Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 768 Entering The Lingxiao Realm For The First Time

Chapter 768 Entering the Lingxiao Realm for the First Time

Although many people were frightened when facing the stream of light flying towards them, there were not many idiots here, so there was no commotion and they all watched quietly.


The stream of light fell to the ground, landing in front of Zhang Deming and his team with extreme precision, slowly stretched, and turned into a huge silver-white light door.

"Is this... a temporary fixed portal? Let me go, what happened just now was the three big guys opening the door to Quan Hongmeng? Was it so violent?" Zhang Deming couldn't help but be surprised.

These are not just one or two, they are all Hongmeng-wide openings, which are World Level space-wide spells. They are also extremely difficult to teleport. They are simply awesome!

Of course, it's impossible to drive directly in front of them like this in all places.

Dingtian will be implemented at door-to-door. Independent Cultivators from other places will probably go to designated locations, either well-known places or markets, or door-to-door gatherings in corresponding areas.

"Okay, the space door has been opened, let's start entering in an orderly manner!" At this time, Zhang Deming's thoughts, the space door gradually stabilized, and the Five Elements Peak Overhaul, who was responsible for the order throughout the process, said.

As he spoke, he began to organize Zhang Deming and his Dao Palace staff to enter the venue.

"Because only five space entrances to Lingxiao Realm have been found so far, this portal is a secondary transfer, so the experience should not be very good. Please be careful when passing by!"

When Zhang Deming was led into the huge light door, the monk who organized the order said to all the disciples present.

At this time, Zhang Deming had already arrived in front of the light gate, and he and a group of teachers from Dao Palace took the lead in stepping into the light gate.

The moment he stepped in, Zhang Deming felt that his perception was blurred, the surroundings became very chaotic, and his sense of orientation was constantly reversed, rotating up and down, which made Zhang Deming very uncomfortable.

But in such a dangerous situation, he did not dare to withdraw his perception rashly to avoid an accident.

Just like that, Zhang Deming felt like he was thrown into a high-speed rotating mixer, stirred for a long time, and then thrown into a kneading machine for continuous kneading. When he was dizzy and wanted to vomit, the space suddenly shook.


With a soft squirt sound, Zhang Deming was spat out. In an instant, Zhang Deming felt himself falling at a high speed, and he was actually in mid-air.

His perception was a bit chaotic, and the remaining space fluctuations around him made him unable to stabilize his body, and he fell into the ground like a meteor.


After a loud noise, the ground shook and the mountains were filled with smoke and dust.

However, after experiencing the space turbulence of world collapse, Zhang Deming has been able to deal with such a bad teleportation experience calmly, and it is nothing to worry about.

When the smoke and dust cleared, Zhang Deming's spiritual shield flickered and disappeared. His hair was not messed up, and he floated up from the huge crater he made and flew out.

Looking around, I didn't sense the same people appearing around me. It seemed that the Lingxiao world must be very large, and everyone was indeed scattered.

After a preliminary check of the surroundings and finding that no one was around, Zhang Deming's face changed quickly and finally turned into that of Li Zhengkun.

Among the many vests, this vest is the best for the current situation. Even the disciples of the great family are too unknown.

The main reason is that there are too many big guys here now. If you act with your own face, if something happens, it will be difficult to escape. Therefore, Li Zhengkun is a better choice regardless of his background, cultivation, fame, etc.

After doing this, Zhang Deming began to observe the specific situation around him.

After roughly browsing around, Zhang Deming probably understood why he appeared in the air and not on land.

Because the Lingxiao world is not a planet world in the traditional sense, or a continental world with a round sky and square areas, it is a world of floating islands.

Looking up, there are floating islands of various sizes looming in the distance, filling the sky.

From this, it can be seen that the island under his feet should also be a floating island, but it is a bit larger and surrounded by woods, so he cannot see the edge at a glance, and it looks like it is in the forest of the mainland.

It's right to think about it. After all, the world in the photo of the Divine Tribulation was a world made up of floating islands. That video should have been recorded somewhere in this world.

Zhang Deming's spiritual eyes flashed, and he carefully explored the surroundings. It was obviously an ordinary forest, but Zhang Deming couldn't complete the perspective.


Suddenly, his expression moved slightly, and he quickly waved his right hand towards the right rear. His arm exploded instantly, and dozens of emerald vines stretched out, like attacking poisonous snakes, with a cold light, thrust forward like lightning.


Several sharp sounds of piercing flesh were heard, and Zhang Deming clearly felt that something was stuck in his vine, but in his perception, he still could not clearly perceive the other party's existence.


When Zhang Deming turned his head to look, he saw a strange thing emerging from the air, stuck in the air by his vines.

The opponent looked like a spider as a whole, but without the huge and fragile abdomen of the spider, instead of the soft abdomen was the carapace body of an unknown beetle. The whole body shone with a metallic luster, making it look a bit weird.

What's even more weird is that there are two rows of eyes on the belly of the carapace, but at this moment they have all been penetrated by emerald vines. The opponent jumped out and was pinned in the air by Zhang Deming.

At this moment, he was screaming and struggling, his voice was extremely corrosive to his mind, and strands of green liquid flowed out of the wound, making the emerald vines emit bursts of green smoke, but it failed to corrode it at all.

The spiritual shield on the body's surface fluctuates slightly, and the dreamy light flashes, blocking the erosion of the voice's mind. The vine transformed into his right hand shrank slightly, pulling the weird insect closer.

The opponent was very big, almost three meters tall. Being fixed by vines, when he came to Zhang Deming, he looked a little small.


As the ugly spider struggled, it danced its spider legs crazily towards Zhang Deming in front of it, and seemed to want to open its mouth and spray something at Zhang Deming.

But among the many vine spears, one was inserted from its lower jaw, penetrated the entire mouth, and passed through the metal carapace on the top of its head, making it impossible to open the mouth and barely making any sound.

Zhang Deming ignored the opponent's struggle and dancing spider legs, but studied the opponent carefully with his eyes flashing. After taking an overall look, Zhang Deming frowned slightly, his mind moved slightly, and the vines on his arms began to flicker.

In an instant, the entire weird spider froze, and its eyes seemed to bulge for a moment, staring wide. The whole spider feels bad.


In a tragic scream, some of the vine spears inserted into the spider's body softened and began to swim inside the body, splitting into countless filaments, spread out like tree roots, and spread throughout the spider's body.

Such an internal physical inspection, even a strange spider with no intelligence, screamed shrilly, feeling that he had been played badly.

Just for a moment, the spider's eyes suddenly flashed with explosive spiritual light, causing Zhang Deming's expression to change slightly before he could do anything.


With a soft sound, the spider's entire body exploded, green liquid and broken pieces of flesh scattered out.

A flash of light flashed in front of Zhang Deming, and a transparent light curtain blocked the lasing minced meat and green liquid.


The sound of corrosion was accompanied by bursts of green smoke, which sounded from the light screen. Liquid and minced meat fell to the ground, and the sound of corrosion began to be heard around.

"What, isn't it a very weird evil insect? I can't bear to do this. What kind of evil insect are you going to do? Why do you use it to cause trouble? You might as well just be a salted fish. It's hard to resist!"

Looking at the minced meat and green liquid on the ground, Zhang Deming said this as if talking to himself, with extreme contempt.

As he spoke, the surrounding vines slowly shrank and turned back into his right hand. Zhang Deming subconsciously shook away the non-existent liquid.

Then he looked at the minced meat on the ground, his spiritual light surged, vines on the ground emerged, inserted into the minced meat, and continued to explore.

The scene was strange for a time, as if the roles had been reversed. The normal-looking Zhang Deming seemed to be the weird and indescribable creature, and the blown-up bugs were just poor victims.

"Strange, although there is no energy core, the physical strength and energy level intensity are only in the Four Symbols stage, but why can it be hidden from my perception?

Where does this Apex Level secret power come from?

Is it another level of Jingshu, the conceptualization of Tao?

Moreover, this person is obviously completely dead, but his body is still squirming. It is obviously not the physical recovery power that the Four Symbol Stage should have, or even his original recovery power! "

For a long time, Zhang Deming studied the body all over, but couldn't find what he was looking for, and his brows furrowed involuntarily.

If everyone had such unreasonable hidden power, the battle among the monks would be completely different!

With a slight movement of mind, some spiritual seeds flew out, and various blood-red vines quickly sprouted from the surrounding meat. As the vines disintegrated and disappeared, so did the chunks of flesh.

After doing this, Zhang Deming clapped his hands and stood up to continue exploring. As soon as I raised my head, my movements froze. These trees...

Zhang Deming, whose expression changed slightly, looked around in surprise. They... didn't seem so dense just now, right?

As his thoughts flashed, Zhang Deming made a casual move and shot a rattan sword towards a towering ancient tree in front of him.


The expected sword cut was not seen, but many fleshy brown tree roots emerged from the ground and were drawn towards the vine sword. After being chopped off by the vine sword a lot, the vine sword was finally whipped away.

At the same time, as if something exploded, the surrounding trees came to life and surrounded Zhang Deming, and various brown tree roots began to appear on the ground.


In surprise, Zhang Deming rose into the sky and flew towards the sky. Just after flying out of the woods, a very strong pull came from the island. The higher it flew, the stronger the pull.

But fortunately, he is not completely unable to resist. At least with his strength, it is no problem to fly to the woods and low in the sky, but the spiritual energy consumption is a bit high.

Floating in the air, looking around, this is a larger floating island. The floating island is relatively flat and is a lush primitive jungle.

As Zhang Deming floated into the air, the entire jungle began to come alive. Obviously, there was something wrong with these trees.

Countless trees below were swaying, their brown roots extending, growing towards Zhang Deming, as if they were trying to wrap around Zhang Deming, but the speed was not very fast.

Zhang Deming glanced at the many tree roots, then ignored them, moved slightly, and flew towards the center of the island. In perception, as the trees in the forest rioted, there were strange fluctuations spreading in the center.


The floating island is quite large, and whether it is gravity or adsorption, it is also very strong, which makes Zhang Deming's flight a little expensive.

With such intensity, it is almost difficult for the three-talented monks to fly. Coupled with all these weirdness, it is no wonder that Sacred Land does not recommend monks under the four elephants to come in and explore. Even if the Four Elephant monks come to this island, it will definitely be surrounded by dangers.

Zhang Deming flew for a while before arriving at the center of the floating island. After seeing the situation clearly, he frowned slightly.

There is a huge crater in the center of the island, which looks like it was struck by a meteorite falling from the sky. There is a special aura surrounding it, which is obviously a legal domain formed by the remnants of magic.

In the center of the crater, a huge takraw ball was squirming. The brown tree roots were like snakes, winding into balls and constantly squirming. The special wave was emitted from here, affecting the entire island.

Apparently, this is the source of tree changes across the island!

After a slight hesitation, Zhang Deming's spiritual power fluctuated, and silver-white long swords with flashing lightning appeared from behind, and a wave of Tao Yun filled Zhang Deming's body.

Although the takraw ball below had no intelligence, its life instinct made it sense the danger. After a slight pause, countless tree roots began to emerge from the ground of the crater.

The surrounding forest was also shaking, and countless tree roots were growing rapidly towards Zhang Deming. There were also some evil insects like the ones Zhang Deming had just exploded, using tree roots as spider webs to fly towards Zhang Deming.


Zhang Deming's expression remained unchanged, the long sword shining with lightning continued to condense, and with his wave, it fell like rain in an instant.


In an instant, silvery white light, accompanied by thunderous noises, flooded the entire center of the island in a moment.

Both the tree and the evil insect are not weak, and they are even more treacherous, but in the face of absolute strength, everything is in vain, not to mention that the power of the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder seems to be somewhat restrained against these things.

For a moment, when everything calmed down, the entire center of the island had become a forest of charred wood. It was as if it had been baptized by a thunderstorm, lifeless and filled with the power of thunder.

Zhang Deming floated above him in a gentle breeze, his sleeves and robe fluttering like a fairy.

The riots in the entire forest also stopped, and the trees outside the spell's influence also began to turn yellow quickly and began to decline. The entire island went from vibrant to desolate in a matter of seconds.

Only in the center of the pothole, the sepak takraw balls formed by tree roots are still crawling tenaciously. Many half-burnt tree roots are quickly absorbing the power of the core of the sepak takraw balls in an attempt to recover.

(End of chapter)

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