various task allocation plans, and the remaining 90% will be allocated to rescuers according to their work. "

Following Huang Lao's words, everyone was more or less happy. After all, the alliance's contribution was really in short supply and it was really difficult to deal with.

There are many places to spend money, especially alliance transactions. Contribution point transactions are even more popular than barter, and have become the main currency in the high-end market today.

Mr. Huang paused for a moment as everyone's thoughts flickered, and continued: "Second, the Alliance Mission Building will be fully revived in a few days."

Everyone was stunned when they heard this. They had already experienced the resurgence of several alliance forces. You must know that the resurgence of each force represents a huge opportunity.

The establishment of Venerable forces in Duzun Tower, the various welfare updates of the Business Alliance, etc. The revival of each force represents a great opportunity for the alliance.

Mr. Huang ignored everyone's scorching gazes and continued: "The mission building is different from the previous buildings. It does not have its own corresponding city area, but it contains all city areas.

In all cities that have been revived, mission buildings will appear on the main streets of each district, where missions can be released and received. Of course, it can still be operated in the book of living beings, and you can understand the specific differences by yourself.

The Mission Building is quite special in the Alliance. It is not guarded by an existence like Lao Chan like the Xuanhuang Building and the Duzun Building.

Unlike the Deep Blue Merchant Alliance, which has been managed and distributed by aristocratic families for a long time, it is automatically allocated by the spirit of the alliance and does not belong to any force, nor to any city or alliance being.

Including when to recover, it is all determined by the spirit of the alliance and according to the progress of the recovery of the alliance.

Of course, I know that what you are concerned about is, after the recovery of Loudong, what changes or differences will there be in the task pages in the sentient beings book. "

At this point, Mr. Huang deliberately paused, looked around the world, and saw that he had attracted all the eyes, and then continued: "There are not many differences, but...

It only has one main effect changed, which is Dao Fruit. In addition to the tasks sent by members privately, there will be certain tasks generated, and the origin of Dao Fruit in the precious benefits is mainly from the major tasks! "





At this moment, even the two newcomers were startled. The main reason is that the welfare of the alliance is really against the sky. Just one symbiotic species has broken the fate of countless people.

This is known to everyone, and the Xuanhuang Seal is even rarer. As for the Heaven and Earth Seal... it is now shown that only three people have obtained it.

Although the effect is unknown, let's compare it, because everyone wants to know the horror of this thing. With the examples of the lucky ones of the symbiotic species, countless people are craving for precious benefits such as heaven and earth, Xuanhuang, symbiotic species, and catastrophe breakthroughs.

It's a pity that the exchange contribution of these benefits is not bad. No matter how much it is, at least we can see the road and have hope. But for the demand of Dao Fruit, I simply don't know where to start.

Now Huang Lao's words mean that obtaining the alliance's precious benefits is no longer the era of luck, but has completely entered the era of fighting for heritage, with formal access channels!

After Huang Laoyan finished speaking, the group of people didn't speak for a long time, each of them looked different, and they didn't know what to think.

"By the way, since most of you here have Venerable identities, and there are many Venerables under your command, I would like to remind you.

After the mission building is opened, the scope of Venerable's berm will not be limited to calling for help. Tasks can also be received and sent.

Well, what category? For example, some disciples are adventurous and need a secret escort, but they themselves are Independent Cultivators, and they can send Dao protection tasks without the care of their elders.

Another example is that some small sects are attacked and need to be protected, and related tasks can also be issued. Specific details will be issued after the mission building is revived. "

Everyone reacted differently to Huang Lao's words, some were interested, some frowned, and some were expressionless.

Mr. Huang paused for a long time, giving everyone some space to think, and then continued: "Okay, that's all I have to say today. Let's move on to the second part, the free trading part!"

After speaking, he leaned back directly and said nothing more.

After a moment of silence at the party, the old people were quite familiar with each other. Tong Hou hesitated for a moment, and spoke first:

"I still want to buy something to purify the Tao, to resolve the sequelae of the Tao inheritance. There is no restriction on the type, whether it is artifacts, spiritual materials, magic pills, etc., as long as they are useful."

(End of chapter)

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