Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 758 I Care

Chapter 758 I care

Grandma often said: Everyone’s body and life are gifts from the gods and should be cherished.

Then something like this should be a masterpiece of the gods, right?

If you don't cherish it, the legendary King of Gods and Lord of all things will be very angry, right?

After all, the gods are watching us!

Che Yuting thought this way, and slowly convinced himself that he did not take that step. After sitting quietly all night, she decided that she would no longer sit back and wait for death, no longer hide in this small orphanage, and live a cautious life. She needed to take the initiative.

In the days that followed, she still maintained her original life. At the same time, she no longer avoided every 'good Samaritan', but carefully observed them.

Half a year later, another kind-hearted person appeared. He was different from the previous successful people in neat suits. He was not clean, even a little slovenly, and his personality seemed a little timid or shocked or depressed.

None of the children who had been competing to be the first to show off showed little interest. But her eyes lit up because she didn't feel the aura from the street corner from him.

She quietly asked her grandma if the other party wanted a boy or a girl.

Perhaps it was the first time I saw myself asking this question with my weird personality. The much older grandma looked at me in surprise and said:

"Girl, but this gentleman's family is not rich, and he has not even married a wife. He wants to raise a baby to last him the rest of his life, but because he is not married, he does not meet the requirements."

Che Yuting knew that Mammy was indeed hesitant.

"I'll go!" Che Yuting replied.

Grandma was stunned again. She looked at the dirty Che Yuting for a long time before saying, "Even if I agree, I still have to choose someone!"

"Yeah!" Che Yuting replied, and then left in a hurry.

Grandma thought about it for a long time, and she didn't know what she was thinking. Finally, she agreed to the kindhearted person's adoption.

She didn't take Che Yuting's words seriously and let the other party choose when she got back. She only appeared from the door when the timid middle-aged man had already started to choose among the crowd. But her appearance attracted everyone's attention.

She was wearing a donated long dress that she had carefully put away. Although it was a bit old, it was not torn or faded. The pink color was the main color for her age.

At eight years old, although she is not the oldest child, she has become the taller among the children. After carefully dressing up, she is completely different from before, as delicate as a doll.

The grandma's eyes were full of surprise; the eyes of the children around her were indeed pure and dull; the middle-aged man's eyes were indeed full of surprise and surprise, and there was a glimmer of light that made her instinctively uncomfortable. Making her frown slightly.

No matter what, as long as she is not a successful person like that on the street corner, if she leaves with such a "good-hearted person", it won't be long before she becomes a street presence on the two streets opposite.

"Her!" Not surprisingly, the man was stunned for a moment and pointed at himself.

"This..." Grandma seemed a little hesitant. This hesitation should not have happened before this morning.

"Mommy, I do!" Che Yuting said, killing her delayed words in advance.

In this way, she had a 'father'.

She followed him through a street corner and came to an area she was unfamiliar with. In fact, she has not been familiar with many places in these years, and has been hiding in the orphanage.

However, although the place is a bit dirty and the smell is a bit bad, the treatment is much better than that in the orphanage. It seems that I have made the right choice.

That's what she thought before dinner.

During dinner, she and her kind-hearted ‘father’ had steak. The strange thing was that although there was a light, it was not turned on, but a candle was lit.

The other party seemed to be the same as himself. He cleaned up carefully and it was no longer as sloppy as it was in the afternoon. Although it was still unsightly and a little bald, at least it was not that bad.

That's fine, life should be much better in the future, thank the gods for watching!

Thinking of this, she felt a little uncomfortable. Looking up, in the dim candlelight, the vague outline of the 'good-hearted man' father came into view.

The other party smiled and looked at himself with a twinkle in his eyes. As the candlelight jumped, the other party's eyes seemed extremely bright.

This light again!

Che Yuting frowned slightly, lowered his head slightly, and quietly ate his steak. Meat is not often available in welfare homes.

After dinner, the father of the "good-hearted man" told her that his name was Shang Kexiang, and he would be her father from now on.

During the inquiry, he knew that he was eight years old and it was time to go to school. He said he would ask about it later.

Well, I was in elementary school. Don't even think about welfare homes like theirs, kindergartens, etc. Many children don't go to public primary schools until they are eight or nine years old.

After that, she went back to her house. Her house seemed to be carefully decorated. The pink room was the most beautifully decorated among all the rooms, but it didn't look like new.

I felt a little uneasy for no reason, did I really choose the right one?

Will not! The gods should favor her once!

Mammy said that the gods are fair and will take care of everyone!

Thinking like this, she slowly fell into sleep.


In the middle of the night, she suddenly woke up for no reason.

The door of the house was opened, and the night in the city, even if it was late at night, the room would not be dark, at least not here.

Through the dark room, she saw a dark crack in the door, like the entrance to hell, dark and deep.

In the crack, a pitch-black figure stood there, only a vague outline and those bright eyes could be seen.

"He seems hesitant? What does he want to do?"

Che Yuting, who was pretending to be asleep, thought about it, then she moved and raised her head in confusion, "Uncle, what's the matter?"

"Hehe, it's okay, it's okay, I'm worried that you won't sleep well, come and have a look!" The other party replied.

"Oh, you go to sleep, I'm fine!" Che Yuting replied.



"Dong dong..."

With the sound of closing the door, the other party seemed to have left, and the feeling of something wrong all over Che Yuting's body also slowly dissipated.

In the following days, Che Yuting felt more and more uncomfortable, the door would be opened every night, even if she locked it, she still had the key.

At first, the other party was still outside the door, but after a few days, he was beside the bed. Until one night, the other party actually kissed her on the lips while she was pretending to sleep.

The feeling that something was wrong became stronger and stronger, and she was sure that she had chosen the wrong one. Not necessarily worse than the corner option, but probably not much better.

She began to plan to leave, but this will take some time, because she doesn't plan to go back to the orphanage, and she can't go back. In this case, she probably needs some money.

Damn it, I should know more about the outside world these years, I shouldn't hide in the orphanage and not get in touch with those people on the street corner.

Unfortunately, she doesn't have that much time.

When she woke up one night again, she felt a pair of rough hands walking around her body.

"Uncle, what are you doing!" She suppressed her panic and said as innocently as possible.

"Uncle is playing a game with you. All you have to do is keep quiet, and there will be delicious candies tomorrow. Do you like it?" said the 'good Samaritan'.

"But I'm so sleepy. Let's talk about the game tomorrow!" Che Yuting replied.

"It'll be fine in a minute, my little baby!"

As she spoke, the black shadow beside the bed began to approach her. Its dark outline was like a legendary demon that chose people to devour. Those bright eyes seemed to be able to devour people's souls.


After a long time, she didn't know how she got here.

She only knew that when she came back to her senses, her somewhat torn clothes were covered with blood, hot blood, and the 'good Samaritan' was lying on her pink bed, dyeing the bed crimson, which was extremely dazzling.

His eyes were wide open, he was covering his chest, and his mouth was half-open, staring at himself. It seems that he never understood until his death why an eight or nine-year-old girl and a piece of broken glass ended up in his life.

Che Yuting was stunned for a long time. The hot blood had semi-solidified and turned a little cold. The dark red color of the scabs seemed to declare that it was not her blood.

"Tick tock!"

The palm holding the lens was still dripping with blood. It must have been cut when he stabbed the other person.

Looking down, through the dim light of the room, Che Yuting saw a blurry blood shadow in the blood-red mirror.

On the same night, she made another choice. This time she was injured, and a completely different life began. She knew this clearly.

She also knew what her ending would be, but she couldn't resist. Even though she is eight years old, she is different, but she is still not enough here.

Then the police came. They first changed from disgust, to pity, and finally... to show off?

When everything calmed down, she entered a special place, somewhat like a juvenile detention center, a place worse than an orphanage. At least the boys in the orphanage are not 'perverted'.

Yes, it's a perversion. This was a word she learned from the police after she was adopted, and was used to describe Shang Kexiang, her only adoptive father.

There are too many such perverts among the half-grown children and managers here, and her face seems to have become a curse here, making it difficult to survive.

Do the gods really care?

Why did she never have it?

Could it be that just because of her face, all their favors had been used up?

What if she gives it back to them?

Che Yuting, who felt it was increasingly difficult to protect himself, looked at himself in the fragmented lenses again late at night.

Maybe it was because the lenses were replaced, but the original one was left at the police station. This time, she was a little disgusted with herself in the mirror. This face was not a masterpiece at all, it was a curse.

That night, she still didn't do anything because she couldn't.

But the next day, when she was bullied by some older girls, she accidentally bumped into a mirror. Half of her face was bloody and bloody, leaving horrific wounds.

Many people deplored this, but she was not sad at all because it was her choice.

The days that followed suddenly became much easier. Although it was still difficult, the ever-present gaze finally dissipated.

Years passed as time passed, and her life became increasingly difficult.

It was obvious that half of her face had been ruined, but as she grew up, some perverts began to look at her again, no longer looking at her face, but her figure.

She knew it was time to leave. After all, she was twelve years old and should be able to live on the streets. In the streets next to the orphanage, there are not many people who start working at the age of twelve, but there are some.

Although she doesn't stand on the street anymore, she should be able to live.

Having learned the lesson from the previous time, she did not delay and left immediately. She had long known the secret passages where children of the same age could sneak out and fool around at night, so she left there without any pressure.

But when she went out on the street, she realized that she was still too young for her age. She lacked systematic education, and even though she matured precociously, she really didn't know much.

In this lower city, there isn't much work to do at this age.

She had no choice but to become dirty and disfigured again, and it was not difficult for her to integrate into the world of homeless people. They are cruel, realistic, but occasionally tender.

They were the best group of people she had met in these years.

But... why do homeless people still have groups and gang management?

You can’t even afford food, and you still have to pay protection fees?

ha! Protect what?

To protect her from the favor of the gods?

Have the gods really favored her?

Lord, have you really seen this world and shown mercy to all living beings?

"Haha, even if I return your masterpiece, you have never favored me!"

Feeling that his body was starting to get cold, Che Yuting, who had been beaten and broken in many places, even with open fractures, felt that his life was flowing away with the blood, and he let out a final sigh.

Faith, which was originally her last insistence, now seems to be broken. Is it because she is too philanthropic and believes in too many gods?

When she was confused, she seemed to see a door of light emerging, and a man with an extremely beautiful appearance who looked like a legendary god stepped out of it.

How perfect he is, divine, radiant, and extremely holy. He seems to represent all the beauty of men. At this moment, this scene seemed to last forever, as deep in her mind as her first memory.

I saw him looking at me with those star-like eyes, there was no trace of filth, only pity, affection, and a little bit of anger.

Was it because she was angry that she didn’t have faith until the end? She really should be angry, after all, when she abandoned her faith, she was blessed!


She looked at him and sighed, and then the other person lowered his body, stretched out his holy hand, and touched her dirty and ugly face.

She instinctively wanted to hide. How could someone like her tarnish the holiness of God!

Unfortunately, she no longer had the strength to hide. If it hadn't been for his arrival, she would have closed her eyes. Even if she had them open now, it probably wouldn't last long.

As he touched her, Che Yuting felt a warmth spread throughout her body. Her whole body was cheering and her whole body was filled with warmth.

What kind of warmth it was, it seemed to instantly warm her cold life and illuminate her dark heart.

She looked at him dreamily, even if she had the strength, she did not dare to move, for fear that if she moved, she would wake up from this impossible dream.

He looked at himself and suddenly spoke.

"Little guy, you said: The gods have never favored you, so I will favor you from now on!"

Let me reiterate: Che Yuting's character has a tragic past, but she uses wisdom to protect her holiness and chooses suffering for purity, the standard path of a saint. Of course I don’t mean to criticize women today at all!

‘Feminist’ is still a ‘good girl’, she just wants to have a good life, these hypersensitive bosses, please don’t just think about it, or even go so far as to say that I insinuate real female values!

(End of chapter)

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