Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 761 Has There Been A Change In Bailingmen?

Chapter 761 Has there been a change in Bailingmen?

Zhang Deming looked at everyone, looked around the blood pool, paused for a moment, and continued: "If we don't care, as the construction continues, it may be forced in and be sublimated, or it may simply be unable to withstand it and break.

This situation, if there is no way to solve it, then that's it, it's worth a try. But if there are means to solve it, there is no need to be so radical. Stop for a while so you can clear up the current progress and overall situation.

As for me, I will try to find a serious seven-star formation to lay the foundation for, so as not to cause problems every now and then. And once the world spirit is successfully upgraded, it will definitely be promoted to the eight-star formation.

At that time, no matter what the function of the formation, it will also have shocking effects, and this world will completely become the core of our clan, whether it is protecting the road, raising people, or farming, no matter what! "

"This... ancestor said this is a good thing?" Everyone was in a daze after hearing this, and Zhang Xiuqing said in surprise.

Zhang Deming nodded and said: "To a certain extent, it is a good thing!"

Everyone who was on tenterhooks breathed a long sigh of relief, and at the same time, after reacting, they put on expressions of extreme surprise.

Zhang Deming glanced at everyone and said to Zhang Zeli: "Okay, I'm going to work on the formation. You can do it yourself here!"

"Congratulations to my uncle!"

"Farewell to our ancestors!"


Under the watch of everyone, Zhang Deming left Chenlong Realm directly, returned to the small courtyard training room, and closed his eyes.


In the Qishengju training room, Zhang Deming opened his eyes again, frowned and began to think deeply,

There is no need to go to Sacred Land to get the perfect seven-star formation that you have learned little by little. Bailingmen has it, but how to do this?

Looking for the Ding family?

No, as soon as the idea came up, Zhang Deming shook his head and rejected it. Given the importance that the Ding family now attaches to him, or to his 'uncle' Zhang Bodao, it is obvious that he will agree immediately.

But it is extremely possible not to charge money, or to collect something symbolically. After all, this thing is precious even if it is precious, but it is just a method of arranging the formation. If it is not a seven-star formation set, the value is just that.

For the Ding family, exchanging such a thing for a favor from his uncle Zhang Bu Dao is definitely better than negotiating a serious business deal. After all, it is not a Seven-Star Spiritual Treasure.

But it won't be easy to pay it back later. With his current status and this small advantage, he can no longer be greedy.

And besides looking for the Ding family, he doesn't seem to have anything to do with Bailingmen?

Hidden stakes?

The circle is a bit low-level, it’s too difficult for them!

Looking for Dean Niu or Luan Shucheng?

It’s better to send an alliance mission. The alliance circle should be advanced enough now, and a mission of this level should not be left unasked after being posted!

Wait, that’s not right. Although I belong to Dao Palace as a coach, I also seem to belong to the middle and upper management of Bailingmen, right?

After all, Dao Palace still belongs to Bailing Sect to a certain extent. He also came in for advanced studies, so he should have the relevant authority himself, right?

Thinking of this, Zhang Deming's eyes lit up, he turned over his hand and took out his ID card, and clicked on the related list to take a look. Sure enough, he has authority over Bailingmen Sutra Pavilion, and it is a very high authority!

It's just that in recent years, because of his demand for magic, he has gone from writing new books to make up for shortcomings to a stage where he needs to focus on development, so he rarely pays attention to this aspect.

Seeing that he had permission, Zhang Deming no longer struggled with which channel to use. He stood up directly, left the training room, and without anyone following him, he floated toward the main peak below the floating island where the Bailing Sutra Pavilion was located.

Not long after he floated out of the yard, before leaving Dao Palace, he ran into Niu Xinyuan who was also going out.

Zhang Deming stopped, saluted Niu Xinyuan, and said, "I have met Dean Niu!"

Niu Xinyuan returned the greeting slightly: "Master Zhang, are you going out?"

Zhang Deming nodded with a smile and said, "Well, I want to go to the sect Sutra Pavilion. Where is the dean, are you going out too?"

Niu Xinyuan nodded and said: "Well, the sect just sent out a notice. It seems that there is something big to discuss. Even us Dao Palace old guys have called us. It must be something big."


Has the dean of Dao Palace been notified?

Bailingmen sect representative conference?

Zhang Deming's expression changed slightly and he said, "Then I won't waste the dean's time!"

Niu Xinyuan said: "Well, let's talk when we have time. I'll go down first!"

After saying that, the two of them passed by each other, and Niu Xinyuan floated out of the Dao Palace and towards the bottom of the floating island.

Zhang Deming watched the other person fly towards Bailing Peak, the main peak below. At this moment, one can vaguely see that many monks in the sky are gathering towards Bailing Peak.

From a distance, it seems that most of the cultivation levels are in the Five Elements stage, and they require a high status and a large number of people.

This...couldn't it really be a sectarian congress?

There hasn't been such a big movement in many years. Did something happen to the sect?

Zhang Deming's thoughts flickered for a moment and then he stopped paying attention. His current status, neither high nor low, has not yet reached that standard.

It's useless to think so much. If something really happens, you will know when the notification comes later. If the sky falls, there will be tall people to hold it up.

After calming down his thoughts, Zhang Deming flew towards the main peak of Sutra Pavilion.

Strictly speaking, Dao Palace is the subordinate unit of Bailingmen Sutra Pavilion. Therefore, as a master, Zhang Deming also has very high authority in the main pavilion.

Therefore, he does not need any verification at all. With an identity card, he can easily enter the Sutra Pavilion of Bailingmen.


The General Pavilion is located in the mountain complex of the main peak of Sutra Pavilion. It is the core building of this peak, but it does not look big. Compared with the surrounding tall buildings, it looks a bit small and simple.

A transparent energy ball shrouded it 24 hours a day without closing. No one was on duty, either around or at the door.

Zhang Deming came to the energy shield, took out the identity token, touched it lightly, and the light curtain stretched out like a bubble, wrapping Zhang Deming in.

In this way, Zhang Deming passed through the energy shield like a light curtain. Floating into the main hall, the sense of space is suddenly bright. A very powerful space expansion formation is used here, which feels very strange.

Moreover, Bailing Sutra Pavilion is completely different from Heavenly Spirit Sect and Yuling Sacred Land's inheritance courtyard. It seems that the fully automated management of formations is adopted here, and there is no one person in the whole process, and there is no inside.

The moment Zhang Deming entered the hall, he seemed to be in a huge space, which was pure white and devoid of anything.

At this time, an illusory screen appeared in front of him, allowing him to choose the category he needed.

Zhang Deming clicked curiously, and then, the whole space was flipped and folded like a mirror, and instantly turned into a quaint library, surrounded by bookshelves, and a heavy sense of history rushed over.

"Let me go, this Sutra General Pavilion was built with a small secret realm, is it so hanging? It feels like it's higher than the Sacred Land Inheritance Academy!"

Looking at the surrounding space folded and finally turned into a library, Zhang Deming couldn't help sighing. Of course, this is just the feeling of modern people, that is, the visual experience.

If you feel it as a cultivator, a Spiritual Treasure from the Sacred Land Heritage Institute will serve you, and it will crush all the bells and whistles here, which can be regarded as a serious and unpretentious pretense.

The layout of the library is very old, and it looks extremely historical. There is only a light screen in front of it, which is a bit out of place. At this moment, the light screen has become a directory search.

After this experience, Zhang Deming probably knew that if he continued to choose, the surroundings would continue to fold and change, and then eventually turn into a small library with only a few bookshelves, and then he could choose by himself.

But looking at the secret numbing books around him, even if it was just in the formation area, Zhang Deming felt excited. There were so many books and they seemed to have an extremely long history. There should be a lot of wool!

Zhang Deming's eyes flickered a little, he struggled for a moment, and finally gritted his teeth, too lazy to care so much.

Now that he is such an identity, it should be no problem to turn over the title page of the book in the array area. Even if someone finds out, as long as he doesn't secretly record the spell, he won't be treated badly.

He is currently short of time and luck, since he is here, there is no reason to let him go.

Therefore, Zhang Deming ignored the light curtains around him and began to flip through the books on the shelves one by one. As soon as the first book was opened, Zhang Deming was startled.

The content of luck and merit in the book is actually five times more than that of Heavenly Spirit Sect. Zhang Deming refers to the unit content of each book. If the total quantity of all areas in the pavilion is included, it is definitely ten times more than that of Heavenly Spirit Sect. More than twice that.

Of course, Zhang Deming is also aware of the main reason for this. The inner gate of Bailingmen is actually not divided into branches and main courtyards. All the Sutra Pavilions on each peak are actually the entrance to a small secret realm, all connected here.

It's just that the entrances are different, the levels are different, and the areas you enter are naturally different. In other words, the entire Bailingmen is here to learn spells, and they have a high monomer content, so it is inevitable.

In this way, Zhang Deming started the sweeping mode. As the books of spells were turned over and put down by Zhang Deming, his luck began to increase, and he happily rolled his fingers.


Bailing Peak and the Meeting Hall are now filled with all kinds of monks. Most of them are Five Elements monks, and there are also a few Four Elephants monks. They seem to be from surrounding sects affiliated with them. There are hundreds of them.

Obviously, Bailingmen has a certain level of management, and they all came here. This turned out to be a representative meeting of the entire Bailingmen sect. Such a prudent meeting had not been seen for several years.

On the main high platform of the hall, there is also a row of long conference tables. Seven major cultivators with different auras were located there. The one with the weakest aura was Ding Jiuniang, and the remaining six were at least serious Liuhe cultivators.

Obviously, all the high-end forces on the surface of Bailingmen have also come, which shows how serious the matters to be discussed in this conference are.

However, everyone is clearly here at this moment, including the seven people in charge, but the conference has not started yet, and I don’t know what to expect.

Among the seven people in the main seat, the second person on the left edge is a middle-aged man who looks a bit elegant and has the strongest bookishness among the seven.

His name is Zhao Zhuo, the master of Sutra Pavilion of Bailingmen, the contemporary ancestor of the Zhao family, and the most powerful person in Bailingmen in terms of power, status, and cultivation.

At this moment, to his left is the far left seat of the seven people. Sima Qian, the ancestor of the Sima family, is sitting there, and on the right is Ding Jianjun, the talker of the Ding family.

The three of them were chatting leisurely. At this moment, Zhao Zhuo suddenly paused and pointed at the identity token under the gaze of the two people.

Countless spiritual lights emerged from the identity order, forming an old figure with white hair and beard in the air.

"What's the matter?" Zhao Zhuo looked at the figure, frowning slightly and said: "I just left the pavilion for a meeting, and the whole pavilion has turned upside down?"

"Forgive me, ancestor!" The old man saluted Zhao Zhuo and said, "My grandson and others don't want to disturb our ancestor's ceremony, but this matter is too weird, and we didn't find any problems, so we had no choice but to Ancestor, please make your decision."

Zhao Zhuo frowned even more, looked at the old man and said, "How big of a matter do you still have to make the decision for me?"

The old man did not reply immediately, but just waved his hand, and an equally illusory screen appeared next to the phantom old man made of spiritual light. On the screen, there was an ancient bookshelf area, inside which a young man was flipping through books quickly.

It seemed to be a normal scene. Zhao Zhuo and the three people beside him, Ding Jianjun and Sima Qian, looked at this scene with different expressions.

"This is...Zhang Jia Nawa, Zhang Deming Zhang Fuzi, right? They just choose a formation, and you Sutra Pavilion are paying so much attention to it?" Ding Jianjun said with twinkling eyes.

"Senior Brother Zhao seems to be really free these years. I wonder if those disciples in my family have such an honor?" Sima Qian said with an incomprehensible expression.

Zhao Zhen frowned and looked at Zhang Deming carefully, but found nothing wrong.

Without waiting for Zhao Zhuo to ask, the old man took the initiative to explain: "Half an hour ago, just after you guys left, Master Zhang came to the main pavilion to look for skills.

At first, I didn't pay much attention to him. Just because of his identity, the disciples below paid a little attention to him. Unexpectedly, after the other party entered the main pavilion, the formation area has been opened to a small area, and it is all full of Next to an original! "

Zhao Zhuo and the other three were stunned for a moment, and then they noticed that Zhang Deming was not only quick to flip through books, but he also put down each book after just turning the title page. There was a bookshelf where each book was placed, but they were placed next to each other. It was not like looking for skills at all, but like they were just for turning the pages. Book and turn the book.

"It can't be from the Zhang family. It has been closed for a long time. You don't know that there is such a thing as a catalog?" Sima Qian was stunned and said with a strange expression.

Ding Jianjun shook his head and said: "From what I've seen, the Zhang family doesn't want to be a backward old family. How can you say it's like they are still wearing animal skins and picking grass roots!"

Zhao Zhuodao: "If you can directly enter the formation area, it is impossible to understand the function of the catalog formation. But what he wants to do, I really don't understand."

(End of chapter)

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