Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 788 Exploration Of The Burning Continent

Chapter 788 Exploration of the Burning Continent

Zhang Deming floated down. This land of flames was very strange. It looked extremely hot, but the golden-red flames did not have the burning power of normal flames.

When you get close to the sea of ​​​​fire, you can vaguely see that many buildings in the flames still maintain their original appearance and have not been burned. Of course, there are no plants or anything like that.

And because of the peculiar burning characteristics of the sea of ​​​​fire, it is very difficult to fully explore the sea of ​​​​fire. Even Zhang Deming senses a burst of burning when he probes out.

And as the perception spreads, the burning sensation increases exponentially. Not to mention the entire continent, even a large-scale search is unbearable.

Therefore, Zhang Deming was flying on the sea of ​​fire, and through the blazing flames, he could find out a little bit about the situation.

Because Zhang Deming landed in the central and western area of ​​​​the sea of ​​​​fire, it seemed to be surrounded by an attic area of ​​beautiful buildings and beautiful buildings, so it was not certain whether all the plants were burned.

In the sea of ​​​​fire, Zhang Deming carefully approached the sea of ​​​​fire after a brief investigation.

The moment he touched the sea of ​​fire, Zhang Deming clearly felt the flames coming, and felt a hint of coldness in the scorching heat. He tried to follow the burning flames and invade into his body, but was blocked by the burning spiritual shield.


As Zhang Deming sank into the sea of ​​fire, whether it was because the spiritual shield blocked all the flames or for some other reason, Zhang Deming seemed to hear the sound of sinking into the water.

Zhang Deming paid attention to everything around him nervously. When everything sank into the sea of ​​fire and nothing happened, he let out a long sigh of relief.

Then Zhang Deming quickly sank towards the buildings at the bottom of the sea of ​​fire, surrounded by a golden red, as if he was observing the world through highly transparent amber.

While the line of sight was seriously disturbed, the world was also dyed with a unique golden-red halo, just like the sunset glow, dyeing the world red, making the surroundings seem a bit unreal and dreamy.

Zhang Deming tentatively tested his senses, and his whole brain instantly felt like it was on fire. Not only was it as hot as iron, but there was also a sense of coldness and madness rushing straight to his forehead.

This situation forced Zhang Deming to withdraw his perception and just look at the world around him.

In order to resist the burning invasion of the sea of ​​fire, the spiritual shield consumes a lot of energy. However, with the Tao body's full idle recovery, there is almost no burden on Zhang Deming, and he can explore with full spiritual power.

Therefore, Zhang Deming, who was not under any pressure in this regard, was not impatient. He took a deep breath and began to search in the sea of ​​​​fire.

The entire sea of ​​​​fire seemed a bit dead. Through the surrounding dilapidated buildings, one could see the prosperity of the core continent of Tushita Palace.

It seems that this continent has completed urbanization, and the entire continent is a sacred city where immortals and gods live.

Qionglou and jade buildings are everywhere, Immortal Platform pavilions are everywhere, and there are many strange and iconic buildings. The most common ones are various alchemy towers.

However, many buildings have been destroyed. Judging from the traces, it can be vaguely seen how brutal the battle was after the defense array of this continent was destroyed.

Zhang Deming was floating among the ruins of such buildings. Because he had no sense, he could only search with his naked eyes. After floating for a while, he frowned.

If the search continues like this, given the size of this continent, he will not be able to search it all in a thousand years.

Of course, this situation is not all bad for Zhang Deming. At least this situation prevents large-scale searches by those who come first.

Otherwise, it would be a few Four Elephant overhauls. You only need to come half a month in advance to complete the search for this continent for several articles.

Nowadays, it basically relies on skill and luck, so it can be considered pros and cons.

After reaching this point, Zhang Deming didn't want to just rely on luck, so he had to rely on means.

After thinking for a moment, Zhang Deming raised his hand and made a move. The insect nest rune on his chest flickered slightly, and wisps of green smoke emerged from Zhang Deming's hand.

The original dark green color, exaggerated by the golden and red sea of ​​​​fire light, looks like glass-like emerald, with a dreamy halo, like the afterglow of the sunset.

Zhang Deming's pupils contracted and he looked at the poisonous insects in the smoke, which looked like nano-robots.

The poisonous insects, which were originally not afraid of fire, or at least did not like being burned by fire, were now very active in the sea of ​​fire, as if this environment was created for them.

Because the flames burning in the air can become their food, the insects are very happy. This is their natural paradise.

Zhang Deming checked carefully for a moment, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong, he sat cross-legged on the spot, and auras of light began to flow into his chest.

Immediately afterwards, the insect nest tattoo on the clavicle of the right shoulder on his chest flickered, and swarms of dark green insects flew out like water flow, covering the boss's area in a moment.

When Zhang Deming released almost all the insects, he looked at the sea of ​​smoke around him and his mind moved slightly.


As the flames fluctuated slightly, the surrounding smoke dispersed visibly to the naked eye and disappeared before his eyes. Zhang Deming also closed his eyes.

Countless spiritual beacons were carried by poisonous insects that looked like nanorobots, and spread towards the entire continent at extremely fast speeds.

After just a moment, Zhang Deming, who closed his eyes, felt that the information was a bit overwhelming and he was a little tired to process it. With a slight movement in his mind, the monitoring spirit emerged.

"Enable insect swarm data monitoring, recording, and search!"

"The task is being created, please create a search prompt key!"

"The living creatures, spiritual materials, elixirs, and formations are still intact buildings."

"The key words are set up. When recording information, start synchronous search!"

"By the way, there are also broken Spiritual Treasures. Regardless of whether they are contaminated or not, as long as there are Dao Yuan left, please pay attention!"

"Keyword addition completed!"

"Please note that the current number of poisonous bugs is 1.708 gigabytes, and the data processing is extremely huge, occupying 90% of the resources of the main program and backup program. During this period, the mastermind please do not use computing power on a large scale to open new Task."

After listening to the prompt, Zhang Deming closed his eyes, meditated on the spot, and waited quietly. About half an hour later, the blinking monitoring elf posted the log again.

"The continent-wide branch of Poisonous Insect has been completed. Will you generate a real-time synchronized fully virtual panoramic monitoring sand table map?"


"Map generating..."

In an instant, Zhang Deming found that a miniature full virtual map appeared in front of Zhang Deming amidst countless auras gathering in front of him.

"Map generation completed, start resource marking!"

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Deming saw that various icons began to appear on the sand table-like map, gray, green, red, and gold, densely packed.

"The gray icons are living creature information, the green icons are possible spiritual materials and other resources, the red are very important resources, such as Spiritual Treasure fragments, etc., and the two golden icons are powerful construction points that still have intact formations."

"Note: This is just the information that was detected and retrieved during the initial composition of the picture. More detailed information will be gradually improved in the future."

Looking at the log of the monitor elves, Zhang Deming nodded. While breathing a sigh of relief, he stood up. In this way, with this virtual sand table, it is much easier to investigate the sea of ​​fire.

Looking at the map, Zhang Deming chose the location with the golden icon closest to him, and walked quickly along that general direction.

Of course, Zhang Deming didn't go straight, but decided to check the red dots and green dots along the way to see the situation.


After a while, Zhang Deming came to one of the marked red dots.

This place is in ruins. It has obviously gone through a fierce battle. Not only did the building collapse, but the entire area was like a big earthquake, with serious damage and spell pits everywhere.

Zhang Deming found a bronze piece that was almost covered with golden patina in a corner of a ruin. From the weak Tao Yun fluctuations, it can be seen that it was originally a Spiritual Treasure.

But it was so broken that Zhang Deming had no idea what its prototype was.

Feeling the twisted contamination on the patina, if I had wanted to put it away and make heavy-forged dog food before, it would have been very troublesome to clean up the 'patina' contamination, and it was not worth the effort.

But now... it's enough to give it to the insect swarm as food, and you can still harvest a piece of dog food after it's over, although it's only a matter of hundreds or thousands of spiritual stones to buy it from outside.

But now it's hard to collect the broken Spiritual Treasure, so Zhang Deming doesn't dislike the small meat, anyway, it's just a casual thing.

Therefore, when Zhang Deming was heading towards the golden location, he collected various resources along the way. As he kept picking up trash, the poor Zhang Deming gradually became addicted to picking up trash.

He decided that after finding out the two golden resource points, he would collect trash from all over the continent, at least all the red points. For this, Zhang Deming has unlocked the 'Junk King Achievement'!

In this way, it took Zhang Deming two days to arrive at a golden resource point, neither fast nor slow.

The entire continent is now broken into about six or seven pieces, with different sizes and varying degrees of cracks. And this golden spot is not in the center of the continent, but on a fragment in the middle of the Midwest.

When Zhang Deming came here, he found that the damage here was not serious, and many buildings were still intact. Following the guidance, Zhang Deming passed through many buildings and came to an inconspicuous and not tall attic.

The attic is in the standard architectural style of Shenting. It is full of classical meaning and is not high. It only has three floors. However, it seems that there is a large courtyard behind it, which should occupy a very large area.

There is a plaque on the attic door. The plaque is crooked or hanging. It's like there is only one nail left to fix the plaque that is still functional.

Zhang Deming looked at the hanging plaque. There were three words on it, which were a little blurry, but could still be vaguely read.

‘Medical Pill Pavilion! '

Zhang Deming looked at this ordinary building. The name was also very ordinary, but it was such an ordinary building, but it still maintained the incomplete formation that was still running, covering the entire building and isolating the sea of ​​fire.

Although the entire formation seems to be at the end of its strength, as if it can be shattered with just a poke, it still exists after all, which also shows that this place is definitely not as simple as it seems.

With a hint of doubt, Zhang Deming floated forward, and a broken light curtain emerged that stubbornly resisted the surrounding flames.

Zhang Deming looked at the broken appearance of this formation, his eyes twitching with runes, and he found a gap in a moment.

As the spiritual light surged, his hand was covered with runes, and he passed through it without much effort. Zhang Deming was careful during this process because he knew that if he was not careful, he would break this extremely incomplete defense and let the surrounding flames pour in.

Even so, as Zhang Deming entered, the light curtain fluctuated and almost broke.

Looking at the light curtain that finally persisted, Zhang Deming breathed a sigh of relief. Looking back at the building, Zhang Deming could see more clearly this time without the sea of ​​fire blocking his view.

The whole building smelled of desolation, desolation, and dilapidation. After taking a look, Zhang Deming floated into the attic.

The attic outside is a facade building. It seems to be an ordinary elixir building, just like many places on this continent, it is an ordinary store.

Zhang Deming entered the backyard nonchalantly, and instantly, the entire space became different.

"This is... the immortal version of a field hospital?" After the space transformation, Zhang Deming looked at the surrounding layout and said in astonishment.

With such doubts, Zhang Deming stepped into it. Gradually, Zhang Deming discovered that this was not only a field hospital, but also most likely the main hospital of the Tushita Palace War Zone.

And from the looks of it, the people who chose the fire spell to explode across the continent originally deliberately protected this place, so it still smells like a temporary shelter. When the sea of ​​​​fire spread, many important people hid.

However, this kind of hiding didn't last long at all. Judging from the traces, it didn't take more than a few hours at most before they all disappeared. They were probably wiped out by the Great Word Curse.

In other words, the big boss here tried his best to stir up the sea of ​​​​fire, and fighting the Demon Emperor was just a front- and back-foot effort. It obviously happened when the war was at its peak.

The reason why Zhang Deming had this idea was that he saw various transparent light curtain medical beds that were still barely surviving, and a lot of clothes and other things. Among the broken rooms, they all kept human shapes on them, but the people disappeared. .

There are also strange piles of clothes on many floors. As people walk, the people disappear, leaving only the clothes, which seem to fall suddenly.

While moving forward, Zhang Deming suddenly stopped. Next to a pile of clothes, I saw metal fragments on the ground. They turned out to be a broken Spiritual Treasure, and they were strange defensive Spiritual Treasures.

It seemed that before its owner disappeared, it was the first to bear the curse. No surprise, this thing was not qualified at all and broke into pieces, and its owner immediately followed suit.

"Oh, this must have been what the Demon Emperor did back then. I don't know if he did it right or wrong!

Although the human race was allowed to survive, all the gods in the heavens disappeared, and no one knew how many innocent people were killed at that time! "


(End of chapter)

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