Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 763 The Foundation Of The Zhang Family

Chapter 763 The foundation of the Zhang family

"By the way, I was bored before. I read some of your background information sent by Zhao Yuan, and found an interesting story. I'm really curious. Is it convenient to ask?" In the operation room, Zhao Shouzhi seemed to ask casually road.

Finally here, I thought you could bear it and never asked!

Zhang Deming's expression remained unchanged, his eyes flashed slightly as he said, "Senior brother, it's okay to say it!"

"I see that junior brother seems to like visiting Sutra Pavilion, but I don't know why junior brother has a catalog to read?" Zhao Shouyi asked curiously.

Zhang Deming heard this and said with a smile: "Haha, you said this, this is a habit I developed at home."

"Oh, what's the explanation?" Zhao Shouzhi asked curiously.

“When I was young, there were not many people in my family, and I was the only junior, so all the uncles and uncles gave me all their attention.

Our Zhang family doesn’t have much, except for a lot of messy books. Although my family doesn’t want me to memorize everything, I do need to have a general impression of all the information.

So I was pressed by a bunch of uncles, aunts and aunts, and almost memorized the entire Sutra Pavilion. Later, I also took a little bit of Dim Sum Shinto to model the bookshelf in my mind.

I am not required to write down everything, but at least I have an impression. If I really need anything, I will know where to find this information.

In this way, such a bad habit was formed and has been preserved ever since. "Zhang Deming smiled, with a look of reminiscence, as if he had returned to the past.

"Is that so?" Zhao Shouzhi said suddenly.

"Then, Senior Brother Zhao wouldn't have thought that I was looking for some special inheritance. Back then when I was in Heavenly Spirit Sect, Pavilion Master Zhao Yuan did a 'cleaning' of the whole pavilion three times!" Zhang Deming said with a half-smile .

"Uh, that's not the case!" Zhao Shouzhi didn't continue to ask, and replied: "Young brother, you have a good habit, you are worthy of being a child of an ancient family."


At this time, a secret grid opened, and a spell appeared.

"It's just a childhood habit." While speaking, Zhang Deming picked up the magic spell in front of him with a smile, and said, "Do you have any orders, Brother Zhao? If you don't have me, go back to Dao Palace!"

"No, Mr. Zhang, you are busy with your business!" Zhao Shouzhi said. After the two greeted each other, Zhang Deming turned and left.

Zhao Shouzhi watched Zhang Deming leave with a slight frown on his face. After a moment, the curtain moved slightly, and the young man came out again, looked at Zhao Shouzhi and said, "Uncle Jiu, will you continue to sit here, or shall my nephew come?"

Zhao Shouzhi came back to his senses, glanced at the young man, and said, "Do you want me to collect the monthly profit for you?"

After saying that, he turned around and left.

The young man watched the other party leave respectfully. After a long time, he rolled his eyes and said, "What, I didn't ask you to come. You said it yourself. I'm the one to take over!"


Zhang Deming quietly returned to Dao Palace with the formation. In the training room, Zhang Deming turned over his hands and took out the book.

After the formation is integrated into the editing panel, it cannot be directly upgraded, and you can only edit more advanced formations. Therefore, I have been trapped in the Six Stars for a long time, and now it is finally time to get serious about the Seven Stars level.

Now there are nearly fifteen thousand luck in the warehouse, which is not enough. Zhang Deming took a deep breath and started editing.

"Normal energy 800, editable small plug-in.

Editing conditions met!


Classic level editor, 800 consumption, which means this formation is classified as Tiangang Disha level?

That’s right, it’s from the Jiuqu Yellow River series after all!

While thinking, Zhang Deming started editing. Like all previous array spells, as he finished editing, countless runes were not condensed into Dantian runes at all, but were directly integrated into the editing panel.

In an instant, the editing panel fluctuated slightly and the runes scrolled. When everything was completed, there was no special change, except that the aura became much more active.

From Zhang Deming's side, the only feeling is that he is an orthodox formation cultivator, very strong.

After all, after the editing panel swallowed up the Formation Dao, it became another rune-core existence for him. Therefore, the Formation Dao is not considered a minor at all, but a dual-rune core major like Spiritual Education.

At this time, countless formation insights poured into his heart. At this moment, his formation arrangement underwent a qualitative change. You know, when he was six stars, he could stack up and create a seven-star formation. Now that he has seven stars, it is really a qualitative leap for him.

It took a long time for Zhang Deming to calm down. After sorting out all the information, Zhang Deming smiled. He really made the right choice for this formation.

This formation is not only extremely suitable for the construction of the source blood pool, but also the difficult conditions and precious materials for the formation. The total blood pool is now almost all available, and he can completely arrange and upgrade it!

Zhang Deming did not take action immediately, but took out some low-level materials, waved his hand to get the forging vine, and started refining the low-level formation disk of the "Nine Curves of Blood Formation".

Zhang Deming's formation method is not a traditional formation. He combines spiritual cultivation techniques and forging vines to follow the weapon formation method. The formation disk is a must.


Time passed by more than half a month. Zhang Deming tested it for a long time and finally got it right.

On this day, Zhang Deming was restrained and entered the spiritual space.

Split Road: Spirit-nurturing Vine Demon Summoning Technique!

Split Path: Yin Yang Chess Path Game!

Split Road:······

Because the inner world of the Zhang family is now a special bean soldier incarnation, Zhang Deming opened many channels and threw them into the incarnation in order to avoid accidents.


At the Chenlong Realm and Kunpeng General Blood Pool Base, senior officials from the Zhang family gathered together.

Zhang Deming passed through the portal and came here. All the people saluted and said, "I have met our ancestors!"

Zhang Deming nodded, looked around, looked at Zhang Xiuqing and said, "Are the materials I want ready?"

"Returning to our ancestors, because it is not a rare thing, half a month ago, on the day we received the news, the whole clan mobilized and prepared it!" As Zhang Xiuqing spoke, several disciples around him respectfully took out a bunch of materials.

The Zhang family is now becoming more and more like an ancient clan, with alliance channels and several time realms as support.

Many of the things that Zhang Deming needed to collect for several years before, in one sentence, will be obtained for him in a short time. It must be considered that all these years of hard work and construction are not in vain!

Zhang Deming checked the materials, nodded with satisfaction, and said: "Let's get started. According to my previous plan, everyone will go to their respective nodes and wait!"

"Follow your ancestors' orders!" Everyone responded.

"This move is related to the future development of our clan. It is like a core foundation. Don't let anyone lose!" Zhang Deming looked at everyone and warned!

"Disciples must be careful!" everyone replied.

"Well, let's get going!"

Following Zhang Deming's words, the surrounding disciples disappeared one after another, teleporting towards various nodes in the Chenlong Realm.

Zhang Deming prepared the formation for half a month and also gave the instructions at the same time. Therefore, none of them were idle. They had practiced more seriously than Zhang Deming countless times, so they were extremely proficient.

Zhang Deming waited for everyone to disappear, but did not take action immediately, but waited quietly.

When Zhang Xiuqing personally confirmed that everyone was in their place, she said to Zhang Deming: "Ancestor, it's time to start. They are all ready."

Hearing this, Zhang Deming said with rare solemnity: "Confirmed? But don't let anything happen. I may not be able to come over if something goes wrong.

It would be fine if it were a separate formation, but now it is a formation, but it has already stacked up half of the Chenlong Realm. The stall is too big, and if something goes wrong, I may not be able to keep up with my mental expenditure! "

"Don't worry, ancestor. The rehearsal of each node in the past half month is not one person's participation, but a blood pool construction team. There are as many as seven backup personnel. They even set up a backup plan. There will be no problems!" Zhang Xiuqing is also serious! The way.

"Uh... there are seven reserve teams behind one main player???" Zhang Deming showed a rare look of astonishment.

"In the past few years, there have been construction blood pools all over the world. Our family has a lot of choices for formations. It has almost become a big category!" Zhang Xiuqing replied.

"So today's general mobilization?" Zhang Deming answered with a twitching expression.

"Yes!" Zhang Xiuqing nodded: "After all, it is related to the core heritage of our clan!"

"Okay, it's not considered a cannon to kill mosquitoes!"

As Zhang Deming spoke, he floated up. As he floated up, the entire blood pool base suddenly became active. In the blood pool, countless runes began to flicker, and then vines like rubies extended out from it. .

Seeing this, everyone around them immediately withdrew from the base of Kunpeng General Pond. Looking from a distance, an extremely shocking picture emerged.

I saw countless ruby-like vines growing out of the entire Kunpeng base, filling the entire base for a moment, like a hemispherical sepak takraw ball, entangled and extending into the sky.

Finally, a lotus platform was formed at the feet of Zhang Deming. The lotus flowers were blood red, crystal clear, and extremely dreamy.

In the heart of the flower, Zhang Deming stood in it, his feet turned into blood vines and merged into the flowers. His whole body was exuding powerful fluctuations at this moment, and the limitless stimulation of classic-level magic filled the air around him.

It looks a little unreal, like an immortal fallen into the mortal world, sacred and dreamy.

He closed his eyes and put his hands around the world. In the middle of his palms, a ruby-like bloody lotus seed kept flashing. It was the formation spirit of the blood pool - the blood spirit.

Seeing this scene, the few people in charge who exited were stunned for a while.

"The old ancestor is getting more and more unfathomable!"

"Yes, after all these years, I always feel that the entire clan has not developed as fast as our ancestors alone."

"Isn't this nonsense, what kind of things in our clan did it by ourselves? Isn't it all made by our ancestors? Can this be faster than our ancestors?"

"Well, it's true that we are incompetent!"

"I think our ancestors are too evil!"

"I also think that if it is placed in ancient times, the ancestor should be a legendary existence like the Yang family' God of War."

"The Zhang family is really lucky to have an ancestor!"


While Zhang Xiuqing and the others were communicating, on the sepak takraw ball, as the aura continued to fluctuate, the entire lotus began to exude a strong aura of promotion vines. The prepared materials were quietly absorbed by countless blood vines, and the blood spirit began to be promoted and reforged. .

Blood Spirit originally had a seven-star level, but now it just replaced the core Rank Six formation with a seven-star one. The traditional formation may need to dismantle certain cores and rearrange them.

But Zhang Deming's weapon array is completely reforged, and it is still reforged within the same level, so it is actually not that difficult. If it wasn't too big and too important, there would be no need for such a big battle.

In this way, it takes a long time to engage in strong fluctuations.


After most of the day, the lotus seed in Zhang Deming's hand finally shone red to the extreme, and with a rather peculiar soft sound, a blood-red seedling swayed out of the lotus seed.

In an instant, the entire Chenlong Realm was shaken, and powerful spatial fluctuations radiated again. At each node, the disciple who had been preparing for a long time did not hesitate to inject spiritual power into the formation.

Looking from the sky, one can clearly see that starting from Zhang Deming, lines composed of countless spiritual lights light up, connecting half of the Chenlong Realm like a net.

It's like a big runic net covering half of the world. There are countless blood pools in the net, densely distributed. While supplying energy for them, they are also the main component of the network.

The lotus seedlings in front of Zhang Deming also grew rapidly, taking root downwards and growing upwards at the same time.

Feeling the powerful fluctuations, Zhang Deming discovered that this guy actually took advantage of this promotion opportunity to directly start the Integrated Union Chenlong Realm. This re-forging was considered to be the best opportunity for him, but he was a clever brat.

Looking at this scene, Zhang Deming hesitated for a while, but finally he still couldn't touch the boundary. Although the blood spirit has this thing, it should be much easier to hold it, and the benefits should not be small.

But it doesn't belong to the kind of giving charcoal in a timely manner, it can only be regarded as the icing on the cake. Because Chenlong Realm has a complete Realm Heart, adding another Integrated Union will improve it, but it is not a qualitative leap.

Using rare eight-star materials here, although it can't be said to be a loss, it definitely can't be considered a profit. Now this is enough.

Judging from the current situation, it is inevitable that the Blood Spirit Integrated Union will become the world spirit of the Chenlong Realm. There is no need to work harder. After all, the Chenlong Realm is positioned as a farming base.

With his thoughts at this point, Zhang Deming began to slowly gather his breath, and his feet changed back, leaving the lotus.

Following Zhang Deming's movements, the sepak takraw balls covering the entire base below began to disintegrate and disappear, turning into auras that filled the sky and fell into the main pool.

Only the vine that looked like a giant vine or a huge strange tree was left on the spot, standing there in a crooked way, growing slowly.


Zhang Deming let out a long breath and floated down. Zhang Xiuqing and others immediately floated up and asked anxiously and expectantly: "Ancestor?"

Zhang Deming looked at Fujiki and said: "That should be enough. This Chenlong Realm should be our Zhang family's largest logistics base in the future. With basic training resources, our Zhang family no longer has to worry about it."

(End of chapter)

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