Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 777 Research Laboratory Search [Ask For Monthly Ticket]

Chapter 777 Research Laboratory Search [Ask for monthly ticket]

In this way, Zhang Deming walked and walked for three days, and finally arrived at the core jurisdiction of Hewen Zhengshen.

Compared with the previous Quanshan core area, this place is obviously more tragic. In the entire core area, there are hardly a few complete floating islands, and most of them have been shattered.

And it's not the kind of gravitational zone that is broken into a ball, with large and small still gathered together, but completely shattered.

The entire core area of ​​​​Hewen was completely covered with rocks, like a garbage dump in the universe. You can imagine how brutal the battle was.

With a heavy heart, Zhang Deming flew towards the floating island in the center. When he was approaching the floating island, Zhang Deming paused for a moment, sensed something, and then increased his speed.

Moving quickly through the rubble, Zhang Deming finally saw the floating island in the center of the plague, which was also shattered. But it's much better than the surrounding islands that have completely turned into garbage dumps for the universe.

I saw that a small part of Hebeng Island in the distance was broken into countless boulder areas of mixed sizes, and most of the rest was broken into three pieces.

Because although it was broken, it has not been completely scrapped, so the magical gravitational field of the floating island still exists, allowing the three broken islands and countless boulders to barely gather together, maintaining the general appearance of the island before it shattered.

Looking at this situation, Zhang Deming's heart sank.

At this moment, there are two battlefields on the floating island, which attract Zhang Deming's attention. They are located on two broken islands. It was this battle fluctuation that made Zhang Deming speed up just now.

Because Zhang Deming did not deliberately hide, the combatants also noticed him at this moment, making the heated battle a little subtle.

Zhang Deming glanced around. In one battlefield, there were three people, all of them in the Four Elephant Stage, fighting around a creature that looked like an earthworm with a cancerous tumor.

Earthworms are evil insects with five elements and one rotation, which makes the three of them a little dangerous, and it is quite difficult to deal with them. Of course, they can barely bear it. Judging by the dress of the three of them, they should be the door-to-door elders under the Daomen banner.

On the other side, there are two monks, one with four elephants and one with five elements. What they are facing is an evil insect at the peak of five elements, and it is also an earthworm full of sarcomas. It looks very huge.

After Zhang Deming took a look, he ignored the people with different expressions, and floated in the sky, while the spiritual power in his whole body was agitated, black and white Thunder chess pieces emerged from his body.

Zhang Deming stretched out his hand to hold the chess piece, and flicked lightly at the two battlefields below. The two chess pieces went straight to the two monsters in the battlefield with a huge momentum. Seeing this, the two fighting parties retreated decisively.



The loud noise spread along with the screams of the two earthworm-like monsters, and the silver-white thunder light instantly buried them.

When the silvery white light dissipated, the pupils of both parties shrank together, and saw that the sarcoma earthworm, which they had faced so hard just now, was scorched all over, and the sarcoma on its body burst, and disgusting mucus flowed out.

A silvery-white thunder vine on the surface of the monster trapped the entire monster, making it unable to move even a bit. Even the strange venom in the sarcoma that made them extremely afraid before could not corrode the thunder vine a little bit.

Even because of the flashing thunder light on the thunder vines from time to time, they kept trembling like twitching.

Zhang Deming ignored their reactions, and with a casual move, the two monsters were put into his sleeves, and the honeycomb tattoo on his chest flickered slightly.

After doing this, Zhang Deming floated down with his hands behind his back. There was a gentle breeze, and the Taoist robe and hair fluttered, showing the demeanor of a master and full of aura.

There were two groups of people around, and a group of five people saw this, and immediately floated forward, came to Zhang Deming, and said politely.

"Pu Qing, the host of the Leiyin Temple Martial Arts Institute, has met seniors!"

"Fuhou, a disciple of Leiyin Temple Martial Arts School, has met senior!"

"Qingyu Guantai elder Li Ruhong, I have met my uncle!"


Three Taoists and two gentlemen saluted Zhang Deming in unison. Zhang Deming looked around the circle of five people, looked at the leading nun on the Taoist side, Li Ruhong, who was at the peak of the Four Elephants, and said in surprise: "You are working together to explore ?”

No wonder Zhang Deming was surprised. It is normal for disciples of Taoism and Yuling Sacred Land to join forces. After all, Yuling Sacred Land originally came from Taoism.

Although there are some conflicts of interests and some discords, within a benign range, it is still barely in the honeymoon period. Therefore, what goes up and down the line works well, and the disciples below also get along better.

But the two families and Monk Lingshan... Although they fight without talking about meeting, quarrels are inevitable.

Coupled with the obvious imbalance in strength between them, and with the character of the monks in Lingshan who never suffer losses, such a joint effort is rare.

Everyone saw Zhang Deming in full Qingguan costumes and Li Ruhong who was obviously asking questions, so they all glanced at Li Ruhong and didn't answer.

Li Ruhong was also slightly stunned when he heard the words, and replied: "If you go back to the master uncle, it's okay, we went here first, explored it, and found a group of evil insects on the broken island in the center.

After a little exploration, I felt that it was too strong, so I planned to retreat. I met Master Puqing from Leiyin Temple head-on. After a little discussion, I decided to try together.

No, we have been working on it for nearly a month. We have almost killed the insects on the periphery, but we did not expect that there are two big guys in the center of the nest.

However, everyone has explored to this extent, and this is obviously an important jurisdiction of Shenting. There is no reason to give up directly, so it has become the scene you saw just now, Uncle Master.

If you hadn't arrived in time, Uncle Master, we might have had to risk our injuries and run away. "

Hearing this, Zhang Deming looked around at the five people with different expressions and nodded regardless of their thoughts:

"Okay, I'm here to find something. As for the rest, you can search on your own. Whether you find something or not has nothing to do with me."

After everyone heard this, they were slightly relieved. After all, they were ready to be kicked out after working in vain. Fortunately, the senior in front of me seems to care more about dignity and integrity.

"Actually, looking at the dilapidated condition here, the disciples estimate that it is obviously an abandoned site of defeat, and nothing can be found.

I don’t know what you are looking for, uncle. Disciples can help you pay attention. "Li Ruhong's eyes flickered slightly, and she took the initiative to speak.

The four people around who were originally relieved were all taken aback. Zhang Deming also glanced at Li Ruhong with raised eyebrows.

Yes, the road is so wide!

Zhang Deming said expressionlessly: "Is there an underground research room or something like this here?"

The five people were all stunned, and they all looked at Zhang Deming in confusion. From this question, it can be seen that Zhang Deming is really looking for something.

Pu Qing frowned a little when he heard this. It seemed to him at this moment that the Taoist sect's understanding of Shenting and Ling Xiaotian was much better than that of Lingshan.

They, Lingshan, knew the general power distribution of Ling Xiaotian, and they could only figure it out after preliminary investigation and combining some secrets.

And judging from Zhang Deming's appearance, Daomen even knows the specific power situation and even some secret building information?

"Yes, the nest of these evil insects is underground. It should be the research laboratory you mentioned, Uncle Shi. Judging from the vague traces, the style is very different from our Hongmeng, but has a bit of Tianyu Technology." Li Ruhong said in her thoughts. Replied quickly.

Zhang Deming nodded and said, "You are free to do whatever you want, I'll go take a look."

After saying that, he ignored the others and floated towards the central island.

"What should we do? Search or leave?" One person looked at Li Ruhong and asked.

"Search! Let's search outside first. Master and uncle don't object. You can't work in vain for a month." Li Ruhong replied.

"Then help me find something?" Master Puqing frowned.

Li Ruhong glanced at Pu Qing and said: "I also want to help, but my uncle didn't even tell me what to look for. What does this mean..."

"Okay, let's look for him first. By the way, who is Quan Qingguan? Why don't I have any impression of him?"

While speaking, the five people were all stunned, and finally they all looked at Li Ruhong. Li Ruhong shook his head speechlessly and said:

"I'm just an elder who comes to the door. I can't even count my inheritance as a branch of the Li family. You don't even know about this kind of hidden boss in a blessed land. How do I know?"


Zhang Deming ignored the reactions of Li Ruhong and the other five. He was now at the second level of Liuhe with his full blessing, so he didn't care about their little thoughts at all.

Floating to the fragments in the center of the floating island, Zhang Deming's heart sank completely. Without it, from the crack in the broken cliff of the floating island, it could be clearly seen that the basement in the rock was also broken into two halves along with the island. .

There are two huge fragmented islands, with half a research room on one side, like a hollow egg. Under such circumstances, no matter what the initial research progress was or whether it was successful or not, there was not much hope.

With a bad mood, Zhang Deming floated down and came to the basement.

In terms of construction layout, it is obviously the same style and even the same specifications as Quanshan Island. Although the damage is serious, judging from the vague traces, the style may be the same.

The same three-story structure, the same single-person research room on the first floor, the team research room on the second floor, and the private research room on the third floor.

However, unlike the Quanshanxing Palace, which remained basically intact, it was obviously completely breached on the eve of the great extinction of the mantra.

As a result, the damage to the research room was serious, and it was made a lair by the previous evil insects, so it was of no value to search for it.

The entire third-floor research room was connected in some places by those weird earthworms, and the formation was completely broken, like a strange nest. Not to mention the instruments, I didn't see many intact runes.

Everywhere around was greasy mucus, which should be the secretion from the body surface of earthworms, as well as some disgusting excrement, and venom from broken tumors.

All kinds of liquids were mixed together and spread all over the lair. Both the taste and the environment were extremely bad.

(End of chapter)

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