Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 799 The Weird Peach Garden

Chapter 799 The Weird Peach Garden

His movements made the surrounding vines come alive again, but at this moment he was exactly the same as the surrounding vines, so nothing unusual about him was noticed.

In this way, it took Zhang Deming more than ten minutes to squeeze out of the vines, and then swam like a snake, following the woods, and quickly left the vine gathering area.


After a long time, Zhang Deming breathed a long sigh of relief, and his mind suddenly relaxed a lot.

You know, with his cultivation now, he shouldn't easily have mood swings in such a situation. But among the vines, my heart was always feeling fuzzy and a little fried.

Obviously this is a different and powerful crazy erosion, impacting his mind all the time.

And it's not that the tree roots discovered something was wrong with him, but this kind of erosion is simply an instinct. The other party's biomagnetic field and its own abilities are emitted all the time.

After Zhang Deming breathed a sigh of relief, he began to look around. This was a primitive jungle. If it weren't for the hanging tree roots and vines that could be seen everywhere, the environment here would be very beautiful.

According to the map the surveillance elf had obtained before and his position outside just now, he should be at the edge of the continent at the moment.

The place where Pan Juan'er last disappeared should be in the central and western part of the mainland island, the core area of ​​Pan Taoyuan. After clarifying the current situation, Zhang Deming sensed his own status again.

Five days, only five days of incubation time, if it is longer...

Even if his body has immortal muscles and bones, it will still be affected by the aura he edited, causing irreversible and permanent erosion of his body and serious distortion.

In such a big continent, there can't be much movement. Five days are obviously very tense. After all, Pan Juan'er may not really be in the Peach Garden.

Taking a deep breath and no longer thinking about it, Zhang Deming shot out like an arrow from a string and headed straight for the Peach Garden in the Midwest.


Zhang Deming transformed into a vine snake and traveled quickly across the Pantao Continent. Along the way, Zhang Deming discovered that this place was obviously well preserved back then.

Judging from the traces, it should be that after the Queen Mother's rebellion, the residents and gods who lived here were organized to withdraw from this place before sealing it.

After sealing this place, various plants began to grow wildly. Throughout the continent, Zhang Deming could only feel such a sense of desolation after seeing places with buildings.

This is also the only place after Zhang Deming has experienced so many islands, where there is no one around and there is a normal sense of overgrown desolation.

Well, this sense of desolation can only be considered normal. Because in most buildings, the wildly growing plants are almost all tree roots and vines, and there are very few other plants.

Zhang Deming looked along the way and did not stop to search. Not to mention that he had exited in an orderly manner, so I don't mind how many questions I have. Even if he was running away urgently, he didn't have the time to search at this moment.

Suddenly, Zhang Deming, who was walking forward, stopped and noticed a strange fluctuation in his perception. Because he was cautious and didn't sense it very far, so when he discovered the fluctuation, it was obviously not far away from him.

Zhang Deming hesitated for a moment, and finally changed the direction slightly and flew forward. It was not because he was curious, but because he needed to have a general understanding of this place.


The destination was not far away from him. In a deserted building complex, Zhang Deming arrived at the place based on his perception and a few flashes.

From a distance, many buildings are more or less wrapped by various vines. In some places, the roots of the original white jade-like floor tiles have sprouted from the gaps, destroying the floor and causing the floor to bulge.

A lot of weeds have grown up in the gaps, making the place look desolate and desolate. Coupled with the creeping vines, it also makes it look weird and dark.

Among the many buildings, there is a five-story attic, which is obviously the tallest building in the surroundings and the one with the most tree roots and vines.

What attracts Zhang Deming is not this building, but outside the gate of this building, on the street in front, there is a 'person' standing in it, if the other person is still a human at this moment!

In the courtyard, surrounded by several vines, a monk stood there. At this moment, the opponent's body has been wrapped by most of the swimming vines.

Not only that, there were vines sprouting out of the other party's mouth, nose, eyes, and ears, and they were squirming slightly.

The fluctuations Zhang Deming felt were actually caused by this person. The monk looked extremely frightened and made a gesture of running away.

It can be seen from its appearance that when an accident occurs, the other party should search inside. Then something unexpected happened and he fled in fear.

It's a pity that I couldn't escape, and when I got to the gate, I was entangled by these vines, and it became like this.

Zhang Deming's figure was like a snake swimming. He came closer and carefully examined it. Judging from its fluctuations, he was actually alive!

Normally, if you meet other evil species and are corroded to this extent, your body will be deformed, your personal consciousness will collapse, you will go completely crazy, or you will be considered eaten, and you will die anyway.

But when Zhang Deming approached this man, he discovered that although he had been turned into a pile of fertilizer, he was still alive!

Really alive, the crazy erosion rubbed at the edge of his limit, making him fall into boundless fear. This emotion seemed to have become a kind of qualification, and Zhang Deming clearly felt the strong fluctuations in his mind.

‘This is... breeding? '

‘This tree instinctively breeds these people as food for continuous supply and sustainable development. Is it so smart? '

‘Or is it because these vines have the power of life, and while absorbing them, they also instinctively maintain the lives of others? '

Looking at this scene, Zhang Deming felt a little solemn. He hesitated and swam into the attic.

After entering the attic, Zhang Deming saw several humanoid flowers in the hall.

At this moment, the hall was covered with vines. It was obvious that these people were exploring on the vines before the change occurred. The moment the change occurred, they were suddenly entangled and could not escape.

At this moment, most of the bodies of several people sank into the vines and became one with them.

There are also vines sprouting everywhere on the exposed body. They are much more serious than the person outside. There are tiny roots growing out of many pores, and the whole thing is like a human-shaped tree root.

But even so, Zhang Deming felt that these people were all alive. Still maintaining a barely clear mind is simply worse than death, or being completely deformed.

Perhaps sensing Zhang Deming's arrival, several flower fertilizers began to tremble slightly. This action did not get a response from Zhang Deming, but it made the swimming roots and vines a little more excited, and the squirming became a little stronger.

With a heavy heart, Zhang Deming quietly exited the attic, and the surrounding vines did not notice him as an outlier.

After leaving the attic, Zhang Deming glanced back from afar. It seems that this flat peach garden is more dangerous than he imagined.

It was really going to the point of no return, Zhang Deming felt that his best choice should be suicide, not the ending of these people.

Once he is trapped in this way, he may permanently abolish a dao body, and he will have to endure such strange absorption all the time. Under special involvement, it may even cause a burden to the main body.

With a heavy heart, he called up the map, checked the direction again, Zhang Deming started again, and shot out.


Time flies, and it’s four days.

In the past four days, Zhang Deming carefully transmigrated most of Pantao Continent. He saw various abandoned buildings along the way, but Zhang Deming ignored them all.

Of course, Zhang Deming also encountered several waves of the same kind of flower fertilizer before. He also did nothing, including killing them and helping them escape.

Although he can misrepresent the real thing now, he is not sure whether these tree roots are all without wisdom, or because the core spiritual intelligence in the center has not noticed him.

So before Zhang Deming found Pan Juan'er, he didn't intend to take this risk. Their relief is not worth the slightest weight of Pan Juan'er in Zhang Deming's heart.

At this moment, Zhang Deming stopped in front of a river. From a distance, there is a huge garden on the opposite side of the river, like an orchard of fairy gods.

Behind him is a huge building complex surrounded by a river. The building complex is circular and surrounds the entire orchard. The orchard on the other side is the core of this continent - the Peach Garden.

This complex is also the most severely eroded area by tree roots and vines.

In other places, the roots are embellishments, but here it is reversed. The entire city is almost covered by tree roots, and only some mottled buildings can be seen exposed, dotted around.

And it can be clearly seen that the roots of all tree roots and vines grow from the edge of the river in front of them, forming a round shape and growing outward.

Therefore, this circular river looks a bit strange as a whole. The river bank where Zhang Deming is located has been completely covered by vines, turning into a river bank composed of tree roots and vines.

At this moment, the tree roots were squirming slightly, and they were densely packed. Zhang Deming squeezed into it, and the feel of the smooth flesh made him feel butterflies in his heart.

The tree roots end when they reach the river. In other words, these tree roots obviously grow from the bottom of the river. The river water is extremely clear, but the situation at the bottom is inexplicably invisible. It is chaotic.

The opposite bank of the river is completely different. There are no tree roots or vines. There is a beautiful bank lined with jade stones. Further inside, you can see a fruit forest that is not too tall.

It was the quietest place on the entire continent at the moment, without any creeping vines. If it weren't for the fact that the fruit forest seemed to have entered winter and all the leaves had fallen off, it would have been a very beautiful scene at this moment.

Zhang Deming was trapped in the wriggling vines, enduring the touch of the hairs. He looked up like a snake for a moment, and then looked at the river in front of him.

On the body, a few spiritual seeds floated out and floated towards the opposite side. As soon as they reached the upper air of the river, they lost their buoyancy, fell into the water, and quickly sank to the bottom of the river.

‘Sure enough, this is the weak water of Tianhe! '

Zhang Deming had an idea and jumped decisively, ejecting out of the bank where tree roots and vines were gathered.


With a soft sound, Zhang Deming didn't shoot far at all. Due to the non-buoyant nature of weak water, the feather plunged into the water and sank to the bottom of the river.

During this process, even though he was clearly a vine, a sense of suffocation came over him, like a conceptual power.

Zhang Deming did not take action immediately, but turned back warily and looked at the shore. Because of his actions, the squirming vines on the shore paused for a moment, and then continued to squirm, as if they didn't notice this abnormality.

This change made Zhang Deming quietly breathe a sigh of relief. At this time, the entire vine had sunk into the river.

Yushou Rong Dao Integration: Dinghai Spiritual Shield!

As the light flashed, a colorful shield emerged, and Zhang Deming spiraled up like a snake. The shield enveloped Zhang Deming in all directions.

In an instant, the feeling of suffocation disappeared, and the feeling of sinking without any focus disappeared. Zhang Deming was floating in the river, but did not come up.

The surroundings are completely white, and the clear river water is not far away through the field of vision. After a short distance, it turns into chaos.

Zhang Deming identified the direction based on his memory, then activated the shield and slowly dived towards the other side.

Although the river is very wide, it is just very wide and not exaggerated. Zhang Deming took several minutes to cross the river out of caution.

Arriving on the other side, Zhang Deming clearly saw countless strange roots growing out of the underwater embankment, plunging into the river and sinking.

It should have followed the bottom of the river and reached the other side, causing the terrifying scene on the other side.

On the side near the orchard, as you go up, there are fewer tree roots and vines emerging from the embankment. Coupled with the sinking characteristics of weak water, the vines that grow out sink to the bottom of the river.

Therefore, the shore above the water still retains the appearance of jade. Zhang Deming quietly surfaced and swam ashore carefully.

The moment he landed, Zhang Deming clearly felt that he had passed through a thin film like water, which made his whole body stiff and stopped tightly in place.

But he stood still for a while and didn't notice any changes. He turned around and poked tentatively. There was indeed an energy film, but the effect was unknown. After exploring it for a while, I found nothing.

More than four days had passed by now, and the erosion of the inside of his body by the breath had become very obvious. Without much time to waste, he had no choice but to give up on in-depth research, and swam towards the fruit forest in front of him with dignity.


The flat peach spiritual root has existed since the birth of Hongmeng Realm. It was originally the final condensation of Pan's Ancestor Divine Body when he died and created the world. It was like a seedling that appeared after the collapse of the World Tree.

It's just that the flat peach spiritual root is not a seedling, and it cannot turn into an ancestral god of planet-level individual civilization life again. It is just a nine-star spiritual root of Hongmeng, possessing the most original life authority, nothing more.

The existence of the Apex Level of Nine Star Spiritual Roots is not everywhere even in the first era of civilization and the beginning of civilization.

(End of chapter)

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