Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 782 Change

Chapter 782 Change

He stood in front of the glass-like cylindrical building, watching and waiting quietly, while maintaining the vortex of the spiritual nurturing space.

At this moment, due to the continuous spraying of spiritual power into the space, one-third of the volume of the spherical space is completely crystallized, and the remaining two-thirds are also hazy water mist.

Therefore, there is not much difference between the internal spiritual pressure and the spiritual liquid in the research room, so the space door has not been further expanded.

While Zhang Deming was waiting for the spiritual pressure of the cylinder to decrease, and feeling the decrease of the surrounding spiritual pressure, he also tentatively started running the script.

"Experience value +2030"

"Experience +3000"

"Experience +3102"


While the script was running at full capacity, the experience value kept jumping. Zhang Deming watched nervously. Fortunately, although the environment was still overloaded, it was not as exaggerated as before.

And after the load reached a certain level, it slowly stopped. Although Zhang Deming felt that his whole body was slightly swollen, it was still bearable and not to a bad level.

In this way, Zhang Deming used the spiritual power around the Spirit Nurturing Space Devourer while running his techniques, absorbing the spiritual power overload, and quietly waiting for the spiritual pressure inside the cylinder to dilute.

During this process, the fluctuations inside the cylinder became more and more active, and the insect nest Spiritual Treasure on the shoulder was also very active. However, Zhang Deming kept waiting and did not try to enter rashly.


Time passed and Zhang Deming waited for about half an hour. He had to close the passage to the spiritual cultivation space because the concentration in the room had become very low at this moment and turned into a normal spiritual liquid.

This concentration is exactly the concentration of spiritual power crystals, so the spiritual power pressure in the room and the spirit-nurturing space is already the same at this moment. Without the use of extraction methods, spiritual power no longer flows.

At this moment, Zhang Deming had no time to use any means or distraction to forcefully extract the spiritual energy around him. Because with the continuous excretion, the spiritual fluid inside the cylinder has dropped very low.

Although the entire cylinder is still completely white, a little bit of the internal environment can be vaguely seen. Such changes attracted Zhang Deming's whole mind.

Therefore, after the spiritual power stopped flowing, Zhang Deming simply closed the channel of the spiritual cultivation space. It would not be too late to do this later, but now he focused all his energy on the present.

After all, this was the only fluctuation of living creatures that Zhang Deming felt on this mainland floating island, and it was most likely related to another Spiritual Treasure component.

In this way, he looked at the cylinder carefully with full vigilance. After a while, as the excretion port continued to spurt out spiritual liquid, the environment in the cylinder gradually became vaguely visible.

What surprised Zhang Deming was that this cylindrical building that looked like a culture tank was not actually a culture tank inside, and there was no giant monster invading it.

Looking at its layout, it is a room. The originally large space was divided into several parts. Of course, there were no partitions, they were just separated in terms of layout.

Part of it is a training area, densely covered with runes; part of the office experimental area has some instruments and desks, and the remaining part, which occupies most of the room, is a special water tank.

From the overall look, it seems that this is a research room?

After Zhang Deming saw the situation clearly, he frowned and looked at the outside of the building and the surrounding settings. Outside the cylindrical building, there was a light curtain as transparent as glass, and there were obvious observation and recording positions in the surrounding open area, etc.

Judging from all the traces, this should not be a research laboratory, but a thing to be studied. Even if it's not a culture tank, judging from the surrounding environment, it should at least be a laboratory for some kind of creature.

This cylindrical room is obviously set up to observe their behaviors. The surrounding arrangements are obviously recording, observing, and studying the creatures in the cylinder. All kinds of traces are on the surface.

However, there is an obvious contradiction between the outside layout and the inside layout. People inside can't do research, and people outside can observe his research in such a strange way, right?

This is not a study of observing the other party. It is obviously studying the researcher inside.


Research researcher?

This is not impossible. There seems to be another explanation for this situation... that is, there is a madman inside, doing research on himself, doing research on himself! ! !

If this is the approach, then everything will be explained.

Why is it that the outside layout is obviously for observation, but the inside is the layout of a research room, not the layout of a creature being studied.

Because the person inside is doing experiments and research on himself, he is not only the researcher, but also the one being observed, recorded, and studied.

Self-experimentation on humans?

Come on, there were such scientific madmen in the Shenting era?

The God of Plague...are really a group of scientific research geniuses in the Shenting Federation!

In the midst of Zhang Deming's thoughts, the room inside became completely clear, and Zhang Deming was able to see everything inside, especially the strange fluctuation that was not strong yet.

In the cylindrical room with a radius of about ten meters, apart from the arrangement of a training room and a desk, the most conspicuous thing should be a special cultivation tank that looks like a large square fish tank.

There is a meat worm in the culture tank that is about the thickness of an arm and about a foot long, with a snow-white body. The head of the meat worm is cone-shaped, the whole body is round, but the tail is very abrupt, like a broken cylindrical body.

The whole body is white and fat, and looks like a bee larva many times larger, or a maggot?

At this moment, the fat white larvae was swimming continuously in the large square fish tank. The not-so-strong fluctuations were emanating from it. Zhang Deming also sensed that between the larvae and the insect nest Spiritual Treasure, There is a strange connection.

Looking at this thing, Zhang Deming was stunned for a moment before reacting.

After carefully looking around the room and finding nothing else, he carefully reached out and touched the glass-like light curtain.

With Zhang Deming's touch, the insect nest Spiritual Treasure on his shoulder trembled slightly, and the light screen seemed to sense something, and began to ripple like water.

At the same time, Zhang Deming's fingertips quietly passed through the light curtain. Seeing this scene, Zhang Deming hesitated for a moment, then used his hand as a breakthrough point and penetrated.

After entering the room, Zhang Deming didn't notice anything else, so his tense figure relaxed slightly and he looked around.

The training area is very empty. There is almost nothing except some special formation runes. There is nothing to pay attention to in the entire training area. In the office and research area on the other side, tables and other items are in a semicircle, built around a light curtain.

Zhang Deming came to his desk and rummaged through it carefully, but what made him frown was that he didn't see much research information.

I don’t know if it’s been too long, the concentration of spiritual power here is too high, which has eroded these materials, turning them completely into dust, or it’s some other reason.

Anyway, the entire desk was a bit empty, and even Zhang Deming couldn't find a copy of "Hidden Dragon Notes" that he was more interested in.

This situation made him frown a little. After all, he had no idea about the meat insect that was suspected to contain parts of the Spiritual Treasure!

Frowning, Zhang Deming came to the main area of ​​the room, in front of the large square fish tank. Standing on the edge, you can clearly see that the bottom of the fish tank is full of runes. Zhang Deming even found that there were more than one layer of runes stacked on top of each other.

He just looked at it carefully with his spiritual eyes and felt dizzy for a while. Obviously, the person who arranged the formation at the bottom of this fish tank is an ultimate formation master!

The bottom of the fish tank is the source of all spiritual power. All the spiritual power on the mainland islands where the formation above the head gathers comes from here.

What's even more strange is that the spiritual power in the fish tank is obviously very strong, and it feels stronger than the previous paste-like spiritual liquid, but it has not become viscous, and it doesn't even look like spiritual liquid, but a tank of crystal clear liquid. of water.

This...couldn't it be the legendary water channel Apex Level spiritual object, the Three Light Divine Water?

Only such a spiritual creature can absorb so much spiritual power without solidifying or even being a little sticky, right?

If this is really the Three Light Divine Water, then it makes sense that the super-concentrated spiritual power here does not crystallize. After all, judging from the layout, all the spiritual power here is obviously emanating from this fish tank.

Therefore, it is not difficult to keep the liquid from crystallizing due to the influence of the fish tank and some special arrangements around it.

Looking at the fish tank and the water in it, Zhang Deming's eyes lit up. If it were the Three Light Divine Water, it would really make a fortune. You know, this is a nine-star spiritual material of the water attribute, an Apex Level water path treasure.

Even in the first era when gods and demons danced wildly, it was a very rare Transcendent Level treasure. Since the beginning of the second era of civilized wars, nine-star items began to decrease, and in the third era of the gods, they were almost extinct!

And they are now in the fourth era, the Hongmeng Immortal Era, Zhang Deming has not seen any information about this kind of divine object at all, let alone the specific item!


At this time, with the arrival of Zhang Deming, the swimming worms slowly swam out of the bathtub and floated on the clear water of the fish tank.

It was really like a larva, squirming towards Zhang Deming in a dazed and confused manner. In other words, it keeps raising its head and squirming towards the insect nest. The insect nest on the shoulder is also very active.

Zhang Deming, however, did not act rashly because he did not have any information about it. Carefully look at the huge meat insect in front of you, like a bee larvae.

At this moment, Zhang Deming discovered that on the opponent's snow-white body head, the area where the conical head and the cylindrical body meet, there was a small black spot the size of a little finger.

As his pupils contracted, Zhang Deming was able to see the specific appearance of the black spots. The black spots seemed to be very different from other white areas on the body. They were not smooth and had small bulges.

It looks like hair, and you can distinguish the head and tail of this meat insect from its front and back. Of course, with a bald head, only a few roots of hair can be seen.

What surprised Zhang Deming even more was that the meat insect was not related to the Spiritual Treasure component. It was the Spiritual Treasure component that Zhang Deming was looking for! ! !

So, this core component is a biological weapon?

The legendary biological Spiritual Treasure, the real living Spiritual Treasure?

what is this?

Plagiarizing the idea of ​​the Goddess of Wisdom and using biochemical poisonous insects to fight biochemical evil insects?

So the Ministry of Plague is trying to use a copycat to win over the original version, and directly step on the original version to get the upper hand?


Looking at the squirming larvae in front of him, Zhang Deming's thoughts were a little racing.

If you guessed correctly, this should be one of the core sets in the three-piece Spiritual Treasure set of poisonous insects. Mainly controls the phagocytosis, growth and other functions of the insect swarm.

Zhang Deming had no idea that this kit was a biochemical weapon. This was too unimaginative and too sci-fi!

Zhang Deming, who didn't know how to complain, looked at the larvae and didn't move for a while.

After a long time, his spiritual eyes flickered and he stopped observing. It was probably a biochemical Spiritual Treasure that was specially refined. Zhang Deming had almost zero information on this aspect and his understanding was seriously insufficient.

Therefore, neither his spiritual eyes nor past experience provided him with any information. After looking at it for a long time, he could not see any reason.

However, when Zhang Deming looked at the larva, he always felt that its hair-like black spots were a bit eye-catching.

After checking to no avail for a long time, Zhang Deming looked at the larvae, and then at the lively insect nest on his shoulder that echoed it.

The light in his eyes flickered for a moment, and a few spiritual seeds flew out and quietly merged into the insect nest.

Since there is not so much information, he can only use traditional methods and use the power of the insect nest to draw the Spiritual Treasure components to Integrated Union. After the components complete the Integrated Union, he will use the insect nest as a guide to complete the other half. Recognized as the officiant!


Zhang Deming made up his mind, took a deep breath, and with all his spiritual power stirring, he pointed at the insect nest on his shoulder.

Massive spiritual power penetrates into the insect nest Spiritual Treasure. The huge fluctuations in spiritual power caused Zhang Deming's clothes to flutter and his hair to fly.

With the inhalation of spiritual power, the insect nest Spiritual Treasure was fully activated, flashing with powerful power. A strong suction force was emitted from the insect nest, covering and pulling towards the meat insects in the fish tank.

The squirming flesh worm slowly became calm, then floated out of the fish tank, slowly became smaller, and flew towards the insect nest.

When two objects become very close, the connection between them begins to strengthen. At the same time, the two objects also begin to rotate.

During this process, the flesh bugs are still getting smaller, and at the same time, the special connection with the insect nest is getting stronger. A huge suction force was emitted from the rotation of the two objects, forming a small spiritual sea suction.

The surrounding spiritual energy was quickly swallowed by it, and the transparent light curtain that formed the room disappeared automatically as if some switch had been activated at this moment.

In an instant, a sea of ​​spiritual power was formed in the entire research room on the fifth floor, and the surrounding spiritual liquid, which was much thinner, began to penetrate into the vortex of the two objects.

The spiritual energy in the room is not the main energy source. The main function is the magical water in the fish tank. With the formation of sea suction, countless runes on the bottom of the fish tank light up passively.

(End of chapter)

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