Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 805 Goodbye

Chapter 805 Goodbye

As far as the situation is concerned, no matter how you look at it, calling the parents should be the best and most rational choice. Of course, if he knew that Zhang Deming had two lives and could die on his behalf, he would be the one who should be furious at this moment.

Zhang Deming ignored the other party's words, the dark energy in his body beat, life quickly filled the air, and he dived towards the bottom of the lake.


This soul lake is small on the inside and large on the inside, like the wellhead of a methane pit. In the wronged soul liquid below, Zhang Deming saw the scene under the peach tree.

The entire peach tree seemed to be floating in the mouth of the well, with countless octopus-like tentacles squirming and spreading all over the lake.

Some roots penetrated into the surroundings of the lake and extended outwards, forming branches of strange trees. Some were floating in the lake, squirming like tentacles gathering monsters.

There are many knots on the many tree roots, just like the nodules of ordinary tree roots. Zhang Deming clearly felt that every root nodule was a living entity with a high energy level.

I don’t know when I was imprisoned here. It seems that I am not dead yet, but I guess I can’t be considered alive.

Among the many roots, Zhang Deming saw a light ball wrapped in roots. The light ball exuded colorful light and revealed endless frost.

An extremely strong mixed force, defending against the invasion of unconscious squirming roots. However, the ball of light is now wrapped in a ball, and it is impossible to escape, so death will happen sooner or later.

Looking at this situation, Zhang Deming frowned slightly.

"In this situation, if you want to escape without being discovered, you must at least use the legendary escape path Apex Level to change the world, right?" Looking at this situation, Lord Shenling said again.

Zhang Deming heard what he meant and finally replied, "No matter what, I have to give it a try!"

"Do we have to get ourselves involved before it's over? It's still too late to call people back now!" Shen Lingjun said with a somewhat complicated expression.

"If you want to run away, run away on your own!" Zhang Deming replied simply.

"Oh..." Shen Lingjun sighed. He wanted to run away, but he couldn't. "Human, these emotions and desires are a trouble."

"So why are you still hanging out among the human race? Beast Race isn't more 'genuine' and more frank and 'sincere'?" Zhang Deming asked in return.

"Yes, you know it's trouble, but you still ask for trouble. I guess this is one of the reasons why your human race is stronger than Beast Race in the end! After all, a lot of progress is due to various desires!" Shen Lingjun sighed.

Zhang Deming ignored the other party and looked at the disgusting tentacles around him. He endured the discomfort and squeezed forward, like one of them, squirming and entangled.

In an instant, Zhang Deming felt silky and sticky things crowding his entire perception. He was completely in the weird pile of vines, and he actively squeezed in.

If he hadn't been practicing for so many years and his heart was already big enough, he would probably have completely blown away by now.

After a moment, he finally squeezed into the position where the tentacles formed a ball, and stuck to a colorful defensive light ball that shone with cold light.

The moment he pasted it, the light ball vibrated, and colorful lights flickered.


A powerful mental voice exploded in Zhang Deming's mind, and the voice carried a strong mental attack. However, this attack is not a bad thing at the moment. Instead, to a certain extent, it refreshes Zhang Deming.

Then the frost and the strange power of calligraphy followed, seeming to freeze and shatter Zhang Deming who was attached to him.

Zhang Deming frowned, feeling the strange sound in his mind. Why was it so familiar?

Could this Uncle Liuhe be...

When his thoughts came to this point, Zhang Deming looked strange, his aura swam, and he gently touched the colorful ball of light.


In the ball of light, Pan Juan'er and the other two fell into silence. Yu Mingxin said nothing more about moving reinforcements and started to defend again.

For a moment, the uncle who was the main defensive force in the center suddenly changed his expression and his eyes flickered. After a moment of hesitation, her movements changed slightly.

As the main force of the three-person defense team, with her movements, the entire defensive light shield instantly fluctuated.

"Uncle Master?"


Pan Juan'er and Yu Mingxin changed their colors at the same time, thinking that the other was distracted, and turned back to remind them with surprise.

The other party showed no reaction and continued to move. As the fluctuations of the defensive light shield became stronger and stronger, under the horrified eyes of everyone, in front of everyone, an extremely small pitch black vine suddenly squeezed in from the wall of the light sphere.

Yu Mingxin and Pan Juan'er were frightened at the same time, almost subconsciously, and they were ready to take action.

"do not move!"

"Uncle Master?!" Yu Mingxin and Pan Juan'er turned around in confusion, with eager expressions on their faces.

"Wait!" The uncle in the defense center said calmly, still expressionless and with a cold temperament.

Yu Mingxin even doubted whether the other party had no expression at all.

Because of the other party's words, even though Yu Mingxin and Pan Juan'er were worried, they did not dare to do anything rashly. I can only watch the thin vine quietly, from emerging to constantly squeezing in.

Maybe the cracks in the defense net are too small, or maybe the vines are being pulled and squeezed by a bunch of other vines. It's very difficult to squeeze in. As they sway, they keep twisting on the light mask, which looks a bit funny and adds to the solemn atmosphere. Ease up a little.

When the vines squeezed in more than half of the way, under the astonished gazes of everyone, a young figure emerged from the outline of silk threads.

The young man looks to be in his twenties, with a resolute face, a little masculine, but also a little bit elegant. Among the monks, he is not very handsome, but he is still somewhat attractive.

What pleased everyone the most was the other party's Liuhe cultivation and his perfectly elegant clothes.

Although the face is unfamiliar, in this case, no one should have tried their best to pretend to be something, so there is no doubt that this is a reclusive master with a complete Qing Dynasty.

The moment Pan Juan'er saw Li Zhengkun's familiar but unfamiliar face, he was stunned for a moment, and then he was surprised and wanted to speak.

But she hadn't made a move. She had always been so cold that she felt a little cold. The uncle who cherished words like gold suddenly spoke. She didn't know if it was an illusion, but she actually heard a bit of worry.

"Why did you come here?"

With the words of this uncle, everyone was completely confirmed that the person who came was the great cultivator of Quan Qing Guan's reclusive practice.

The moment Zhang Deming finished condensing, he heard a cold voice. He looked down and saw Lan Fuyao sitting cross-legged, with a colorful long piano placed between her legs, gently plucking the strings.

The faint sound of the piano and the colorful light spread out as she moved, forming the main force of the entire defense network.

At this moment, the other party looked pale, obviously exhausted. Even so, she didn't show much emotion, she just frowned slightly and looked at Zhang Deming.

The surrounding disciples, after seeing Lan Fuyao's expression, all looked at Zhang Deming with twinkling eyes.

After all, after being rescued, he frowned with some dissatisfaction, which was obviously not a normal reaction, and this was the first time in so many days that the uncle had mood swings.

Pan Juan'er's eyes flashed strangely as he looked at Zhang Deming, who was disguised as Li Zhengkun.

‘Is it really Lan Fuyao! '

Zhang Deming looked around, looked at Pan Juan'er and then at Lan Fuyao. Why did these two get mixed up together?

As his thoughts flickered, Zhang Deming said calmly: "I originally came here to join in the fun. I thought that after the Lingxiao Palace, Pantaoyuan would be the most precious, so I came to make do with it. I never thought that it would end up like this."

"You weren't completely controlled just now, were you? You shouldn't have gotten close to me. It's not easy to get out now!"

As Lan Fuyao spoke, his face turned pale, but he still frowned. He didn't ask why Zhang Deming's cultivation became like this, nor did he ask about anything else. Just like before, he never asked about his personal privacy.

That natural trust and familiarity, that familiar feeling of a stranger, instantly reminded Zhang Deming of the peaceful and strange days of sword dancing and piano playing in Xianqinya.

Besides Pan Juan'er, Lan Fuyao was the person he felt most comfortable with.

But the two have completely different feelings, and he knows this very well. One is a sweetheart who breaks into the heart forcefully, and the other is a close friend who gradually gets to know each other because of the compatible personality.

Zhang Deming looked at the other party, smiled calmly, and said: "I felt your aura and found that I was in trouble. I can't just leave it alone!"

The natural words, as they should be, made Lan Fuyao's movements of playing the piano stiffen for a moment, and then he said: "We haven't seen each other for so many years, but I still have such a stubborn temper."

"Haha, it's the same for you, you're still like not to let strangers in." At this point, Zhang Deming seemed to feel a dangerous gaze looking at him. He paused, and at this moment he added with full emotional intelligence: "Be careful all your life. Object not found!"

Lan Fuyao glanced at Zhang Deming in confusion and did not answer. In her opinion, although Zhang Deming was out of touch, it seemed that he had never made such a joke to her, even in front of a group of juniors.

Zhang Deming felt the other party's gaze, immediately looked around, and changed the subject: "Is there a way to put these disciples away?"

The space of the light ball is not large, but apart from Lan Fuyao, Pan Juan'er, and Yu Mingxin who are defending, there are also seven disciples at the peak of the Five Elements.

However, they don't have the methods of Yu Mingxin and Pan Juan'er. Even if they have one or two hands of Liuhe trump cards, it is just a blow to the bottom of the box. After all, there is still a big gap between the genius of Sacred Land and Saint Child. .

Moreover, Zhang Deming discovered that the seven people were not intact. The auras of the seven people were no longer pure and were infected by distortion to varying degrees.

After Lan Fuyao heard this, he did not answer the question. Instead, he suddenly looked up at Zhang Deming and said, "Did you hide in disguise?"

Then she probably thought of what happened back then, and said: "That's right. Back then, you dared to use a false identity in front of a group of Liuhe major cultivators. Now, with such a level of cultivation, it is normal for you to deceive a bastard."

At this point, she paused again and said, "So you found this place to be so dangerous, why did you rush in?"

"Isn't this because I sensed that you were here? Could it be that you sensed that I was trapped inside and turned away?" Zhang Deming replied calmly.

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Deming felt a chill in his chest. He always felt that he was being targeted by something terrifying, which made him a little blind.

Lan Fuyao frowned and said: "It's just nonsense, can't you call someone? Why are you rushing in like this? After so many years of not seeing each other, your temperament has gone back."

"If I don't come, how long can you hold on? One day, two days? Do you think I just call Jian Chen, and the Mountain and River Sword can come in at this time?" Zhang Deming didn't pay attention to Lan Fuyao's tone, and still replied calmly road.

Lan Fuyao was silent, and no one around him spoke, including Pan Juan'er. After all, she also knew back then that Zhang Deming was an imposter and sneaked into Quanqingguan secretly.

"There is a seal here, and with the influence of the evil species, I can't open the instrument space, let alone open the entrance to the Shuangquan Realm."

After a moment, Lan Fuyao said in a confused manner, obviously answering Zhang Deming's question of whether he could accept his disciples before.

"Then there's nothing we can do. I definitely can't take away so many people. Plus, they've been corroded and can easily be discovered."

As Zhang Deming spoke, he looked around the crowd, thought for a moment, and under the nervous gazes of many disciples, said: "Abandon the body, escape directly from the soul, and use your instrument to capture its soul."

Yu Mingxin frowned, thinking that Zhang Deming included him. When the seven people on the ground heard this, they had different expressions. One of them said hesitantly and anxiously: "Senior, I can give up part of my body!"

Zhang Deming frowned when he heard this and said, "Which family's baby is this?"

Lan Fuyao said helplessly: "From the Yu family."

At this moment, Yu Mingxin also glared at the person who spoke, and said: "Uncle, don't be upset, junior brother, he probably didn't understand what uncle meant.

Master, don't worry, we are willing to leave our bodies as bait. In this current situation, it is already a blessing to be able to save a life, so naturally we can't ask for anything more. "

Zhang Deming glanced at Yu Mingxin and said, "Your name is Yu Baiwen, right?"

"Disciple Yu Mingxin, I have heard hundreds of Taoist names. I follow Qian Yu and have met my uncle." Yu Mingxin said immediately.

"You don't need to carry out Holy Lord Qianyu. With your talents and the fact that you are not contaminated, I will take him out completely. Giving up your body does not include you."

At this point, Zhang Deming glanced at Pan Juan'er casually and said: "And you, kid, you have been the most popular in raising spirits in Sacred Land in the past few years. If anyone knows, I will ask you to give up on your own initiative. If I die, I will have to suffer a lot of complaints."

"Disciple, thank you, senior!" Pan Juan'er replied with a smile, looking at Zhang Deming.

Zhang Deming always felt something was wrong, and his vest felt a little cold.

He no longer paid attention to the two of them, but turned to look at the remaining seven disciples and said: "As for you, what are you going to do? Does anyone else have the means to escape? If so, you can come out and escape on your own. Don’t stop me.”

(End of chapter)

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