Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 791 The Elixir That Turns Into Essence

Chapter 791 The elixir that turns into essence

All I saw was the surroundings. When I first glanced at it, I felt as if I was in the crater of a huge active volcano. Looking around, I could see the continuous oven-like sky.

Looking down, there is an endless sea of ​​fire and magma. In the magma, there is a huge biological corpse. Because it is high enough, its silhouette and shadow can be clearly seen.

Unlike the lake outside, the magma below has not been eroded, nor is it weird, it is just pure burning. The endless heat wave comes from the sea of ​​magma and fire below.

Just at a glance, Zhang Deming knew that this should be the inside of the alchemy furnace, the alchemy space of the Bagua furnace.

At this moment, he was like an outsider, being instinctively burned by the scorching power in this space, just like the legendary Monkey King.

The only difference is that... he has already mastered his eye skills and doesn't need to refine them anymore. As for the pupil skills at the meridian level, he probably won't be able to refine them either.

The whole space is small, but it's not small at all. It's shouldn't be considered big.

After all, a seven-star Spiritual Treasure can hold a planet, and an eight-star Spiritual Treasure can even cover several galaxies. In comparison, this place can even be described as a cramped place.

What made Zhang Deming look solemn was that a huge monster was obviously soaked in the sea of ​​fire magma below. No, it was an evil insect.

The size is very huge and can be vaguely seen through the magma. It should cover the entire bottom of the magma. It was wrapped, burned, and refined by magma, and from the looks of it, this evil insect only had half a body.

The opponent looks very strange. He has dragon horns, but looks like the front half of a whale. The overall appearance looks like Xu Kun from the garbage web game in his previous life.

The head is somewhat sharp and surrounded by dense grooves, which looks like an insect chamber. Obviously, this thing is not only a powerful top combat unit, but also a mobile production line of arms.

Flesh and blood is everywhere, and metal bones are vaguely visible. This should be the first powerful unit that Zhang Deming has ever seen, the most original and powerful unit created by the goddess of wisdom herself. At least a creature like a sub-base.

From this trace and Zhang Guifang's previous memory, we can roughly guess that it was this ghost that attacked Tushita Palace.

But in the end he was killed by the owner of the alchemy furnace, and the corpses were put into the alchemy furnace for refining. But in the process, the owner of the alchemy furnace was also seriously injured. During the refining process, the curse came and disappeared immediately.

And the Dan Furnace was left without an owner and extremely damaged, and even the spirit of the weapon collapsed. Relying on instinct to refine this thing was a bit weak.

After thousands of years, the strange power in this corpse gradually began to erode in reverse.

Fortunately, the alchemy furnace has not been completely destroyed. The resistance is probably instinctive, as if it is expelling erysipelas, constantly eroding the outside, causing lakes outside, sea of ​​fire, and other changes.

Zhang Deming looked at everything below, and through various information and previous understandings, he roughly came up with the whole story.


This is········

While looking carefully, Zhang Deming's eyes suddenly paused. In the sea of ​​fire and magma below, a slight fluctuation caught Zhang Deming's attention.

In the center of the sea of ​​fire magma, the head of the monster's corpse was slightly exposed in the sea of ​​fire. Two huge dragon horns, like two strange huge coral trees, stand in the center of the magma world.

A golden light spot flickered between the two giant horns. Because it was so far away, Zhang Deming only felt a faint flicker of golden light, but didn't know what it was.

Zhang Deming floated downwards with exploration.


Looking down from the sky, looking at the body soaked in magma through the sea of ​​magma and fire, I just feel huge. But as he got closer, he realized just how big this ghost thing was.

Compared with this creature, Zhang Deming found that he was like an ant, a smaller ant.

More importantly, a crazy mental erosion, like a biological magnetic field, instinctively emanates from the opponent's body.

Even if it is dead, it is still affecting the surroundings. Even the flames are affected by it, subtly moving in the direction of distortion, which shows how strong the erosion is.

The biomagnetic field of this thing is a special kind of poison, a poison that specifically targets the direction of the mind. Such a creature is simply the nightmare of the gods in the Shenting Federation, as if it is a weapon specially made for the gods.

Zhang Deming was struggling with the fluctuations in his mind at the moment. After all, he not only had to prevent the erosion of his mind, but also the burning and refining of the entire alchemy furnace.

Because the two forces in the alchemy furnace are not controlled by independent consciousness, they all rely on instinct. Therefore, at this moment, he was a foreign object to the two forces entangled in the alchemy furnace, and he became a common target for both parties.

As Zhang Deming's height continued to decrease and he got closer to the center, Zhang Deming gradually discovered that the corpse of the evil insect was not exposed at all.

In the very high sky, it seemed that only a little bit of the scalp of the giant beast was exposed. As Zhang Deming approached, he found that the little bit of skull exposed by the other party was like a huge island.

The two strange dragon horns have also become towering giant pillars, which look very huge and extremely oppressive.

However, the golden light flashing between the two dragon horns was still very small, but the light was just a little stronger.

Zhang Deming continued to carry the two forces and move forward. When he was approaching the island, he was stunned.

"This aura elixir? Is that an elixir?"

Feeling the weak fluctuations of the golden light source and smelling the faint fragrance of red pepper, Zhang Deming showed a dull expression. If he sensed it correctly, it should be a pill that has been refined, right?

And judging from this fluctuation, it seems to be an Apex Level seven-star elixir, and it has not been contaminated?

Dao pills of seven stars and above are generally refined in years, which can take tens or hundreds of years if you are not careful. Therefore, when the battle broke out on the continent of Tusita Palace, the owner of the pill furnace had already been refining this pill in the pill furnace for several years. Have you got the elixir?

Or maybe after putting away this corpse, the owner of the alchemy furnace plans to refine this guy and make it into material for this elixir? So what kind of elixir is this?

The moment he felt the elixir, Zhang Deming felt a little tired. No matter what effect the elixir had, as long as it was a seven-star elixir that had not been contaminated after so many years, it would be a huge gain!

The kind that can make a poor guy like him gain weight!

With light flashing in his eyes, Zhang Deming's spiritual power exploded quickly, and he quickly approached the island.

Suddenly, Zhang Deming flashed without warning and disappeared directly from the spot. Golden-red flesh strands emerged from where Zhang Deming had passed before, instantly forming a huge tennis ball, trying to cover Zhang Deming.

And as Zhang Deming flickered and disappeared, the tennis ball formed by the flesh strands was completely empty.

Not far away, Zhang Deming's figure emerged. At the same time, the empty meat tennis balls spread out and turned into tentacles. A strange creature that Zhang Deming had seen before emerged from the void.

It has a body the size of a fist and eight blood-red octopus tentacles, which fluctuate slightly in the air. It looks like a small ball with eight octopus legs, which is a bit cartoonish.

Seeing this thing at close range again, Zhang Deming can completely confirm that this is an elixir. Well, it was once, to be precise, at least a seven-star Dao elixir, an evil elixir monster that was infected and distorted.

Ancient alchemy has many schools. In addition to the most orthodox ordinary elixir refining, there is also a school called the Lingdan Sect.

This school is a bit strange. The ultimate goal is to refine special elixirs that look like living beings. This school starts by refining elixirs with spirituality until the elixirs are refined into elf life.

Of course, to meet the condition of life, it must be at least a seven-star elixir.

Why is this school weird? After all, most elixirs are for eating. It’s weird that the Seven-Star Taoist Pill has spirituality. It also took great pains to refine it into life and then chewed it. Isn’t this weird? Then I guess It's just abnormal.

The creature in front of me is obviously of this category. It was originally supposed to be the elf in the elixir, maybe even the guardian of the elixir room in Tushita Palace, something similar to the elf in the wizard tower.

Now it has obviously been eroded, distorted, and turned into an evil elixir.

What's more important is that this kind of elixir uses the Seven Star Dao Pill as its basic power. Although it has no specific cultivation level, its power level is at least starting from Liuhe.

And it comes with Innate ability, or it is easier to understand using Divine Ability to describe it. It cannot be figured out based on common sense, and it is often tricky and difficult to deal with.

Of course, while this kind of elf-like creature has Innate Divine Ability, it often also has corresponding huge flaws.

Zhang Deming looked at this little thing, his face showing a little solemnity.

After one person and one pill emerged, after a brief confrontation, some cartoon monsters flashed directly towards Zhang Deming, but Zhang Deming had a strange reaction and turned around and ran away.

Dan Monster was stunned for a moment, looking at Zhang Deming who was retreating quickly, and seemed to show a suspicious movement. Then it rushed towards the golden elixir not far away, seeming to swallow the elixir.

If someone else, even if they knew that there might be a fraud, would most likely surround Wei and save Zhao, but under the threat of the seven-star pill, they probably would not leave it alone, because if it was really swallowed, the loss would be too great.

Zhang Deming looked on with cold eyes and even backed away slowly.

Because since he entered Taoism, the elixir has not had a strong presence on his path of cultivation, so it is not such a powerful fatal temptation at the moment. After all, he has not yet figured out what the elixir is.

After the elixir monster got close to the golden elixir, seeing that the attraction had no effect, it showed a puzzled expression again, then turned around and charged towards Zhang Deming.

Seeing this, Zhang Deming sneered: "It seems that the mind is not sound, higher than that of a baby, lower than that of a teenager, with a child's appearance, a little cunning?

Is it the effect itself or the effect of erosion and distortion?

And what is the effect of this elixir? After being completely infected, it can still maintain its complete intelligence and even transform into another kind of creature?

Well, but the erosion has not completely caused it to lose its instinct, at least the instinct to protect the elixir is still maintained! "

Thoughts flashed quickly, Zhang Deming had reached the sky with a few flashes, and was out of the magnetic field erosion range of the huge corpse.

Zhang Deming didn't think it was a wise thing to carry two extremely strong negative states and fight against an elixir monster whose strength and methods were completely unknown.

At this time, the alchemy monster below flickered again and disappeared, but did not appear again.


Zhang Deming's hair stood on end, and when the wings on his back vibrated, he also disappeared.

It appeared again, already several feet away. However, Zhang Deming's face did not relax at all when he appeared again, and the feeling of danger did not subside.

Without hesitation, he flickered and disappeared again, flashing in the air several times in a row. The feeling of danger was always with him, and it became stronger and stronger.

Zhang Deming's face turned cold, his eyes flickered, and he decisively chose to open his eyes.

The moment his spiritual eyes and senses were fully opened, the already scorching flames around him became radiant. His eyes not only felt the extreme burning, but also felt the intense light.

In an instant, Zhang Deming's eyes turned red. Enduring the stinging sensation, Zhang Deming glanced around with his red eyes.

I saw that a medium-sized network of flesh and blood had been connected into a sphere around Zhang Deming, covering him and slowly shrinking.

This kind of flesh and blood thread again?

Is it the same as the one in the alchemy furnace outside?

So the instinctive fight between the alchemy furnace and the corpse actually gave the alchemy monster an advantage and created this strange thing?

Zhang Deming's thoughts flashed, he turned off his spiritual eyes, his long hair floated, and as his sleeves and robes fluttered, little silver arcs flickered on Zhang Deming's body.

Rong Dao Integration: Thunder Seed's Nano Stacked Explosion!

As the thunder flashed all over his body, Zhang Deming's body, like a god of thunder, sprayed out countless silver-white light points in all directions. The light points flickered with dreamlike beauty.

But not far after the light spot spread out, it hit the ball of flesh and blood that was trying to wrap around Zhang Deming. The light spot paused for a moment, and then flashed with silvery white light.


At first, one or two grains of silver-white spiritual seeds exploded. Because the unit size was too small, the power was not strong, and it only flashed a little electric spark.

But as the spiritual seeds in Zhang Deming's body erupted at high speed, countless spiritual seeds hit the strange flesh wall, and all exploded.

And all the explosions began to overlap one after another. In the mesh-shaped sealed meat ball, not only did the power not weaken, it became stronger and stronger.

After a long time, when the spiritual seeds exploded to a certain extent, the superimposed power far exceeded the power of a Rank Eight classic spell.

As if something critical had been broken, the weak thunder power contained in Zhang Deming's thunder was activated, and a pure concept of destructive explosion spread.

A mesh-shaped meat ball appeared again around Zhang Deming. The moment the meat ball appeared, its surface was constantly inflated by the explosive force within it.

It only lasted for a moment, as if it had broken through a certain Spirit World, and the sphere stood still for a moment.


(End of chapter)

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